I am a mortal to prove the Great Emperor

Chapter 271 Come from all living things, go to all living beings

Chapter 271 Come from all living beings, go to all living beings (first update, please subscribe)
On the streets of the Holy City.

Two figures like a couple of gods walked side by side.

While walking, An Miaoyi couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked: "The appearance of the saint of Zifu."

"It is indeed the appearance of heaven and man."

Yang Chen smiled slightly.

An Miaoyi added: "The wind phoenix is ​​unparalleled in its splendor."

"It is indeed unparalleled in splendor." Yang Chen said again.

"Then why did Brother Yang reject Fenghuang?"

An Miaoyi suddenly smiled and asked.

Yang Chen shook his head and said nothing.

The red lips are more sexy and bright. She is slim and breathtakingly beautiful, and the curves of her body are amazing and perfect.

An Miaoyi said with a charming face, breaking the silence.

Yang Chen smiled in his heart and took the ancient scroll casually.

An Miaoyi could not keep calm.

"I don't want to fall into the mortal world forever." An Miaoyi bowed and said with a smile on her face, extremely beautiful:

An Miaoyi is a smart woman, so she naturally understood the cause and effect instantly, and the two of them became honest with each other.

Yang Chen nodded slightly. He didn't have the secret book now, and the Nirvana Scroll was of great help to him, and said:
"I want this ancient scroll."

Yang Chen spit out three words lightly.

Seeing this situation, An Miaoyi felt helpless. Yang Chen couldn't get in, so he had to figure it out slowly.

Just like Guanghan Palace.

An Miaoyi's appearance, figure and temperament are no less than those of Chi Yao and Yan Ruyu. The three women are equally superior and inferior, each with their own merits.

"Although this ancient scroll is just a piece of the essence of the Nirvana Sutra, it should be quite useful to Taoist brothers. When a nunnery master was dying, I got this ancient scroll. Not only did he recover from his injuries, but he also underwent a transformation like a new life. ”

Look at the peerless beauty opposite.

An Miaoyi is extremely elegant, with shiny black hair.

Yang Chen didn't want to be conceited and went straight to the point. As soon as he opened his mouth, he said something that shocked An Miaoyi.

The ancient scroll is yellow, and I can’t tell what kind of material it is made of. It looks like animal skin or ancient cloth. It looks like an ancient relic from a very long time ago. There are two words on the open scroll: Nirvana!

The voice is still as beautiful as the sound of nature.

"I heard that you are involved with the ruthless people..."

"This ancient scroll was left in Miao Yuan by a disciple of Sakyamuni more than a thousand years ago."

Yang Chen refused.

It’s hard for a monk to resist the temptation of listening to music...

"Hua Yunfei."

As soon as he entered and sat in front of the white jade table, a pretty woman poured water and tea, and Yang Chen drank tea calmly.

As for Feng Huang, Yang Chen has never seen its true appearance.

"I'm just related to the ruthless lineage, and I don't have the ruthless heritage in me," An Miaoyi said.

Yang Chen's white clothes fluttered and he entered Miaoyu Temple.

"Brother Dao, please come with me."

Yang Chen's eyes were deep. These two words have extraordinary meaning in Buddhism. They are a process of becoming a Buddha.

"I will give this piece of wisdom to Brother Tao as a meeting gift." An Miaoyi took out an ancient scroll from her arms.

"Brother Dao, please stay here tonight."

An Miaoyi led the way and walked into a magnificent palace with carved beams and painted buildings and a fairy mist.

An Miaoyi introduced softly.

"My fair lady, you are a good gentleman. If Brother Dao is interested in the Holy Girl of Zi Mansion, I can help to connect you."

"How did you know?"

Yang Chen smiled and didn't say anything, just looked at this incomparably beautiful woman quietly.

"The ruthless people have a connection with me, but I don't want to be controlled by them." An Miaoyi added.

Not easy to compare.

Her skin is as good as snow, her eyes are lively, and her eyelashes are very long.

