Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 121 God’s fight!Money drives you to death!

Chapter 121 God’s fight!Money drives you to death!
Xu Zhenren on the side frowned into the character "Sichuan".

Ask for magic, and he will do it.

It is precisely because I know how to do it that I know that if this spell is used, it will be very powerful and there will be few opponents, even Taoist priests will find it difficult to resist.

"Zhang Da Da, take off your clothes!"

Xu Fa looked at Zhang DaDa and suddenly said.


Although Zhang DaDa did not know why he suddenly took off his clothes, seeing the serious look on Xu Fa's face, he did not dare to neglect and quickly took off all his clothes.

Xu Fa had quick eyes and quick hands. He held a Taoist pen in one hand and cinnabar in the other, and drew some special symbols on Zhang Daring's body.

These symbols are used to invite gods.

He planned to use Zhang DaDa to invite the gods to come forward to fight against Qian Kai.

Qin Ze on the side ignored Xu Fa's movements and looked at Boss Tan with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"God's fighting skills, I wonder if they are really that powerful!"

When Qin Ze first read the original work, he felt that this invitation to the gods was very interesting and eye-catching. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he naturally wanted to experience it and see if it was really an Arhat or just some robes. The kid wearing a arhat's skin is messing around behind the scenes.

Qin Ze took a step forward, but the whip leg was useless, so he threw another punch.

"Hahaha! I have divine power to protect my body, but I still want to compete in boxing and kicking!"

Qian Kai almost laughed out loud when he saw that Qin Ze had no Taoist skills and only had superficial skills.

Boss Tan is now copper-skinned and iron-boned, stronger than ordinary zombies.

One punch can beat ordinary people to pieces.

How could he suffer the same loss in Qin Ze's hands again?

"I'll show you how powerful the magic is!"

Qian Kai laughed grimly.

His mouth was eloquent and he was reciting the magic formula.

Boss Tan suddenly became energetic, his eyes widened like bells, and he locked Qin Ze's position firmly.

Punch out.

The two sides clashed with fists.

blah blah blah!
Boss Tan didn't know the pain, but his body took several steps back.

The whole fist was bloody and bloody.

Before Qian Kai could recover, Qin Ze immediately started to attack.

The figure moved sideways, killing Qian Kai himself.

As for the magic of "please", the important thing is the word "please".

If even the people who did it were killed.

Then this magic of inviting gods will be self-defeating.

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

Qin Ze felt clear in his heart.

Kill Qian Kai first and things will be solved easily.

"Depend on!"

"No martial arts!"

Qian Kai's face instantly turned pale when he saw that Qin Ze did not pursue the victory but instead attacked him after repelling Boss Tan.

Immediately interrupt the casting.

He is not Boss Tan, he does not have a thick-skinned body.

If he was hit, he would burp on the spot.

"do my best!"

Qian Kai's eyes flashed with fierceness, and the next moment, a strong wind blew in the yard.

Qian Kai's body changed. Like Boss Tan just now, he became much bigger and his whole temperament completely changed.

"Stinky boy, you are courting death!"

A voice that didn't look like his own came out of his mouth. After the transformation, Qian Kai had a sharp energy running through his body. His voice was as loud as a bell, making people's eardrums numb.

He punched Qin Ze.

"Qian Kai also invited God"

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

He remembered that in the original work, Qian Kai didn't seem to invite a god to take over the scene. It seemed that the opponent was really cornered now and had no trump cards or zombies to resist him.

I had no choice but to ask God personally to come and fight.

But for Qin Ze, it doesn't mean much to invite one god or several gods.

They may be in trouble now that they are here.

But a few defective products, or even just some counterfeit products, can only be eliminated.

next moment.

Another explosion spread.

Qin Ze's fists and Qian Kai's fists collided blankly.


The domineering energy spreads out and the air current sweeps across.

"Ah!" Qian Kai couldn't help but let out a scream as he was punched several meters away.

"Why are your fists so hard?"

"No, there's something wrong with your health!"

Qian Kai stared at Qin Ze and noticed something unusual about his body.

There is definitely something wrong with Qin Ze's physical strength.

The person he just hired was a giant spirit god, whose physical strength was even higher than that of Boss Tan. Not to mention zombies, even real iron blocks could break them.

But even so, it still couldn't stop Qin Ze's fist.


"You can't do this either!"

Qin Ze stopped his hand and stood there.

After Qian Kai's magic attack, he was indeed made of copper skin and iron bones, but it was only limited to this.

He is now basically certain that the so-called gods invited by the other party are not gods in the traditional sense at all, but some fakes with powers similar to gods, but only superficial appearance.

After understanding the principle of inviting gods, Qin Ze also lost interest in continuing to understand.

"Come the knife!"

Suddenly, Qian Kai, who was repulsed, said something strange.

next moment.

His face turned red, and a Qinglong Yanyue Knife flew out of the house and fell into Qian Kai's hands.

Qian Kai was holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, and an astonishing aura erupted from his body.

The sword stands tall and majestic.

Qian Kai once again used his magic skills and no longer had any reservations.

At this moment.

This is what he looks like.

Except for missing the iconic beard.

He looked exactly like Mr. Guan.

"Martial Saint, help me and eliminate Xiao Er!"

Qian Kai's eyes were red, and a look of pain flashed deep in his eyes.

Divine fighting skills.

Extremely dangerous.

Please do it once, most people can afford it.

But he was invited twice in a row, and with full force.

At the least, it can cause damage to the heart, at worst, it can lead to mental retardation, or even death from bleeding from the seven orifices.

But so far.

There is no other way.

There is only one way to fight.

Qian opened the knife and swung it out.

The energy swept across, and before Qin Ze could get close, the ground in front of Qin Ze was split into a crack by an invisible sword energy.

"Martial Saint Guan Gong!"

"help you?"

Qin Ze was amused by Qian Kai's words.

The second master of Wu Sheng Guan has always been loyal and righteous throughout his life.

If he knew that you were trying to kill yourself for money, I'm afraid he would have to stab you first.

Still helping you?
"That's bullshit. Since you can't provide merit points without your trump card, you can go and die!"

Qin Ze took one step forward.

The domineering energy spread out from the body without any reservation, shaking in all directions, as if it had turned into a substantial aura, instantly swallowing up the oncoming sword energy.

Intermediate armed color domineering is activated.

The whole arm turned dark.

With a roar and explosion, a pit appeared on the ground. Qin Ze's figure suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning, and with an armed and domineering punch, he struck Qian Kai head-on.

"What kind of Taoism is this?"

Qian Kai was about to slash with his knife, but couldn't help but stopped, his pupils trembling.

He noticed Qin Ze's darkened arms and his domineering aura that dispersed the sword energy.

There seemed to be streaks of black light among them.

Qian Kai subconsciously waved his sword to resist.

As Qin Ze punched down, the sword broke into two pieces and penetrated Qian Kai's body with an unstoppable force.


"I have magical power to protect my body, why can it hurt me?"

Qian vomited blood and fell to his knees on the ground. He would not believe it until his death. He had been practicing for many years, but in the end he was like a zombie and was killed by a punch.

(End of this chapter)

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