Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 102 Meeting Nianying again!This is partridge!

Chapter 102 Meeting Nianying again!This is partridge!
Not just him.

The wind, clouds, thunder and lightning are also a little confused.

In Maoshan's generation, apart from Shi Jian, Lin Jiu, Si Mu, Qian He, and Gu Gu, there are a few who are relatively famous and have outstanding abilities.

The name Qin Ze does sound a bit strange.

Let’s look at age.

People can't help but think about it. Is there another genius disciple in Maoshan?
“It’s really an eye-opener for me!”

Taoist Priest Tianling sighed with emotion. After living for so many years, this was the first time he had seen the scene just now. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it opened his eyes.

He didn't ask in detail. After all, Nan Maoshan was quite powerful and more powerful than Beimaoshan where he was. Hidden dragons and crouching tigers were relatively normal.

"Then I won't bother my fellow Taoists too much. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely have a long talk with my fellow Taoists!"

Taoist Priest Tianling cupped his hands and said to Qin Ze.

They call themselves home all over the world and travel around. When they see zombies in Tengteng Town, they come here.

Now that the zombie scourge has been lifted, there is no need to stay.

"it is good!"

"Goodbye by fate!"

Qin Ze nodded. Taoist Tianling was a real good man. He dealt with Fei Zhan in the zombie era and finally chose to die together, sacrificing his life for righteousness. This was indeed a righteous act.

"I live in Renjia Town. If Taoist Master encounters any trouble in the future, you can come here to find me!"

"We will definitely help!"

Qin Ze thought for a while and gave Taoist Priest Tianling the address information.

"Hahaha! Good!"

Taoist Priest Tianling agreed, but he didn't pay much attention.

Although his efficiency in dealing with zombies was much lower than Qin Ze's, with his own strength and four disciples, ordinary zombies would not be an opponent at all.

Naturally, it was impossible to really ask for help from Qin Ze who was far away in Renjia Town.

But this kindness was appreciated.

The four disciples of Fengyun Leiden heard Qin Ze's words and silently remembered them in their hearts.

"Maoshan is really about to rise. There were Shi Jian and Lin Jiu. Now there is Qin Ze."

After saying goodbye to Qin Ze, Taoist Priest Tianling couldn't help but sigh.

At such a young age, he has such strength.

Youth represents infinite possibilities, ultimate potential, and the future is immeasurable.

"When you meet the leader of Maoshan in the future, you must ask him clearly. By the way, you can learn some similar exercises for your disciples to learn from!"

Taoist Priest Tianling glanced at the four disciples and smiled knowingly, muttering silently in his heart.

"Qiu Sheng, burn the zombies!"

Qin Ze looked at Taoist Priest Tianling and others leaving, then withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Qiu Sheng.


Qiu Sheng took out a flint and steel from his arms, took out a ball of cotton wool from his pocket, lit it and threw it into the pile of zombies.

Open fire meets corpse oil.

A raging fire ignited instantly.

After a while.

The fallen zombies and collapsed houses were mercilessly engulfed in flames.

Qin Ze stared at the blazing fire and waited quietly. After about a quarter of an hour, the flames burned out, and the ground was covered in ashes, without any corpse energy left.

"Soon, the town will almost be back to its normal state!"

All the zombies in Tengteng Town were wiped out, and the thick corpse aura in the town was also engulfed in the fire, making everything clear.

The escaped townspeople will slowly return one after another, and it is only a matter of time before the town returns to its former self.

"Let's go!"

Qin Ze greeted Qiu Sheng and returned to the Marshal's Mansion.

After the incident in Tengteng Town is over, the teeth must be ground into tooth powder as soon as possible and then handed over to Jiang Dalong.

However, on the way back, Qin Ze met an acquaintance.

"Dao Zhang Qin, why are you here?"

This acquaintance was none other than Nianying, who had crossed paths with Qin Ze before.

Next to Nianying, there was an older woman standing with silk on her head and simple clothes.

"Went to Laitengteng Town!"

