I am a mortal to prove the Great Emperor

Chapter 203 Return to Tiannan

Chapter 203 Return to Tiannan

"Senior Yang, there is no need to be so cautious. This is no joke. This time it is definitely a great thing!"

Elder Wang stroked his beard and smiled.

Can form a Taoist couple with Ling Yuling, the future master of the Star Palace!

This is definitely a great thing that countless monks in the Chaotic Star Sea dream of, but it can soar into the sky and save countless hard work!

"Senior Yang is less than two hundred years old, right?"

Yang Chen nodded slightly. Not only was he less than two hundred years old, he was not even a hundred yet.

"If that's the case, what do you think of Elder Gong Ling, Senior Yang?" Elder Wang asked with a smile.

"Ling Yuling can enter the realm of pill formation at such a young age. She is naturally extremely talented. In the future, with the Nascent Soul in sight, it is not impossible to become a god." Yang Chen said with a slight smile.

"Elder Ling's qualifications are extraordinary, but they are far inferior to those of Senior Yang." Elder Wang said with a smile:

"But the two of them are definitely the best among men. If they support each other and go to the immortal path together, they might even have a chance to become immortals. They are the best candidates for Taoist companions!"

Yang Chen laughed in surprise.

"Senior Yang and Elder Ling are both so young and extremely qualified. They are a match made in heaven. Looking across the sea of ​​stars, it is difficult to find a more suitable candidate!"

Being able to form a double cultivator couple with Ling Yuling is not a piece of pie in the sky. What is a gift from God?

But Yang Chen looked calm and seemed a little reluctant, which was beyond the old man's expectation!

Coupled with the fact that they are peers of a similar age, this is something that only happens once in a while!

Many people in the Star Palace believe that in terms of true appearance, Ling Yuling is not inferior to Zi Ling, the most beautiful woman in the Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars!

Seeing that the old man still wanted to speak eloquently, Yang Chen interrupted: "The Lord of the Star Palace is nothing to me, so you don't need to waste any more words."

At the same time, he continued to say enthusiastically:

But Yang Chen's expression remained unchanged.

Xing Gong, or the Twin Saints of Heaven and Star, really have a way to break through and become a god, and he also knows this way.

Yang Chen nodded slightly.

"What the senior said is true. The two saints once said that if the senior and Elder Ling become a Taoist couple, our Star Palace will have a way for the senior to break through the realm above Nascent Soul!" Elder Wang said.

He never forced her to do anything.

Occasionally, there is a Nascent Soul female cultivator, and behind her there are at least a dozen male cultivators with similar cultivation levels pursuing her together.

Elder Wang received a fairly satisfactory answer and said immediately as he did not dare to bother Yang Chen anymore.

Originally, after talking for a long time, Yang Chen was extremely calm, thinking that this trip was probably in vain. Things were not done well, and it would be difficult for him to return to the Twin Saints of Heaven and Star when he returned!

Unexpectedly, Yang Chen did not refuse directly, but wanted to hear Ling Yuling's opinion.

Elder Wang was startled. Neither he nor the two saints of Heaven and Star seemed to have asked Ling Yuling's opinion.

"Since I haven't asked, there's no need to say more." Yang Chen shook his head and said.

Therefore, everyone knows that dual cultivation is of great benefit to cultivation, but most male Nascent Soul cultivators can only collect pills, and even female Foundation Establishment cultivators can only serve as concubines.

But how could Yang Chen care about what others think when he acts?

In his opinion, the avenue should not be so small and there should not be so few Taoist companions. How could he only have one Taoist companion?

In the world of immortal cultivation, Nascent Soul female cultivators are rare existences.

Elder Wang had been paying attention to Yang Chen's expression. He couldn't help but be a little stunned and murmuring in his heart!

What a great thing!

Isn’t it possible that the other party is still unwilling?

In addition, Ling Yuling is the beloved daughter of the famous Lord of Star Palace, and she is definitely not comparable to Zi Ling!

According to Elder Wang's opinion, Ling Yuling's becoming a Nascent Soul cultivator is a sure thing, not to mention she is as beautiful as a flower!

"Senior, please take your time and think about it. After I return, I will report your opinions to the two saints and ask Elder Ling clearly what he thinks. I will never do anything to intimidate you."