"Please help me, Brother Dao!"

"No need."

Yang Chen was not surprised by this. In the fantasy world of immortality, places like Miaoyu Temple were the most well-informed.

An Miaoyi walked lightly and said: "Let Miaoyi explain to you the essence of the chapters of the ancient Nirvana Sutra..."

The essentials described in the Nirvana Sutra can change the state of life and gain the power of another kind of rebirth.

It's not true reincarnation.

However, although practicing this sutra cannot lead to longevity, it has the unparalleled power of increasing longevity and delaying decline.

And the essence of this ancient scroll is a supreme healing magic that has incredible miraculous effects!
At the moment of enlightenment, Yang Chen's body suddenly flowed with divine radiance, and his blood surged out of his body and swirled around his body.

Make him look like a god.

"Because ignorance is annihilated, the mind has no origin; because there is no origin, the realm is annihilated; because causes and conditions are both annihilated, the mind and state are all gone, which is called nirvana..." An Miaoyi explained in detail.

The Nirvana Sutra is the supreme heavenly power of the Western Desert.

It is definitely comparable to several ancient scriptures in Donghuang.

The sound of Zen singing sounded melodiously in the palace. It was extremely mysterious, and there was a mysterious energy flowing.

This is a treasure secret technique in the ancient Nirvana Sutra.

It can definitely be called the supreme holy art of healing, possessing the secret of heaven and earth creation, mysterious and profound.

Yang Chen's mortal body has embarked on the road of extreme transformation, and then used the holy art of Nirvana to heal his wounds. Various visions suddenly appeared. The Emperor of Heaven stepped on the time and reflected the heavens around him.

The immortal body is dazzling, possessing the supreme majesty like the Emperor of Heaven and the ordinary temperament unique to the mortal body.

Come from all living beings, go to all living beings.

Sometimes Yang Chen sits cross-legged on the nine heavens, looking down at the human world, and sometimes he plunges into the world of mortals, experiencing the cycle of life and death.

An Miaoyi's beautiful eyes bloomed with splendor.

Yang Chen's understanding is higher than he imagined. She had this clear understanding just after receiving the holy art of nirvana in the ancient scriptures. She lightly opened her red lips and explained in detail:

"Being subject to all causes and conditions, and not being subject to all causes and conditions in the cycle of life and death, this is called Nirvana..."

Yang Chen was silent, and his vitality became stronger. The mist surrounded him, drowning him, and his whole body bloomed with seven-color divine light.

The flawless body is almost transparent like colorful glass, clean and stain-free, and is repairing some hidden injuries.

Overcome the double-path fruiting catastrophe, and also overcome the dragon-transforming catastrophe.

Yang Chen didn't have any injuries on his body, that was impossible, it was just that the injuries he suffered were very minor.

It's nothing now, but if it continues to accumulate over the years and the number of injuries increases, it will be difficult to deal with.

This is like Changshan Zhao Zilong, who fought without injury, but was stabbed to death by an embroidery needle in the end.

Yang Chen is repairing his body, trying his best to make the old wounds and cracks disappear, so that he will be flawless from now on.

Keep your immortal body forever and live in the world forever.


Yang Chen was shocked and his blood was surging!
The entire palace was almost turned into powder. If An Miaoyi hadn't already laid out the array pattern, everything would have been destroyed.

This is the transformed mortal body. It is incredibly powerful. The slightest movement has the power of thunder, which is unbearable for anyone, let alone a woman.


An Miaoyi was dripping with blood, her hair was like a waterfall, her skin was as smooth as snow, and she was as ethereal as a fairy.

Yang Chen stood up and stood up.

An Miaoyi stood tall and graceful, and the moonlight poured in, making her slender body appear bright and peerless.

With beautiful black hair, icy muscles and jade bones, undulating curves, and a moving figure, she looks like the most perfect masterpiece from God.


the next day.

