Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 55 There is a ghost in the winery!I really don’t care about you!

Chapter 55 There is a ghost in the winery!I really don’t care about you!

A businessman walked towards him. He was the owner of a winery in Jiuquan Town, and he came here specifically to wait for Uncle Jiu.

"Excuse me, who is this?"

The winery owner asked with some confusion when he saw a few people standing nearby.

He knew Ah Xing and Xiao Yue, and the one he was talking about was naturally Qin Ze.

It's just that Qin Ze's appearance and temperament really don't look like Uncle Ninth's apprentice. He is restrained and quite extraordinary, so he brought it out specifically to ask.

Because such people are often capable people.

As a businessman, what he likes most is making friends.

As the saying goes, you rely on your parents at home and your friends when you go out. The more friends you have, the wider your road will be.

"This is my junior brother!"

"Qin Ze!"

Uncle Jiu gave a brief introduction.

"It turns out he is also a disciple of Maoshan!"

"Long time, long time!"

The winery owner cupped his hands and said with a smile on his face.

Qin Ze waved his hand, did not exchange too many greetings with the winery owner, and found a seat to sit down.

"What's the matter with you, just say it!"

The winery owner in front of him was full of evil spirits.

The moment you come in.

Seeing the domineering look, one can tell that the other party is full of yin energy.

In a few days.

He will definitely die violently.

Moreover, he knew that the owner of the winery was not a good person. He did many evil things and behaved despicably.

Qin Ze has no interest in people who are different from their appearance.

The winery owner's face froze. He didn't expect the man in front of him to be so disrespectful. After all, everyone came out to make a living. A trace of fierceness flashed deep in his eyes, but this time he was asking for help and was not ready to explode.

For an unscrupulous businessman like him, as long as the problem can be solved, it's not a big deal to give him a smile.

Turning a blind eye to Qin Ze's indifferent attitude, the winery owner still had a smile on his face, waved to the counter of the restaurant and said.

"Boss, bring me a pot of good Longjing!"

Then, he looked at Uncle Jiu on the side: "I have a deal recently that I want to make you rich with. I wonder if you are interested?"

Uncle Jiu squinted his eyes and cupped his hands: "Thank you very much, I don't have this blessing!"

"How come you are not blessed?"

The winery owner said: "You also know that this matter is easy for you!"

Uncle Jiu took the cup of Longjing that was served and took a sip: "I won't give it to you!"

The owner of the winery laughed and said, Uncle Jiu, you are really funny: "In this case, how about you give me a price?"

"If you are embarrassed to speak, then I will tell you a number!"

"How about 100 yuan?"

The owner of the winery raised his finger and said 100 yuan with great confidence.

For an ordinary Taoist priest, let alone 100 oceans, it is impossible to get ten oceans from him.

If it weren't for Uncle Jiu's reputation and ability, he wouldn't be bleeding so much!

Unexpectedly, Uncle Jiu's expression remained unchanged, and he was not moved at all by the 100 yuan.

Who do you look down on?
At Mr. Ren's place, the junior brother's income started with two thousand yuan.

of course.

It’s not really because I don’t think I have enough money.

He does make money from this kind of thing.

But not all money will be made.

Regardless of whether the winery owner is sincere or not, this money is all dirty money, and it feels dirty to make it.

After all, the reputation of the winery owner is notoriously bad in Jiuquan Town.

And for people who really need help, even if they have no money, Uncle Jiu is willing to help.

"It's too much to say if you don't speculate!"

"Do it yourself!"

"Junior brother, let's go!"

Uncle Jiu knew that he would never give up until he achieved his goal, so he simply didn't bother to fight with him.

I didn't come to Jiuquan Town because of his business, and I didn't want to waste time.

When the winery owner saw that Uncle Jiu and others were leaving, his expression immediately changed.

"Uncle Jiu, don't leave in a hurry!"

"As a Taoist priest, you can't just die without saving someone!" He immediately blocked the way of Uncle Jiu and others.

Brush brush!
This movement immediately attracted the attention of many people in the teahouse.

One of them was wearing a suit and had a slicked back hair, and he looked very talented.

This person is the son of the mayor of Jiuquan Town, and is known as Mr. Ye.

The restaurant at the foot is one of their family's properties.

As someone who has studied abroad.

He has always considered himself superior to others.

He looked down upon the common people in Jiuquan Town very much.

After returning home this time, I am also preparing to do something big.

Make the Ye family bigger and stronger and create brilliance.

Strive to reach the point where a steel penny falls from the sky, and it has to be the Ye family.

The current winery is the first step in executing his plan.

When Uncle Jiu and his party didn't come, he was talking to the winery owner about acquiring the winery.

However, this winery owner has been gritting his teeth and not letting go, which is really hateful.

But he was not in a hurry and kept the winery owner hanging for a few days.

Sooner or later there will be a compromise.

And he heard.

The winery seems unclean and haunted.

for this kind of thing.

Speaking as a returnee from overseas who has received advanced education and has eaten a lot of foreign ink.

Naturally, he was very scornful.

"Humph, you really know how to act!"

Looking at the winery owner, Mr. Ye couldn't help but said coldly.

He knew very well what kind of person the winery owner was.

Vicious, cruel, and unyielding.


He was a little confused.

What on earth is this winery owner doing?
Judging from the anxious look on his face as he begged Uncle Jiu and others, could it be possible that there was really something going on in the winery?

There's no need to act so realistically!

Young Master Ye had such an idea in his mind for no reason.


"I want to see it!"

"What the hell are you doing!"

He was determined to acquire the winery.

This is an essential part of the plan to expand the Ye family.

Be sure to take it down.

of course.

Even if you want to win, you have to use the lowest price.

As an excellent businessman, the only thing he can do is to give in to others. If you want him to regress, it depends on whether the other party has enough qualifications and chips.

"That's it for now, why say more!" Uncle Jiu looked at the winery owner blocking their way and said coldly.

The owner of the winery was completely panicked: "Uncle Jiu, Taoist Master Qin, 100 oceans is not enough? How about 200 oceans?"

"How about you make a price?"

These days, he has trouble sleeping. Others may think he is making a fuss, but he understands.

There are real female ghosts. ,
Moreover, this female ghost wants his life.

If I hadn't been smarter last night, I might have been completely cold now.

"You should keep your money to buy a good cemetery for yourself!"

Qin Ze said coldly.

In the final analysis, it is the winery owner who is to blame.

I committed this evil in the beginning, and I need to taste the fruit today.

As a Maoshan Taoist priest, it is true that he has to draw his sword to help, but he is not wiping the butt of someone like the winery owner.

"Good good!"

"You stinky Taoist priests!"

"I'm talking to you so hard but you won't listen, and I'm politely begging you to do something but ignore it! Is this really giving you face?"

(End of this chapter)

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