Chapter 207 Goodbye Nangong


Looking at the man in the blood mist, the gorgeous man was filled with rage!

He never expected that the purpose of his pursuit would be seen through by the pill-forming monk from the Ghost Spirit Sect!

This masked woman and a master who was at the peak of the mid-stage alchemy formation were both injured. She should be seriously injured now.

But this woman cannot be measured by common sense!

It would be too uncomfortable if the other party gave a desperate blow and dragged one of them to death together!

"Working together in collusion, you are seeking death!"

When the masked woman heard the conversation between the two, her eyes flashed with shame and annoyance. She raised her hand and killed with overwhelming sword light!

"not good!"

The pill-forming man and the gorgeous man from the Ghost Spirit Sect were immediately shocked. Blood mist and glow spurted out from their bodies, and they flew back!

The hateful blow from a monk at the peak of the mid-stage pill formation was not something that the two of them could easily take!

The white sword light that filled the sky shot across a distance of tens of feet, and suddenly the clouds disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the woman who stood on the magic weapon and activated the sword light shook her slender figure a few times.

It seems that a dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor. It is not necessary to kill these two demon cultivators, as long as they escape from death.

"Fell into a trap! Damn it!"

Only then did a trace of spiritual power come out, and he used his weapon to escape, but he didn't expect that these two people actually chased him! "

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the masked woman!

The blinding white light completely engulfed the two of them!

Obviously, there is a pill-forming monk here.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to escape this disaster today..."

The Ghost Spirit Sect Jiedan and the handsome man from the Hehuan Sect looked at each other and were pleasantly surprised, but the pain they had just suffered still made them hesitate for a moment and did not dare to act rashly.

Caught off guard, the monk in the middle stage of forming the core was also injured. What he didn't expect was that the two of them had a lot of trump cards, and the protective magic weapon was even more powerful!

If it were in its prime, this would be nothing.

A shaky look.

Already ready to explode the golden elixir.

Otherwise, if the magic weapon is released, it will be possible to repel these two people, not to mention killing them on the spot!

"When I broke out of the siege before, I used a secret technique that greatly damaged my vitality and forcibly extracted part of the potential in my body!

The masked woman felt solemn!

Although I don't know who it is, this magnificent fluctuation of spiritual energy is obviously not caused by the monks of the Six Demonic Sects.

Nangong Wan smiled sadly!

At this moment, the two demon cultivators who were struggling to hold on felt that the sword light, which was weighing them down like a mountain, gradually became sparser, and then completely dissipated!

"We won after all!"

The masked woman was unable to attack for a long time and was extremely anxious.

Little did I know that another fatal accident would happen again!

The masked woman sighed deeply.

Otherwise, once the effect of the secret technique wears off, even a monk at the peak of the middle stage of pill formation will have no choice but to be slaughtered by others.

"good chance!"

The two of them are very fast!

"This person is either a monk from the Seven Sects of Yue Kingdom, or a monk from the Tiandao Alliance who came to support him!" the masked woman thought.

Almost died together with the other party!

Although he managed to escape the siege later, his injuries were so severe that he was frightened!

What's worse is that the magic weapon of Life and Life was damaged in the previous battle and will be unable to be used in a short time!

She used a trick to trap the two Demonic Pills, but she never expected that such an intense attack would not be able to defeat them for a while. This was really beyond her expectation.

The handsome man from the Hehuan Sect and the pill-forming monk from the Ghost Spirit Sect were immediately overjoyed, and he changed from retreating to advancing and charged forward!

The masked woman's sword light illuminated the entire sky into gray-white. The glow and blood mist in the white light trembled continuously, looking like they were about to break at any time, but they managed to hold on!

She was really desperate when she fled here.

You know, this trick is her trump card!


The sword energy swept across, and the killing energy soared into the sky!

And the reason why she chose to stop here was because her consciousness sensed faint spiritual energy fluctuations in front of her just now!

These two people in the demonic path had many tricks, and they also had extremely powerful defensive weapons. With the magical powers she used with her remaining spiritual power, she was unable to destroy each other for a while!

The handsome man from the Hehuan Sect shot out a strange red light from his hands in the glow, and he was able to withstand the crazy attack of the sword light!

And the Ghost Spirit Sect's pill formation released a skull magic weapon, spraying out thick black mist to counteract the attack of the sword light!

But not long ago, she had a battle with a peak monk in the middle stage of the Demonic Path, and her mana was exhausted.

But I never expected that there would be no alchemy monks here, not even a shadow of a ghost!

As a result, the masked woman could only stop and fight to the death, which made her feel more and more at the end of her rope.

However, the masked woman who was standing unsteadily on the flying sword suddenly raised her hands when the two men approached, and countless sword energy burst out again!

Before he died, he thought he would think of his fellow sect members from the Hidden Moon Sect, but unexpectedly, what flashed through his mind was the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in the Bloody Forbidden Land after that absurd incident.

