Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 97 Killing zombies is like chopping melons and vegetables!

Chapter 97 Killing zombies is like chopping melons and vegetables!

At this moment, the aura filled the air, as if the sky was changing. The thick corpse aura mixed in Tengteng Town became clearer.

A trace of human expression appeared on the stiff face of the Zombie King. He noticed Qin Ze's sudden appearance, with a somewhat intelligent expression showing surprise. When he saw Qin Ze clearly, he ignored him.

Qin Ze doesn't have the clothes of a Taoist priest now. He only wears a new Chinese suit, and his temperament is not like that of an ordinary Taoist priest.

He just thought he was an ordinary person who broke into Tengteng Town without knowing the situation.

The Zombie King did not even take back the Corpse Pill, but still greedily absorbed the essence of the moonlight to increase his cultivation.

Compared with sucking the blood of an ordinary person, it is more important to practice corpse elixir.

As for an ordinary person.

Just leave it to your zombies to deal with it.



The ordinary zombies standing next to the Zombie King instantly became restless.

Since the townspeople fled Tengteng Town, they had not seen a living person for a long time, and the temptation of fresh blood was not great.


Dozens of zombies looked fierce and rushed towards Qin Ze. As they jumped, the ground was shaken and rumbled.


Qiu Sheng's legs suddenly became weak when he saw the terrifying scene in front of him.

It takes a lot of effort to deal with one zombie, but now dozens of zombies are coming together, and the feeling of oppression is overwhelming.

The zombies scrambled to target Qin Ze. Driven by instinct, they wanted to suck him up.

"It stinks!"

Qin Ze shrugged his nose.

The stench of the rotting bodies of a group of zombies, mixed with corpse gas, is about to penetrate into the brain as the distance gets closer, causing extreme discomfort.

"Let's fight quickly!"

Qin Ze clenched his fists.

With the voice falling.

The aura was instantly drawn up, with the domineering aura of armed forces, the domineering aura of seeing and hearing, and the vigor was like a blade, with Qin Ze as the center, slashing in all directions.

Qin Ze is temporarily useless with his domineering look.

The primary Overlord Color Haki is useful against some spiritual and soul-type ghosts, but it cannot cause substantial damage to unconscious zombies.

Unless promoted to the later stage.

But even so.

It's also perfectly adequate.

With the blessing of two-color domineering energy, Qin Ze is like the God of War in this world. His violent aura and full blood energy overlap to clear away the corpse energy suspended on the zombie's head.

The whole space becomes extremely refreshing.

Even the stench that permeated the air has been reduced a lot.

The next moment.

Qin Ze struck out like thunder.

An afterimage was left in place.

In an instant, he came in front of a zombie, his arms turned dark black, fists and wind blowing, and sonic booms erupted.

"Ho! Ho Ho Ho Ho"

The roar of the zombies shook the sky, and there was no fear at all.

Ordinary zombies can only move by instinct, and the remaining intelligence is also placed on the zombie king. Qin Ze's abundant blood, instead of making the zombies shrink back, makes them more excited.

Race to be the first zombie to eat crabs.

One of them rushed to the front and bumped into Qin Ze.

In an instant.

The zombies and Qin Ze's fists collided.

"Head iron?"

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows without comment.

With a loud sound, the zombie couldn't hold on for even a second under Qin Ze's fist. His body flew dozens of meters away, hit him in a house, and never got up again.

If Qin Ze hadn't deliberately held back his fists for fear of getting dirty, he might have struck the zombie directly with one blow.


"Congratulations to the host, for killing an ordinary black zombie, you will be rewarded with 200 merit points!"

The system beeps.

"Not bad!" Qin Ze smiled.

Except for the Zombie King, most of the zombies in Tengteng Town were turned into after being bitten by the townspeople. It is enough to have 200 merit points.

Add up.

There are quite a few zombies in front of us.

next moment.

Qin Ze exerted his strength again, and his figure kept shuttling among the zombies, as if he were in a deserted land, with domineering blows and strong winds shaking him. The wind of his fists was like raindrops, rising and falling again and again.

Every time Qin Ze moved, a zombie fell to the ground.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing an ordinary black zombie, you will be rewarded with 200 merit points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing an ordinary black zombie, you will be rewarded with 200 merit points!"


The sound of collecting merit points sounded one after another.

Qin Ze's motivation increased greatly and he killed faster and faster.

Armed domineering, rising from elementary to intermediate, has a rapid improvement in Qin Ze's strength. Killing zombies is like chopping melons and vegetables without any resistance.

Coupled with the deliberate practice of strength control, the strength given to each zombie is just right, killing them without causing them to explode.

Therefore, although the whole process is full of violence and punches to the flesh, there is an elegance of "flying through thousands of bushes without touching a leaf".

"Second Senior Brother, this guy is a bit fierce!"

At this time, the three Corpse Refining Sect members had entered Tengteng Town and were preparing to obtain the Corpse Pill. The cat was in the corner.

The short one among them swallowed his saliva and said, his pupils focused.

They originally wanted to lure out the zombies and obtain the corpse elixir. When they were about to take action, they found that someone had arrived first, so they waited and waited.

But the scene in front of me.

There is horror everywhere.

Can humans still fight zombies like this?
See you soon!

"These are just ordinary zombies, nothing to make a fuss about!" The second senior brother's eyes flashed slightly and he snorted coldly.

The zombies Qin Ze killed were all the most ordinary zombies.

A mere black zombie.

He can also kill with one hit.

Looking at his junior brother, he was dumbfounded and frightened.

Leylin felt a little disdainful.

However, as the battle continued, Lei Lin stared at Qin Ze who was killing zombies smoothly, and realized something was wrong.

Because of the domineering display of the young man in front of him, he couldn't help but think of the sharp aura left in the forest before.

The two have different approaches but similar results.

so young?

Leylin was really shocked.

He thought he was at least an old and strong man.

"Second Senior Brother, should we take advantage of him?" the fat man said, pointing to the copper coin sword hanging on his waist.

The meaning is self-evident.

"Hmph! No need!" Leylin waved his hand.

"A person's strength is exhausted. With his level of explosiveness, he can last for at least 3 minutes, which is considered great!"

"And with so many zombies, how many can he kill?"

"A person who wants to deal with these zombies can only be said to be an arrogant fool with some strength!"

Lei Lin was not optimistic about Qin Ze who had the upper hand.

Like this speed, power, and explosiveness.

It requires a lot of physical energy.

He said 3 minutes.

It also depends on the other party's ability to kill the vixen, and the maximum time limit given.

Really, I might not be able to hold on for even 2 minutes.

When the time comes, you will be exhausted.

Then you can come out and reap the benefits.

Take it in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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