Chapter 5 Spike!

Uncle Wu climbed out of the carriage and immediately checked on the girl's condition: "Miss, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" The girl stood up tremblingly, her face a little pale, because she was frightened.


"Now you are in trouble!"

Next to the overturned horses, holding broadswords and muskets, five or six fierce-looking horse bandits quickly surrounded them. The leader had a beard and a voice that was cold and bone-chilling.

As soon as these people appeared, Uncle Wu and the girl's faces instantly turned pale. They knew without thinking that they had met horse bandits.

And to be able to appear so ostentatiously in broad daylight and force the carriage to stop is a very bad situation.

Either for money or for people.

"Everyone, I am Butler Wu from Renjia Town. This is Master Ren's daughter from Renjia Town. We will give you whatever money you want. Don't hurt my young lady!"

Uncle Wu remained calm and polite.

There were so many people armed and if they resisted, none of them would survive.

The Ren family is a well-established family in this area, with a deep foundation. As long as they are not fools, they will not be easily provoked. Otherwise, if they spend a lot of money to hire warlords, these horse bandits will be able to drink a pot.

So if you sign up for your own number, maybe we can still talk about it.

"Hahaha! The Ren family!"

"I'm sorry, it's you who were arrested!"

The bearded man said arrogantly: "Besides, we are not doing it for money!"

Uncle Wu's heart instantly went cold.

Not for money?

That's what it means to be human.
However, the Ren family has always had a high prestige in Renjia Town, and they have not sinned against anyone. How could such trouble come to them?

The next moment, the bearded man waved his hand, and several of his men lifted Uncle Wu up. At this time, Uncle Wu discovered that the driver and the accompanying guards were already dead.

"Heroes, if you have something to say, please tell me. I'll go with you and let my lady go!" Uncle Wu made a final effort.

"Fuck off!"

"If you say one more word, believe it or not, I will kill you!" Bearded Man kicked Uncle Wu in the stomach and said viciously.

Then, he looked at Ren Tingting, who was pale and speechless with fright: "Xiao Nizi looks really good, what a pity!"

"Tie her up, don't hurt her!"

The words fall.

Several people quickly gathered around and took out the rope to tie up Ren Tingting.

However, at this moment, a steady sound of footsteps suddenly came from not far away.


The bearded man in the lead shouted loudly and turned his head suddenly to look.

The eyes of the other people were all focused on the figure who suddenly appeared, full of vigilance.

A person appeared silently in this barren mountain, which was really beyond their expectations.

Could it be that the person who came here is evil.

I saw that the person who came was very tall, half a head taller than them, and had a strong build and a perfect figure.

It was Qin Ze who was on his way.

Taoist priest?

However, when the horse bandits looked at the clothes worn by the inviter, the vigilance on their faces disappeared instantly, and cruel smiles emerged that could not be concealed.

When they first saw the person coming, they were a little nervous to be honest. After all, this guy looked more like a horse bandit than them if they didn't look at his face.

But when they saw the yellow robes they were wearing, their worries instantly disappeared.

After all, he is an unarmed Taoist priest who specializes in doing things.

What threat can it pose to them?

"Boy, stop!" The bearded man raised the scimitar in his hand, pointed at Qin Ze and said arrogantly.

Qin Ze ignored the looks of the three people and continued to go his own way and kept moving forward. "Damn it, can't you understand people?"

The man suddenly became angry. He was running rampant in this area. When had he ever been so despised?
A stinky Taoist priest dares to shame himself here, he is simply looking for death.

"Boy, if you saw something you shouldn't have seen, you're in trouble!"

He felt very unhappy, and since the murder was seen and he had to keep it secret, he had already sentenced Qin Ze to death in his heart.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense to him, just kill him!"

"Yes, the smelly Taoist priest is useful in dealing with some evil things, but he can't just obey us!"

The horse bandit next to him didn't take Qin Ze seriously at all.

What's the use of being strong?

After several knives, they were chopped into pieces.

Even if the knife is not powerful, with a gun in hand, what tricks can the other party come up with?

The same human being gets the same burps after eating peanuts!

While he was talking, the little man closest to Qin Ze took the lead, rushed forward with a machete, and struck Qin Ze in the head with the knife.

The corner of Qin Ze's mouth twitched.

What is this?

I was just passing by here without incident, and without doing anything, I was suddenly hacked with a knife.

Fortunately, he has the strength. If it were someone else, he would not die in this barren mountain for no reason.

"court death!"

Being provoked for no reason, Qin Ze was also a little annoyed. There was an incredible amount of blood on the hands of these people.

He didn't mind giving them a ride.

The figure flashed, and at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine, Qin Ze punched the little man.

A punch that carries huge power cannot even withstand a zombie, let alone a mortal horse bandit.

Under this fist, the little man flew more than ten meters away like a shell, and hit the ground hard and died instantly.

When the horse bandits saw this scene, their jaws almost dropped out of shock.

What the hell!

What did you just post?
But soon, anger emerged from their hearts.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

His companion was killed, and his reason was suppressed by rage at this moment. The bearded man in the lead roared angrily: "Shoot, kill him!"


As several gunshots sounded, bullets streaked through the air and fired towards Qin Ze.

A wind blows.

Qin Ze activated his domineering aura. As soon as he gained momentum, his speed suddenly increased. He ignored the bullets flying by and shuttled around several people, like a ghostly figure, extremely fast.

dong dong dong.

The bullet that was originally thought to be sure to hit the smelly Taoist priest lost its target and hit a tree in the distance, causing a piece of sawdust to be thrown up.

Upon seeing this, the bearded man's face changed suddenly, sweat poured out from his forehead crazily, and a chill instantly rose from the soles of his feet, then crawled across his back and went straight to his brain.

I rely on!

Dodge bullets?
Just as he was shocked, several pitiful screams rang out from the side. Several horse bandits holding muskets were instantly dispatched by Qin Ze.

The weapons they were holding were also broken in half.

Subsequently, several other armed horse bandits were killed in the same manner.

The bearded man had a look of horror on his face, and he backed away repeatedly. He was not as arrogant as before!
This can no longer be described as abnormal.

This might not offend the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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