I am a mortal to prove the Great Emperor

Chapter 209 Dominate the world

Chapter 209 Dominate the world


A middle-aged man wearing a large black robe stood with his hands behind his back, his face was stern, but there was an aura of calmness and authority in his expression. At first glance, he could tell that he was in great power. He often gave orders and looked down on all living beings.

"This Nascent Soul cultivator seems to be here for revenge!"

"Could he be Wang Chan's father, the legendary leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect whose divine dragon has never seen its head or tail?"

"It's over now!"

In the Yan Family Fort, countless monks couldn't help but tremble and stared at this scene in stunned silence!

This middle-aged man just stood there quietly, and a black rainbow shot out from above his head, penetrating the sky and the earth!


That long black rainbow spanned the nine heavens, turned in the air, and rushed towards all the monks with the aura of billowing smoke!

Even though they were far apart, the overwhelming heat wave had already swept over them, shocking countless monks!

"Master of the Ghost Spirit Sect?"

Yang Chen snorted coldly.

Under the horrified gazes of tens of thousands of monks, a five-color divine light suddenly bloomed from his body, bright and boundless!

Suddenly, an invisible storm of spiritual energy gathered around Yang Chen. He rose up into the sky and climbed higher and higher. He was supported by the five-color divine light and rose higher and higher until he was level with the sky!

Seen from a distance, it looks like a rising sun with five colors, making people unable to look directly at its majesty.

"God, this is definitely the coming of a god!"

The five-color divine light competes with the black rainbow.

The girl in green shirt next to the old man, with flowing black hair, widened her eyes and asked innocently.

"This is a legendary battle between Chen Beixuan of the Yue Kingdom and Wang Tiansheng, the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect... Such an earth-shattering battle has not happened in the world of immortality for hundreds of years!"

"This is definitely a shocking battle!"

This is the first time that Yang Chen has shown the supreme power of the Four Extremes Secret Realm unscrupulously in front of the world!

Even if he is only on the second level of the Four Pole, the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect cannot resist him. In the five-color divine light, he is like the Emperor of Heaven standing on the nine heavens, dominating the world!

In the void.

In the entire Yanjia Fort, countless mortals and monks raised their heads and looked at this scene in shock.

The war is about to start.

Many monks were so shocked that they lowered their heads and did not dare to look again. Their eyes could not bear the power!

I never expected that a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Ghost Spirit Sect would come to Yanjia Fort today. This middle-aged man was menacing and he looked like a ruthless person at first glance!

But what shocked countless monks even more was that the power that Yang Chen unleashed was simply unlike what Nascent Soul could unleash!

This power swept across the heaven and earth!

Once entering the four poles, the limbs can move the four poles of heaven and earth, and in a single thought, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can obey orders!

Five-color divine light shines, and a black rainbow penetrates the sky.

"The so-called legendary battle is a battle between Yuanying monks. Yuanying monks are so powerful that they carry the power of heaven and earth with every move they make. They are like legendary figures!"

"An unprecedented battle between the Nascent Soul and the Evil One. In the decades since the war between good and evil, there has never been a battle between the Nascent Soul and the Nascent Soul in Yue Kingdom. Now we are fortunate to witness this shocking scene!"

"Hundreds of years ago, the legendary war began, leading to the extinction of all living things. The destruction of one place after another, and the emergence of patches of Jedi, which were recorded in the legends of the mortal world. Therefore, the battle between the Nascent Souls was Call it the Battle of Legends!”

The old man in green shirt smiled and said to the girl: "Since hundreds of years ago, the Nascent Souls have made an agreement, and we can't do it easily. There will be no more legendary battles in the world!"

Outside the Yanjia Fort, on the top of a Lingshi Mine, an old man in blue shirt looked up at the sky, his hands trembling!

On a high platform in Yanjiabao, an old man with gray hair held up a projection stone and took pictures desperately.

And at this moment, high in the sky.

The aura of this old man is solid, thick, and long. He is clearly an unknown monk in the late stage of pill formation!

At this time, the sunset was still shining and the sky was getting dark, but witnessing this scene were not only the hundreds of thousands of mortals and monks in Yanjiabao, but also the monks from the seven sects who had been attracted by the movement of Yanjiabao's mountain guarding formation, as well as some of the alchemy formations. Senior officials, and disciples of the seven sects stationed in important places such as the Lingshi Mine.

"Master, what is the legendary battle?"

"Even if it is a war between good and evil that is sweeping through all the countries in the south, the Nascent Soul cultivator cannot end easily!"

After all, Nascent Soul cultivators are all supreme figures of one country and one sect, with extremely respected status!

The Yuanying of the Hidden Moon Sect never shows up.

Ancestor Linghu of Yellow Maple Valley has been in seclusion for many years.

The leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect, Wang Tiansheng, dethrones the emperor easily. He is so aloof that he can control the life and death of countless monks with just one word!

How shocking would the battle between such big men standing at the top of Tiannan be? But they will never end up fighting easily, because they each have their own concerns!

There is no one like Yang Chen in this world who unscrupulously kills a pill-forming monk for the sake of a woman!


And this moment.

