I am a mortal to prove the Great Emperor

Chapter 211 Ruyin Demon Baby

Chapter 211 Ruyin Demon Baby
"What a joke, are you Chen Beixuan's woman?"

The old man of the Fu family simply didn't believe that a mere Xin Ruyin could actually be Chen Beixuan's woman?

Who is Chen Beixuan?

Now the number one person in the world of immortality in Yue Kingdom!
Suspected to be the supreme powerhouse in the late Nascent Soul stage!
Shenlong has seen the beginning but not the end, but the woman who can become him must at least have a heavenly spirit like Yan Ruyan, and the head of the first immortal cultivating family in the Yue Kingdom, so she is barely qualified, right?
And what about Xin Ruyin?
Even if her talent for formations is better, and she doesn't even have a linking pill, is she still worthy of becoming Chen Beixuan's woman?
"These days, the world of immortality cultivators says that the woman Chen Beixuan belongs to, if not ten thousand, at least one thousand!"

"But you don't want to think about it. Chen Beixuan is the most powerful person in the Yue Kingdom, and is it something you can climb up to?"

"I really don't know what to say!"

Several Fu family monks sneered!

As the news of the battle at Yanjiabao came out, Yang Chen became furious because of Yan Ruyan and killed Yuanying with one punch!

It immediately caused a big sensation in the world of immortality!
Especially among the female cultivators, it caused an uproar. Who wouldn't want to have such a man who could stand up and save the world when he was in danger?
In particular, a female cultivator was in danger and took the initiative to claim that she was Chen Beixuan, which scared the cultivator and made him retreat!

Therefore, there are many imitators, and more and more female cultivators in the world of immortality take the initiative to call themselves Chen Beixuan's women.

You, Han Li, instantly killed a group of Fu family monks led by those in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and you are still talking about your little tricks?

At this moment, several screams came from the Fu family behind him, which made the old man tremble all over. He turned his head to look, but he only turned his head halfway and felt a chill on his neck!
Suddenly his vision went dark and he fell unconscious.

Everyone in the Fu family looked angry and wanted to say something, but the old man at the head sensed that something was wrong.

Unexpectedly, Han Li failed to defeat a single move, which was a bit scary!

Gradually, it has the tendency to sweep across the country of Yue!
In the eyes of the Fu family and others, this is completely nonsense. Female cultivators nowadays really have too many daydreams!


As soon as the old man's headless body fell to the ground, the heads of everyone in the Fu family also flew out!

Maid Xiaomei looked at Han Li blankly.

I actually dream of flying up a branch and becoming a phoenix!
Can't recognize the reality at all!

The Fu family and others took a step forward, threatening to take down Xin Ruyin and others by force if they disagreed!
In an instant, a powerful breath hit her face, making the maid Xiaomei breathless!
Han Li frowned, stepped forward to protect her behind him, faced the Fu family, and said with a smile: "I wonder if you are in the late stage of foundation building, how many moves can you take from Han?"

"Perhaps this is the celebrity effect that senior brother mentioned?" Han Li thought to himself as he touched his nose.

Maid Xiaomei was also dumbfounded!
It was obvious that he was telling the truth, but no one believed it!

Seeing the stunned expressions on the two men's faces, Han Li collected the trophies, turned around and said with some embarrassment.

Almost as soon as they met, the copper coin instrument was cut into pieces by the green light, making the old man horrified!

The old man from the Fu family lost his patience and said coldly.

If Yang Chen were here, he would scare these people to death just by releasing his aura without even looking at him!
Not to mention that this old man was in the late stage of foundation building, even in the late stage of pill formation, he was no different from an ant in front of Yang Chen.

I never expected that Han Li, a simple and plain-looking young man, would be so ruthless and decisive in his actions!

Not to mention from the perspective of the Fu family, this logic is very reasonable. After all, there are too many female cultivators claiming to be Chen Beixuan's women in the world of immortal cultivation these days!
Now, there are so many that no one believes them anymore.

Looking at this bloody scene, the maid Xiaomei's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

But it was too late, Han Li waved his hands, and dozens of green lights shot through the air towards everyone in the Fu family!
These green lights shot out at extremely fast speeds and intertwined into a sword net, which was extremely terrifying!
When the old man of the Fu family saw this scene, he was horrified. Without thinking, he flashed forward and appeared in the front. With one hand raised, a copper coin-shaped magic weapon was released. In the blink of an eye, it expanded to the size of a shield and stood in front of everyone. !

Before, she only knew that Yang Chen was now famous all over the world.

If word spreads, the people in Luan Xinghai will laugh to death!
"A little trick?!"

Therefore, Han Li really didn't think there was much to say about his record. He just killed a late-stage foundation-building player.

But this is wartime!
Any slightest disturbance will attract the attention of the immortal world and brew up an uproar!
What's more, this also involves Yang Chen, a peerless figure who is now unparalleled in the world of immortality, who can defeat the devil!
"Stop talking nonsense and come with us!"

When did it become so Versailles?

"What do you mean?"

