Chapter 49 Cunning guy!

The evil cultivator's face turned pale, and he held his arms in front of him. The talisman flew out of the bag and attached to his forearm, shining brightly.


With a loud noise, Ba Zhaijie fell. He only felt numbness in his arms and lost consciousness for a short time. Then his body was smashed to the ground, and he was dragged out of a ravine and stabilized his body.


After a brief period of paralysis, a heartbreaking pain struck, and a painful wail erupted from the evil cultivator's mouth.

pain!It hurts so much!
The power of a simple strike is comparable to a full-strength strike from the third level of Earth Master.

He couldn't imagine what kind of power the other party would unleash next.

This magic weapon is really weird.

Do not!
Not only is this weapon that looks like a mace, but the young man in front of him is equally weird.

He had pushed himself to this point just by relying on his physical strength a few times.

This kind of strength is completely unheard of.

Seeing the terrifying aura in front of him that was not that of an ordinary Taoist priest, the evil cultivator's eyes gushed out with endless killing intent and anger.

But anger is anger, and he knows very well that if this continues, he will definitely die.

Plans can’t keep up with changes!Qin Ze's power is beyond imagination.

Maybe he could kill Ren Tingting immediately and drain her dry, and there would still be a glimmer of hope.

"Damn it! Open it for me!"

Thinking of this, the evil cultivator suddenly burst into flames, his body glowed red, and with a wave of his arm, several talismans flew toward Qin Ze.

at the same time.

Mr. Ren, who was knocked away by Qin Ze, jumped up from the pit as if he had received some order.

But this time it's different from before.

He did not target Qin Ze, but fled in the opposite direction of Qin Ze at high speed.

"What a cunning old fox!" Qin Ze frowned, but he didn't expect that this evil cultivator still had some brains.

Mr. Ren's direction is the Ren family he just left.

There is no doubt that this is to take advantage of the opportunity to attack the Ren family!
"Then I'll deal with you first!" Qin Ze snorted coldly and threw a stick at the yellow talisman in front of him, preparing to deal with the evil cultivators first and then chase the zombies.

In the blink of an eye, the fire flickered, the talisman burst, and the flames poured out like pouring water, and the air became scorched.

Qin Ze glanced at it coldly. These flames could not cause any real harm to him. Under the violent energy, the flames slowly extinguished and became nothingness.

It was at this time.

The red light on Xie Xiu's body rose again, and his complexion instantly turned extremely pale, as if he had aged more than ten years in an instant. His figure also stood up from the ground, flying towards the position of Old Master Ren at an extremely fast speed.

"The secret method of using life span to activate!"

"You are really determined!"

Qin Ze murmured as he looked at the evil cultivator who was escaping again.

But you can run for a while, but you can't run for a lifetime.

Haki locked the two of them, and it was only a matter of time before they were eliminated.

Tonight, they will die.

next moment.

Qin Ze stepped on it with one foot, leaving a deep pit with a diameter of several meters on the spot, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"I hope junior brother didn't fall into an ambush!"

At this moment, Uncle Jiu, who was chasing after him from the Ren family, was reciting the magic formula and walking towards the place where Qin Ze disappeared.

As a Maoshan Taoist priest with the third level of earth master, although his speed is not as fast as the evil cultivator who burns his own energy and blood, it is not very slow either.

He felt it was almost there.

Along the way, I noticed an extremely strong corpse aura. There was no doubt that it was emanating from Old Man Ren.

In other words, my guess was correct, there was definitely a trap waiting to ambush the junior brother ahead.

And this trap can't be anyone else, it can only be Old Master Ren.Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but become worried again.

If two people work together to deal with one person, the junior brother is very likely to lose.

"The speed is still too slow!" Uncle Jiu had a toothache and his heart was tense.

However, just when he was about to use the talisman to increase his speed.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed and he felt several powerful auras approaching.

His expression suddenly changed, and Uncle Jiu looked over.

Soon, three figures came into view. The one at the front was a zombie jumping up under the bright moonlight. In the middle was an evil cultivator wearing linen clothes. And Qin Ze was chasing the two of them behind.

Wait, is this Qin Ze?
Uncle Jiu was stunned when he saw this scene.

what's the situation?
Subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

After confirming that it was really his junior brother who was running over the evil cultivators and zombies, Uncle Jiu immediately stopped, turned around without saying a word, and chased the three of them.

He never expected that he guessed the process correctly, but not the outcome. There were zombies ahead, but looking at the situation, it was hard to tell who was ambushing whom.

any home.

Compared to Qin Ze who was fighting fiercely outside and Uncle Jiu who was running back and forth, those who stayed in the Ren family couldn't help but be extremely anxious.

"Wen Cai, Qiu Sheng, Taoist Qin Ze, nothing will happen to him!"

After Ren Tingting prayed, she said to the two of them with some worry.

"With the master rushing over, it shouldn't be a big problem. At least, there will be no problem in protecting yourself!"

Qiu Sheng thought for a moment, remembered the powerful way his uncle had beaten the witch before, and said.

What he was a little worried about was whether the master could rush over in time to support him. The Feng Shui master was still very strong. It would be okay if he was alone. After all, the young master could suppress him, but if Mr. Ren never showed up, it would be fine. If he was there, it would be hard to say.

But it’s hard to say this now, and you can’t badmouth your uncle!
"That's good!"

Ren Tingting nodded slightly when she heard this, but she could still see the uncontrollable worry in her watery eyes.

Roar! !

However, at this moment, a zombie's roar suddenly erupted from outside the yard.

"There are zombies!!"

Upon hearing this roar, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai's expressions suddenly changed, and then they suddenly took out the two peach wood swords carried on their backs.

boom! !

Suddenly there was another loud bang.

A wall in Ren's yard was directly smashed by a terrifying force.

next moment.

A zombie with green light all over its body jumped directly in through the opened gap.

This zombie is none other than Mr. Ren who came over.

At this time, there was a huge wound on his chest, and green blood was pouring out.

This wound was caused by Qin Ze's blow with a stick.

Thick blood dripped on the bluestone, corroding the ground like sulfuric acid, making a sizzling sound.

"Yes, it's Mrs. Ren!" Wencai was almost frightened and sat on the ground, unable to hold the mahogany sword in his hand.

If the ordinary zombies came, he would be fine. Not to mention taking them down, they could at least delay the attack. But if it was Old Man Ren, he would have no chance of winning.

"Zombie! It's a zombie! Mr. Ren's zombie!"

"Daozhang help!"

"The zombies are here again!"

Seeing this scene, the security soldiers who were still staying at Ren's house were all scared to death.

Mr. Ren didn't bother to pay attention to them at all. He glanced directly at everyone, found the target, and flew straight towards Ren Tingting.

"Miss Ren, be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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