I am a mortal to prove the Great Emperor

Chapter 249 The Tree of Spiritual Eyes, Ye Fan Silver Moon

Chapter 249 The Tree of Spiritual Eyes, Ye Fan Silver Moon

Yunmeng Mountain Range is located in Nanzhou.

Nanzhou is located in the remote western part of Xi Country.

The terrain here is complex, with numerous hills and dense forests, and swamp miasma is often present.

Therefore, except for a few isolated large and small cities and some official roads, few people walked in the wilderness.

As for the more remote mountains and ridges, they are a world of poisonous snakes and beasts, and ordinary people dare not go deep into them.

In contrast.

Because of Nanzhou's unique environment and the abundance of some rare herbs and rare animals, Nanzhou is a favorite place for monks from the Xi Kingdom.

More than half of the monk sects in the entire Xi Kingdom are concentrated in this small state. Some powerful monk sects even monopolize several places with the most abundant spiritual energy.

Currently, the Yunmeng Mountain Range is jointly occupied by three sects: the "Ancient Sword Sect", the "Luoyun Sect" and the "Baiqiaoyuan".

Not to mention them, even if the Yuanying of the three major sects came out together, it would be difficult to stop a god-transforming monk!
Fortunately, fortunately, there was no malice!

This made the long-faced old man very moved!
Previously, he had played chess with the Fire Dragon Senior, and he had not felt any pressure from the Nascent Soul cultivator.


The long-faced old man's eyes widened in disbelief. This was the sword light released by a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul!
Or the magical swordsmanship of refining a sword into silk!
You can defeat all magic with one sword!

Yang Chen took a deep look at the three of them and said.

"Do you three sects still have Ding Ling Dan and Ming Qing Ling Shui?" Yang Chen looked at the three Fire Dragon Boys.

The long-faced old man looked to be in his fifties.

"Really? Then I'll just wait for the good news."

The long-faced old man and the monk with loose hair also sighed.

Yang Chen glanced at the Spiritual Eye Tree and sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that he came at the wrong time.

"Senior, don't worry. Our Luoyun Sect has monks who can refine this Spirit Pill. As long as you wait for a while, you can refine it!" The monk with loose hair bowed and said solemnly.

But it wasn't until now that he was able to see it with his own eyes.

"Senior, our Ancient Sword Sect has just finished using the Ding Ling Dan and Ming Qing Ling Shui." The Fire Dragon Boy smiled bitterly.

Naturally, it is also guarded by three sects.

"It seems that I am here at an unlucky time."

It is truly incredible to be able to cultivate sword energy into such a state... The long-faced old man was amazed!
Facing the shocking sword that turned into silk, Yang Chen smiled slightly, "Refining a sword into silk is not bad."

Currently, the people responsible for guarding the Spiritual Eye Tree are a boy and a long-faced old man dressed in brocade.

But it was blocked by a finger!

The fire dragon boy breathed a long sigh of relief.

It was actually sword energy refined into silk!

The three of them all thought so.

This braided boy with bare feet and a golden ring on his hand is clearly the early Yuanying monk of the Ancient Sword Sect, the Fire Dragon Boy!

"The same is true for our Baiqiao Courtyard!"

No matter what the possibility is, Yang Chen is definitely not someone he can easily provoke. He can only make friends with him if he can't offend him!
"It's okay, I don't have any ill intentions here, I just want to take a look at the tree of spiritual eyes." Yang Chen said with a smile.

"Go ahead and capture it!"

The fire dragon boy quickly bowed.

If Yang Chen really had malicious intentions and wanted to snatch away the Spiritual Eye Tree, there was nothing they could do.

"Senior, please rest assured. This Mingqing Lingshui, Gujianmen and Baiqiaoyuan will also be prepared for seniors."

As soon as he pointed it out, the sword energy like a light red silk thread turned into a soft finger like a hundred-refined steel, wrapped around the tip of Yang Chen's index finger, and the cold air released strands of sword light.

The Fire Dragon Boy didn't feel the Nascent Soul's aura on Yang Chen, so he snorted coldly and wanted to take Yang Chen down!
The long-faced old man was horrified. As expected of a veteran Nascent Soul cultivator, he still hadn't figured out how Yang Chen arrived!
The Fire Dragon Boy has already taken action!
At this moment, through his spiritual consciousness, the long-faced old man discovered that a faint red silk thread shot out from the feet of the fire dragon boy!
At first, he thought that the silk thread was some kind of dangerous magic weapon like flying needles, but when he glanced at it with his spiritual consciousness, he was shocked to find that the cold air on the pale red silk thread was vaguely absent!

Now the alcohol from the Spiritual Eye Tree and the Mingqing Spiritual Water have all been used up, and only then have they begun to accumulate.

And the tree of spiritual eyes.

The long-faced old man and the monk with loose hair also breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn’t expect that taking action now would be so terrifying!
He had heard before that when an extremely skilled swordsman reaches a certain level, he can do whatever he wants!
Turn the sword into silk, and be able to defeat all kinds of magic with one sword!

"Senior, the fire dragon is offended!"