Most of the demonic people were thrown away by her, but these two people had strange methods and kept pursuing them!

As a result, she could only try to kill these two people.

"These two are really not simple!"

"Yang Beichen, what happened between us is just a mistake, can we only treat it as a dream?"

And all the high-end talismans and powerful magic weapons on her body had been consumed in the previous battle!

Now, she felt that the last trace of mana in her body was about to disappear, which made her heart sink!

Seeing the masked woman standing numbly on top of the magic weapon, her eyes dull and lifeless, and her body trembling slightly pitifully, the handsome man from the Hehuan Sect smiled and said:

"Junior Sister Nangong, please let me love you well, return to the Huan Sect with me, and cultivate the Hehuan Avenue together!"

At this moment, a vast voice seemed to come from the sky: "Death!"


The face of the gorgeous man changed, and he quickly activated his life-saving magic weapon to protect himself, but suddenly a sword light swept past him!

With a pop, he shattered into blood mist on the spot!

In less than an instant, the handsome man from the Hehuan Sect died!

"How can it be?!"

Guilingmen Jiedan was horrified. Almost at the same time, a white light flashed in his pupils, and the sword light swept towards him!

Any protective magic weapon or life-saving trump card is as if it does not exist in front of this sword!

With a chirping sound, he was completely destroyed on the spot!

In less than an instant, the man who formed the elixir from the Ghost Spirit Sect died!


Nangong Wan was in a trance!

This sudden change happened so fast!

One moment she was about to explode her golden elixir, but the next moment, the elixir formed by the Ghost Spirit Sect was shattered on the spot by a gorgeous man from the Hehuan Sect!

The change was so fast that she didn't even react.

I even thought I was hallucinating.

Just as he was about to explode the golden elixir, but his mind was shaken, Nangong Wan completely lost the last trace of his mana, passed out, and his graceful body fell from the flying sword.

But at this moment, the five-color divine light avenue spread, and Yang Chen hugged her waist and walked towards the horizon.

next moment.

Yang Chen held Nangong Wan with both hands and came to a cave.

After taking the elixir made from the heaven-shielding elixir, Nangong Wan's pale face turned rosy visibly to the naked eye.

Yang Chen put Nangong Wan on the ground and was about to heal her injuries when suddenly Nangong Wan bit her in a daze!


A strong suction force came from Tan's mouth, causing Yang Chen's spiritual power to burst out like a flood from a dam!

In an instant, there was endless spring in the cave, and the two of them were entangled like Tai Chi yin and yang fish...


I do not know how long it has been.

In a daze, Nangong Wan slowly woke up.

But as soon as she opened her hazy eyes, she saw a majestic figure sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, with his back to herself, as if absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon.

At this moment, the figure seemed to be made of immortal gold, its whole body was glowing, and even its hair was shining brightly!

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar figure, Nangong Wan was startled, and immediately felt a severe headache. His whole body seemed to be falling apart, limp and unable to lift any strength.

After resisting the urge to make no sound, she recalled a dream-like scene when she was dazed.

His face turned rosy in an instant.

Frightened, he hurriedly looked inside his body with his spiritual consciousness.

As a result, my heart beat wildly in disbelief!

Her cultivation at this time not only returned to the peak state of the mid-stage pill formation in her heyday, but also broke through to the late stage of the pill formation, which made her stunned and completely stunned!

"you're awake?"

Just when Nangong Wan was lost in thought, the majestic condor did not look back, but asked softly.

"Who are you? You have learned such a method of yin and yang cultivation!" Nangong Wan came back to her senses.

His eyes were fixed on Yang Chen, his expression suddenly became ugly, and Tan spoke angrily!

"I was kind enough to save you. It's fine if you don't thank me, but you actually beat me up?" Yang Chen turned around.

The woman's mind is really strange. After waking up, the first thing she did was not to recognize each other or thank him for saving her life. Instead, she suspected that he had used the method of dual cultivation with many women to achieve his current achievements in the dual cultivation. .

"My name is Nangong Ping. Are you Yang Beichen from Yellow Maple Valley?" Nangong Wan suddenly smiled, with a delicate oval face and curved eyebrows, making her look extremely sweet.

She was confident that Yang Chen would never recognize her.

After all, decades apart, her current appearance is only 70% similar to that of Nangong Wan when she was a girl.

"Oh? Do you recognize me?"

Yang Chen laughed in his heart and had no idea of ​​exposing it.

"Of course I do. My cousin Nangong Wan and I talk about everything. My cousin often mentions you as a heartless person. I haven't seen her even once in decades. There is no one in the world as heartless as you. Men are rare in the world."

The woman's expression was indifferent, showing no emotion or anger.

Yang Chen fell silent.

