Chapter 233: One Qi Transforms Three Purities

Xia Jiuyou became serious and threw out a Dao stele again. The Dao stele was densely covered with patterns and brilliant, and the aura of the Dao was permeated, like the vast and heavy sky.

In terms of momentum, it completely surpassed the previous attack!

Beside, the cracks on the floor beneath the feet of many people spread out like spider webs and were about to sink downstairs!

This kind of pressure is so powerful that it is simply unbearable!
"What kind of offensive magic is this?"

"It actually has such terrifying power!"

"Simply suppress all enemies in the world!"

Many people were frightened. The secret technique used by Xia Jiuyou was so amazing that even the younger generation could hardly match it!
Could this young and handsome young man really be the legendary descendant of Gai Jiuyou?
Many monks were amazed, but they didn't know how much pressure Xia Jiuyou was facing at this time!
The sword light emanating from the eyes of this strange young man was so powerful that even her Taoist monument could not withstand it!
"The blue sky is as high as the sky, and the blue sky is falling as the underworld..."

Xia Jiuyou softly chanted again, and the patterns on the Taoist monument became more dense and bright, as if Tao and reason were intertwined. It vibrated with a buzzing sound, and appeared like a real Taoist monument!

There was a roar——!
The people next to him could no longer bear the tremendous pressure, and many people around him sat directly on the ground!

He didn't seem to pay any attention at all.

No wonder the man in yellow dared to comment on the swordsmanship of a strange young man. Rumor has it that the Dayan Holy Sword is as bright as the Heavenly Sword crossing the sky. It is extremely heaven-defying. If it reaches the ultimate state, it can also cut off everything and evolve the small world of the heavens.

"It turns out he is from Dayan Holy Land. Do you want to do something with me?" Xia Jiuyou asked.

Yang Chen was still drinking alone.

But what’s even more shocking is that the strange young man is enjoying the wine with his female companion!

"Infinite Heavenly Lord!"

"Dayan...Xiang Yifei."

"Little brother, you are only thirteen or fourteen years old, but you are a genius. Your future achievements are limitless. Why do you have to fight with others before you have reached your cultivation level?"

Xia Jiuyou looked ugly and said coldly.

She has a slender figure and an outstanding temperament.

"Do you think I will lose to him?"

In the eyes of everyone, if Xia Jiuyou is arrogant on the surface, then this strange young man is invincible at heart, looking down on all the heroes in the world, and he is the only one who is supreme!

"That's better than disappearing from everyone as soon as you were born!" Xia Jiuyou sneered and glanced at everyone.

In fact, Dayan Holy Land is older than many holy places, and is one of the oldest inheritances in the Eastern Wasteland.

However, she didn't take action rashly again. It was the strange young man who gave her unprecedented pressure!
She was not afraid at all, but the two guardians behind her would never let her fight with all her strength!
"Who are you? Could it be that you couldn't stand what I said about the Holy Body and Yang Beichen, so you attacked me?"

"Who are you?"

At this time, a young man in yellow clothes appeared at the top of the stairs. He was handsome, with thick black hair, calm and calm.

Everyone is stunned. At this age, Xia Jiuyou can already compete with the descendants of the major holy places!

This is a bit appalling!
It is truly a strange plant among geniuses!
"Huh, being outstanding as a child does not mean that you will also be a genius when you grow up. Are there not many examples of these throughout the ages?"

In Dayan Holy Land, there was no Great Emperor, and there were no Ji Dao weapons, but it was famous in the Eastern Wilderness.

In an instant, everyone looked over.

"Fellow Taoist, I don't know which holy land family you come from. It seems that Xiang has never seen you before?" Xiang Yifei also said.

The man in yellow reported his name.

Dayan Holy Land is one of the most powerful forces.

Everyone present was surprised. They didn't expect to meet a well-established descendant of the Holy Land!

"What an amazing swordsmanship!"