The five-color divine light and the black smoke column rose higher and higher in everyone's eyes, seeming to be as high as the bright moon.

"Chen Bei It’s time!”

The leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect, Wang Tiansheng, stood high in the sky, and the power of the soul came like a vast ocean, with a surge of overwhelming anger!

"You should never take action against the Yan family. Yan Ruyan is my woman."

Yang Chen put his hands behind his back and replied casually.

"You're going to kill me, the young master of the Ghost Spirit Sect, just for a mere woman?" Wang Tiansheng was in disbelief.

Peerless figures like them who have cultivated to the point of forming pills and promoted to Nascent Soul all think about immortality and orthodoxy. How can they get angry over a mere woman?

Yan Ruyan has heavenly spiritual roots and has excellent cultivation talent.

But in Wang Tiansheng's eyes, it was nothing. After all, the Nascent Soul was just a chess piece and an ant.

As for beauty, that's nothing.

The Ghost Spirit Sect governs an area with tens of millions of people. Wang Tiansheng is like an emperor, controlling the life and death of countless mortals and monks. He speaks of the Heavenly Constitution and issues an order...

What kind of beauty can’t be found?

Therefore, Wang Tiansheng cannot understand it at all!

Yang Chen actually killed his son for a woman and became an enemy of the Ghost Spirit Sect and his Nascent Soul!

"In your eyes, she is just an ordinary woman, but in my eyes, your entire Ghost Spirit Sect, and even the lives of tens of millions of monks from the Six Demonic Sects of Tianluo Kingdom are not worth a single finger of hers."

Yang Chen stood proudly in the void and replied calmly.

"Good good!"

Wang Tiansheng was extremely angry and laughed back: "Chen Beixuan, don't think that above the Nascent Soul, you are still free to run amok like a pill!

"The Nascent Soul stage is not as simple as you think. I will show you what the real power of the Nascent Soul is!"

After saying that, Ghost Spirit Sect stretched out a skinny and pale palm and lightly grabbed it into the void!

The world between heaven and earth is like thunder exploding!

With a roar, a black evil ghost hand descended from the sky, carrying flames, setting off a fierce wind from the sky, and struck Yang Chen. Before the giant hand arrived, the overwhelming heat wave was enough to burn a mountain peak. !

Black evil ghost hand!

The secret killing technique recorded in the Ghost Spirit Sect's core method, the "All Spirits Manual", has the power to move mountains and fill seas once it is perfected! After reaching Nascent Soul, the monks can move the power of heaven and earth with every movement of their hands, and they are already almost at the level of gods.

At this moment, Wang Tiansheng, the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect, could easily destroy Yanjiapu, the number one family of immortal cultivators in the Yue Kingdom, with one hand!

"Like ants."

In response, Yang Chen just chuckled, waved his sleeve, and the sky suddenly boomed like fairy thunder!

The surging spiritual energy of heaven and earth hit Wang Tiansheng like a mountain, causing him to take a sharp breath!

I felt that the power of the five elements of heaven and earth in front of me was like a landslide and a tsunami, rushing in, and I couldn't help being shocked:

'Impossible, Chen Beixuan has just been promoted to Yuanying, how can he have such strong magic power? '


The monstrous mana directly collided with the Black Evil Ghost Hand. In Wang Tiansheng's shocked eyes, the Black Evil Ghost Hand was directly shattered, and the ghostly aura and evil energy dispersed in all directions!

In the sky, there is like a bright firework blooming!

But this was just a casual blow from Yang Chen.

Even without using any magical powers, he managed to defeat the proud magical power of the Ghost Spirit Sect Master with just his magic power!

This is the horror of the Four Extremes Secret Realm!

Once he enters the four poles, his limbs communicate with the four poles of heaven and earth. His divine power is infinite and his magic power is boundless. Yang Chen can suppress all the Nascent Souls in the world with his magic power alone!

"it is good!"

The leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect looked cold and his eyes were more solemn than ever before, knowing that he had met his lifelong enemy!

"Even if you, the ancestor of Huang Maple Valley Linghu, were in person, you would not put such pressure on me..."


Yang Chen looked indifferent and reached out to grab the void!

"Come on fire!"

Countless firelights appeared out of thin air, condensed into a dragon, and killed Wang Tiansheng. Each of these firelights was two or three feet long, and they were incomparably condensed. Each of them could easily smelt magic weapons, and they also carried billowing sword energy, rumbling like the ancient heaven. Tens of thousands of chariots rolled across the sky, their power was earth-shattering!


Wang Tiansheng, the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect, shouted loudly, and his eyes shot out a strange green light, which was breathtaking!

Countless ghost spirits rolled out from under the black robe, forming a huge skull in mid-air!

From a distance, it looks like a peerless ghost and god came out of the Nine Nether Hell and came back to the world!

This skull is dozens of feet in size.

Chi Chi!

The flaming dragon blasted into the skull, each one breaking through the ghost energy and drawing a long passage in the void. Even though the ghosts and black smoke were endless, one after another tried to wipe out the flaming dragon, but they couldn't do it!

Wang Tiansheng's pupils suddenly shrank!