"Do you know? My first thought when I found out about this was to run to Yellow Maple Valley and crush this heartless person like you to ashes!" The woman looked so gentle, and her words were full of murderous intent, as cold as a sword.

"Wan'er, you were not so indifferent before..." Yang Chen suddenly stepped forward, picked her up by the waist, and said something incomprehensible.

" already knew it was me?!"

This time, Nangong Wan was beyond his expectation. When he picked her up from the waist, she suddenly felt ashamed and angry.

The girl closed her eyes and seemed to understand what was going to happen next. She was a little happy and a little expectant.

In an instant, any resentment and unwillingness disappeared.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

The practice in the cave calmed down.

Nangong Wan opened her eyes and was surprised to find that her cultivation level, which she had just broken through to the late stage of pill formation, had stabilized!

"This is the "Secret Book of Acacia"?!

No, this is more powerful than the Acacia Secret Code. It is not a magic power, but a dual cultivation method that directly points to the great road! "

"This is the Yin-Yang Dao. You are still in the elixir formation stage. If you reach the Nascent Soul stage, the effect will be more obvious."

Yang Chen pinched the pretty face of the girl in his arms and said.

Nangong Wan's face turned red visibly, and she became more eager to improve her cultivation than ever before.

She is really good and fun-loving.

At the stage of forming pills, she couldn't stand a few moves against Yang Chen.

"Just one person can't handle a few moves..."

Nangong Wan suddenly thought of Yan Ruyan. The last time she and Yan Ruyan teamed up, she reluctantly had contact with Yang Chen.

"not good!"

Thinking of Yan Ruyan, Nangong Wan suddenly remembered something and subconsciously exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Yang Chen was confused.

"This time, the reason why I left the Hidden Moon Sect and was attacked by the monks from the Six Demonic Sects was because I accidentally learned that there were demonic alchemy monks who secretly broke into the Yanjia Fort, and there was going to be a big change in the Yanjia Fort, so I rushed Go support...!"

Nangong Wanteng sat up suddenly, trembling all over, and immediately fell into Yang Chen's arms unbearably.

"It's all your fault. I can't exert any strength now. How can I go to Yanjiabao to support me?"

Nangong Wanjiao said angrily.

"Blame me? I don't know who was so lazy and fun-loving before, and kept shouting to push harder..."

Yang Chen laughed dumbly.

"You can't say that!"

Nangong Wan quickly covered his mouth.

"Business matters, please stop tempting me. If the disciples and elders of the Hidden Moon Sect see the Heavenly Fairy Nangong Wan, who has always been as cold as an iceberg, making such a gesture..."

"Don't say it! Don't say it!"

Nangong Wan's face turned red with embarrassment, and her beauty began to drip.

Yang Chen stood up, picked up Nangong Wan by the waist, and walked out of the cave. He flattened the cave to the ground with a backhand palm. With one step, a five-color divine light avenue spread to the sky.

"Is this how you plan to go to Yanjiabao?"

Nangong Wan was held in his arms and quickly buried her head. At this moment, she felt ashamed, angry, and extremely awkward.

If outsiders, especially monks from the Seven Sects, saw her in such a miserable state, the consequences would be unimaginable...

"Don't worry, from up here, you can see outside, but no one outside can see you."

Yang Chen smiled slightly.

Is the road such an inconvenience? The Five-Colored Divine Light Avenue seems simple, but in fact it is composed of the perfect magical power of the five elements. It is the interweaving of 'Tao' and 'Principle'!



Even though the Ghost Spirit Sect incident happened in the early years, because Yan Ruyan adhered to the right path, Yang Chen came to put things right.

In addition, for decades, the ancestor of the Yan family led the Yan family monks to make many achievements in the war between good and evil.

Today, the Yan family is still the number one family of immortal cultivators in the Yue Kingdom, and the Yan Family Fort has a transcendent status and is crowded with monks.

Xiuxianfang City is bustling with people coming and going.

But at this moment, Feiyun Pavilion, the tallest building of Yan Ling Castle and the place where the entire castle gave orders, had a solemn atmosphere.

I saw two Ghost Spirit Sect monks in the middle stage of pill formation sitting at the head of the Feiyun Pavilion hall.

"Today is the deadline, what do you think of the Yan Family Fort? If the Yan Family Master doesn't agree to my Ghost Spirit Sect's conditions, then the Yan Family Fort will no longer exist today!"

An old man in black robe sneered repeatedly.

"Such a major matter must be decided by the ancestor himself."

Yan Ruyan is tall and graceful. Now she is in the early stage of alchemy cultivation. She is in a high position and her rise and fall are becoming more and more impressive. She is pure and beautiful with a graceful and noble aura!

This made the two middle-stage monks of the Ghost Spirit Sect, who were not good at beauty, feel their mouths dry and their breathing become rapid!

"Master Yan, you don't want to see the Yan family, the most dignified family of immortal cultivators in the Yue Kingdom, come to an end, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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