In the eyes of others, there can only be one Taoist companion.

Elder Wang bowed deeply.

Obviously, he does not resist becoming a Taoist couple with Ling Yuling.


Yang Chen put his hands behind his back and looked at him leisurely.

"Then I'll go back and resume my life first."

Elder Wang's face was filled with a broad smile.

There are very few true couples in the world of immortality.

Elder Wang talked endlessly about the many benefits promised by the Twin Saints of Heaven and Stars, his words full of envy.

You know, Ling Yuling's talent is extremely amazing, and there is no problem at all in becoming a Nascent Soul in the future.

Yang Chen interrupted again.

"You have said so much, and the Two Saints have promised so much, but have you ever asked Ling Yuling for her opinion?"

What's more, the two people are in love with each other, the soul and body are united, and the body, mind, and soul are incomparably harmonious and integrated.

"The two saints have said that as long as Senior Yang and Elder Ling accomplish good things and are willing to move into Tianxing City, the position of the Lord of the Star Palace in the future will naturally belong to you, senior!"

Although the twisted melon is not sweet, it quenches thirst, but when his cultivation has reached his level, he doesn't care about mere beauty.

However, the other party is probably a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage. Naturally, Elder Wang does not dare to reveal any dissatisfaction in his heart. On the surface, he still smiles respectfully!

"Senior Yang, Happy New Year!"

that's the truth.

Elder Wang's eyes widened and he said with disbelief: "Senior, have you really thought it through? It's better to think about it for a while, and it won't be too late to reply. There is no need to rush."

Yang Chen smiled slightly and handed him a red storage bag, which immediately made Elder Wang's face glow red.

"Senior is so righteous, Happy New Year, Happy New Year!" Elder Wang was beaming with joy and turned to leave.

"When senior enters Tianxing City, maybe the two saints will meet him in person."

Yang Chen smiled slightly.

Sure enough, red envelopes still have benefits.

Otherwise, Elder Wang would not have revealed this sentence.

Yang Chen was not surprised that the Heavenly Star Twin Saints would formally meet with him, but that he had expected it.

With his current magical power, he has nothing to fear.

Whether it is an ambush, siege, or conspiracy, it has no effect in the face of absolute strength.

"It's time to return to Tianxing City..."

Yang Chen, Zi Ling and others reunited, and the Star Palace monks helped open the teleportation array and headed towards Tianxing City.

"Who is this Senior Yang? He is so generous and makes everyone in your star palace so respectful?"

Seeing Yang Chen's figure disappearing into the teleportation array, a pill-forming monk who was familiar with the middle-aged man couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know. This is the first time I've met this senior, but he holds the highest-level offering token in the Star Palace. I'm afraid he's at least a Yuanzhong monk!"

The middle-aged man chuckled and said proudly.

"So that's it. It seems that your star palace is going to increase in strength and the Counter Star Alliance will have a hard time. I just don't know whether this senior is an ordinary mid-stage Nascent Soul monk or a monk who is only one step away from the late Nascent Soul stage! "

The pill-forming monk clicked his tongue and said something strange.

Those who can be respected so much by the elders in the early stage of Yuanying in Xinggong must be at least mid-stage Yuanying monks!

"This enshrined person has a good appearance and looks so young. I didn't expect that his cultivation level is so amazing!"

Some alchemy monks said with envy.

"Logically speaking, monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul should be famous in the sea of ​​​​stars, and even ascetic monks should not be unknown?" Some old men who formed pills sighed.

However, their lifetime imaginations could not imagine that Yang Chen's cultivation was only at the stage of forming pills, but with his cultivation of the Heaven Covering Technique, he could already surpass all Nascent Soul cultivators!


Star City.

Extremely grand and majestic.

This super city occupies the entire island, but it is completely different from ordinary cities. It is not built on flat ground. Instead, it is based on a towering mountain in the center of the island and is built in a spiral shape on its surface.

At the bottom of the giant mountain, there are various buildings one after another, extending to the edge of the island without any gaps.

This is the largest city in the Chaotic Star Sea, Tianxing City.

