Chapter 201 Peerless Woman

Fairy Pond.

The spiritual energy is so rich that it can absorb the original essence of heaven and earth by itself even without using the mysterious method.

Waves of spiritual energy surged in, but Yang Chen frowned, having just blocked the peerless woman's blow.

At this moment, he saw several figures passing through the water. They were so white that it made people hair-raising.

"Who are you? Why did such a change occur in the Immortal Pond when you came?"

The peerless woman also sensed something was wrong. She looked deeply at Yang Chen with her beautiful eyes, trying to see through him.

"You haven't seen these bodies before?"

Yang Chen said doubtfully.


The peerless woman shook her head and said: "Previously, if there were these corpses, how could I dare to bathe in the fairy pond?

"Are all Yaochi disciples as brave as you?"

How does it relate to beauty?

Their bodies were all stiff, and they were very scary underwater, just like water ghosts, very weird.

The effect of monks is better. The holy birth of women in Yaochi is related to this. The water in the pool can slowly improve the physical condition.

The peerless woman talked about the causes and consequences.

Yang Chen shook his head and laughed, saying nothing more.

Not to mention, taking this bath to break through the realm.

Yang Chen was unable to complain.

The spiritual energy around the lake is so dense that it can almost condense into liquid. It is the holy land for cultivation that monks dream of.

"If monks are as timid as you, how can they reach the top of the immortal path?" the peerless woman said excitedly.

"Originally, I was about to break through the realm, but I was interrupted by you, a scumbag!"

Yang Chen couldn't help but glance at her doubtfully.

"Are you from Yaochi Holy Land?"

Unfortunately, a sudden change occurred in the old place of Yaochi. All life was extinct, and there was a dead silence. It became very strange.

Tens or hundreds of years later, the body will be flawless!

The water of Yaochi is the best water source for refining medicine.

"Didn't Yaochi tell you not to get close to this old land?" Yang Chen said.

Yang Chen felt something was wrong when he saw this peerless woman taking a bath before, and her mental state was a bit strange!

It seems to be controlled by something!

If it hadn't been for his arrival, I'm afraid this peerless woman would not only have been unable to break through, but her life would have been in danger.

The peerless woman suddenly became angry.

In the past, this fairy pond was indeed famous all over the world. It was the most famous fairy pond in the northern region, full of spiritual energy.


Jida weapons have too high requirements on materials!

The voice of a peerless woman is as beautiful as the sound of nature.

Young and beautiful?

"Yes, I am a disciple of Yaochi Holy Land. I came here to pay my respects today. I didn't expect to bump into you."

Even some great religions and holy places would come here specifically to ask for water when they were making furnaces to refine precious elixirs.

The Immortal Pond no longer has the magical effect it once had, and the pond is full of corpses of Yaochi disciples, which is very frightening.

Yang Chen really didn't expect the impact of killing the Holy Son of Zi Mansion, or the butterfly effect was really big!

"The materials used by the Queen Mother of the West to train the Jidao Emperor's weapons were dug out from this pool. Don't you want to go down and have a look?"

"Of course I said that I came here to pay my respects because I heard that Ziwei Cult disciples and the Holy Son of Zi Mansion died not far from their hometown in Yaochi. Yaochi specially ordered me to come and investigate."

Those blurry figures, with disheveled hair and white clothes, passed by, making people tremble with fear.

Yang Chen had some guesses in his mind.

At this moment, he said in a bad tone:

"It was my arrival that saved your life. You just don't want to thank me, but you actually beat me up."

"This is obviously a fairy lake, a place where peerless fairies bathe. Why did it become like this when you came here?"

Yang Chen looked at her with interest.

Even the materials used by the Western Queen Mother to refine the Imperial Weapon, the Western Emperor Tower, were found deep in the bottom of the pool!

Even the name of Yaochi Holy Land comes from this pool.

Sacred objects such as the Green Gold of Immortal Tears and the Red Gold of Phoenix Blood are rare to see once in a thousand lifetimes, and they are rare to come across!

To refine the ultimate weapon, it usually must be the most precious fairy material since the beginning of the world.

The peerless woman looked at Yang Chen again.

The peerless woman suddenly said.

"These corpses, all young and beautiful, are all disciples of Yaochi, and they are buried here for some unknown reason."

