I am a mortal to prove the Great Emperor

Chapter 220 Return to Mo Mansion

Chapter 220 Return to Mo Mansion
Yue country, Lanzhou.

Five Color Gate General Altar.

Outside a secret hall, four men in white stood at the door.

The temples of these four people are bulging high, their eyes are gleaming, their martial arts are extremely high, and they have reached the peak level of the acquired world.

In the secret hall, there is a white-haired old man with snow-white beard and hair, a maroon complexion, and a kind-hearted look.

But when he saw the old man in green robe sitting at the head, something strange flashed on his face and he said:

"Master Immortal, I have followed your instructions and issued an ultimatum to Mo Mansion. Tomorrow is the deadline. I think Mo Mansion will definitely not refuse."

Listening to the confident words of the five-color sect leader, the old man in green robe smiled and nodded, and said, "Well done."

"It's just that Li heard that there seemed to be immortal cultivators behind Mo Mansion. Ouyang Feitian, the owner of the villa who dominated the villa decades ago, seemed to have died at the hands of the immortal cultivators!"

The leader of the Five Colors Sect said worriedly: "Decades have passed, and I heard that the three beauties of the Mo Mansion are still in their youth.

"My little girl is lucky to have this fate."

At this moment, suddenly there was the sound of wind and thunder from the horizon, and a series of screams sounded outside the door!

The old man in green robe took a deep look at the Five Colors Sect Master and said, "Are you really looking at it?"

"what happened?"

The five-color sect master nodded tremblingly.

The expression of the master of the Five Colors Sect suddenly changed, he took a big step, stretched out his beard and hair, and ran towards the door. The bluestone ground where he originally stood actually left two clear footprints half an inch deep. The depth of his inner strength is really shocking!

The five-color sect leader nodded and bowed.

The leader of the Five Colors Sect smiled apologetically.

The leader of the Five Color Sect said quickly: "It is their blessing that the Immortal Master can like the three girls of the Mo Mansion. I can guarantee that my two sons will never or dare not have any objection!"

The old man in green robe sneered and said:

"Don't dare!"

The five-color sect master's smile froze, but he nodded.

Speaking of this, a lustful look flashed in the eyes of the old man in green robes, and he said: "We will capture the Mo Mansion tomorrow.

"I heard that your two sons have also coveted the three beauties of the Mo family for a long time. If I do this, your sons won't have any objections, right?" The old man in green robe suddenly said meaningfully.

"Don't worry, your daughter is still alive and living well with my little darlings."

The old man in green robe was in a good mood and smiled lewdly.

This laughter made the master of the Five Colors Sect feel terrified!
If he hadn't known that the green-robed old man came from Spirit Beast Mountain, would he have thought he was a demon?

The old man in green robe nodded and said with a faint smile:
"I have seen your loyalty.

Naturally, I dare not have the slightest opinion.

"The Immortal Master's Eyes of Wisdom!"

"It doesn't matter even if that person is still alive!
I am a disciple of Spirit Beast Mountain, one of the seven sects of the Yue Kingdom. I am just a Qi-refining casual cultivator. What can you do to me? "

"Immortal cultivator? Even if there is one, it was decades ago. After such a long time, the immortal cultivator may have died in the world of immortality."

The old man in green robe patted the spirit beast bag and said with a smile:

The leader of the Five Colors Sect knelt down and said repeatedly: "I don't dare, I don't dare, I don't dare, Master Immortal, please spare my life!"

"I didn't realize that at such an old age, you are also a temperamental person!"

The old man in green robe smiled lewdly and said.

Now, all the sacrifices are worth it!
The leader of the Five Colors Sect was cruel and determined.

Even though he covets the mothers and daughters in Mo Mansion, he will never compete with the immortal cultivators.

Thinking of his daughter being toyed with by this green-robed old man, living with spiritual beasts and insects, and having no idea of ​​life or death, the leader of the Five Colors Sect felt increasingly heavy.


The old man in green robe looked like he understood and said with a smile.

"Thanks to the Immortal Master for your love."