"In the past in the Eastern Wasteland, there was a peerless genius who entered the Four Extremes Secret Realm at the age of eight or nine. What was the result?"

They learn from nature and have all kinds of unpredictable magical skills.


Just when the whole place was silent, the melodious Taoist trumpets sounded, like bursts of fairy music, cleansing people's hearts. A young Taoist priest appeared at the top of the stairs without knowing it!

The floor cracked again, and many monks changed their colors in shock and quickly retreated, leaving a world-famous battlefield.

Xia Jiuyou turned his head to look, his eyes gleaming coldly.

At this moment, people had to admit that this boy in white, Xia Jiuyou, did have arrogance!

Many people couldn't stand Xia Jiuyou's arrogance, and when they saw Xia Jiuyou eating turtle earlier, they immediately retorted.

Xia Jiuyou stared at Yang Chen and said.

I never paid attention to Xia Jiuyou's counterattack from beginning to end!
It seems everything has settled!
Everyone looked towards the field in surprise, and sure enough, they saw an incredible scene!
I saw the bright sword light tearing through the void, piercing through eternity, and cutting the Taoist monument open again, like a knife cutting through tofu!
The whole audience was shocked. This sword was so dazzling that it was like a sword flying across the sky, with a sword that could break through all kinds of magic!
Some monks even saw an extremely heaven-defying realm from this sword. If it reached the extreme, it might be possible to cut off everything and open up and evolve small worlds in the heavens!
One sword creates the world!

The word Dayan represents the evolution process of heaven and earth. It is naturally extraordinary that a holy place dares to take such a name.

"In the end, we didn't lose sight of everyone!"

Xiang Yifei smiled slightly and advised kindly.

"I don't want to fight with you, I just don't want to see the two of you getting along badly." Xiang Yifei said.

Xiang Yifei comes from this holy land and naturally represents power and mystery. No one dares to underestimate him.

It gives people an extremely special feeling.

Even though she was standing there, there was no cloud or mist, no fairy light covering her body, but she couldn't see her face clearly.

She is like a beautiful shadow in the moon palace, and like a holy orchid on a cliff, as if she is one with the Tao.

It makes people unable to see the depth and the true face.

"Heir of Daoyi Holy Land!"

Someone exclaimed, Tao Po came to the human body.

Xiang Yifei's heart skipped a beat. He was fully aware of the power and transcendence of this young Taoist priest.

With her delicate voice, she chanted the four words of the Infinite Heavenly Lord, and she once killed nine powerful men of the same level on the spot!
"The descendants of Daoyi Holy Land are also here. It seems that this trip to the Holy City will be more difficult than I imagined..."

The Saint of Yaochi said in a long voice.

"No matter how difficult it is, I have to do it. If I can't be invincible, how can I go to Yaochi to marry you?" Yang Chen said.

"You are always so confident..."

The eyes of the Yaochi Saint were filled with brilliance, and she could hear the strong self-confidence in Yang Chen's words.

This is true invincibility. Only when you go all the way without encountering a single defeat and become invincible in the world can you develop such an amazing invincible Taoist heart!

that's the truth.

Immortal cultivators in the human world have a lot of say!
You Zhetian cultivators are relatively good, but the immortal cultivators in the human world were completely disfigured by Yang Chen.

"We've finished the wine. It's time to go to the Holy City to do some business." Yang Chen stood up slowly and said.

However, the appearance of the Yaochi Saint has changed, and even her temperament, vitality, and aura have changed. Even the descendants of Daoyi Holy Land and Dayan Holy Land could not recognize her face to face.

Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, Xia Jiuyou said angrily: "You want to leave now?"

"If I want to leave, how many people in the world can stop me?"

Yang Chen said without looking back: "My hair has not even grown, so I am too lazy to pay attention to you kid."

