I am a mortal to prove the Great Emperor

Chapter 276 Goodbye Ye Fan, sweeping the world

Chapter 276 Goodbye Ye Fan, sweeping the world (second update, please subscribe)

A figure's energy and blood surged into the sky!

It's like a divine furnace burning!

"It's Li Rui, the candidate saint son of the Holy Land of Shaking Light."

Fairy Zixia did not expect that she would encounter someone fighting not far away, one of whom she had seen before.

Li Rui can be called a genius. Although he is not as invincible as the Holy Son of Light, he is still absolutely dazzling.

He is the top master of his generation.

But at this moment, Li Rui was being pressed down and beaten by the person opposite!
"Have times changed? Why did a strange young master suddenly appear?" Zixia was surprised.

She couldn't see the origin of this young man.

It was a figure that looked like a demon, with black hair dancing wildly, feet stepping on the void, and two silver rays shooting out of its eyes!

"Holy City Shifang?"

"Brother Pangbo, you are too fierce!"

The practice of covering the sky is so unreasonable.

Unexpectedly, he would have friendship with the Holy Maiden of Zi Mansion again!
In the end, Tu Fei looked at Yang Chen in astonishment!

Fairy Zixia was slightly surprised and said: "The Holy Body has actually entered the fourth heaven realm of the Tao Palace!"

"This is Fairy Zixia..."

"It's him……"

"The Demon Emperor's Nine Slashes...Disappearance!"

Ye Fan's cultivation progress exceeded the original timeline.

Yang Chen was also a little surprised.

"What, it's Fairy Zixia?!"

"It's little brother!"

Pang Bo also looked shocked. It was the first time for him and Yang Chen to meet, but he also knew that Yang Chen and Yan Ruyu had a close friendship.

After some pleasantries, Yang Chen also learned from them what Ye Fan and Hei Huang had experienced during this time.

"The Demon Emperor's Nine Slashes... Divine Injury!"

Tu Fei's figure appeared and he was full of praise.

"Junior Brother Ye!"

All we can say is that the child of destiny is the child of destiny. What is the protagonist of the world? This is the protagonist of the world.

Immediately afterwards, the big black dog appeared with Ye Fan. Ye Fan suppressed Li Rui and planned to let him go mining!
"I didn't expect them to get together..."

Ye Fan was surprised that this woman in purple clothes with a veil was so weird that she actually gave him a feeling of being in harmony with the Tao.

"It's Fairy Zixia?"

"You know him?"

The little girl was very surprised to see Mark.

Ye Fan was shocked. He didn't understand for a long time when Yang Chen had such a deep friendship with Zixia Fairy, the saint of Zifu!
The Black Emperor was also doubly shocked and hated the fact that iron could not become steel. Well, now the innate holy body Tao embryo is completely hopeless!

Yang Chen smiled, casually introduced a few words to Fairy Zixia, and then took her aside to eat melon in peace.

Yang Chen was really curious about what Ye Fan had experienced and how he could practice so fast.

In "Shading the Sky", Ye Fan fully expected to be able to catch up with the Holy Son of Light and others after practicing for only a few years.

If this rate continues, in another year at most, Ye Fan will break the curse and break into the secret realm of the Four Pole.

"Demon Emperor Nine Slashes... Deprivation!"

Yang Chen appeared with a smile and greeted Ye Fan.

Pang Bo recorded the Demon Emperor's Nine Slashes three times, like a majestic demon god. Li Rui was unable to defeat him. He screamed when he was killed, and his eyebrows overflowed with blood. He fell to the sky and fell to the wasteland.

"Senior Brother Yang! Little girl! Who is this?"

Fairy Zixia was thoughtful. After spending more than a month together day and night, she thought she had understood Yang Chen.

It turns out that Ye Fan first entered the Taichu Ancient Mine and obtained the Phoenix Blood Red Gold. Later, he rescued Pang Bo. He was chased and accidentally entered the Divine Desert. He obtained the Divine Whip and killed ten young masters of Yaoguang in a row. Now he is even Yaoguang. The candidate saint son Li Rui was suppressed!
And with the help of the Source Heaven Book to find the source and cut the source, Ye Fan absorbed and refined all the way, and finally reached the fourth level of the Dao Palace!

Yang Chen introduced with a smile.

Yang Chen smiled with interest, Ye Fan, Pang Bo, Hei Huang, and Tu Fei came together, it can be said that they joined forces.

Seeing Yang Chen take the initiative to introduce her to the friends around her, Fairy Zixia also smiled slightly and said hello generously.

Yang Chen's eyes widened and he recognized this person.

