Chapter 141 Trump Card!Vinyl!
"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you killed two Earth Master realm evil cultivators and gained 1 merit points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you killed the lonely ghost and gained a total of [-] merit points!"

2 million merit points?

Qin Ze's heart moved and his eyes lit up slightly.

Just for the Corpse Refining Sect to side with Wang Fu as an evil cultivator, each one is worth 6 merit points. As the current sect leader, is that too little?

Qin Ze's eyes fell on the location where Wang Fu used to be, and found that he had disappeared at this moment.

"It slips pretty fast!"

With a cold snort, Qin Ze looked towards the entrance of a valley at the end of the square.

Strange rocks are lined up, mottled with blood, and no grass grows. Under the black mountain pass, the breath is cold, and the corpse aura is strong.

"The old nest of Corpse Refining Sect?"

As the distance got closer, Qin Ze could feel the unpleasant smell even before he entered it. It was obvious that this place was much more dangerous than the empty square outside.

However, on the inside of the cave entrance, there is a thick stone door that seals it from top to bottom.

"very good!"

His heart condensed, and there was no trace of fear on Qin Ze's expression, but he was slightly excited.

Let me just say, if a sect only has a little influence from the outside, it would be too shabby.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Ze's aura suddenly rose. Since the door was blocked, he had to fight his way out.

His body shape began to change, cyan scales emerged from the body surface, and his body suddenly swelled. The knotted muscles were wrapped around his body like a coiled dragon. Under the heavy pressure, cracks appeared on the bluestone floor, and his legs were deep. Fall deeply into it.

"This feeling of full strength is so good!"

A flash of light flashed in Qin Ze's pupils that were close to dragon eyes.

next moment.

He stepped slightly with the soles of his feet that were sunk into the ground, and suddenly, the entire ground sounded a harsh sound, like fingernails scratching on a blackboard.

Accompanied by a violent explosion.

Qin Ze's solid body, which was seven meters tall, came out of the barrel like a cannonball. It was unstoppable and instantly shattered the stone gate.

a few minutes ago.

Inside the Corpse Refining Sect.

"too frightening!"

"Where did this damn Taoist priest come from?"

"Things turned out to be like this."

Wang Fu fled from the square, with fear that had not completely subsided on his face at this moment, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

When Qin Ze took out his weapon and used Thunder Bagua, he knew that "Black and White Impermanence" would definitely not be able to stop him, so he immediately sold his teammates and took the opportunity to escape.

In his mind, the scene of Qin Ze using an unknown magical weapon to throw out a black wave of air with a stick and instantly killing a lonely ghost was still flashing through his mind. He couldn't drive it away.

He couldn't imagine.

How did a young Taoist priest reach this level of cultivation?

Although he didn't seem to have any cultivation, he exploded with combat power comparable to the level of Maoshan Tianshi.

Especially those black auras, which are completely different from Maoshan's so-called pure aura. They are full of violent aura, and they can also cause real damage that can kill ghosts.

This is not a Taoist priest, but he is much more violent than the evil cultivators who refine corpses.

If he had not betrayed his teammates just now, his current fate would not be any different from that of "black and white."

He thought it would be a crushing confrontation, crushing Qin Ze like crushing an ant, but in the end he ran away.


"Finally came in!"

Wang Fu's pace slowed down, he took a long breath, and the pressure in his heart was much less.

He stretched out his hand to shake off the sweat, came to the center of the cave, and looked at the pool on the left.The color of the pool is dark red, with a layer of dark red blood scab on the surface. Inside is not water, but blood that has been filled for a long time.

There is a strong fishy smell in the air, and the stone bricks on the ground inside the cave are dark red in color after years of influence.

Wang Fu looked to the right, where there was a pile of bones. The bones were piled up into a small hill. It was unknown how many lives were buried, and it was piercingly cold.

Among the piled white bones, black scales can be vaguely seen shining with strange light.

"Brother Jiao, our sect is in trouble, please help us fight against the enemy!"

Wang Fu's voice was not loud, but clear enough, and his tone contained rare respect.

The voice fell.

A sound of shaking bones resounded throughout the cave.

I saw a small hill made of bones, half smaller. A black python, dozens of meters long and as thick as a bucket, opened its eyes and half of its body stood up.

Said to be a python, a more appropriate name would be a dragon.


This dragon has only two protrusions on its head and has not fully grown its horns.

It seems that he is transforming from a python to a dragon.

"Defend the enemy?"

The black dragon spoke human words, but he didn't feel very nervous. Instead, there was a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"Brother Wang, it's really embarrassing for such a large sect to be forced into such a situation!"

Facing the black dragon's ridicule, Wang Fu looked a little cold, but the current situation did not allow him to explain too much.

"If Brother Jiao is willing to help and kill this person, I will definitely provide you with good flesh and blood to help you achieve your great cause!"

Wang Fu cupped his hand, knowing that there was no benefit and the other party would not take action easily, so he immediately made a promise.

The black dragon was not a member of the Corpse Refining Sect, but a big python he encountered in the valley after escaping from the Maoshan siege.

The valley was originally the territory of the boa constrictor.

At that time, when he first came here, he even had a fight with a python. It is said that if you don't fight, you won't know each other.

The two parties negotiated terms, and Wang Fu proposed to re-establish a sect here. In return, the Corpse Refining Sect would provide the python with fresh flesh and blood so that it could advance quickly.

The piles of bones are the rations provided by the Corpse Refining Sect to the Black Flood Dragon over the years. They are all refugees who have become homeless in troubled times, fleeing everywhere, and no one cares about them.

In return, the black dragon will continuously lay poisonous miasma in the valley outside the sect to prevent the sect from being discovered.

Hei Jiao's eyes lit up when he heard that it was beneficial.

If there were more new flesh and blood, he would evolve into a dragon even faster.

Why not do it?
Seeing Heijiao agreeing, the stone in Wang Fu's heart also dropped. Although the other party was a little greedy, at least he was very strong. The most important thing was that he was willing to do things after taking things.

Wang Fu briefly stated what happened just now.

The black dragon's huge pupils looked at Wang Fu, speechless: "Alone?"

"Yes, alone!" Wang Fu nodded.

"Brother Wang, your Corpse Refining Sect is becoming more and more useless!"

"A young Taoist priest forced him to this point!"

Black Jiao originally thought that the opponent was an enemy of the Corpse Refining Sect and was attacking him. After a long time of fighting, it turned out that someone came, and he was a young Taoist priest in his twenties.

One person can make the entire Corpse Refining Sect run away.

Heijiao looked down on Wang Fu more and more in his heart. Snakes are cold-natured, and if they find an opportunity, they will definitely swallow Wang Fu. A monk who has practiced for many years will definitely be able to improve his cultivation a lot.

At this moment, a sudden sound came out.

Wang Fu and Heijiao's pupils shrank at the same time, sensing someone approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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