As soon as these words came out, there was a joyful atmosphere in the restaurant, and everyone laughed. Unexpectedly, Yang Chen would not open his mouth, but when he opened his mouth, it was so amazing, and the skill with his mouth was amazing!
It's no worse than the skill on hand!
Xia Jiuyou's face froze, his expression turned cold, and he said coldly: "Do you really think you are invincible? I was just testing!"

"I don't want to be like a child, so let your adults do it. I have never bullied children in my life."

Yang Chen smiled and said seriously.

As he approached the realm of Nascent Soul, his mind gradually returned to its original nature and no longer maintained the so-called forced character.

In other words, for a truly invincible strong man, every word and every move he makes is absolutely perfect!

"If you have the ability, you and I will have a spiritual battle!"

Xia Jiuyou laughed angrily and said.

"You can not."

Yang Chen shook his head and said: "Plus the two of them are barely enough, and they have the qualifications for me to take action."


"Including the descendants of Dayan Holy Land and Dao Yi Holy Land, this person actually wants to fight one against three?"

"Could it be the courage of the real dragon and phoenix!"

Everyone around was shocked!
The battle of spiritual consciousness is the most dangerous, it is definitely a life and death battle, but Yang Chen wants to fight three!

Which of the three is easier?
The origin of the boy in white who calls himself Xia Jiuyou is unpredictable. He is suspected to be the descendant of Gai Jiuyou. He is definitely extraordinary!

The descendant of Dayan Holy Land, Xiang Yifei, has an astonishing swordsmanship, and his every move has the power to collapse mountains and crack the earth!

The descendant of the Taoist Holy Land, a young Taoist priest, with the Heavenly Constitution in her mouth, can subjugate demons and demons, and can kill the world's enemies with just one word!
Any one of the three is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter, let alone three against one, who can fight?
But Yang Chen was happy and not afraid.

There is even a battle of consciousness with three people!

You know, this is what the Holy Land-level Taoism is best at. Every Holy Land has its own secret method of spiritual consciousness!
And Xia Jiuyou is so confident that he must have a peerless inheritance of spiritual knowledge and secret methods, so he spoke like this.

"Okay, since you want your spirit to perish, then I will make it happen for you. I don't care whether these two people take action or not. Anyway, I alone can kill you and crush your soul!"

Xia Jiuyou immediately sneered.

In an instant, murderous intent was revealed, and two divine lights shot out from his eyes, which were so dazzling that people dared not look directly at him!
At the same time, a beam of light shot out from between her eyebrows, more brilliant than a rainbow, and penetrated towards Yang Chen!

This level of spiritual thought is a bit scary!
Xiang Yifei from Dayan Holy Land was shocked. No wonder Xia Jiuyou dared to propose a battle of spiritual consciousness. Such an astonishing level of spiritual consciousness was not found in some descendants of the Holy Land!

This kind of spiritual killing technique has an astonishing origin!
"Is this person really the descendant of Gai Jiuyou?"

The young Taoist priest from Daoyi Holy Land also frowned!
But both of them kept their composure and did not take action. They planned to let Xia Jiuyou test Yang Chen's cultivation level first!

Facing the heaven-shaking, brilliant and boundless beam of consciousness, Yang Chen suddenly laughed and said:

"Too weak. If you, a little kid, practice for another ten years, you will barely be qualified to fight me."

Before he finished speaking, a five-color divine light shot out from Yang Chen's eyes, green, red, yellow, white and black, the five colors flowed, it was very shocking!
The five-color divine light, the five elements of life and death, converge into one body, like a fairy sword coming out of its sheath, making a clanging sound!

At this moment, between heaven and earth, it seemed as if there really was a sword fairy wielding a sword, accompanying the flying fairy light, flowing through the sky!

This sword is so amazing, like the power of a flying immortal, breaking a certain limit and unleashing the Five Elements Law!

The seats at the center of the duel between spirits were silently annihilated, turned into powder, and turned into fly ash, dissipating between heaven and earth.