But now it seems that there is no less fog on Yang Chen, and there are many secrets that she doesn't know!
"He is Pang Bo, a good friend of Holy Body Ye Fan..."

Hearing this familiar voice, Ye Fan raised his head in surprise and saw two figures, one white and one purple, coming side by side.

However, if Ye Fan makes a breakthrough in the future, he will need massive numbers of sources, and now he plans to enter the Holy City to obtain sources.

Yang Chen silently mourned for the stone workshops of the major holy families in the Holy City. After his looting, the vitality of each stone workshop was severely damaged.

Now, it's hard to recover.

The major stone houses will be robbed by Feng Chu again.

Even without those divine sources, Ye Fan might have other ways to break the curse of the holy body and break into the secret realm of the four extremes.

Yang Chen firmly believes in this, there is no perfect path for everyone.

With Ye Fan's character and luck, the more he is tempered, the faster he grows. This is an unbeatable Phoenix!

"Ku Yi Ku Feng Chu, for the future Dark Sacrifice...he must be faster and stronger than Emperor Ye Tian!"


Yang Chen also planned to go to the Holy City, and the group crossed the void and came to Lizhou, not far from the Holy City.

Lizhou, as its name suggests, is very beautiful. The oasis it is located in has a radius of five to six thousand miles. The central city is called Belvedere. This city is quite famous in the entire northern region.

There are many gardens and wonders in the city, which are so beautiful.

Yang Chen passed by the sky above Belvedere. Suddenly, his heart moved. He saw many familiar figures.

There are the divine sons and saints of the Holy Land such as Ji Haoyue, Ji Ziyue, Yaoguang Saint, Yaoguang Saint, Dayan and other holy places.

He even saw the disciples from Yaochi Holy Land. "With so many saints and saints gathered together, news of the Nine Secrets of the Belvedere Underground Palace must have spread..."

Yang Chen smiled slightly and lowered his light. Since he met people from Yaochi here, there was no need to go to Yaochi.

What's more, there is a Chaos Stone left by Emperor Wu Shi in the Belvedere underground palace. Such good things are not to be missed.

However, what Yang Chen didn't expect was that the news of the Nine Secrets of the Underground Palace would have an unprecedented impact!

The former site of Licheng, Jiang Family, Ji Family, Yaoguang, Yaochi, Dayan, Wanchu, Daoyi and other holy places have all arrived!
The descendants of the Thirteen Great Bandits have also arrived!

The leaders of the demon clan also appeared one after another!

The Nine Secrets shocked the world!

This masterless magic made everyone unable to sit still!
The Feng Clan, an ancient family from the Eastern Wilderness Central Region, has also arrived!
Even Taixuan Sect as far away as the Southern Territory has people coming!
The Beiyuan Golden Family also came, and even the Yin-Yang Sect, the great sect of Zhongzhou, came from thousands of miles away!

At the same time, there are vague rumors in Belvedere. It is said that even people from the ancient assassin dynasty are here!

“It’s really a gathering of forces from all directions!”

"The strongest figures of the younger generation have arrived!"

"Unfortunately, there is no news from Yang Beichen..."

Countless monks discussed it hotly and felt a little regretful.

Even though all the saints and saints gathered together, Yang Chen did not appear, and all the monks felt that it was not neat!
After all, this is the strongest of the young generation in the Eastern Wasteland!
Yang Beichen is now powerful in the world and has the name of Chen Zun!
"Huh, Yang Beichen is nothing more than that. He has long been addicted to Wenrou Township. His future is already destined!"

Fenghuang, who was wearing a phoenix mask, spoke coldly, causing many monks to shut up silently and stop talking.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this jewel of the Feng family is resentful of Yang Chen who broke off the engagement, and has not been able to let it go for a long time.

It seems that I can't get what I want, and love gives rise to hatred...

"Yang Beichen is addicted to women, it's hard to do that!"

The Holy Son of Yaoguang smiled slightly, Yang Chen's biggest flaw had been found by him, what would happen even if Yang Chen came?
He must not be his opponent!


"Senior Brother Yang, you are really famous!"

Listening to the discussion, Ye Fan sighed with a smile.

"When you enter the Four Extremes Secret Realm, let them see the grace of your holy body." Yang Chen said with a smile.

The holy body that can break the curse, coupled with secret techniques such as Douzi Mi, is already stronger than the saints and saints of the Eastern Wasteland.

What's more, he is still an enhanced version of Ye Fan!

Suddenly, countless exclamations reached Yang Chen’s ears:

"The underground palace is opened!"

I saw an ancient mausoleum appearing in the Great Rift Valley, and below it was a huge underground palace. It was not like a mausoleum, but more like an ancient city, with a corner of the majestic city gate exposed to the world.