This young man definitely has a hidden cultivation level. He is probably a late-stage Nascent Soul monk who is said to be the legendary divine dragon that never sees its tail!
In the world, only late-stage Nascent Soul monks can crack his sword-training-to-silk technique so easily!
Even the Fire Dragon Boy guessed:
Yang Chen may be a spiritual monk who travels around the world of mortals!

The boy beside him looked only seven or eight years old, with red lips and white teeth, as if he was the reincarnation of a jade boy.

"Our Luoyun Sect..."

The disheveled monk on the side was also full of horror!
He is in the late stage of pill formation and is already at the peak of the fake infant state. He can see more things than the long-faced old man. This young man's strength is too terrifying!

It seems that it is also just a fake baby state!
But the physical body is extremely terrifying!
His understanding of swordsmanship has reached an extremely astonishing level, which is incredible!

Good guy!
You, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, can react so quickly?
The fire dragon boy and the long-faced old man also said quickly:

Yang Chen looked at the three of them with a smile, then turned and left.

When his figure completely disappeared, the three Fire Dragon Boys breathed a sigh of relief. Unknowingly, they were sweating profusely!
"I'm afraid this senior has a lot of background!"

"So young, could it be Chen Beixuan, the Yue monk who was so powerful over ten years ago?"

"I don't think so. I heard that Chen Beixuan is extremely domineering and may not accept the proposal of the three of me!"

The three Fire Dragon Boys frowned and calculated carefully.

The disheveled monk secretly thought that it was a pity. He originally wanted to recruit Yang Chen to stay in Luoyun Sect temporarily and treat him as a distinguished guest.

It's a pity that Yang Chen didn't give him this chance.

The disheveled monk discussed with the long-faced old man for a while, and finally the fire dragon boy, who had the highest level of cultivation, made the decision:

"No matter what, let's report what's going on here to the sect and let the three sects figure out a solution together, right?"


"If we and the three sects join forces and swarm forward, that person may not be able to kill us all!"


After leaving the Spiritual Eye, Yang Chen came to the Yunmeng Mountains and looked down at the long line of people coming to the Luoyun Sect to become apprentices.

Different from the Ancient Sword Sect for sword cultivation and Baiqiaoyuan for weapon refining, Luoyun Sect is a miscellaneous sect.

We have everything, and we can recruit all kinds of disciples.

The entry threshold is also the lowest among the three sects.

"Zi Ling and the others seem to be in the Luoyun Sect."

Yang Chen faintly felt Zi Ling's aura. Where exactly it was, it was difficult to detect even if it was isolated by a formation.

He was not surprised that Zi Ling would choose Luoyun Sect.

Among the three sects, only the Luoyun Sect is the easiest to enter. The Luoyun Sect's leader is that one person is more powerful and more eclectic.

As long as the spiritual root qualifications are good and there is potential for cultivation, Luoyun Sect, like other sects, is very happy to accept it.

In addition, even if there is a certain foundation in cultivation and the basic skills have been cultivated to a higher level, no matter how weak the spiritual roots are or how old they are, Luoyun Sect will still accept them.

No matter how you look at the enrollment conditions of Luoyun Sect, they are all tailor-made for people like Zi Ling and Mei Ning!
As a result, the Luoyun Sect naturally has the largest number of people among the three sects, and the lowest strength.

On the surface, it sounds like the Luoyun Sect relies on the number of disciples to make up for its strength, and its strength is not very good. In fact, Luoyun Sect's ability to gain a foothold in Yunmeng Mountain is not without its merits. Of course, it also has its own strengths!
That is the famous alchemy technique!
In the Xi Kingdom, only a few elders of the Luoyun Sect have the ability to refine the rumored Soul-fixing Pill.

Luoyun Sect also has two Nascent Soul cultivators in charge.

In addition, Old Demon Han will appear in the future!

When the time comes, Luoyun Sect will come directly to Hedong for thirty years and Hexi for thirty years. Don't bully young people into poverty.

It is not a dream to stand up and become the big brother on the list!

However, it still has to wait thirty years before the dream becomes reality, because Han Li is still in chaos in the sea of ​​stars...

Running away...no...it's flying across the sea of ​​stars.

The Luoyun Sect waited for a while, but they couldn't wait for Old Demon Han.

Now, the same can be said for waiting for Emperor Ye Tian.

Yang Chen went crazy as a teenager and came to the Luoyun Sect entrance examination team, and entered the Luoyun Sect under the pseudonym Ye Fan.

He needed to become a mortal for a period of time to sort out what he had learned and prepare for the condensation of Nascent Soul. At the same time, he remembered that there were some opportunities in the Luoyun Sect that should not be missed.

Yang Chen is not worried about his identity being discovered, relying on his current fake infant cultivation and the secret skill of covering the sky to hide his aura.

Even if a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul were to look at him face to face and examine him carefully, he would not be able to discover his true cultivation level at all!
The process of assessing disciples during the Qi training period is naturally just a formality for a boss like Yang Chen.

There's nothing special about it.

Yang Chen looked at this introductory test like a Nobel Prize candidate looking at kindergarten-level questions.

It is worth mentioning that.