A great emperor enjoys a long life, but he may not be able to gather the information by searching all over the world throughout his life.

Even sources formed in the pool!

Drinking the water from this pool for a long time can prolong the life of ordinary people.

No one had ever been so rude to her!

"The Holy Land of Yaochi has been evacuated. If there really were Yakuza materials at the bottom of the pool, would they still be there until now?"

"If you really want to go down and seek death, I won't stop you." Yang Chen said with an indifferent expression:

"If I were strong enough, all the ancient mines in Taichu would be leveled and all the forbidden areas of life would be mined. Now, I just want to take a bath here and don't disturb my practice anymore."

After saying that, Yang Chen started to practice on his own.

The lake water was warm, as crystal clear as jade, and its aura was compelling, and it penetrated into his body along its pores.

Yang Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the people in Yaochi bathed in this water every day, and they couldn't improve their cultivation even if they didn't improve.

If he retreated here, he would definitely be able to make rapid progress, but unfortunately, the things at the bottom of the pool were too terrifying.

As you can see, the bottom of the lake is densely packed!

There were corpses of young women, hundreds of them, filling the center of the lake and piling them up.

"Fellow Taoist, you are truly a sweetheart. Bathing with so many female corpses makes me, a disciple of Yaochi, cringe at the thought. But you are so happy to enjoy it and it is so pleasing to the eye!"

The peerless woman lamented that Yang Chen was really a coward.

"If you keep talking, I'm sure I won't get angry and gag you. Do you believe it or not?"

Yang Chen's plain and low voice came.

The peerless woman's beauty turned pale and she became silent!

Suddenly, a chill ran down her spine, and she turned around sharply. Among the pile of female corpses behind her, she saw a pair of deep eyes opening in a trance, emitting a cold and faint light!

The peerless woman’s scalp is numb!

But there was no way to dodge, and he was about to get hurt.

Suddenly, a figure rushed over and pushed her to the bottom of the water with a splash, avoiding the dim light.


Waves of hot masculine breath hit her face, and the beauty of the peerless woman turned pale!

She had never been so close to a man. Just when she was about to push Yang Chen away, she heard a boom and explosion!

The power of that cold and faint light is amazing!

If he had been hit before, he would have been seriously injured!

"Thank you fellow Taoist for coming forward. I don't know why this fairy pond suddenly locked up the divine power...!" said the peerless woman.

"No need to thank me."

Yang Chen let go of his hand and swam towards the shore.

Now that the inexplicable suction of the fairy pond has disappeared, if I don't leave, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave even if I want to.

The Juedai woman also swam towards the shore.

Suddenly, the hair of a corpse was entangled around her ankles. She shook hard, quickly got rid of it, and broke out of the water.


Seeing that Yang Chen's arm was tangled in the hair of a female corpse, the peerless woman rushed over and helped her untie the hair.

The two rushed to the shore at full speed.

The peerless woman was trying to stand firm, but fell to the ground weakly, "This female corpse... is so weird!"

She leaned down and saw a clear fingerprint on her delicate jade feet, which were completely black.

It was the mark of being scratched by the previous female corpse!


A feeling of weakness spread throughout her body, making her unable to use any of her powers and feeling dizzy.

"This is Tian Jue Corpse Poison. If you move around again, you will never want these legs again." Yang Chen said.

"Do you have any idea?"

The peerless woman bit her red lips with her teeth and said anxiously.

"Of course there is." Yang Chen frowned and said:

"Why did you help me before? Do you think I can't avoid that hair? If you don't help me, you won't be poisoned at all."

"Then why did fellow Taoist help me avoid that dim light before?" the Juedai woman asked.

Yang Chen was silent.

Just help casually, what other reason is there?

"sit down."

Hearing his cold voice, the peerless woman sat down and saw Yang Chen stretching out his palm.

The big hand slowly rubbed her injured foot, and a cool feeling suddenly came over her. ah!

The peerless woman couldn't help but tremble all over, and a strange feeling surged in her heart. A faint pink blush appeared on her crystal body, and her pretty face turned red with embarrassment.

"You... let go... quickly... let go"

The peerless woman's heart almost jumped out of her chest, and her whole body seemed to be electrocuted. She suddenly lost her strength, her whole body became limp, and she began to tremble uneasily.

