Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 13 The anger of the horse bandits!A witch appears in Mr. Phantom!

Chapter 13 The anger of the horse bandits!A witch appears in Mr. Phantom!
"Boss, nothing will happen to the people sent out!"

A horse bandit looked at the horse bandit boss sitting on top and asked with a somewhat uncertain tone.

In this arrest mission, they sent several people to guard Ren Tingting's way back to town. Logically speaking, after one night, they should have brought the person back.

After all, it had been investigated beforehand and the people protecting Ren Tingting were just a few useless little characters!

But until now, there is still no news.

He knew how efficient his brothers were at work, so there was no way he was procrastinating like this!

This can't help but make people a little uneasy.

"People have been sent out to look for it!"

The boss of the horse bandits said, with a cold voice. Unlike the fierce-looking horse bandits and other sturdy men, she turned out to be a woman.

If Qin Ze were here at this time, he would be able to recognize this person's identity at a glance. It is the witch who controls the poisonous insects in Mr. Linghuan.

And just as she finished her words.

A horse bandit trotted in from outside, looking panicked and sweating profusely.

"The boss is in trouble. All the people sent out are dead!"

"What, you said Lao Ba is dead?"

Upon hearing this, a startled and angry voice was heard. The speaker was a tough-looking man. He was holding a wine glass in his hand and had a horizontal scar on his face.

A pair of eyes stared at the men below, in disbelief.

Let's not talk about Lao Ba's strength for now, but he brought several muskets with him this time. In a place like Renjia Town, muskets can be said to have an overwhelming advantage against a few unarmed people.

How could he die outside?
"Yes, yes, the second master!"

"The body that my subordinate saw with his own eyes!"

The horse bandit in charge of the investigation said nervously.


Slap it!
The second leader of the bandit smashed the wine glass in his hand angrily on the ground. The glass broke into pieces and the wine spilled out.

"We are the only ones who bully others. When did we get bullied to the point of being bullied!"

"Damn it, who did it?"

The other horse bandits also had angry expressions on their faces and said viciously: "Do the Ren family members still have this ability?"

"How dare you kill people from our Five Immortals Gang!"

"Damn! I have to kill them!"

The witch's face turned cold and her brows knitted together. She didn't feel much about the death of several of her men. The problem was that the arrest operation failed this time. This was the key.

At the same time, she was also a little confused, who could do this?
She knows the situation in Renjia Town very well.

Although it is close to mountains and rivers and is in a location with convenient transportation, many merchants and foreigners are active there, and the warlords are not here, so the overall strength is not strong, otherwise they would not have stayed here for so long.

The only one who has the strength seems to be Uncle Jiu who lives in the town and opens a charity village.

Is it him?

The witch looked gloomy, thinking that it was possible that this Taoist priest from Maoshan would not have much difficulty in dealing with ordinary people!

"Boss, what should we do next? Do we want to avenge our brothers?" the second leader asked excitedly. He wanted to overthrow the Ren family now, but he had to ask the boss's opinion first.

Although the boss looks like a woman, she is very powerful and knows some magic skills. No one dares to disapprove.

"Don't worry. After a while, the limelight has passed. You can take a few people to disguise yourself and go to Renjia Town to kidnap Ren Tingting! Be careful not to alert the enemy!"

"We'll settle the accounts later for other things!"

The witch snorted coldly.

No matter who he is, he must pay the price for killing his subordinates.

But things are also divided into priorities.

The most important thing now is to bring Miss Ren over here first.After she finished explaining, she looked at the people below and asked, "Tell me again in detail what you saw and the information you found out!"

The horse bandit nodded and explained what he saw. He also told about the young man who came to Renjia Town yesterday, and then retreated cautiously.

The witch was thoughtful and her frown deepened.

Young Taoist?

Shaking his head, he waved away his men without giving any reason, and then came to the back room.

"The kidnapping of Ren Tingting failed!"

The witch looked at an evil cultivator wearing tattered Taoist uniforms and said unhurriedly.

"Yeah!" The old evil cultivator nodded, he already knew this just now.

"Could it be the Taoist priest from Yizhuang who did it?" the witch asked with some uncertainty.

Xie Xiu shook his head: "Although he has this strength, it's not like his style. As a Taoist priest from Maoshan, he rarely commits murders, let alone kill so many people at once!"

The witch's face condensed slightly, and she thought of something: "According to reports from my subordinates, it seems that a young man came to Renjia Town yesterday, and he seems to be a Taoist priest! Could it be him?"

"Hmph! Then I'd rather believe it's Uncle Jiu from Yizhuang!" Xie Xiu said noncommittally. He also knew this person, and he also knew that he now lives in Yizhuang.

But in his eyes, this was just a small role, just like Kalami, the two useless disciples of Uncle Jiu.

"A fledgling Taoist priest, even if he has such courage, it is impossible for him to have such strength!"

"However, these are not important now. The head of the Ren family will prepare to move the tomb according to the agreement I made to him 20 years ago. When Old Master Ren comes out, I will temporarily stay in his body. It doesn't matter whether he is the ninth uncle or the young Taoist priest. Chicken and dog!"

"So during this period of time, I will be busy with the relocation of the Ren family's grave! You continue to bring Ren Tingting over there, and we will contact you after the matter is completed!" Xie Xiu continued.

Ren Tingting has a special constitution and can be used as a furnace medicine to enhance their cultivation.

But right now, Old Master Ren’s matters are more important.

After 20 years of cultivation, he now at least has the strength of the late Green Zombie. With the blessing and refinement of his own Taoism, he can be said to be a real copper skin and iron bones, and his strength has skyrocketed.

He has been waiting for this moment for 20 years.

Soon, one night passed.

The next day.

The sun climbed up to the top of the pole, casting a golden light through the window and falling into Qin Ze's room.

He got up early, packed his things, and rushed to Taishan with Tan Wanwan.

Originally, as agreed before, he and Uncle Jiu should go there together, but Qin Ze thinks that the journey is a bit long. Senior brother, you are too old to travel long distances. In addition, there is really not much danger in Tan Mansion. For this reason, he just kept what Uncle Jiu said in Yizhuang.

Of course, the real reasons are indeed the above points, but more importantly, completing this matter alone can maximize the merit points.

Thanks to Boss Tan, Qin Ze no longer had to walk along the way and could experience the feeling of riding in a sedan.

All I can say is that I want to give a negative review.

"Taoist Master Qin, do you really not need to bring some equipment?" In the sedan, Master Tan looked at Qin Ze with empty hands and couldn't help asking.

He suddenly realized that he had just left Yizhuang and actually missed Uncle Jiu a little.

The main reason is that Qin Ze is different from what he imagined!
Nothing, just a Taoist uniform!
Qin Ze smiled and patted Mr. Tan on the shoulder, saying that there was no problem. The matter would be handled quickly, so there was no need to worry.

Mr. Tan was a little doubtful, but he also understood that he could only choose to believe it at the moment, if Qin Ze hadn't left a good impression on him yesterday.

He will really go back home now and make a decision again.

Maybe, this is the style of an expert!

Time passes slowly, and after passing the mountain outside the mountain, we reach Taishan, where Tan Mansion is located.

As soon as he entered the gate of Tan Mansion, he saw a man with dark circles under his eyes walking out excitedly.

"Dad, you are finally here! Where is the Taoist Priest? You brought him here!"

"This time it shouldn't be as unreliable as those previous scammers!"

(End of this chapter)

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