If it had been before the war between good and evil, news about the world of immortality would not have spread so quickly.

Xin Ruyin also looked stunned. Even if she could deal with the old man, it would not be easy for her.

It wasn't until the Fu family and others talked about it that she realized belatedly that after people became famous, all kinds of relationships and outrageous things would pop up.

There is no intuitive concept of this reputation.

When he took action, it was even more unpredictable, so that no one in the Fu family could even react, and all of them had their heads removed!


If people like the Fu family could be allowed to escape,


But I never expected that there would be no need to go to such trouble!
Han Li eliminated these people in three strokes, five divisions, and two divisions!
"It's a small skill, not worth mentioning."

The best outcome she thought of was to trap these people with formations and then escape back to Beixuan Peak.

After all, she had to rely on formations to deal with the old man who was in the late stage of foundation building, but Han Li had to rely on himself!
Xin Ruyin thought to herself that if it weren't for Han Li today, it would be really difficult to deal with people like the Fu family.

This is the late stage of foundation building!

What does his petty trick mean?

But I never expected that as soon as the copper coin came into contact with the green light, it immediately made a series of explosions!

You know, the old man at the head was a great master in the late stage of foundation building, and he died in one encounter!

Then what am I?
Not even as good as an insect?
"Senior Brother Han is so humble..."

Xin Ruyin also smiled bitterly.

The more Han Li said this, the more useless she seemed.

They can't even deal with a late-stage foundation-building monk and some foundation-building monks from the Fu family.


Han Li felt quite unable to argue.

Forget it if it were someone else, he wouldn't explain anything at all, but this is Xin Ruyin who has a close relationship with Yang Chen!

It would not be good if Xin Ruyin and Yang Chen had some rift because of him.

Han Li is a grateful person and knows that he can't be where he is today without Yang Chen's help.

He knew even more clearly that without Yang Chen, it would have been impossible for him to enter the pill formation stage so quickly.

It is even more impossible to form an elixir before the age of 100.

It is simply impossible to obtain the Golden Thunder Bamboo so quickly and refine the natal magic weapon, the seventy-two-mouthed Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword!

Therefore, Han Li had to explain. If he didn't explain, he wouldn't be able to pass his test.

The thoughts are unclear.

Just as Han Li was thinking about how to explain, Xin Ruyin asked: "Senior Brother Han, what state are you in now?"

"I'm in the early stage of forming pills now."

Han Li explained honestly.

"What? Dan-formation stage?!"

Maid Xiaomei's eyes widened in disbelief, and she almost had a feeling of doubting her life!

Han Li's qualifications are not much different from hers.

Now, less than a hundred years old, he has actually formed an elixir? !

You know, even the three beauties of Huang Maple Valley, Chen Qiaoqian, Dong Xuan'er, and Nie Ying are still lingering in the late stage of foundation building, and the day of forming the core is still far away!
These three people have been valued by Huang Maple Valley, and they have spared no effort in investing, hoping to give birth to three pill formations, which will greatly improve the strength of Huang Maple Valley!

But that's it, Chen Qiaoqian and the others have been practicing hard for decades, but they still haven't formed any pills!
"Master Han...Uncle Master, have you really formed an elixir?"

Facing Xiaomei's horrified gaze, Han Li nodded and said, "I did successfully form the pill."

"Uncle Han, where did you and Senior Chen go to make elixirs form so quickly?!"

Maid Xiaomei couldn't help but ask.

She didn't believe that Han Li succeeded in forming the elixir on his own. It must be because of Yang Chen.

Xin Ruyin thinks so too. She was very clear about Han Li's qualifications. It could be said that she had never thought that Han Li would form pills so quickly.

Xiaomei didn't know, but Xin Ruyin knew that Yang Chen once told her that Han Lixiu's technique was special.

It is necessary to re-cultivation of San Gong in order to successfully form elixirs.

This is quite time consuming.

Logically speaking, Han Li's ability to form a pill cannot be achieved in a moment, and it requires a long period of accumulation.

And this time is at least measured in decades!
Unexpectedly, Han Li successfully formed the elixir so quickly, and Xin Ruyin's expression became darker and darker!

"Miss Xin, please don't misunderstand me. Senior brother and I went to a place called Chaotic Star Sea. It's very dangerous there. Even senior brother didn't have the ability to protect himself."

Seeing her gloomy expression, Han Li quickly explained:

"But today is different from the past. This time, senior brother returns to Tiannan. I think he will take you to the Sea of ​​Luan Xing in the future. Miss Xin, when you get to the Sea of ​​Luan Xing, you will also form elixirs very quickly!"

"Oh? Could it be that Chaos Xinghai's cultivation resources are particularly abundant?" Xin Ruyin asked subconsciously.

"That's natural. The Chaotic Star Sea has dust-falling pills that can help monks form elixirs, as well as various demonic beast inner elixirs. Refining the demonic elixirs into elixirs can quickly improve your cultivation..."

Han Li said vividly.

"I see……"

Xin Ruyin nodded thoughtfully.

