Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 160 Is this the plot of Zombie Supreme?

Chapter 160 Is this the plot of Zombie Supreme?
"It should be someone from Duyin Division!"

"What? Are they just undercover? They don't look very strong, do they? Also, what is Master Duyin Division?"

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he immediately became curious.

"There are also strong and weak Yin Cha. Some Yin Cha are selected not long after they came to the underworld. Compared with you, some are not much stronger, but some are very powerful, such as the Du Yin Division. The black and white are impermanent, even if you are a teacher, you are no match!"

"As for the Duyin Division, you can temporarily understand it as the yamen in the Yang Realm, but this yamen has great powers and specializes in managing all affairs after the death of people in the Yang Realm!"

“There are many benefits to serving in it!”

Uncle Jiu explained.

His position also belongs to a member of the Duying Division, but as a Yin servant in the Yang world, his status is actually not very high, not as high as the status of these four ghosts.

Many monks in the earthly world hold positions in the underworld.

Especially the upright Taoist priests in Maoshan.

But they are only marginal positions with little rights.

"That's it! I thought every ghost was very strong!" Qiu Sheng suddenly realized when he heard this.

At this moment, a female ghost with strangulation marks on her neck suddenly looked at Wencai, seeming to have discovered him.

"No, there is a female ghost who wants Wencai to be the leader!" Uncle Jiu's eyes narrowed when he saw this scene.

"What is a head master?" Qiu Sheng's head was full of questions.

"They are just some hanged ghosts. They are in pain after death. They want to find a living person to transfer the pain!"

"Isn't that going to kill Wencai?" Qiu Sheng was immediately shocked.

Uncle Jiu nodded solemnly, just when he was about to take action.

Suddenly, he saw a girl in a purple gown falling from the sky, landing directly in front of Wencai, and then glared at the hanged man.

In an instant, the female ghost was so frightened that she quickly retreated.

"Wow, Master, this ghost is so beautiful!" Qiu Sheng's eyes lit up when he saw the female ghost descending from the sky.

Uncle Jiu also nodded when he heard this: "Beautiful is beautiful, I didn't expect to save Wencai!"

Wencai also realized something was wrong at this time. When he saw the woman in front of him, his mouth immediately started to water.

"Hello, my name is Xiaoli, what's your name? The female ghost Xiaoli gave me a wink.

Soon, the two started talking.

"Master, what should I do? Why is this female ghost still chatting with Wen Cai?" Qiu Sheng looked a little confused.

"Don't worry so much, get Wencai out first, otherwise there will be trouble!"

"Wencai, let's go, the master asked you to go back!" Qiu Sheng pulled Wencai to leave.

"Qiusheng, this is my new friend Xiaoli!" Wencai introduced happily.

"Master, why are you walking so fast?" Xiaoli's voice came softly. The moment they heard this, the two of them raised their heads unconsciously.
call! !

A gust of evil wind blew on their faces, and the two of them immediately walked towards the four evil spirits as if they were fascinated.

When the four gangsters saw the two people approaching them, they just glanced at them and ignored them.

After all, in their eyes, they are just a superior ghost, why are they afraid of two mortals?
"Hey, what are these two boys going to do?" Uncle Jiu's heart thumped, feeling bad.

"Hey, where is my evil-suppressing talisman?" Just as he was groping for it on his body.

Wencai and Qiu Sheng took advantage of the ghost's inattention and slapped two evil-suppressing charms on their foreheads each.

The four ghosts were immediately frozen in place, and then fell back.

"The ghost has fallen, run away!!"

And this scene was seen by the surrounding ghosts, and they shouted directly. His shout instantly activated all the ghosts around him.


The ghosts in the whole yard started running around, and after a while, half of them disappeared.

"No, something happened!!"

When Uncle Jiu saw this scene, his expression suddenly changed.

Even if he used the Qiankun bag to catch ghosts like crazy, it was of no avail, and in the end at least [-]% of them escaped. "It's over, it's over, these two brats have caused a big disaster!"

Looking at the empty theater, Uncle Jiu was completely confused at this time.

If I had known earlier and asked my junior brother to come with him, maybe this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.
He knew very well that letting the ghosts go would cause a lot of karma, and ordinary people simply couldn't bear it. If the literary talent Qiu Sheng made such a fuss, he would never be able to hold an official position in the underworld for the rest of his life.

"Oh! I have to go find my junior brother!"

It is impossible to catch a wandering ghost alone, but fortunately, Qin Ze is in the town.

At this time, Qin Ze was in the dojo, frowning at the darkening sky.

"It's weird!"

"Although it's the Ghost Festival, why is the Yin Qi so heavy!"

On July [-]th, the gate of hell opens wide, and ghosts come out of the underworld. It is normal for the Yin Qi to be heavy, but when the whole town is shrouded in Yin Qi, it seems a bit abnormal.

At this time.

Suddenly, several figures flew past from outside, accompanied by a gust of cold wind.

"Is this a ghost?"

Qin Ze was suddenly stunned.

"what's the situation?"

Ghosts are controlled by ghosts. They usually gather together and cannot appear alone. Good guy, what do you mean by coming to me?
On July [-]th, the Ghost Festival, the gate of hell is wide open and ghosts are scattered. Qin Ze suddenly thinks of something. Could it be that the plot of Zombie Supreme is about to begin?

He remembered that Shi Jian seemed to have met Uncle Jiu at this juncture.

Damn it, I almost forgot about this.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Ze quickly stood up and shot into the distance like an arrow, catching the little devils who were about to run away in three strokes.

Within a short time, several imps were caught.

On the way, I met Qiu Sheng who was out of breath.

"Uncle Junior, it's great that you are here!"

When Qiu Sheng saw Qin Ze appearing in front of him, he immediately took a breath, as if he had seen a life-saving straw.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Qiu Sheng's appearance, Qin Ze probably guessed the reason, but still asked.

"Little Master, something bad is going on. The ghosts coming out of the Ghost Gate escaped from control and ran away! Master is now being stopped by four ghosts!"

"Master asked me to come to you quickly!"

Qiu Sheng briefly recounted the matter with an excited expression.

"Sure enough!" Qin Ze was not surprised and confirmed what he had guessed in his heart. It was indeed the plot of Zombie Supreme.

These two brats are still very good at getting into trouble.

"Let's go to Yizhuang first!"

Inside Yizhuang.

At this time, Uncle Jiu was sitting on the main seat at the end of the living room with a dark face. Next to him, on one left and one on the right, were two pale Yinzai.

"Master, aren't these people ghosts? What are they doing here?" Wencai stepped into the door and realized something was wrong. He was shaking all over and was a little scared.

"Hmph! Do you still have the face to say so?"

Uncle Jiu snorted coldly, and the next moment he typed out a piece of talisman paper and stuck it on Wencai's head.

Suddenly, everything that happened before was recalled.

this moment.

He was dumbfounded.

"Master, you are being deceived by ghosts. It really has nothing to do with us!"

Wen Cai was a little anxious. Although he didn't know how serious the consequences would be if he let those ghosts go, but when he saw the four evil spirits locked their eyes on him, he knew that he must have caused a big trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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