Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 19 Who the hell is this person?

Chapter 19 Who the hell is this person?

Uncle Jiu, Qin Ze, and Wen Cai Qiu Sheng left Renjia Town and soon arrived outside the town.

"Junior brother, you take Wencai and search from west to north, while Qiu Sheng and I go from east to south to search!"

The area outside Renjia Town is too large, so searching separately can at least double the efficiency.

"Okay, keep in touch at any time!" Qin Ze nodded in agreement.

"Junior brother, be careful and stay safe!" After Uncle Jiu said that, he took out the compass in his hand and led Qiu Sheng to the west.

If they were ordinary horse bandits, the search would be very difficult, but they had been refined by evil magic, and their aura was different from ordinary people.

Using a compass can greatly increase the search range.

"Let's go!" Qin Ze said to Wen Cai, who was still in a daze.

"Oh, okay, little uncle!" Wencai followed, a little puzzled: "Little uncle, don't you use a compass?"

Qin Ze shook his head: "No need!"

Wen Cai nodded inexplicably. Although he didn't know why he didn't use it, he didn't find it strange to think that the young uncle seemed to be different from ordinary Taoist priests.

The figures of the two people quickly disappeared in this area.

at the same time.

the other side

Scarface, the second leader of the bandit, was wandering around outside the town with two people. He looked around anxiously but couldn't see anyone.

"Damn, why is this little girl so cunning? Who did she learn this from?" Scarface couldn't help but curse as he carried a nine-ring sword.

Originally, his plan could be said to be flawless. He entered Renjia Town at that time and reasonably avoided everyone. Unexpectedly, he ended up falling into the hands of the person who wanted to kidnap him. He was discovered in advance by a little girl and then ran away.

What a shame.

And that's not the point. The point is that after walking around outside the town, I was almost exhausted and couldn't find anyone.

"Second brother, maybe that little girl is in the town and has been found by Lao Qi now!" said one of the tall and thin horse bandits.

Scarface thought for a while and felt that it made sense. After all, he searched around and found nothing. Maybe he really hadn't left the town and was still in Renjia Town.

Thinking of this, he instantly lost all thoughts of looking for someone, and sat down against a big stone: "Let's take a break for now! Wait for the situation with Lao Qi. If there is no result after an hour, then go back to the town to look for him!"

The tall and thin man chuckled, sat next to Scarface and said attentively: "Second brother, then I'm going to get some game, and you can rest first!"

After saying that, the tall and thin man left with the knife. After a while, he returned with two pheasants in his hand.

A fire was set up, and several people set up the pheasant. After a while, the tall and thin man handed a roasted chicken to Scarface: "Second brother, who do you think Lao Ba and the other brothers died outside this time? What did you do?”

Several brothers died in the gang, and this incident was widely spread among the lower-level horse bandits, who all speculated on who did it.

After all, as horse bandits, they are not very strong. If they know who they are, they can consciously avoid them when performing tasks within the gang. No one wants to make fun of them with their own lives.

Scarface snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "Whoever he is, if he comes to you, I will twist off his head and use it as a ball!"

The tall and lanky man smiled: "Second brother is right. There is no doubt about your strength. There is no one in the whole town who can beat one of your hands!"

This was a boast, but the second brother he mentioned was indeed much stronger than the average horse bandit. As the second leader of the Five Immortals Gang, he had gained the true inheritance of the witch.

Scarface liked this very much, and was pleased to hear it, but he cursed: "You kid, your strength is not that good, but you are good at flattering!"

The tall and lanky man chuckled: "There is no flattery. This is a fact. No one in the gang knows about your relationship with the boss!"

The other horse bandit nodded in agreement.Scarface smiled and listened to his subordinates' praise. What he said was actually true. He was indeed strong. It was better not to let him hit that person, otherwise he would be sent to be buried with Lao Ba.

After finishing eating a chicken, Scarface felt that he had almost rested, so he patted his butt and stood up: "Let's go, keep looking!"

"Second brother, isn't it an hour?"

"Damn it, when did I keep my word? If I really can't find anyone, I'll see if the boss doesn't skin you!" Scarface glared.

Qi Qiran, a tall and thin man, and another person quickly extinguished the fire. When the three of them were about to set off, there was a sudden commotion nearby.

"Huh?" Scarface's expression condensed and he paused: "Someone is coming!"

"Did Brother Seven find someone to join us?" the tall and thin man said with gleaming eyes.

Hearing this, Scarface really thought it was possible. After all, no one except them would come to him at this time: "It seems that these guys are quite reliable! Go over and have a look!"

While they were talking, they walked towards the sound, but the next second, they saw two people walking out of the shadows. One was Qin Ze, and the other was a literary talent.

"You guys had a great time chatting! It's a pity that there is no useful information!" Qin Ze sneered with his hands behind his back.

"Uncle Junior, they are so stupid. We have been listening for so long and we didn't notice it!" Wencai said, covering his mouth.

It was not difficult to find the traces of these people. Qin Ze wanted to hear some information about Ren Tingting or their hometown, but other than blowing farts, the conversation between them had nothing practical.

"Damn it, who did you think it was? It turns out that there is a stinky Taoist priest and a stinky boy. Is he really unlucky? I am so happy for nothing!"

When the tall and lanky man saw that the people coming were not Starling and the others, he suddenly became furious.

"It seems that you are the other group!" Qin Ze's eyes swept over them.

"Oh, what's that look in your eyes?"

"Know who we are?"

"If I tell you, I'll scare you to death. We will kill people!"

The tall and lanky man didn't know what was going on, but he thought he was a young Taoist priest who had accidentally bumped into him. He walked up to Qin Ze with arrogant steps and raised his hand to put on Qin Ze's shoulder.

"Boy, you know the Five Immortals Gang."


Just when his greasy palm was about to rest on Qin Ze's shoulder, Qin Ze's right hand grabbed his arm.

"Okay, boy, you have a lot of strength!"

"But you have to die today."

With a sneer, he pulled out the short knife from his waist and launched a direct attack, intending to poke a few holes in Qin Ze. However, before he could finish his words, a sharp pain erupted from his palm.

"Ah! Ah!"

The severe pain made his face distort a little. He didn't expect that the man in front of him was so strong, and his screams were heartbreaking.

Grabbing the lanky man's arm, Qin Ze used a little force and threw him away. His body smashed a tree, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and white bones could be seen in the palm of his hand.

The sudden change made Scarface stunned for a while. Although the tall and thin man was not very strong, he had been nourished by immortal magic, and he was knocked away so easily.

Who is this person here?

(End of this chapter)

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