Yang Chen had just focused on rescuing him and had no other thoughts.

At this time, the rescue was completed, and when I touched her soft and tender feet, I couldn't help but feel a surge in my heart.

The peerless woman shrank her feet, her face flushed with embarrassment. Fortunately, Yang Chen didn't see her in the black mist.

She put on her shoes and socks without saying a word. At this moment, a strange feeling suddenly arose in her heart.

It seemed that he just wanted Yang Chen to touch his feet again.

But I heard Yang Chen say: "It's okay, we don't owe each other, you can act on your own."

The peerless woman said nothing, took a deep look at Yang Chen, and immediately frowned tightly.

It wasn't until he stretched out his jade hand to make Yang Chen's collar neat and symmetrical that a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Before Yang Chen could react, the peerless woman jumped up and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Is this Yaochi Saint still a... obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

Yang Chen looked at the collar and couldn't help but be startled.

Until this moment, he still didn't understand that this peerless woman was the contemporary saint of Yaochi Holy Land.

"It's a pity that I didn't see her true face..."

Yang Chen shook his head, shook the messy thoughts out of his mind, and headed towards the ancient well in the river where he came from.


In the ancient well.

Xiaonan and Yan Ruyu are waiting for Yang Chen.

"It's all because of you, the bald-tailed dog, that Senior Brother Yang has disappeared!" Ye Fan looked at the Black Emperor fiercely.

The chaotic green lotus in Yan Ruyu's hand bloomed with green light.

The Black Emperor was startled, backed away, and said:

"Don't! I really wasn't talking nonsense before. It stands to reason that you need Yao Chi Sutra Yin to understand the "Western Emperor Sutra"! I'm sure that Yang Beichen will definitely practice the Yin Dao Gong Scroll Sutra Yin!"

"There is a passage from the "Western Emperor Sutra" recorded in the Yuan Tian Shu. It may be the so-called sutra quotation."

Yan Ruyu seemed to have remembered something and said.

"So that's it... It seems that I misunderstood Yang Beichen..." Black Emperor muttered in a low voice.

"Hand over an Emperor's Scripture to apologize, and I will forgive you." A voice came from the vast Nine Heavens.

Ye Fan and Xiao Nan breathed a sigh of relief, but Yan Ruyu didn't know what she sensed, and suddenly frowned!

"Yang Beichen, you have obtained the Dao Palace Scroll of the "Western Emperor" and are you still not satisfied?" the Black Emperor suddenly became furious.

"Don't think I don't know. This is the scripture carved by the Queen Mother when she created the "Western Emperor Sutra". The cultivation in Yaochi Holy Land is much more mysterious than the scriptures here!"

Yang Chen said slowly.

Yan Ruyu also nodded and smiled: "Every great emperor will revise the Emperor's Scripture again in his later years.

What was revised after that time was the real Emperor's Scripture, and it was also the Emperor's Scripture passed down from the major holy places. The drafted scriptures were definitely not as good as the revised scriptures! "

"You all know this?"

The Black Emperor's eyes widened and he couldn't hold himself any longer!

"I know a lot more than you think."

Yang Chen looked towards the horizon, his eyes far and deep.

There is a big gap between the scriptures before and after the emperor's enlightenment. This is because of the influence of the Tianxin Seal.

After the emperor attains enlightenment, he can obtain the mark of Tianxin.

The first-generation Tianxin Seal was called the "Immortal King Foundation" in the chaotic ancient era. Even if the Tianxin Seal of later generations is not as good as the first-generation Seal of the Beast Milk Emperor era, it is at least the "True Immortal Foundation"!

When the emperor obtains this kind of thing, his horizons and knowledge will naturally be wider than before he attained enlightenment.

The scriptures that I thought were perfect before were revealed to have many flaws and shortcomings after the sermon was preached.

This is how the emperor, after attaining enlightenment,

Reasons to revise your own scriptures!

What's more, the "Xihuang Jing" was created and later revised by Xihuang Mu, the only innate Taoist who has attained enlightenment.

The scriptures of the "Western Emperor Sutra" revised by the innate Tao embryo of Zhengdao combined with the Tianxin Seal are definitely more extraordinary.

"I don't have the revised scripture, Yang Beichen, if you really want it, go ahead and seduce the Yaochi Saint yourself!"

