Chapter 35 Goodbye Miko!

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and chase him!" Qin Ze glanced at Qiu Sheng and said angrily.

Qiu Sheng's mind went blank at this time, as if something was broken deep in his heart and fell to the ground. That is called love!
I originally thought that this was my lucky break.

Unexpectedly, the relationship between man and ghost is still unresolved?
The contrast is so great, who can withstand it?

Why bother chasing the female ghost? If you are tired, everything will be destroyed!
Qin Ze shook his head. The poor young man was defrauded of money and love. If it were in the previous life, I would recommend you to use the anti-fraud app in the next country. But here, I can only say that it will be better if you experience it a few more times. good.

Thinking like this, Qin Ze didn't waste any more time and started chasing the female ghost in the direction of escape. As early as when he came here, his aura had already locked onto her.

Therefore, the other party cannot escape from his grasp at all.

After a burst of noise, Qin Ze caught up with him as expected, and then brought him back with his kind physical touch.

"Come on, Qiu Sheng, take a look!" Qin Ze casually threw the female ghost next to Qiu Sheng.

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he looked up sadly, thinking that although the other party was a female ghost, since he recognized it, he still had some feelings for her, so he might as well ask his uncle not to hurt her and let her live.


Seeing the female ghost's profile, Qiu Sheng suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Fuck! Ghost!"

When he saw the full appearance of the female ghost after revealing her true form, Qiu Sheng jumped up.

The perfect appearance of the female ghost disappeared at this time, leaving only a face of rotten flesh and big shaky eyes.

"Uncle Junior!" Qiu Sheng felt that if he took one more look, he would explode. He hurriedly hid behind Qin Ze. His legs were weak. Thinking that he had spent so much time with her since last night, he felt like vomiting his dinner.

"What are you afraid of? People have recognized you!" Qin Ze joked.

Qiu Sheng closed his eyes: "Uncle, I know I was wrong!"


"I hope you really have a longer memory!"

Qin Ze asked Qiu Sheng to take a look at the female ghost's appearance, not out of spite, but to make him defensive the next time he encounters such a thing.

After all, although this boy is a little better than Wen Cai, his vigilance is not that much. After seeing the beauty, his alertness plummeted.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of approaching Qiu Sheng?" Qin Ze changed the topic to the female ghost and asked.

"I, I have no purpose!" The female ghost looked like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of Qin Ze.

Qin Ze sneered. When she asked Qiu Sheng about Yizhuang's coffin, she was almost certain that there was someone behind it. Otherwise, why would a lonely ghost whom she didn't know have anything to do with leaning on a Taoist priest? Was he looking for death?
"That's it!"

Qin Ze put his hands behind his back, with a cruel smile on his face: "I heard that there is a magic in Maoshan, which is specially designed to deal with lonely ghosts. The method is cruel, the process is painful, and the ending is sad. As long as you use it, you can kill the lonely ghosts." The spirit of the wild ghost is beaten to pieces and cannot be reincarnated again. I wonder, miss, have you ever heard of it?"

It's hard to say whether this spell is useful or not. Qin Ze doesn't know it anyway, but that's not important. The important thing is to put pressure on the female ghost.

Sure enough, when the female ghost heard the next few words, her body was obviously shaking. Looking at Qin Ze's exaggerated body and cruel smile, she felt like a vicious Taoist priest. Her facial features that had returned to their original appearance were full of fear.

But still persisted.

Don't you even speak?
Qin Ze pondered for a while and roughly confirmed his conjecture. There must be someone behind the female ghost who was instigating her, and this female ghost was very afraid of her, otherwise she would not have been able to hold on under such oppression.

In this case, there is no need to sell anything: "The person behind you probably wants you to get close to Qiu Sheng, and then get information about Yizhuang!"

"I can give you a way out now, take me to see that person, and the previous things will be wiped out!"

This female ghost is not considered a villain. Judging from the aura on her body, she has never harmed anyone before, so she can be given a chance to redeem herself.

Of course, the premise is that the other party can grasp it.

When the female ghost heard this, she hesitated and seemed to be having some kind of brainstorming.Finally, she looked at Qin Ze and then at Qiu Sheng. She really didn't want to kill anyone, she just wanted to get some information.

But I can't help myself.

For a moment, she hesitated.

Not for other reasons, but because the person who coerced her was too strong. She didn't know if the Taoist priest in front of her could defeat her. If he failed, everyone in her graveyard would be dug up and exposed to the wilderness.

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he finally understood what was going on. It turned out that he was just a chess piece. The more he thought about it, the more miserable he became. However, he still kindly persuaded him: "Don't worry, with the strength of my little uncle, what kind of god or ghost can you do?" None of them are opponents, you don’t have to worry about this!”

The female ghost glanced at Qiu Sheng and was silent for a long time. After hesitating for a while, she made up her mind to seize this only opportunity and tell everything in one breath.

"Little Master Uncle!"

"It's the horse bandit leader who ran away!"

After listening to this, Qiu Sheng opened his eyes and said as if he had discovered a new world.

The corners of Qin Ze's mouth raised slightly: "It's true that we are enemies on a narrow road!"

The miko who ran away from me didn't expect to meet again!This time, she won't be allowed to run away again.

"Take me there! Kill her!"

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The witch sat cross-legged in a cave not far from Yizhuang and practiced, waiting for the female ghost to get the information and reply.

"Damn stinking Taoist priest, your death is coming!"

She opened her eyes suddenly, thinking that Qin Ze would die, she couldn't help but get excited, her whole body trembled violently, and she just felt happy.


Suddenly, the witch's face lit up: "This method really works, I wonder what valuable information the ghost can bring back!"

She sensed that the threatening female ghost was approaching here. There was no doubt that if she came here at this time, she must have gotten some good news from Uncle Jiu's apprentice.

While she was thinking, the female ghost had already entered the cave.

"Speak quickly! If the information I get is useful, I will consider letting you and your family go!"

The witch looked at the lonely ghost in front of her and asked impatiently.

The female ghost was uncharacteristically: "Witch, there is no news, I am here to kill you this time!"

The witch didn't expect such an answer and angrily shouted: "Damn thing, are you crazy?"

It's because the world has changed now, or because he can't lift a sword and can't beat Qin Ze, a stinky Taoist priest, now a lonely wild ghost who doesn't even reach the level of an evil spirit dares to speak so brazenly.

I really think I am a soft persimmon who can be manipulated by others.

"You bastard, I'll give you one last chance!" The witch gritted her teeth, her face extremely cold, as if she was about to explode in the next moment.

She had made up her mind that even if this female ghost told her, she would definitely be driven out of her mind afterwards.

If you contradict yourself, you have to pay the price.

The atmosphere in the entire cave instantly became extremely solemn.

Then, the solemn atmosphere was broken by a clear voice: "No need to give it, you don't have this chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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