Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 21 Suppress the horse bandits!

Chapter 21 Suppress the horse bandits!
"What? The second boss is dead?"

Hearing this, the horse bandits sitting down where the witch was sitting were stunned for a while, thinking that they heard wrongly. They looked at the horse bandit leader with wide eyes.

The second leader, Scarface, is ranked among the top five in the Five Immortals Gang, and he is firmly in the top three.

Before being recruited by the boss, he was a good player in the world, and after being nourished with immortal magic, his strength has risen to several levels.

How could he suddenly die outside?
"The magic on the second child has disappeared!" The witch's voice was as cold as ever, but this time, it was full of anger.

The Gu worm she cultivated on her second son was closely related to it.

Once the second child dies, those Gu insects will naturally not survive, and the entire connection will be completely severed.


"If you dare to kill my second brother, you must eat that guy alive!"

In the crowd, a horse bandit with a hooked nose said sternly.

He is the third oldest member of the Five Immortals Gang, Iron Claw.

His strength is comparable to that of Scarface. As the right-hand man of the miko, he is also firmly ranked among the top three.

"Yes! He must be killed. No, it is too cheap to let him die like this. He must be tortured to death!"

Each of the horse bandits with a violent aura said viciously.

This is provocation.

Brothers died again and again, which was undoubtedly a provocation to the entire Five Immortals Gang.

"It's not that simple, this person is not weak!" the witch said solemnly.

To be able to kill the second child and break the bewitching spell, the opponent must be very strong. It is very likely that they are the same people who killed the eighth child before.

"Boss, just tell me what to do!" Hook-nosed asked.

"Third brother, fourth child, you take the people in the gang and go to the nearby area to establish control. If this person dares to kill the second child, he will definitely give up!" the witch immediately ordered.

Before Lao Ba and the others died, she thought of settling the accounts after dealing with Ren Tingting's affairs. She didn't expect that this person was so ignorant, so she decided to deal with him first.


Lao San's hooked nose responded coldly.

"Don't be so troublesome!"

Just as they were preparing for their next move, a clear voice suddenly came from outside the cave.

Hook-nosed, the fourth child, and the witch all looked up at the door at the same time.

next moment.

Their eyes changed.

I saw a tall, handsome man wearing a Taoist priest's uniform. He didn't know when he appeared not far from them.

A hooked nose can tell at a glance that someone is evil. People who have been nourished by poison are extremely sensitive to breath. Although the person in front of him is wearing a Taoist uniform, his aura is as violent as a wild beast.

And you can find them here.

Definitely a character that is not easy to mess with.

The other horse bandits, who were slightly weaker, couldn't help but tighten their weapons in their hands. It seemed that only in this way could they bring a weak sense of security to their hearts.

Qin Ze did not hide himself, and the strong sense of oppression seemed to solidify, putting huge pressure on the horse bandits.

The miko's green eyes stared at this figure.

"Did you kill the second child?"

A cold voice echoed in the air.

She was keenly aware that there was a terrifying power hidden in the body of the person in front of her.

There is a slight feeling of pressure that makes the soles of the feet feel cold.

"More than a dozen horse bandits died in my hands!" Qin Ze raised his eyebrows and said, "I wonder which one you are referring to?"


"It's really you!"

The hook-nosed man shouted loudly, it seemed that not only Lao Er, but Lao Ba's previous death was also caused by the person in front of him.

"kill him!"

The witch waved her arm and said coldly, giving Qin Ze a death sentence.

Young people always die from impulsiveness and arrogance.

If it were in other places, dealing with Qin Ze might be a bit troublesome.

But this is the Five Immortals Gang, the base camp where she established her roots.

The opponent is very strong.

But if you dare to come here alone, you will only die.After all, the Five Immortals Gang has been able to stand here for so many years, and no one dares to offend them.

It's not just about one mouth.

Even if someone spits on you, you will be drowned.

The aquiline nose couldn't wait for a long time. After receiving the order, he stepped forward quickly, his aura suddenly burst out, and he whipped Qin Ze with an iron whip in his hand.

The iron whip flew in the air, making bursts of sound, which showed how powerful it was.

At this time, don't say that the person is the winner. If it hits an iron plate, it can be beaten to pieces.

"Boy, are you frightened out of your wits!"

The hooked nose looked at Qin Ze who was standing there without any reaction, and sneered again and again.

But it's easy to understand.

After all, this is the Five Immortals Gang!

Who wouldn't be frightened when he comes?

However, these were just his assumptions. Qin Ze didn't react simply because the other party didn't even have the qualifications to take him seriously.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the iron whip that he wanted to pull out.

next moment.

Qin Ze stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

"The strength is okay, but the speed is too slow!" As he spoke, Qin Ze exerted force on his arm, like a huge wave in the vast sea, and violently threw the hooked nose away.

The hook-nosed face was shocked, and he suddenly felt like the world was spinning. He was in the opponent's hand, as if he was floating, unable to resist at all. He completely lost his sense of direction. After flying a certain distance in the air, he hit the witch heavily.

"Why are you standing there in a daze! Come on together!"

The miko looked at the hooked nose that was subdued by one move and shouted.

"Kill him and avenge the second master!"

"How dare you act wild here? There are so many of us, how can we be intimidated by a stinky Taoist priest?"

"The third master must have been careless, brothers, come together!"


The horse bandits who were restrained by Qin Ze came to their senses instantly, grabbed the weapons in their hands, and rushed towards Qin Ze like moths to the flame.

"It came just right!"

The corners of Qin Ze's mouth raised slightly.

next moment.

Two colors of domineering energy were released at the same time.

The arms become dark.

The five senses are clear at this moment.

Among the so-called invulnerable horse bandits, Qin Ze was like a wolf king breaking into a flock of sheep, leaving no room for resistance.

Sword and sword shadow, fists and feet without eyes.

Boom boom boom!
Mountain-like fist shadows fell on the horse bandits. Anyone hit by the fists would fly away.

Just a few seconds.

Qin Ze threw dozens of punches.

Speed ​​and power, ushering in the ultimate display.

The sky was full of figures that were knocked away by Qin Ze.

Then it fell like raindrops on the ground, making holes one after another.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and earth and rocks flew.

at the same time.

The sound of the system echoed in my mind.

"Congratulations to the host, you have eliminated a horse bandit and will be rewarded with 100 merit points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have eliminated a horse bandit and will be rewarded with 100 merit points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have eliminated a horse bandit and will be rewarded with 100 merit points!"


After a while, the sound gradually stopped, and a group of horse bandits were lying on the ground in a mess, making no sound.

(End of this chapter)

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