The huge mountain towering into the clouds in the center is the innate spiritual vein, the legendary holy mountain.

The higher the location of the house and cave on the mountain, the more spiritual energy there is, and of course the higher the status.

The Holy Mountain is divided into ninety-nine and eighty-one levels from bottom to top.

The first fifty floors are open to outside monks. As long as they have spiritual stones, they can rent a cave house for cultivation.

The last thirty floors are for the big shots in the Star Palace, and the highest floor is where the Holy Palace is.

The Holy Palace is also the residence of the Lord of the Star Palace and the Twin Saints of Heaven and Stars. No one is allowed to enter.

At this moment, on the 8864th floor of the Holy Mountain, on a mountaintop cliff, a figure stood gracefully.

This is a woman with an unusually delicate appearance.

It was Ling Yuling who had changed back into women's clothing. Standing on the top of the mountain, you can overlook the scene of Tianxing City from here, just like gods looking down on all living beings from the clouds.

But it also gives people a feeling of being cold at high places.

On the top of the mountain, Ling Yuling danced wildly in a red dress, with her black hair flowing like a fairy about to ride back on the wind.

Bang bang bang!

Fireworks bloomed all over the sky, extremely bright, reflecting her jade face, adding a bit of beauty!

"Elder Ling's palace attire is really beautiful. Even as a woman, I can't help but lose my mind."

At this time, a soft female voice came from behind.

"Master Wang is ridiculous. Compared with you mother and daughter, Yu Ling is still self-aware."

Ling Yuling turned around, and what came into view was Mrs. Miaoyin's plump figure and charming Tiancheng face.

Even though she is a woman, it is difficult for her to resist the charm of Madam Saraswati. This is due to the charm of Madam Saraswati, but more due to Madam Saraswati's own outstanding appearance.

Looking through the sea of ​​stars, there are only a few people who can compete with Mrs. Miaoyin's mature charm, such as Mrs. Wen.

Then there is her mother Wen Qing.

"Beauty is just skin. If you can't stay with the one you love, what's the use of being beautiful? It's just self-admiration and self-pity."

Mrs. Miaoyin was also a woman, so she could certainly see that Ling Yuling was trapped by love at the moment, and sighed as if she felt the same.


Ling Yuling only thought that Mrs. Miaoyin was thinking of her dead husband. She sighed deeply and became even more depressed.

"It is no longer possible for me to be with him. Elder Ling can still be heartbroken, but I am not even qualified to be heartbroken."

Mrs. Miaoyin sighed deeply.

Ling Yuling was startled. If a cultivator from Tianxing City saw that the always resolute and graceful Mrs. Miaoyin had such an emotional and sad side, they would definitely be stunned.

"That's not the case for me either. As the daughter of the Two Saints, I have been assigned a Taoist companion since I was a child. I have never had freedom. Maybe I will be assigned a Taoist companion in the future."

Not knowing what she thought of, Ling Yuling smiled bitterly.

Her parents have placed high hopes on her since she was a child. In the future, she will have to become a late-stage Nascent Soul monk before she can be expected to take charge of the Star Palace.

Even if he has extraordinary qualifications, he still has a long way to go before he can become a late-stage Nascent Soul monk.

Ling Yuling knew that when she entered Yuanying, her parents would arrange for her to be a Taoist companion of Yuanying monk.

Because there is not much time left for the Star Twin Sanctuary.

She must go through dual cultivation and the accumulation of star palaces in order to enter the late Nascent Soul stage in the shortest possible time.

Become the new generation of Star Palace Lord!

To her, the so-called love is just an extravagant hope, and everything is just her wishful thinking.

Maybe that person has even forgotten her name?

"Elder Ling, today is the Chinese New Year, so you should be happy." Mrs. Miaoyin comforted her.

"Master Wang should be happy, but I see that your eyebrows are gloomy. Could it be that you miss Zi Ling?"

Ling Yuling joked.

Mrs. Miaoyin nodded and looked in the direction of the outer star sea. The purple spirit was gone and never came back, and decades passed in the blink of an eye.

But she didn't have much time left.

The deadline will probably be in the next few years.

Mrs. Miaoyin only hopes that she can see her daughter and him again before she dies...

