Chapter 7 Meet Uncle Jiu!
On the other side, Jiu Shu Yizhuang.

In the main room, Uncle Jiu was sitting on the Taishi chair, drinking the tea he brewed.

It has been more than ten years since he left Maoshan. He has traveled around for many years. He has witnessed many incidents of evil spirits harming people. While lamenting the growth of evil spirits, he also feels a little emotional about the current troubled times.

After years of running around, he opened a charity village in Renjia Town and did some business with dead people.

From time to time, he also helps common people to ward off evil spirits and avoid harm. He is very popular in the whole town, and he is a Taoist priest that everyone trusts.

It's just that he has a headache at the moment, for no other reason.

The two apprentices he had trained since childhood were completely opposite to his character, which was extremely disturbing.

In terms of cultivation, the two of them are also very poor in talent. For such a long time, their realm has not broken through to the third level among human masters.

Just as he was thinking this, there was a sudden commotion outside.

Uncle Jiu held his forehead.

You don't need to think about it to know that Wencai and Qiu Sheng must be up to something again.

If you don't practice hard every day, you will end up with some problems.

Standing up from the chair, Uncle Jiu was about to walk out when he heard the door suddenly being pushed open, and Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng hurriedly walked in.

"You two brats, have you completed today's training mission?"

Uncle Jiu looked at the two of them in a panic, without the composure of a cultivator, and said angrily.

Wencai said with a bitter look on his face: "Master, don't talk about practicing or not, there seems to be a horse bandit outside! He's very tall!"

Horse bandits?

Uncle Jiu looked shocked.

He knew that there were horse bandits around Renjia Town, and they were quite powerful, but what he didn't expect was that these horse bandits would be so rampant and dare to come here to cause trouble in broad daylight!

Do you think Taoist priests are easy to bully?Or are you used to being arrogant?

One day, we have to deal with these guys!

"Let's go, take me out and have a look!" Uncle Jiu said immediately. He wanted to see what kind of horse bandit dared to come here alone.

Follow the two apprentices and step out.

However, when he saw the horse bandits mentioned by the two apprentices at the gate of Yizhuang, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

I wanted to kick them both directly.

If someone is wearing a Taoist uniform, can you recognize him as a horse bandit?

But this physique is indeed a bit mind-boggling
"Looking at my Taoist friend's attire, he is also a fellow Taoist. I wonder which sect my friend is from?"

The person coming was naturally Qin Ze. He knew that Uncle Jiu was asking about his origins.

These days, there is chaos and war, and there are warlords and desperate people everywhere.

To sum it up in one word, it’s chaotic!

The thing you are most afraid of encountering is someone with a bad background. This kind of person uses the excuse of asking for help but doesn’t know what they have in mind. It’s hard for most people to see through.

"I am Qin Ze, a disciple of Maoshan! I have met Senior Brother Lin!"

Qin Ze reported his family status.

"Are you a Maoshan Taoist priest?"

Uncle Jiu was a little surprised, his expression was the same as that of the previous four-eyed Taoist Priest. It was not his fault. He had also never seen the new generation of Maoshan disciples.

Qin Ze reiterated what he had said to Taoist Priest Four Eyes before.

Only then did Uncle Jiu confirm that he was really his junior brother.

He couldn't help but look at Qin Ze carefully, and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, very good!" Except for the Tianshi generation in Maoshan, his strength is second only to Shi Jian, and after so many years of wandering outside, he is a He can tell what a person is like at a glance.

No matter in terms of temperament or calm personality, this junior brother is much better than his two apprentices.

There was just one thing that made him wonder, why couldn't he see any traces of cultivation on his junior brother!This is a little too strange.

Those who can leave from Maoshan and make a career outside, not to mention the realm masters, must at least have masters above the sixth level of heaven!
Qin Ze saw a hint of doubt in Uncle Jiu's eyes, but he didn't explain too much. He had plenty of time afterwards: "Senior brother, I heard that you opened a charity village here. I want to stay here for a while after leaving the mountains. Is it convenient?"

Uncle Jiu laughed. He thought he was looking for something?
In troubled times, it is normal to seek refuge in others.

Just live here!
Brothers who came from the same school, let alone stay here for a short period of time, there is no problem at all if they stay here for a long time.

"No problem at all!"

"If you want to live here, you can live there as long as you don't mind!" Uncle Jiu agreed immediately.

"Then thank you brother!"

Qin Ze said with a smile.

Seeing Qin Ze being so polite, Uncle Jiu's impression of Qin Ze became much better.

"You two haven't met my junior uncle yet!"

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were still a little shocked when they looked at Qin Ze and froze in place.

They didn't expect that this burly man was actually a Taoist priest from Maoshan, and he was also the master's younger brother.

But he doesn't look much older than me.
"I've met my junior uncle!" Although Wencai and Qiu Sheng were a little bit speechless, their seniority was there after all.

Qin Ze nodded slightly and didn't say anything more. It was just a shout, so it would not be embarrassing if he shouted.

"It's definitely not easy to come from such a long distance. Literary Qiusheng, you two go help my junior uncle clean up the house!" Uncle Jiu immediately ordered his two apprentices.

Wencai and Qiu Sheng naturally had no objections. With their help, a room was tidied up in a short time.

"Uncle Junior, please stay here first. If anything happens later, you can call us!" Qiu Sheng said.

"Okay, thank you for the hard work, go do your own thing!" Qin Ze nodded without any airs.

This made Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai breathe out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although this senior brother seems a bit domineering, he seems to have a good personality.

After all, no one wants to work with someone who puts on airs and is condescending.

Anyone who meets this kind of person will feel overwhelmed.

"Finally settled!"

After Wencai and Qiu Sheng left, Qin Ze looked around the room and sat on the bed.

Coming out of Maoshan, it was a dusty journey, but we finally solved the problem of accommodation.

But this is just a temporary place to stay. If there is a more suitable place, Qin Ze will definitely move.

The premise is that the strength has grown to a certain extent.

In the zombie world, there are not only serious Taoist priests from Maoshan, but also many evil cultivators!
The cultivation of Taoist priests can be divided into three major realms, namely human master, earth master, and heavenly master. Each major realm has nine levels.

There are more than a dozen zombie levels.

They are purple zombies, white zombies or black zombies, green zombies, hairy zombies, flying zombies, wandering zombies, prone zombies, non-bone zombies, and drought demons.
From previous experiences in Maoshan, we know that peak green zombies generally correspond to the strength of the fifth-level monk earth master.

Qin Ze's physical fitness is currently in the middle stage of Green Zombie, so if calculated based on the Taoist cultivation system, it would be around the third level of Earth Master.

However, his real combat power is far more than that. With Kaido's recovery ability, coupled with the blessing of armed domineering and witnessing domineering, ordinary Mao Zang may not be his opponent. If he corresponds to the Taoist realm, at least Also on the third level of Earth Master.

(End of this chapter)

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