Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 115 If you want to live a decent life, you must have some green on your head!

Chapter 115 If you want to live a decent life, you must have some green on your head!
The tofu stall owner looked at the fat man who appeared outside the stall, smiled and said hello.

Zhang DaDa is a frequent visitor to his shop and he can be recognized at a glance.

"Yes! Old rules!"

Zhang boldly stopped the carriage aside and waved to the boss.

He is the coachman of Boss Tan in the town.

This Boss Tan.

It's not the Tan million that Qin Ze helped before.

But another boss named Tan.

There is no connection between the two.

But the strange thing is that every time Boss Tan lets him drive, he has to wait here eating tofu.

There was obviously nothing else going on.

There is no one to wait for either.

However, for a low-level person like Zhang DaDa, who relies on physical strength to make a living, he naturally won't say much.

After all, you can make a day's money just by standing, and you can also make a day's money by pulling a cart.

Who can struggle with standing and resting?

Although he had doubts in his heart, he did not dare to ask any more questions.

I was afraid of losing this good job.

"Tofu is here!"

"Be bold, eat slowly!"

The stall owner placed the prepared tofu pudding in front of Zhang DaDa and specifically told Zhang Da Da to eat slowly.

After Zhang DaDang finished pulling the cart, he was indeed tired. He picked up a spoon and ate tofu, just like Bajie eating ginseng fruit.

The tofu here is smooth, tender and white.

Like my own wife.

The stall owner looked at Zhang DaDa, who was eating tofu carelessly, and couldn't help but shook his head.

I wanted to say something, but I hesitated, not knowing how to start.


Zhang DaDa was eating tofu when he saw a person walking towards him.

He is tall and straight, with impressive equipment and extraordinary appearance.

The hair is tied together with a hairpin inserted in the middle.

Zhang DaDa looked stunned.

Are there any handsome men with such temperament in Xindao Town?

How come I've never seen it before?

Hey, it would be great if I could look good, and my wife wouldn't always dislike me.
Just as he was looking at Qin Ze, his heart was filled with secret thoughts.

The young man walking towards him came and sat down in front of him.

A pair of deep black eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

Zhang DaDa was a little scared when he saw it.

He turned his head and looked away, avoiding Qin Ze's sight.

"Zhang Bold!"

"Do you know that you are in great danger now?"

Qin Ze said directly.

In this scene, it was as if Master Xu had just told him that he was in danger.

Zhang DaDa looked at Qin Ze inexplicably, then pointed at himself.

"Are you sure you're talking to me?"

Don't blame him for being confused.

An unknown young man.

The first sentence is that you are in great danger.

No one would find this ridiculous.

Qin Ze nodded seriously.

"Don't be ridiculous!"

Zhang DaDa patted his chest and said, "I am Zhang DaDa and I am full of courage. What kind of disaster can befall me?"

"Besides, if you walk upright and stand upright, you won't do anything wrong, and you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door!"

He believed that he had never done anything untoward, and he never offended anyone.

I work diligently to pull the cart for Boss Tan every day.

If you have money, give it to your wife.

How could a disaster be imminent?

Could this be a joke?

"Do not believe?"

Qin Ze looked directly at Zhang DaDa.

Zhang DaDa dared not look into Qin Ze's eyes and looked down at the tofu pudding in the bowl: "Don't make fun of me!"

"I would rather believe that my wife will cuckold me than believe that I will be in trouble!"

He believes that everything happens because of its causes. Since he has not done anything wrong, there will be no disasters.But my wife is very beautiful, and she is a famous beauty from all over the country.

In contrast.

He believed that the probability of his mother-in-law cheating was higher than what the young man said.

However, when the tofu stall owner heard this, his expression became a little weird.

Qin Ze also looked at Zhang DaDa with a half-smile.

He didn't expect that the other party would trust his wife so much.

I was really thrown around.

"Since you know that your wife is cheating on you, why are you still here eating tofu in peace?"

You are eating tofu here, and your wife is being eaten tofu in there.

What a stark contrast.

As soon as Qin Ze said these words.

Zhang Bingdao's expression immediately changed.

"You, what do you mean?"

His wife cheated on him?
Do not know why.

A bad premonition arose in Zhang DaDa's heart.

I was just joking just now, so I can't make it a prophecy.

Qin Ze didn't say much, and only said "Go home often" to Zhang DaDa.


It's not far from the bold home.

It will be clear if you go home and see for yourself.

Zhang DaDa looked at Qin Ze with some suspicion.

He looked at the carriage next to him again.

I didn’t know what to choose for a while.

"Be brave, please be careful!"

The stall owner then said: "Listen to this young man and go to his house and have a look!"

He also saw that Zhang DaDa was a regular customer and often took care of his own business, so he interjected.

He didn't understand how there could be such slow people in the world.

Don't even think about it.

There is no one in the world who can make money without putting in any effort.

Even if you are a prostitute who sells your body for money, you have to put in a lot of sweat and suffer from your vocal cords.

There is no free lunch.

If it falls.

The person who was hit must have something that was coveted.

Apart from the wife in his family, what else can Zhang Dadan have that others covet?
You can figure it out with your toes.

Hear what the stall owner said.

Zhang DaDa couldn’t sit still anymore.

There was a squeak.

He got up from the stool and hurried towards home.

An hour later.

Zhang DaDa came back exhausted, with surprise written all over his face.

Seeing that the tofu stall owner hadn't left and Qin Ze was still there, Zhang DaDa couldn't hold himself any longer.

The man weighing more than 200 pounds had tears in his eyes.

"I, what should I do in the future?"

Zhang DaDa burst into tears and lost all thoughts in an instant. He was out of his mind.

Being cuckolded is undoubtedly an extremely painful thing for a man.

He never thought that this kind of thing would happen to him. He was obviously so good to her and gave her the best.

But when I came home early just now, I found a pair of shoes belonging to another man.

It turns out.

Not only was it greened, but it was greened for a while.

He knew those shoes.

It's exactly the pair that Boss Tan wears every day.

"This matter is not as simple as you just being cheated on!" Qin Ze had expected this scene and said calmly, introducing his identity by the way.

"That beautiful lady in your family, and Boss Tan, who has hired you to pull the cart, are planning to kill you!"

As soon as these words came out, not only Zhang Dadan was frightened, but the tofu stall owner on the side also had his eyelids twitching wildly.

Zhang DaDa was in disbelief: "No, it's impossible!"

My mother-in-law is not enough to cuckold herself, but she even wants to harm herself with her adulterer.

What a terrible word.

"Taoist Priest, please save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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