'It would be great if I could see my daughter happy. What more could I ask for? Mrs. Miaoyin smiled bitterly.

Seeing her worried look, Ling Yuling said:

"Happy New Year, madam!"

"Happy New Year!"

With a bang, the fireworks exploded, colorful and brilliant, and a smile broke out on Mrs. Miaoyin's face.

But there was a bit of unspeakable sadness in this smile.

It added a bit of sadness to her beautiful face.

Perhaps, at this moment, Zi Ling should be living happily by his side, right? Lady Saraswati prayed in her heart.

at this time.

A voice seemed to come from the vast nine heavens:

"Happy New Year, madam!"


Could it be that he is back? !

Mrs. Miaoyin was startled, and looked back in disbelief. She saw a five-color divine light avenue spreading from the end of the horizon, staying straight on the top of the mountain.

On the avenue, five figures came side by side.

Behind them were colorful fireworks, making the five of them look like a couple of gods descending from the sky.

"Mom, Happy New Year!"

A smile broke out on Zi Ling's face.

It instantly eclipsed the fireworks in the sky.

"Master, Happy New Year!"

Wen Siyue, Yuan Yao and Yanli also bowed and worshiped, forming a beautiful and moving landscape.

"happy New Year Happy New Year!"

Mrs. Miaoyin came back to her senses and said with a smile.

"Senior Yang, Happy New Year!"

Looking at Yang Chen who arrived with the four Zi Ling girls, Ling Yuling felt depressed and forced a smile.

She stared blankly at Yang Chen and the others, unable to say a complete sentence other than that, as it seemed like that was the way it should be.

"Miss Ling, Happy New Year!"

Yang Chen smiled and gave out a red storage bag.

Ling Yuling reached out to take the storage bag, and an indescribable smile suddenly bloomed on her face!

boom! boom! boom!

The sky is filled with bright fireworks, and on the top of the mountain, seven figures stand side by side, seemingly solidified into an eternal picture.

happy New Year!


"Happy New Year!"

Han Li set up the escape light, smiled at Yang Chen and said:

"Senior brother, this is the first time we have returned to Tiannan in decades. I hope we can make it in time."

"I'll definitely catch up."

As soon as Yang Chen stepped forward, a five-color divine light avenue appeared under his feet and spread to the horizon in an instant.

But in the blink of an eye, the two of them arrived at the island where the Tiannan teleportation array was located and started teleportation.

There is only one Great Movement Order, but with Yang Chen's current physical body and cultivation level, why should he be afraid of the turbulence in space?

"Senior brother, the physical body is really terrifying and unpredictable. Even the turbulence in space cannot damage it at all!"

Under Han Li's dumbfounded gaze, Yang Chen resisted the turbulence of space with his body and returned to Tiannan!

The moon is high in the sky.

Walking out of the mine where the teleportation array was located, starlight poured down along with the moonlight. Looking at the familiar scene, Han Li and Yang Chen looked at each other, as if they had returned to their teenage years decades ago, and couldn't help but roared loudly:

"Tian Nan, we are back!"

As soon as they finished yelling, the two couldn't help laughing.

"If the monks in Chaos Xinghai see that our senior brother actually has such a side, they will probably be stunned in disbelief, right?" Han Li said with a smile.

"If the Chaotic Star Sea cultivator knew that Li Feiyu, the insect demon who committed murder and set fire, would lose his composure like this, he would probably be stunned, right?" Yang Chen laughed.

Come on, let’s hurt each other, who’s afraid of who?

Only in front of Han Li would he show no scruples and reveal his former youthful nature.

After listening to Yang Chen's words, Han Li was startled and fell silent. The title of "Insect Demon" would probably accompany him for the rest of his life!

But decades apart, I don’t know where the old friend is?

"Junior Brother Han, Happy New Year!"

Yang Chen looked at Han Li with a smile and handed over the red storage bag that he had carefully prepared for a long time!

"Senior Brother Yang, Happy New Year!"

Han Li didn't expect to receive a red envelope, so he took the red storage bag and was stunned when he saw it!

Why are there so many stone plants in this storage bag?

Can I still use a small green bottle to accelerate ripening?

Isn’t this too embarrassing for my little green bottle?

(End of this chapter)

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