The Black Emperor came over and said maliciously.

Even though the voice was very low, it was still heard by Yan Ruyu, and the chaotic green lotus in her palm became even more obvious!

"Ye Fan, save me!"

The Black Emperor jumped and hid behind Mark.

Ye Fan was sweating profusely, sweating profusely.

He can't withstand the attack of Chaos Qinglian!

"Okay, let's go back."

Yang Chen listened to the words "Saint Girl of Yaochi Pond" and recalled the peerless woman in the Immortal Pond in his mind, and didn't want to say more.

Yan Ruyu glanced at Yang Chen, a trace of doubt flashed across her cold and beautiful face, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Is there something on my face?"

Yang Chen said doubtfully.

Yan Ruyu shook her head and said nothing.

For some reason, she always felt that Yang Chen seemed to have encountered someone and something during the time he was separated from them.


"The Western Emperor's Scripture is really profound and unpredictable..."

After leaving Yaochi's hometown and on the way back to Zixiao Palace, Yang Chen carefully studied the "Western Emperor Sutra" and gained some insights.

There are five dragons in the Dao Palace, dense inside and outside, five qi toward the yuan, and five colors of divine light all over the body, which is sacred and powerful.

It wasn't until he obtained the complete Dao Palace Scroll of the "Western Emperor Sutra" that Yang Chen truly understood what the secret realm of the Dao Palace was!

This secret realm is like an eternal palace, containing endless power.

Behind the palace, there seem to be five ancient temples looming, majestic and distant, mysterious and vague.

The five great gods are hidden in confusion.

But when there is no self and nothing, the body and mind are empty.

People will hear bursts of Dao Lun sounds, like Zen chanting and chanting, and like ancient sacrificial sounds, as if they span time and space and come from the distant past.

This can be said to be very mysterious, even weird. How can there be such a sound in the human body?

"Is it the passing self or the Dao self that is reciting sutras?"

Yang Chen didn't understand it for the time being, but the secret realm of the Dao Palace was gradually growing, but it was true and not false at all.

However, this takes an extremely long time.

This is a kind of precipitation and a kind of sublimation.

Return to Zixiao Palace.

Yang Chen was about to announce his retreat and return to the mortal world to practice, when he suddenly heard the news from Master Zhang Wu.

"Ancestor, now the Northern Territory has been turned upside down. Zifu Holy Land, Yaochi Holy Land, and the Jiang Family are constantly inspecting the whereabouts of the Zifu Holy Son!" Zhang Wuye looked shocked.

"There is no need to be nervous. The Holy Son of Zifu and Ziwei Sect Zhao Fa died in my hands, and only a few people know about it."

Yang Chen said unconcernedly.

On that day, they were communicating with each other with spiritual thoughts, and the disciples and elders of Zixiao Palace did not know the identities of those two people.

The Holy Son of Zi Mansion, in order to kill people and seize treasures, changed his appearance and acted very secretly, and there were not many traces at all.

However, the impact of the death of the Holy Son of Zi Mansion was still great, and all the major Holy Land families were looking for the murderer.

After all, this is the first time a Holy Son has fallen in the Eastern Wasteland!

It caused a huge stir in an instant, not only in the Northern Territory, but also in the Central Territory, Southern Territory, and the entire Eastern Wilderness!

"The era when all kings will rise together may be coming soon!"

"The death of the Holy Son of Purple Mansion has opened the beginning of the great world!"

"The Holy Lady of the Purple Mansion will definitely not give up. This is an innate Taoist fetus with a superb physique!"

Nowadays, the Northern Territory is turbulent, and all the major holy land families are looking for the murderer, and Yang Chen can't stir up trouble anymore.

I plan to return to the mortal world to practice for a while!

"It's time to take back the petrified elixir cut out of the stone tool and ripen it in the little green bottle..."

"Now, with the energy provided by the divine source, I can return to the mortal world and practice the scriptures in the secret realm of the Tao Palace!"

"The Book of Heaven should also be brought back to Xin Ruyin and studied carefully. It's time to go back to Tiannan. I wonder how the battle between good and evil is going in Tiannan now?"

After Yang Chen finished handling the affairs of Zixiao Palace, he announced his retreat and traveled back to the mortal world!

(End of this chapter)

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