Everyone was horrified, this was the collision of the strongest in the world, and their lives could be in danger at every turn, and there would be no recovery!
Five-color divine light versus seven-color divine light, the sky is filled with brilliance, divine consciousness is like a sword, it is really more dangerous than physical combat!
But something unbelievable happened to everyone. The fairy sword turned into five colors of divine light directly cut off Caimang!
Even Xia Jiuyou didn't react!

Fortunately, Xiang Yifei and the young Taoist priest took action!
"Dayan Heavenly Sword!"

A sword embryo transformed from spiritual thoughts flew out. It was the Dayan Tian Sword Technique. It was unparalleled in killing power and had heaven-defying power. If it reached its extreme, it was rumored that it could open up small worlds in the heavens!

"Thunder from the sky!"

Immediately afterwards, the young Taoist priest recited the Taoist mantra, and the thunder transformed from her spiritual thoughts suddenly appeared and fell suddenly!

This is the divine thunder method of Tao Yi Holy Land. It is divided into Yin Thunder and Yang Thunder. If the practice reaches the extreme, it can create and destroy all things. One thunder will kill all directions and destroy all ten directions!
"Well done!"

Facing these earth-shattering two divine killing techniques, Yang Chen showed a look of great interest.

"Take my move and kill with your sword!"

Yang Chen's spiritual thoughts are like one qi transforming into three pure beings!

They turned into three nine-inch-tall golden figures, holding a peerless sword embryo in their arms, and suddenly came out!
The three villains are like the golden gods of war, looking down at the nine heavens, with their feet on the ten earths, and are powerful in the three realms, six realms and ten directions!

"I will never lose, I am invincible!"

Xia Jiuyou's spiritual thoughts also turned into a colorful little man, holding a divine bell, which was very elegant. When he shook the bell, colorful bolts flew out, causing ripples!
Faced with Yang Chen's divine will that transformed the three pure beings in one breath!
Xiang Yifei's heart was beating wildly, the Dayantian Sword Technique was activated to its peak, and his spiritual thoughts turned into a villain, and he charged out with the sword!
The young Taoist priest of Daoyi Holy Land also turned her spiritual thoughts into a thunder villain, who can control thunder and electricity, and is powerful in all directions!
boom! boom! boom!
Divine consciousness transformed, and the six souls fought in the void. It was so fierce that many people couldn't help but tremble!
This is the most original battle!
I thought there would be no winner for a while!
But no one expected that Yang Chen would be so brave, fighting one against three, his sword light piercing the air and sweeping across!
The villains transformed by Xia Jiuyou, Xiang Yifei, and the girl Taoist priest were chopped away with a sword on the spot!
If the old man in gray behind Xia Jiuyou hadn't taken action, a gray beam of light would have shot out from between his eyebrows to block it!
The spiritual villain transformed by the three people has been wiped out!
After the scene calmed down, Yang Chen's figure had long since disappeared, and everyone was shocked!
"Who is this person?"

"One against three, so brave and invincible!"

"This person is definitely not a thing in the pool. This time I bring my female companion to the Holy City and I'm afraid he will be famous all over the world!"

The whole place was excited!

Xiang Yifei and the young Taoist priest also turned pale. Even though they did not attack with all their strength, they could still feel Yang Chen's earth-shaking, surging spiritual power!

"Why do you want to stop me? If I use all my strength, I may not lose!" Xia Jiuyou said angrily.

"You haven't accomplished your magic yet, so you can't use your spiritual thoughts rashly. That person's origin is unpredictable, and I can't let you fight with him now!"

The old man in gray reminded in a deep voice.

"Who is that person? He interrupted me when I mentioned Yang Beichen and the Holy Body earlier. Could it be Yang Beichen?"

Xia Jiuyou's eyes flickered.

"No wait, I am going to the Holy City now. I must defeat that man, otherwise my ideas will not be clear!"

Xiang Yifei and the young Taoist priest also flew to the holy city.

They were also curious about who that person was!
(End of this chapter)

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