"In this case, you can bring your two sons to watch it together. It can also be considered as adding to the fun of this immortal master. How can there be no audience for such a grand scene of seven women?"

"Look at how scared you are. It's not like I won't let you see it. Like father, like son. In fact, you, an old pervert, have also been coveting the four ladies and three daughters of Mo Mansion for a long time, right?"

"When Mo Mansion is captured, I will let my daughter go and reunite your father and daughter. In the future, she will still be the proud little princess of your Five Color Sect..."

Your daughter is nice, very moist, and a young woman who has given birth to a child is like, tsk tsk tsk..."

"That's the best thing you can think of. After I take down the seven girls of Mo Mansion, you can watch from the sidelines while I play with them..."

I think I took some beauty-preserving elixirs..."

The leader of the Five Colors Sect was uneasy and said with a forced smile.

The four ladies and three young ladies of the Mo Mansion are all handed over to me. When I get tired of playing with them, I will let you do whatever you want. "

However, as long as Mo Mansion is captured and the old man in green robe is sent away, the Five Color Sect will be the dominant family in Lanzhou in the future.

However, before he reached the door, the door exploded with a bang, and he saw a white light roaring in his pupils.

The leader of the Five Colors Sect felt a chill in his neck. He suddenly became confused and did not understand what happened until his death.

"Who is the fellow Taoist here to take action?!"

Seeing the corpse of the Five Color Sect Master separated and lying in a pool of blood, the old man in green robe was startled and exclaimed.

All I saw was a flash of white light, tearing the void apart!

The green-robed old man didn't even have time to release his spiritual beasts and magic weapons before he was killed with a sword and died tragically on the spot!

"Lingshou Mountain acted so unscrupulously. Could it be that he wanted to betray the seven sects of the Yue Kingdom and join the Yuling Sect?"

Yang Chen controlled the Divine Sword Technique, controlled the sword light, and casually drew out the green-robed old man's spirit, thoughtfully.

Then, a sword was swung out!
Raze the Five Color Gate Main Altar to the ground!


Jiayuan City, Mo Mansion.

"Destroy the Five Color Sect as a meeting gift?"

Mo Caihuan's eyes flashed with surprise as he murmured to himself, not yet recovering from Yang Chen's words.

On the side, the maid Xiaoyu listened to Yang Chen's arrogant words with a calm expression on the surface, but she didn't take it seriously in her heart.

'This young man's appearance is extraordinary, but his tone is a bit too loud. Miss, please don't be deceived by him. '

The maid Xiaoyu was only over 20 years old and did not know Yang Chen at all. In her opinion, Yang Chen was just talking nonsense.

The Five-Color Sect emerged more than a hundred years ago and was so powerful in Lanzhou that it was definitely a long time ago.

Compared with the rich foundation of the Five Color Sect, even their Mo Mansion's Jingjiao Society is inferior.

But as soon as Yang Chen came up, he said he wanted to destroy the Five Color Sect.

This is not just nonsense, what is it?
'I wonder where this young man came from? But the tone was too loud, and I don’t know if it was a magic spell or some kind of ecstasy that made the third lady...'

'Now that the Mo Mansion has no successors and is suffering from internal and external troubles, I don't know how to survive this situation...! '

The guards and maids of Mo Mansion were worried.

But he saw Yang Chen sitting leisurely, drinking tea slowly, with no intention of leaving Mo Mansion.

Of course, there is no intention to fulfill the promise. It is completely nonsense to destroy the Five Color Sect as a greeting gift.

At this moment, there was movement outside Mo Mansion!

A handsome young man came in aggressively with a group of martial arts masters dressed as guards, and said, "Caihuan, who is this? Don't introduce me to me."

"Li Er, did you name Caihuan? What does it have to do with you? Who asked you to enter our Mo Mansion?"

Mo Caihuan frowned and said coldly.

"I will marry your sister Yuzhu in the near future. We are all a family. I will never allow unscrupulous people to enter Mo Mansion." The young man surnamed Li Yingting said in a deep voice.