Qin Ze smiled and said, "I'm curious, why are you here?"

"And who is this?" Nianying explained: "This is Partridge Girl."

She came here as entrusted by Uncle Jiu to ask Aunt Partridge to help.


Qin Ze frowned.

The partridge girl who was infatuated with Uncle Jiu and finally cultivated Taoism with Uncle Jiu?
Unexpectedly, we would meet here.

"Hello, Sister!"

Qin Ze greeted politely.

Aunt Partridge is Uncle Jiu's junior sister, and in terms of identity, she is Senior Sister Qin Ze.

Part Aunt's eyes lit up: "You're welcome, are you Qin Ze?"

"Sure enough, he is very handsome and has a good temperament!"

"It's better to meet someone than to meet them. Along the way, I heard Nianying mention it a lot."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by a shy Nianying: "Aunt Partridge..."

Nianying is thin-skinned, how embarrassed is she to say this in front of others.

Gu Gu laughed, knowing Nianying's temperament, so she changed the subject: "Did you just say you are from Tengteng Town?"

"You didn't have any trouble there!"

She knew about the zombies in Tengteng Town, and she had gone to the field to detect them before. She came to the conclusion that the zombie aura was so strong that ordinary people, even monks with some cultivation levels, could not safely enter that place: Zombies are rampant and cannot be resisted by humans! It is very dangerous!"

"Hey, Senior Sister, it's not dangerous there now!"

Qiu Sheng interjected, saying that was before, and from today on, the place is no different from an ordinary town.


Aunt Partridge had a question mark on her face: "Where do you start talking about this?"

While speaking, she couldn't help but look at Qiu Sheng a few times.

I secretly sighed that this young man looked pretty good, but why did he speak so muddle-headedly?

Could it be that he was scared by zombies in Tengteng Town?

Qiu Sheng didn't know what Part Gu was thinking at this time, so he explained with a smile: "Because all the zombies in Tengteng Town were wiped out by my uncle! Naturally, there is no danger!"

"It turns out they were wiped out. What did you think it was because of?"

Have all the zombies in Tengteng Town been wiped out?
Partu Gu realized something seemed wrong.

He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Qin Ze for verification.

I found that the other party didn't have any expression fluctuations.

In other words.

Is what Qiu Sheng said true?

The zombies in Tengteng Town were really wiped out.

"Where's the zombie king?"

Aunt Partridge couldn't help but ask.

She remembered that there was a zombie king who had become a zombie in the town.

Its strength is not something ordinary people can deal with.

Qiu Sheng shrugged: "It's the same!"

"Even my teeth were pulled out by my junior uncle!"

Qiu Sheng took out the two fangs of the Zombie King from his pocket and showed them to Partridge Aunt. His face was full of pride. For those who didn't know, he thought he had pulled them out.

Partake Gu couldn't help but gasped when she saw the teeth.

It is genuine, indeed the fangs of the Zombie King.

In other words.

Qin Ze defeated Teng Teng alone.
Partridge Gu swallowed her saliva and started cleaning up the zombies in Tengteng Town alone. This achievement was shocking to everyone.

This is much better than what Nianying said.

"Killing zombies is our duty!"

"Presumably if Master Auntie was present at that time, it would definitely be like this!"

Qin Ze said with a smile.

Aunt Partridge took a breath and calmed down her mood. The more she looked at Qin Ze, the more she became more and more appetizing. He was much more majestic than his senior brother back then, and he spoke more pleasantly. Unlike Lin Jiu, who was a lump of wood and couldn't hold back three farts in one sentence: "Seriously. A hero comes out of a boy! Not bad, not bad! Another talent comes out of Maoshan!"

Nianying didn't know what Qin Ze's destruction of the zombie swarm meant to fellow Taoists, but she could tell from Partridge Gu's expression that she must be very powerful, and she couldn't help but feel happy for Qin Ze.

Seeing Qin Ze recognized by others makes her even happier than herself being recognized by others.

(End of this chapter)

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