"Uncle Han, you have formed an elixir, what kind of cultivation level does Senior Chen have now?" Xiaomei couldn't help but wonder.

Xin Ruyin also raised his head when he heard the sound.

Even she was curious about this.

In other words, many people in the world of immortality are curious:

What kind of cultivation level is Yang Chen now?
If he was in the early stage of Nascent Soul, how could he have such amazing combat power that he could kill the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect with one punch?

But if he is in the middle or late stage of Nascent Soul, it is a little unreasonable at such a young age!

"I do not know either."

Han Li smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Even he was very curious about Yang Chen's cultivation.

"You don't even know?"

The shock in Xiaomei's heart turned into shock.

Han Li easily killed a group of foundation builders in an instant, including the old man in the late stage of foundation establishment, who was no match for him in one go!
It can be seen that it is not as simple as the ordinary early stage of forming a pill, but even Han Li, who gets along day and night, does not know Yang Chen's cultivation level, which seems a bit scary!

"Maybe it's the middle stage of pill formation..."

Facing Xiaomei's surprised gaze, Han Li subconsciously said that this was what Yang Chen told him personally.

It is also visible to ordinary people.

But even Han Li himself didn't believe it, so how could it be in the middle stage of pill formation?

Which mid-stage elixir formation is so abnormal?
Can he kill the ghost spirit sect master in the early stage of Nascent Soul with one punch?
"Uncle Han, you must be kidding, how can it be in the middle stage of pill formation!" Xiaomei shook her head.

Xin Ruyin also didn't believe that Yang Chen was in the middle stage of pill formation.

Just think that Han Li is joking.

Han Li smiled helplessly, he was telling the truth.

"Junior Brother Han is telling the truth." At this moment, a voice seemed to come from the vast nine heavens!

This is--!
Maid Xiaomei's heart was beating wildly.

Xin Ruyin looked up and saw a avenue paved with five-color divine light spreading from the nine heavens.

On the avenue, there were three figures, one man, two women, standing.

Like a couple of gods and goddesses coming from the sky.

In an instant, the flowers were dimmed and the heaven and earth were eclipsed.

It was Yang Chen, Nangong Wan, and Yan Ruyan.

"Why are you grimacing? Am I back?" Yang Chen looked at Xin Ruyin with a smile.

Xin Ruyin smiled bitterly and was speechless.

"Is this Miss Xin?"

Yan Ruyan took the initiative to show her kindness.

The two of them couldn't bear it anymore and needed help urgently.

But when they walked together on the road, when they recalled Yang Chen's attitude of killing the ghost spirit sect master and looking down on the world that day, the two of them felt like they were addicted and unable to extricate themselves.

"I've met Miss Ruyan."

Xin Ruyin bowed Yingying.

Yan Ruyan didn't dare to accept it, so she quickly stepped forward to help her and said:

"Sister Xin, you've broken my heart. This is Sister Nangong. We will be sisters from now on."

Nangong Wan nodded slightly.

Even with her eyes, she couldn't say anything critical about Xin Ruyin, and she didn't know where Yang Chen discovered such a beautiful formation genius!

"Nangong...could it be the famous frost beauty of the Hidden Moon Sect, Grandmaster Nangong?"

Maid Xiaomei looked shocked!

I never expected that it was not just Yan Ruyan.

Even Master Nangong, the number one sect in the Yue Kingdom's Immortal Cultivation World, was captured by Yang Chen.

Is this a female college student with a rank of 3,000, ranked in the Immortal Class?
Xin Ruyin was stunned for a moment and could only nod, but there were thousands of doubts in her heart, waiting for answers.

But now is not the time to ask.

We can only wait until later.


a few days later.

Yang Chen and his group headed towards Jingzhou.

Prepare to go back to Qixuanmen and Hanjiacun.

Suddenly, screams came from the air ahead!

Xin Ruyin frowned and saw the golden rainbow light of a big man disappearing and disappearing.

"Hiss! A late-stage foundation-building monk died inexplicably like this!" Xiaomei took a breath!
The world is changing so fast that even the later stages of foundation building can’t keep up with the times? ! Or is it that she is too small?

"What on earth was made of?"

Han Li frowned, as if facing a formidable enemy, even he didn't feel what was behind it!

The spiritual consciousness that has practiced the Dayan Jue scanned the surroundings, but found nothing. Could it be that this person has a profound knowledge of martial arts?

Han Li's throat felt a little dry!

Yan Ruyan and Nangong Wan also looked solemn!

Immediately afterwards, several people heard a voice:
"Tsk, tsk, the soul of the foundation-building monk is indeed a good tonic. I have only taken seven or eight since I woke up, and it has made a lot of progress in my cultivation!"

The voice was young and crisp, like a girl's laughter, but it made several people's faces suddenly turn pale!
There is such a weird thing in the world of immortality, which actually feeds on the soul of the monks? It's too scary!

"I'm a little hungry. Look at the thin skin and tender meat of you guys. Can you let grandma eat it? I haven't tasted the monk's golden elixir for a long time. I really miss the taste!"

(End of this chapter)

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