Among the people who joined the Luoyun Sect this time with Yang Chen, there was also someone who pretended to be a pig and eat the tiger.

Seems mysterious.

Yang Chen just glanced at it and ignored it.

With his current eyesight, no matter how well the Nascent Soul cultivator hides himself, there is no way he can escape his eyes.

Not to mention that the Maid youth was just a knotted pill.

In an instant, the young man in Mai, like Yang Chen, controlled his cultivation at the tenth level of Qi Refining and passed the assessment, and happened to be admitted to Tianquan Peak together as a foreign affairs disciple.

The place where the Luoyun Sect's mountain gate is located is called Liuqifeng.

As the name suggests, Liuqi Peak is divided into six peaks. The Tianquan Peak that Yang Chen entered is one of the six peaks.

After joining Tianquan Peak, Yang Chen was assigned to an attractive woman in her twenties, responsible for taking care of the medicine garden.

Taking care of the medicine garden is Yang Chen's old profession.

Yang Chen made his fortune by taking care of the medicine garden in Lingxu Cave, and he is no stranger to the work of taking care of the medicine garden.

Instead, it feels familiar and nostalgic.

It's back, it's all back!

In a strange medicinal garden of more than a hundred feet, Yang Chen showed a faint smile when he looked at the green and green single herbs in front of him, the only three huts in the middle of the medicinal garden, and an unknown hill next to the medicinal garden. .

This cold and charming woman is none other than Mu Peiling, who is famous for her beauty in the Luoyun Sect and has been ranked first on the list of concubines.

Mu Peiling is currently in the middle stage of foundation building.

Naturally, he looked down on Yang Chen, who was only at the tenth level of Qi Refining.

No matter how tall Yang Chen looks, cultivation is everything in Mu Peiling's eyes, and she doesn't want to stay with Yang Chen for a moment longer.

Without waiting for Yang Chen to answer, Mu Peiling coldly gave Yang Chen a medicine garden and asked him to cultivate and plant it by himself.

Of course, Mu Peiling also symbolically gave Yang Chen a jade slip recording the water attribute technique - Xuan Bing Jue.

Then, with her snow-white chin raised and her graceful curves, Mu Peiling flew away with the original caretaker of the garden.

Yang Chen certainly wanted this.

The less anyone bothered him, the happier he was.

It means that this place will be your own territory from now on.

Yang Chen took a glance and opened up a brand new small cave in the small rock mountain behind the medicine garden.

Several high-level concealment formations were casually arranged. These formations could not be hidden from the careful eyes of the Nascent Soul stage monks, but the Core Formation stage monks could not detect anything unusual.

This is completely enough for Yang Chen.

After all, high-level monks cannot hide from his spiritual exploration, and they will not come to this broken medicine garden for no reason.

The current arrangement is just subconscious.

Now, you can sort out what you have gained.

"Do you know how the Soul Crying Beast has transformed?"

Ever since the Soul Crying Beast devoured a large number of Yin Beast spirits in Storm Mountain, it had fallen into a deep slumber in the Spirit Beast Bag.

Yang Chen didn't intend to wake him up.

After all, this is very different from the situation when the Soul Crying Beast used to doze off. Because it continuously swallowed too many souls, this is the Soul Crying Beast undergoing transformation and beginning to advance.

After the crying soul wakes up and advances, he will be a big helper, but it is indeed of little use to Yang Chen.

But for women such as Zi Ling and Mei Ning, it was still quite useful, but Yang Chen was a little uneasy.

For him, controlling the Crying Soul is easy.

But with the strength of Zi Ling and Mei Ning's consciousness, they may not be able to control the Soul Crying Beast that has advanced again.

Therefore, Yang Chen planned to give the Minghun Pearl to Zi Ling or Mei Ning to directly refine it before the crying soul woke up.

As for the symptoms of splitting headaches caused by refining the soul-calling beads, with him taking care of them, there should be no major problems.

Of course, before that, Yang Chen had another important matter that he had to deal with first.

Before dealing with the matter, he first released a few puppets and asked them to guard the medicine garden to act as his eyes and ears.

Just in case someone suddenly comes to your door.

Moreover, these puppets can also take care of the little girl Mu Peiling's medicine garden symbolically.

In this way, Yang Chen could concentrate on doing his own thing. He took out the wolf head jade Ruyi from the storage bag.

"This Yu Ruyi is not simple..."

Yang Chen took a closer look and saw nothing unusual. He smiled slightly and put Yu Ruyi back into the storage bag.

Are you living in Yu Ruyi and not wanting to come out, or are you unable to come out? You have to pay rent if you live in me...

Others don't know it, but Yang Chen knows that the man who lives in Langshou Yu Ruyi is the famous popular king:

Silver Moon.

Yinyue has lived in him for so long, and knows how many secrets he knows, but she can't let them out.

To be on the safe side, Yang Chen decided to deal with this time bomb in advance so that Yin Yue would be born early.

"Yinyue must find a body if she wants to be resurrected. It just so happens that Luoyun Sect has a suitable body!"

Yang Chen headed towards the Green Trail Swamp!

Planning to use the method of subduing demons!

(End of this chapter)

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