Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 79 The royal zombies are coming!

Chapter 79 The royal zombies are coming!

Seeing the proud look on Taoist Master Simu's face, the master instinctively wanted to retort and dampen his arrogance: "Monks don't lie!"

"Lao Na thinks that the strength of the Four-Eyed Donor is still inferior to that of the Qin Donor!"

The master thought that Taoist Master Four Eyes would immediately break his guard after hearing this. After all, he usually hates others belittling him in person.

But what the master didn't expect was that Taoist Master Simu actually acquiesced. Not only did he acquiesce, but he also took this sentence for granted.

The master was a little confused.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes knew what medicine was in the master's gourd, but he would not get angry because of these words, because it was a fact.

According to what Uncle Jiu said in his letter.

At the peak of the green zombies, all priest zombies fell into Qin Ze's hands.

This strength is terrifyingly similar to those who have not entered the Celestial Master.

Let alone himself, Senior Brother Lin may not be able to defeat Qin Ze.

"Old guy, you finally got it right for once!" Taoist Priest Four Eyes said noncommittally. If you want me to break through my defense, there is no way.

As soon as these words came out, the master was dumbfounded.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Donor Qin's strength seemed to be stronger than I imagined!
Jiale was listening to the conversation at this time, but he became interested: "Uncle, how did you become a Taoist priest in Maoshan?"

At the same age, the seniority is completely different. He is still an apprentice, and Qin Ze has become a junior uncle.

Jiale was envious of this, and of course he was also curious.

"There's still more!"

"What happened in Renjia Town and Jiuquan Town?"

"and also."

Compared to crowded busy areas like Renjia Town, Jiale grew up in an inaccessible place all year round, and there was an extremely lack of income channels for interesting news.

In addition to practicing martial arts, catching fish, and teasing Qingqing next door, his daily life is simple and repetitive. Although it is comfortable, it is also extremely boring.

Now that someone finally came, Jiale naturally turned into a curious kitten and kept asking questions at the dinner table!

When Jiale asked him this question, Qin Ze's lips twitched and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Why did you join Maoshan and become Jiu Shu’s junior brother?

Can I say that I have amazing bones and am a unique cultivation genius? Anyway, that’s what Master Maoshan said at the time.

Seeing Jia Le chattering incessantly, Taoist Master Simu hit him on the head with chopsticks and said angrily: "You are the talkative kid, so many dishes can't stop you?"

"It's not easy for your junior uncle to come here. He's not even full yet! He keeps asking questions!"

Jia Le shrank his head after being scolded.

The look of anticipation in the eyes of Master and Qingqing slowly faded. They were actually very curious. After all, who doesn't want to hear gossip.

Just when they thought the matter was over, Taoist Master Simu suddenly cleared his throat: "I'll do this for you."

The words fall.

Explain what I learned from Uncle Jiu’s letter.

Jia Le saw the master talking non-stop, with a stinking look on his face, and he cried out in his heart that it was shameless. It was obvious that the person involved was the junior uncle, but you were so excited that you said it, and those who didn't know thought you were fighting zombies.

I can't finish learning, I can't finish learning at all, the master's shamelessness is enough.

However, from the Master's words, Jia Le deeply understood what it means to be someone outside the world, and there is a Heaven outside the world. Solving the peak of Green Zombie with bare hands is even worse than the Master.

Master and Qingqing couldn't help but swallowed their saliva, especially Master, who felt that his cognition had been strongly impacted.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes looked at the master's shocked expression, and his smile became even happier. He liked seeing the master like this, and felt extremely satisfied in his heart, so he didn't waste his words.Qin Ze, the person involved, listened to the talk of Senior Brother Kaikai with four eyes and said that it was you who even made up the story of how he joined Maoshan.

The meal for Qin Ze ended in an interesting atmosphere. Master and Qingqing finished eating and went back. Before leaving, he invited Qin Ze to his usual place. Taoist priest Simu didn't say anything, but gave Qin Ze a few words. After that, he went to practice.

Jia Le was stimulated and began to practice hard in the yard. In addition, he also longed to go to the outside world after becoming stronger, such as Renjia Town and Jiuquan Town.

In this regard, Qin Ze expressed support and hoped that he would not be popular for 3 minutes.

Qin Ze quickly adapted to the Taoist priest's dojo.

Although this place is remote, the scenery is one of the best.

In previous lives, if you wanted to see this kind of beauty, you would have to be crowded with people, and you would have to spend some money on admission.

In addition to consolidating his own foundation, Qin Ze and Jiale would go fishing in nearby waterfalls. There was no other way. According to Taoist Priest Simu, things like poultry needed to be developed sustainably and could not be killed casually.

Fish has become the best choice for snacks.

While fishing in the waterfall pool, Qin Ze stood under the waterfall and used the gravity of the water to exercise his body, just like what is written in some novels.

Although this move made the shocked Jia Le call it outrageous. He felt that the young uncle was like a monster and could not be judged by common sense. However, after Qin Ze's actual test, he found that this method was of no use.

After a long time of shock, apart from my skin feeling a little chilly, the only benefit is that I save a little time to take a shower.

In addition, Qin Ze will also use the domineering power of knowledge to wander around the dojo to see if there are any evil spirits that need to be dealt with, and collect some merit points by the way.

I remember that in the original work, there was a vixen nearby that seduced the four-eyed Taoist priest.

Belongs to the category of fairies.

But it is a pity that Qin Ze did not find any trace of the vixen. It must have been dealt with by Taoist Priest Four Eyes before.

this day.

Qin Ze was chatting with Taoist Master Simu in the room.


There was a commotion outside.

"Master, little uncle, someone is coming outside!" Jiale opened the door and walked into the room.

Is someone coming?
Qin Ze and Taoist Master Simu looked at each other.

Could it be that Taoist Master Qianhe has arrived?

Qin Ze came out and took a look, and saw a large number of people rushing towards this direction in the distance. It didn't take much to figure out that they were the large force escorting the royal zombies.

It seems that the time has advanced a bit.

"The Qing Dynasty is about to be destroyed. How dare the Tatars run all over the place just for a corpse?"

Looking at the Qing Dynasty team approaching from a distance, Qin Ze couldn't help but joke in his heart.

"Junior brother, let's go!" A smile appeared on Taoist Master Simu's face. After saying this, he went out to greet Taoist Master Qianhe.

"Slow down, slow down!"

On the path outside the dojo, a small team pushed a heavy coffin forward. Where the wheels ran over, the ground sunk deeply, and the setting sun shone on the coffin, reflecting a dazzling golden light.

A coffin made of pure gold.

If you get this thing out and sell it, you won't have to worry about it in this life.

Next to the coffin was a group of soldiers holding various weapons.

A golden coffin, plus a few Taoist priests, a few eunuchs and a little brother, this is the complete combination of the team.

(End of this chapter)

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