Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 192 How about giving you face? So what if you don’t give it!

Chapter 192 How about giving you face? So what if you don’t give it!

"Senior Brother Qin did a great job!"

"I've already noticed that this guy doesn't like me. He only uses his status to oppress others!"

"I have done many bad things, and I finally received my retribution today!"

"Senior Brother Qin can cure him!"


The Maoshan disciples who were watching did not feel any discomfort when they saw this scene. Instead, they felt comfortable all over.

Chen Tian's reputation was extremely poor among his disciples. Because the elders in his family were elders, he would often cause trouble and everyone would be angry but dare not say anything. Now that someone has come forward, there is naturally a lot of applause.

"Is he Qin Ze?"

"Awesome and domineering!"

"It is indeed completely different from other Southern sect disciples!"

"I wonder how it compares to Senior Brother Ye?"

Among the disciples who were watching, in addition to the Maoshan disciples from the Southern sect, there were also disciples from the Northern sect who came to the Southern sect one after another.

They naturally had an impression of Qin Ze.

But just listen more.

This is the first time to see Qin Ze in person.

Some were astonished, some thought it was outstanding, and some thought it was average.

But one thing is undeniable.

Disciples of the Northern Sect will unconsciously compare Qin Ze and Ye Xiao.

Two talented disciples from Maoshan in the north and south.

Even if there is no intersection, in the hearts of others, a scale has been set up for them.

It's just that everyone's conclusion is different, and the tilt direction of the scale is also different.

"Compared with Senior Brother Ye, there is still a certain gap!" A disciple commented.

Another disciple nodded: "After all, Senior Brother Ye's Taoist skills are not like ordinary people!"

"In comparison, Qin Ze's expressiveness does seem to be much weaker!"

As a Taoist priest, I practice all kinds of Taoism and have a natural affinity for people with advanced Taoism.

Subconsciously, I believe that Tao and Dharma are supreme, and everything else is just a minor Tao, not worth mentioning.

However, Qin Ze did not understand Taoism and was famous for his strength and secret techniques. Although he had killed the Celestial Master, he was naturally far behind Ye Xiaoxiang, who was proficient in Taoism.

"With such a bad character, it would be harmful to others if he keeps his cultivation!"

"Since the elders in your family won't teach you how to be a good person, then my uncle doesn't mind helping you!"

Qin Ze snorted coldly.

Don't take the initiative to cause trouble, but don't be afraid of trouble.

"If anything happens, ask your grandpa to come and tell me in person. You want to ask for an explanation, but you're not worthy!"

Too lazy to say anything else to Chen Tianduo, Qin Ze threw out these words and turned around to leave.

After this experience, I suddenly no longer had any thoughts about staying in the Sutra Pavilion.

At this time, Wencai and Qiu Sheng had also stood up, and the injuries in their bodies had healed a lot.

They had no sympathy for Chen Tian's experience at all. If the two of them hadn't taken action just now, they don't know what would have happened.

In this Maoshan Mountain, it was the Sutra Pavilion. Chen Tian would dare to do such a thing, and outside, he would not even dare to think of it.

"You, wait!" At this time, Chen Tian could only break his teeth and swallow.

He forcibly supported his body and ran out of the Sutra Pavilion in embarrassment. The disciples next to him booed behind him and then dispersed.

"Uncle Junior, if Elder Chen finds out about this, I'm afraid he won't let it go!"

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng said on the way back to their residence, with unavoidable worry in their eyes.

The whole Maoshan.

There are only a few elders in total. ,
  Each one has a strong cultivation base.

Among them, Elder Chen lived to be over a hundred years old and was extremely protective of others.

There will definitely be a follow-up to this matter.

"do not worry!"

"Just do what you have to do!"

"Uncle Master will take care of the rest!"

Big Maofeng.

An attic.

This is Elder Chen's residence.

"You must help the child get revenge!" In the courtyard, Chen Tian burst into tears.

His injuries have been cured.

But for Chen Tian, ​​the external injuries on his body were just a trivial matter. What was more troublesome was that his cultivation was abolished by Qin Ze.

  The gray-haired Chen He smashed the stone table in front of him with a slap.

"Child Qin Ze, you are going too far!"

"Do you really think that if you get the attention of the leader, you will become lawless?"

"When will it be his turn to discipline my Taoist's grandson?"

Chen He's anger at this moment seemed to turn into substance and spurt out from his eyes.

Even though Chen Tian is a bit arrogant, he is still his descendant after all.

Putting aside the facts, is Qin Ze not wrong?
  For a monk, destroying Dantian is tantamount to cutting off all options.

He must settle this account.

Chen Tian looked at Chen He miserably. At this moment, he just wanted Qin Ze to pay a heavy price.

"Don't worry, we will definitely get justice for you!"

"Although you can't practice if your Dantian is broken, if you can get the secret method from Qin Ze, you can become a talent by then!"

Chen He said in a deep voice.

He has lived for a hundred years and is just a grandson, so he dotes on Chen Tian to the extreme.

But he also knew that his grandson was usually spoiled rotten and often did extraordinary things.

He pretended not to see these things at all. As long as Chen Tian liked it, he would hold up even if the sky fell.

Qin Ze's secret skills can be practiced without the Dantian, so he must get them.

Chen Tian looked better after hearing this.

Although he hates Qin Ze, if he can become like Qin Ze, he will not dislike it at all, but will be full of expectations.

"Grandpa, Qin Ze will live here!"


He and Chen He came to where Qin Ze lived.

If he were alone, he would definitely not dare.

Now I have grandpa’s backing.

Chen Tian was naturally full of confidence.

"This time, Qin Ze must pay a heavy price, and that female Taoist priest must also pay a heavy price!"

When Chen Tian thought of Nianying's face and figure, he felt itchy.

have to say.

He is indeed a dog who cannot change his habit of eating shit.

Even though I know nothing about it, I still think about this matter.

  The courtyard door was pushed open, Chen He stood with his hands behind his hands and walked into the courtyard aggressively.

"Qin Ze, why did you hurt my children and grandchildren?"

Chen He shouted angrily, his tone not polite at all.

"You should know this better than me!" Qin Ze sat in the rocking chair, took the cup of tea handed over by Nianying, and said in an unceremonious tone.

"How dare you talk to the elder like this?"

Chen Tian's expression condensed and he stared at Qin Ze.

He doesn't even have the most basic courtesy, and he doesn't take himself seriously at all.

Qin Ze smiled and said nothing, just looking at Chen Tian beside him.

Chen Tian's heart skipped a beat. When Qin Ze looked at him like this, he unconsciously took two steps back and hid behind Chen He.

The fear that Qin Ze had suppressed before came to mind, and the soles of his feet felt cold.

"You not only hurt my children and grandchildren, but also destroyed their cultivation. Don't you think you should give me an explanation?"

"Hand over the secret skill, and I can choose to forget the past!"

Chen He spoke again.

He came here looking for a place this time. It would be better if Qin Ze took the initiative to surrender and hand over his things.

"You know what is right and wrong!"

"Besides, I don't have any secret skills! Believe it or not!"

"As for the explanation, what if I give it, and what if I don't give it?"

(End of this chapter)

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