Yang Chen stood up, refreshed, all his injuries healed, and reached an unprecedented peak state.

"Before leaving the Holy City, it's time to cut up this batch of Origin Stones and take stock of the harvest."

Back at Jiang's house, Yang Chen first started cutting the source stone from Ji's Shifang, and soon he cut out an Immortal Exquisite.

Rumor has it that this thing will turn into an immortal scripture when it enters the immortal realm, but it will be of no use in the mortal world.

Xian Linglong was of little use to him, and Yang Chen, who never used prostitution for nothing, planned to give this thing to An Miaoyi.

An Miaoyi is very interested in Xian Linglong.

Yang Chen cut out another divine silkworm from the Ji family source stone.

This seems to be a relative of the ancient god Silkworm, who lived a second life, lost all his memory, and turned into a cute little silkworm.

As for the other Origin Stones, Yang Chen doesn't plan to cut them.

It would not be too late to cut out the seeds of the Kirin elixir when we see Han Li again, but cutting out the Dou Zhan Shen Yuan and Shen Silkworm Princess now would be harmful but not beneficial.

"It's time to go out and practice..."

Yang Chen put his hands behind his hands and looked towards the horizon.

A man has no woman in his heart, but he cannot live without a woman by his side. The young man started writing.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

When the time agreed with the Purple Palace Saint came, Yang Chen stood up, walked out of the Holy City, and went to meet her for the appointment.

However, he was unable to see the Holy Maiden of the Purple Mansion.

The Holy Lady of Zifu ordered someone to send a message to Yang Chen. She had already gone to the northern ice field and seemed to be going to explore a secret place.

"Could it be that earth-shattering place?"

"That place is related to the ancient tribes and ancient emperors, and it also has the elixir of immortality..."

Yang Chen had a vague idea and turned around towards the northern ice field with his little girl who was tired of playing in the Holy City.


And this moment.

On the ice sheet, a figure stood gracefully.

The Holy Maiden of the Purple Mansion is only about twenty years old, but she has the appearance of someone who will captivate a country. Her purple clothes are fluttering, and she stands in the ice and snow.

At a glance, it looks like a purple fairy flower.

The Holy Maiden of the Purple Mansion has a slender figure, a slender waist, and her hair is dancing lightly. She is shrouded in purple air, and her stunning face is very hazy. Her eyebrows are shining, and purple clouds bloom through the purple mist.

That's a little seal.

Fairy Zixia stands quietly in the wind and snow, as if she is one with heaven and earth, integrating into Taoism and nature.

Her peerless grace was connected to the Tao, her cold eyes looked at the ice and snow palace in front of her, and she whispered to herself:

"I wonder what secrets the Ice and Snow Palace hides?"

As a great sect of the Northern Territory, the Ice and Snow Palace has a long inheritance, more than ten thousand years, and its strength is only inferior to that of the Holy Land.

Legend has it that the founder of this palace was not a human being, but an old snow ape who had a great influence on nature.

It could rival all the holy places thousands of years ago.

Some people say that the exercises practiced by the old ape are the traditions of the holy land that was destroyed 70,000 to 80,000 years ago.

The Ice and Snow Palace was only a major force that later took over the ice field.

In more distant times, there was an even more ancient and glorious holy land heritage here.

In the past, it was the darkest and turbulent era.

An earth-shattering war once broke out here. It was originally a holy and pure land, but it was completely destroyed.

According to legend, the Jiang Family God King Chi Hengyu Furnace made a shocking blow and wiped out the endless snow-capped mountains.

Let this become an endless ice field.

Just as Fairy Zixia was about to go to the Ice and Snow Palace, a voice behind her seemed to come from the vast nine heavens:

"Fairy, please stay."

It's him?

Hearing this familiar voice, Fairy Zixia suddenly looked back, and what came into view was a tall figure.

Amidst the wind and snow, a young man with a three-year-old girl sitting on his shoulders walked slowly through the wind and snow.

It was Yang Chen who came with his little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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