Chapter 165 Goodbye Ghost!

Shi Shaojian could only nod silently. In front of Shi Jian, he could not think of any resistance.

He got up awkwardly from the ground, and then followed Shi Jian to leave the ruined temple and head to Renjia Town.

"High-grade armed and domineering, really powerful!"

In the Qinglong Dojo, Qin Ze was adapting to the use of high-level domineering energy.

Armed domineering has four points: hardening, entangling, external release, and internal destruction.

Among them, the color of the weapon has hardened, and Qin Ze can now cover his entire body and turn it into shining black masonry.

As for the domineering entanglement, even without relying on skills such as Thunder Bagua and King Kong, it can still deal area damage.

As for the release of the armed color, after testing, it can be released in the process of a simple level A, directly evolving into substantial attack power or defense power, hitting the enemy with a powerful impact, or forming a protective wall, or even Defend against invisible attacks.

As for the internal damage, Qin Ze looked at a huge rockery in front of him and touched it with his hand.

hum! !

next moment.

With the input of domineering energy, energy extended from Qin Ze's arms to the inside of the stone.

呲! !
Harsh friction sounds continued to come from inside the stone, and the giant stone, which was taller than Qin Ze, began to vibrate slightly.

From the outside, the stone seems to be the same as before, but Qin Ze knows that the inside is completely opposite to the surface.

As Qin Ze gently tapped the stone with his hand, cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the stone under the slight force, and then spread like a spider web to the surroundings.

A clatter.

The stone shattered to the ground, and the inside had turned into a piece of powder.

"Not bad!"

Qin Ze was very satisfied with the test results. The ability of internal destruction could even kill people invisibly. With just a light touch, he could take the life of the opponent without any warning.

"Nowadays, the strength given by Kaido's template can be roughly divided into three levels!"

"Using Haki under normal conditions is the first level!"

"The entire body is fully covered with domineering energy, which is the second level!"

"Transform into the form of a dragon and combine it with the Bazai Jie skills to reach the third level!"

"And as the domineering level is upgraded to a high level, these three levels have been strengthened to a certain extent!"

"I just don't know what level my current strength is compared to the realm of traditional monks!"

"There must be a Celestial Master. As for which level it is, it's hard to say until I fight someone who is in the Celestial Master realm!"

Only after the actual battle could he understand that Qin Ze didn't bother to think too much. After explaining a few words to Nianying, he walked into Yizhuang.

I haven’t figured out anything about Duyin Division yet, so I can ask Uncle Jiu for advice.

"Sister, you'd better leave quickly! You've made us miserable enough, and that's just one year of longevity!"

At this time, in Yi Zhuang, Wen Cai had a bitter look on his face and was sighing and talking to Xiaoli, a female ghost in a purple dress.

Obviously, he has not recovered from his previous state.

Qiu Sheng nodded crazily beside him. Although this female ghost is quite beautiful, she can't hold her back for a long time!If you just come into contact, you will lose one year of your life. If you have more contact, wouldn't it mean that half of your body will be buried early?

It’s better to put aside the relationship quickly!
"Are you two so afraid of me? Don't worry, I won't harm you!"

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Xiaoli said speechlessly.

Seeing that the female ghost was so persistent, Wencai and Qiu Sheng told all the things that had happened before.

"Huh? You just accidentally released them and almost died?"

Xiaoli was also a little confused after hearing what Wencai and Qiu Sheng said.

She meant it just as a joke, but she didn't expect it would have such serious consequences.

"Nonsense, that's not a trivial matter. If my junior uncle hadn't been here, whether we could stand here properly now is still the same thing!"

Qiu Sheng understood that the other party actually didn't know anything and couldn't say much, but he couldn't help but complain in his tone.

"Okay, okay, it would be great if you don't make jokes like this in the future!" Xiaoli floated behind the two of them, expressing her apology. "But who is that little uncle you are talking about? He is so powerful! He can actually catch all those ghosts!"

Although Xiaoli realized her mistake, she still doubted this matter.

"Hmph! What do you, a little ghost girl, know? My junior uncle is someone who has to bow his head even when he sees ghosts!"

Qiu Sheng said with a cold snort.

Just as he was about to say something more, a voice came from outside.

"Not long after you two went there, you got involved with the female ghost again?"

"It seems that the previous lessons were not profound enough!"

Qin Ze walked into Yizhuang and glanced at Wen Cai Qiu Sheng and Xiao Li.

"Uncle Junior, she is the one who insists on pestering us!"

"There's nothing we can do!" Wencai hurriedly explained that he wanted to distance himself from Xiaoli.

"The guy with no morals!"

Xiaoli snorted and focused her eyes on Qin Ze, her eyes lighting up involuntarily.

"What a handsome Taoist priest!"

But even though she said "Jun", she huddled behind the literary talent Qiu Sheng, only daring to show her head.

The aura on Qin Ze's body made her dare not approach him at all, and she could only watch dryly from a distance.

Now, she believed what Wencai and Qiu Sheng said.

The Taoist priest in front of him was extraordinary and resolute in temperament.

Qin Ze just glanced at it lightly and didn't bother to pay attention to it. Although this female ghost was a bit crooked, she had a good intention and should be kept to exercise the concentration of the two nephews.

"Master, the junior uncle is here!" Qiu Sheng shouted towards the room inside.

Soon, Uncle Jiu walked out of the room.

"Junior brother, you came just in time. At this time, those ghost servants have almost finished reporting their affairs and are back!"

Sure enough, Uncle Jiu had just finished speaking.

hum! ! !
next moment.

The mutation happened suddenly.

A black wind suddenly swept through the entire Yi Zhuang, and the already dark sky became even darker at this moment.

The wind blew suddenly and the air was very cold.

It was as if some kind of passage had opened to the bottom.

"what happened?"

"Hey! Why did the temperature suddenly get colder!"

"The sky is sinking too fast today!"

"I'll go, look, what is that?"


Wencai Qiusheng and Xiaoli talked to themselves in surprise, feeling a little creepy, as if something big was about to happen.

At this time, in the black night, four figures appeared in front of Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu at some unknown time.

It was the four ghosts who left before.

at the same time.

Behind them, two blue ghost fires lit up. Through the flickering light, you could see that the two lights were two purple lanterns they were holding.

In the middle of the will-o'-the-wisp, stood a tall man wearing a top hat and an ashen complexion.

(End of this chapter)

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