As the second son of the leader of the Five Colors Sect, there is no doubt that he is proud and has the capital to be proud.

"Your Excellency, please leave Mo Mansion. This is not the place you should be." The young man surnamed Li looked at Yang Chen and said.

"Are you from Mo Mansion?" Yang Chen asked with interest.

"I'm not, but I am the young master of the Five Color Clan. I will marry Yuzhu soon, so I can be considered a member of the Mo Mansion, right?"

The young man named Li was full of confidence. Before he finished speaking, a cold female voice sounded from deep in the courtyard:

"Whoever wants to marry you, Li Er, I advise you to pee and take care of yourself. I have said it many times. Even if I, Mo Yuzhu, die and become a ghost, I will never marry you!"


The face of the young man named Li suddenly changed.

But looking at Mo Yuzhu's stunningly beautiful face, no matter how angry he was, he was suppressed.

"It seems that Mo Mansion does not welcome you."

Yang Chen picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Looking at Mo Caihuan sitting next to Yang Chen, Mo Yuzhu said quietly: "Did I come at the wrong time?"

As the eldest of the three beauties of the Mo family, Mo Yuzhu had fascinated all the young masters of Jiayuan City back then.

Now she has matured a lot and is dressed like a young woman, but her stunning beauty has not diminished by half. Instead, she reveals an amazing charm that drives men crazy.

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar face, Yang Chen seemed to have returned to the Mo Mansion years ago decades ago, and said:
"You came just in time."

When Mo Yuzhu heard what Yang Chen said, her face turned bright red. She couldn't help but swayed a few times and sat down.

She happened to be sitting next to Yang Chen, and she and Mo Caihuan were sitting on the left and right, just like Yang Chen was hugging him from left to right.

Seeing this scene, the face of the young man surnamed Li became extremely ugly. Perhaps no man in the world could tolerate his 'fiancée' being so intimate or even submissive to other men.

"Yuzhu, your joke is a bit too much. You really want to make me angry in this way!"

The young man surnamed Li suppressed his anger and said with a smile.

"A joke? Who is kidding you, Li Er, why don't you get out? What are you doing here? Are you looking at us making love to each other?" Mo Yuzhu said fiercely.

"Take him down! Now, now!"

The young man surnamed Li's face was distorted for a while, and he finally couldn't bear it anymore and ordered to the guard beside him.

"I'm in a good mood now and don't want to kill anyone. You are the only one left in your Five Color Sect. But since you want to die, you can't blame me."

Yang Chen said with a half-smile.

"What are you talking about? I'm the only one left in the Five-Colored Sect? Are you going crazy because of success?"

The young man surnamed Li was stunned and burst into laughter.

Several guards around him also laughed.

I simply don’t believe anything will happen to the Five Color Gate.

Seeing Yang Chen slowly drinking tea with a calm expression, the young man surnamed Li was shocked and doubtful. Just when he was about to capture Yang Chen, suddenly, a homing pigeon flew in!
The young man surnamed Li's heart skipped a beat. He took out the flying pigeon letter and looked at it. His face suddenly turned pale and he knelt down.

"Who on earth...are you, Your Excellency?!"

"Please Master Immortal, spare my life. I can guarantee that I will never step foot into Lanzhou from now on!"

The young man surnamed Li said incoherently.

"Spare you? You didn't think of sparing me before. The most important thing is that the family is in good order..."

Before he finished speaking, the maids and maids of Mo Mansion and others didn't know what happened. They saw a group of young people surnamed Li suddenly fell down together, all of them breathless.

For a moment, there was silence.

The maid Xiaoyu's face turned pale, her eyes widened, looking at this scene with an expression of disbelief!
All the maids, guards, and housekeepers in the Mo Mansion were also frightened and uneasy, as if they had seen a ghost during the day!
This is the second young master of the Five Color Sect!

A well-deserved big shot in Jiayuan City and even Lanzhou!
But now, he fell to the ground in an instant!
Previously, they thought Yang Chen was exaggerating, but now it seems that they have little knowledge.

If you are blind, you will not be able to recognize an expert at all.