These evil spirits were condensed by him sitting in the crater of the volcano for hundreds of years, and were condensed and completed by the resentful souls of countless mortals and monks.

Once used, it is extremely powerful...

Even the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul dare not take it head-on!

But at this moment, there is no way to stop Yang Chen from making a move!

"go with!"

Wang Tiansheng's face was extremely solemn, his eyes burst with green light, he formed seals with his hands, and nine black balls flew out of his sleeves!

Boom——! Boom——!

Nine black balls stood in front of the flaming dragon and exploded one after another, like thunder all over the sky!

Each black ball explodes into a large vacuum!

You can see that there are faint thunder and lightning flashing through it!

The power is no less than that of a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul. Nine consecutive explosions blasted away the blazing dragon!

"It took my Ghost Spirit Sect hundreds of years of hard work to refine these nine ghost evil thunders. Even the Ghost Spirit Sect only has a few of them!"

Wang Tiansheng's eyelids twitched wildly, and his heart ached!

He originally thought that this flaming dragon was Yang Chen's last resort, but he didn't expect that Yang Chen suddenly stepped out, crossed the void, hit his head and face, and punched it down!

"Having the honor to witness this punch is the greatest honor in your life. You will never regret it even if you die!"

A voice seemed to come from the vast nine heavens!


A bright five-color lightning fell from the nine heavens, just like the seal of the Emperor of Heaven, killing all the demons in the world!


Wang Tiansheng screamed strangely, and just had time to release the life-saving magic weapon when he was hit by the fist seal.

How terrifying is the power of Yang Chen's punch?

The whole sky was shattered by this punch!

Even the sound barrier is as if it doesn’t exist!

This fist seal seemed to cover the sky and the earth, suppressing the past, present and future, accompanied by countless fragments of spiritual light flying, annihilating all tangible matter in the world!

With a series of explosions and roaring sounds!

A total of 6,636 defensive weapons and magic weapons on the Ghost Spirit Sect leader Wang Tiansheng were destroyed at the same time!

The extremely powerful and condensed ghost spirit's body-protecting light shield was also punched through, and in the end he could only resist with his physical body!


With one punch, black mist rose up all over the sky, and the colorful light shields shattered as soon as they appeared!

In the end, even the body-protecting black robe was shattered, revealing the skinny body of the ghost spirit sect leader Wang Tiansheng. But in less than a moment, his body was torn into pieces, and the bright red beating heart on his chest flew out, smashing into blood mist!


Wang Tiansheng's body was shattered by Yang Chen's punch. This was a shocking scene!

You know, this is the dignified master of the Ghost Spirit Sect, the master of one of the six demonic sects, truly a man above ten thousand people, an absolutely invincible overlord, but now he is invincible!

His physical body was completely obliterated by one punch!

How can it not frighten and frighten people!

"Chen Beixuan, are you a human or a ghost?"

Wang Tiansheng Nascent Soul was extremely horrified!

The Nascent Soul monk has lost his body, and there is still a Nascent Soul that has escaped. He can be reincarnated and will not fall easily!


Yang Chen's eyes were neither happy nor sad, with one hand behind his back, he slowly pushed out his right fist, and the sky and the earth suddenly turned pale!

After entering the Four Poles, even without using spells, magical powers, or secret techniques, he could crush the Nascent Soul with his physical body.

Decades ago, he was able to kill Nascent Soul in Chaotic Star Sea, let alone decades later?

Not to mention Wang Tiansheng in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

At this moment, even the Broken Soul Master from Ghost Spirit Sect, who is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, is here, and he can't even take a casual punch from him!

"Is this the end?"

On the top of the mountain in the Lingshi Mine, the master and the apprentice, the old man in green shirt, were stunned!

Others may not be able to see clearly, but with the old man in green shirt’s cultivation in the late stage of pill formation, he can clearly see...

The body of Wang Tiansheng, the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect, was completely shattered, and even Nascent Soul was trembling under the punch.

It's definitely not that Wang Tiansheng Yuanying doesn't want to escape, but that he is enveloped by the fist seal. The whole world is blocked by the fist seal!

Not to mention Nascent Soul, even Wang Tiansheng in his heyday could not escape. The only way to escape was to destroy both body and soul!

Even if the Yuanying monk's Yuanying is magical, if it persists for just a moment at most, it will be completely extinct!


With nine loud noises in a row, Yang Chen pushed out with a punch, shattering the vacuum and directly annihilating the Ghost Spirit Sect's master Nascent Soul nine times!

The Yuanying cultivator of the Ghost Spirit Sect, who claimed to be immortal, was as weak as tofu in front of this punch!

A punch in the air!

Kill the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect.

The Yan family's Danjie elder's eyes widened.

Yan Ruyan and Nangong Wanmei's eyes were full of surprise.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned and dumbfounded, as if witnessing a myth and legend!

"The dignified master of the Ghost Spirit Sect, is he dead now?"

On a high platform in Yanjiabao, a gray-haired old man held up a photo stone, dumbfounded and muttering to himself.

There was dead silence in the entire place. No one from the Yan family, many monks from the Seven Sects, or senior officials answered!

(End of this chapter)

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