The ancient city that was built more than 10,000 years ago is indestructible and intact. There is no doubt that it is engraved with mysterious Taoist patterns.


In front of the pair of huge ancient city gates, the Golden Winged Peng King shouted loudly and took the lead, being the first to take action!
Countless Yin soldiers came out in formation. At this time, there was no way to enter the city but to fight their way out!
The powerful forces cleared the way and killed at the front. The Jiang family's divine body left an afterimage and disappeared inside the city gate.

The holy light of the Holy Son of Shaking Light is dazzling, invulnerable to all means. Like a divine furnace, the divine flames surge into the sky and enter the city.

Then, people from Dayan Holy Land, Wanchu Holy Land, Zifu Holy Land, Daoyi Holy Land, etc. all arrived and disappeared in a flash.

Enter the underground palace!
The mist was misty and misty, and the Holy Maiden of Yaochi also moved, no longer indifferent, and entered the ancient city.

On the other side, Yan Ruyu bloomed like a divine lotus, bathed in the glow, and disappeared in a flash, entering the ancient city.

"Ziyue, wait outside, don't follow me, a terrible battle will break out inside, I'm going in!"

After Ji Haoyue finished speaking, he flashed by and disappeared instantly, leaving only a shadow of the divine moon in place.

The five-color divine glow flows, and the wind phoenix also enters the ancient city.

The descendant of the Thirteen Great Bandits, Jin Chixiao of the Golden Family, the Saint of Zhongzhou Yin Yang Sect also entered the ancient city!
Yang Chen saw the unscrupulous Taoist priest Duan De laughing strangely, and followed him into the ancient city, seemingly intending to fish in troubled waters.

"Come on, let's go in too!"

Seeing so many young saints and saints, Yang Chen was very motivated to fight. This was a God-given opportunity.

You can use the Heaven Swallowing Demon Technique to swallow it to your heart’s content!

It just so happens that the older generation has its own opponents and will have no time to interfere in the duel of the younger generation.

Now that the third level of Dragon Transformation is complete, Yang Chen is fearless and can take the initiative and sweep away his contemporaries!

"Huh? Where is Senior Brother Yang?"

Ye Fan was surprised. After entering the underground palace, Yang Chen and Fairy Zixia suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye.


"Got it!"

Yang Chen took Fairy Zixia as if they were in an uninhabited land, and with the power of thunder, they went directly to the imperial palace, and snatched away all the Chaos Stones and the most important animal skin scrolls!

"Put down the fetish!"

The Saintess of Yin Yang Sect's eyes are about to burst and she releases her magical power!
Many monks quickly retreated. The inheritance of Yin Yang Sect is extremely ancient and extremely long. It can be traced back to the beginning of human beings. It follows the laws of heaven and earth and is so powerful that it is terrifying!
Among the hundreds of religions in Zhongzhou, it ranks among the top, and it can be called a holy place!
The Yin Yang Sect can be compared with the four immortal dynasties in Zhongzhou!
The Saint of Yin and Yang thought she could kill these two people on the spot, but in an instant, she was enveloped by a majestic blood energy!
He immediately stopped where he was and his expression changed drastically!
If it weren't for the crimson blood, she would have thought that an ancient holy body was taking action to break the curse!

"You said let it go, just let it go?"

Yang Chen's black hair danced wildly and he stood proudly on the spot. This time he wanted to go on a killing spree, so it was naturally impossible for him to walk the world in his true appearance.

Both he and Fairy Zixia used secret techniques to change their appearance and energy, and no one present could recognize them.

In the world of immortality, the strong have always been respected. Opportunities are ownerless things, and there is never anything that cannot be snatched.

Seeing the two men suddenly charging out and taking away the Chaos Stone and the ancient scrolls that seemed to be the Nine Secrets, all the saints and saints were stunned!
"Who do you think you are? You deserve to have a divine object!"

The Saint of Yin and Yang was furious and took action instantly!

The brilliance in his hand spilled out a piece of colored sand, like a river of stars flowing, it was very dreamy and colorful!
"One hundred and eight thousand swords!"

The bad-tempered Golden-winged Xiaopeng King also took action. Since the battle with Yang Chen, he learned to be smart, and he used his unique skills when he came up. His whole body was filled with golden light, blooming with dazzling brilliance!

Thousands of terrifying golden sword lights shot out!

A bang!
Yang Chen punched out, piercing the sword light and hitting the Golden Winged Peng King against the wall. The whole hall shook!
For a moment, the whole place was dead silent.

Yang Chen joined hands with Fairy Zixia and looked at the audience: "Today I, my Taoist couple, will fight alone against the world's heroes!"

(End of this chapter)

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