"What's wrong? Don't you recognize me?"

Seeing Mo Caihuan and Mo Yuzhu looking straight at him with surprise in their eyes, Yang Chen said with a smile.

Previously, it was his thought.

It directly shattered the souls of the young man named Li and others!

This was in Mo Mansion. He didn't want Mo Caihuan and others to see the bloody scene, so he left a whole body.

However, it is none of his business what the people of Mo Mansion will do with these corpses, Yang Chen thought boredly.

"Good kill, but I didn't expect that something that has troubled us for many years would be solved like this."

Mo Caihuan and Mo Yuzhu looked at each other and sighed.

Sure enough, they are not from the same world at all.

To a cultivator, everything in the world seems so insignificant, such as the young man named Li in front of him.

In the secular world, this is a well-deserved big shot, but in Yang Chen's eyes, he is just an ant that can be destroyed with a single thought.

Yang Chen could see what the two women were thinking and said, "I am here to take you to the world of immortality."

"Can I become an immortal cultivator without spiritual roots?"

Mo Caihuan asked about the words that he could not say back then.

This time, Yang Chen nodded solemnly and said:
"of course can."

Seeing Yang Chen leading the two young ladies towards the inner courtyard, the maids, maids and others of the Mo Mansion had not yet recovered.

Is it really as Yang Chen said:

Does the Five Color Gate no longer exist?

Seven days later.

A piece of news came as if it had wings!
It shocked Jiayuan City and even the entire Lanzhou!

The Five Color Sect was destroyed in one fell swoop!

There are rumors that the Immortal was offended and ordered to be punished by Heaven. On that day, someone in Jiayuan City saw the Immortal Light piercing the sky!

Immediately afterwards came the news of the destruction of the Five Color Sect.

The destruction of the Five Color Sect reminded everyone in Jiayuan City and Lanzhou of the demise of the Monopoly Villa decades ago.

It was also destroyed overnight.

However, decades ago, only one owner of the villa that dominated the villa died. This time, the five-color gate was up and down, and no chickens or dogs were left. It is said that even the ants were hacked to death!
There is no grass growing in the main altar of Five Color Gate.

It was completely reduced to ruins.

In stark contrast, the Jingjiao Society under the command of the Mo Mansion was at its peak and ruled the entire Lanzhou.

And Yang Chen created spiritual roots for Mo Caihuan, Mo Yuzhu, and Mo Fengwu, which shocked the entire Mo Mansion.

However, after all, he still didn't see the ladies of Mo Mansion. Yang Chen felt a little regretful, but he didn't force it.

He knew the thoughts of several ladies in Mo Mansion.

After decades, they have grown old and faded, and they just want to keep the best side in his memory.

At the beginning, the ladies of the Mo Mansion left the beauty elixir to their daughter, and they had already made today's decision.

Mo Yuzhu and Mo Fengwu also understood their mothers' thoughts and chose to stay in Jiayuan City to take care of their mothers in their old age while practicing Qi refining to prepare for entering the world of immortality in the future.

Mo Caihuan originally planned to stay in Mo Mansion and take care of her mother Yan, but the fourth lady Yan was unwilling, so she had to bid farewell to her mother Yan with tears and follow Yang Chen into the world of immortality.


Yang Chen stood in the sky above Jiayuan City, looked back at the Mo Mansion, sighed in his heart, and took the Mo Caihuan away across the sky.

He left all the resources needed for the Qi Refining Period to the Mo Mansion, and also left elixirs to several ladies of the Mo Mansion.

Not everyone aspires to become an immortal. For ordinary people, perhaps enjoying their old age is a good ending.

"First go to Tianyuan Pagoda to take out the rewards for the pill formation period."

Yang Chen took one step forward, crossed the void, located the coordinates of the Bloody Forbidden Land, and headed to the Tianyuan Pagoda again.

"I didn't expect you to break through the Core Formation in just a few decades... No, you are almost breaking through the Nascent Soul stage!"

A sound of horror rang out from the Tianyuan Pagoda!
(End of this chapter)

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