I am a mortal to prove the Great Emperor

Chapter 291 It’s already the first time to start the chapter again

Chapter 291 Looking back a hundred years later (first update, please subscribe)
A dazzling white light flashed in the sky!
Then there was a thunderbolt from the clear sky!
The originally hazy air circle exploded, and the violent wind swept away in all directions!

The concubine and the others, who were dozens of feet away, changed their expressions when they saw the fierce white wind.

At this time, Lu Luo dodged and stood in front of Liu Ruyan, while holding out a blue shield.

Covering himself and Liu Ruyan in it.

In just this moment, the swift and violent wind had already rushed to the shield, and strange creaking sounds continued to be heard.

As soon as the front wall came into contact, it felt as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer. The moment the strong wind passed by, it was dented several inches deep, as if it was about to burst!
Fortunately, these strong winds only dispersed and passed by.

Most of them are swiped from both sides of the passport.

The recessed shield wall returned to normal for a moment. At this time, Lu Luo's face flashed with blue light and the shield was removed.

Not far away from the opposite side, Nanlonghou's group of Jinge soldiers raised their Jinge high in the face of the strong wind, and a large golden light suddenly appeared above their heads.

Like a huge golden shield.

Protect them together with the beast chariot in the middle.

Even so, when the white wind blew by, the golden light only lasted for a moment and then shattered.

These warriors and female cultivators were swept away by the remaining strong wind, and they all held their heads in their hands and screamed in pain.

He gradually started to bleed from his seven orifices, and his face looked horrifying.

Only the two female cultivators in palace attire sitting on the beast carriage were protected by the prohibition of the beast carriage, and they were safe and sound. However, at this moment, their beauty was pale, and their faces were full of panic.

Seeing this scene, Liu Ruyan took a breath and looked at Yang Chen who reappeared in the sky.

Then, Nanlong Hou's voice came from the air, and a ball of golden light fell from the sky, but it exploded halfway and turned into countless golden lights, covering all his men in it.

Wherever the golden light passed, the people holding their heads immediately stopped screaming and regained their balance.

Although they all looked panicked.

But it didn't look like anything serious.

Marquis Nanlong, who had taken action to treat him, looked at Yang Chen who was smiling but not smiling. His heart was full of surprise and doubt, as if he still didn't believe that the other party's consciousness was actually superior to his!

You know, he just released all his spiritual consciousness.

And look at the other person's relaxed and carefree look.

Obviously there is still some energy left and he has not yet fully enjoyed himself.

Just when Marquis Nanlong was feeling hesitant as if he had been struck by lightning, Yang Chen across from him suddenly smiled at him.

"Fellow Daoist Nanlong's spiritual consciousness is not bad."

Yang Chen said lightly.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Nanlong Hou knew that he was trying to save face for himself, and he suddenly laughed loudly:
"Haha, it's not my fault that I can't make Fellow Daoist Yang happy. This magical power belongs to Fellow Daoist Yang."

Marquis Nanlong handed over a jade slip.

Yang Chen put away the jade slip without even looking at it.

It can be said that it shows the trust in Nanlong Hou.

Marquis Nanlong's evaluation of him was even higher, and he felt even more deeply that there were talented people in the generation of immortal cultivators!
Yang Chen smiled and said nothing when he saw this. In the world of immortal cultivation, even Yuanying stage monks speak with their strength.

The contest between the two of them has officially ended.

Yang Chen naturally didn't use all his strength. If he, the great monk of Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, used all his strength, it would be too bullying.

This intensity is just right.

Nanlonghou achieved the purpose of his test.

Yang Chen also made the other party feel fearful, but he didn't seem too shocking.

Later, Nanlong Hou sent a message to Yang Chen and said:
"I will naturally tell fellow Taoists about the real reason for the competition at the trade fair."

"Why can't you say it now?"

"Fellow Taoist, I don't know something. This reason is of great importance and it's not convenient to explain it clearly here." Nanlong Hou said:
"There is a map in the jade slip. On the fourth day of the trade fair, Taoist friends can go to the place marked on the map to gather. I will introduce several other Taoist friends I know, and there will also be a great thing to share with the Taoist friends. !”

Marquis Nanlong smiled mysteriously at Yang Chen, his lips slightly opened, and a short secret message clearly reached Yang Chen's ears.

Then, with light all around him, he led the team to quickly escape in the direction of Tiantian City.

Marquis Nanlong didn't even say hello to Lu Luo who was not far away, and just walked away.

Maybe other Nascent Soul stage monks must be unhappy and dissatisfied, but Lu Luo, who was well aware of the other party's weird temperament, just smiled bitterly.

Yang Chen's white clothes fluttered, falling from the sky and landing on the spirit boat. The jade trees faced the wind, looking extremely chic.


As soon as Liu Ruyan saw Yang Chen landing, her pretty face flushed and she greeted him. Her bright eyes were staring at Yang Chen, and her eyes were full of water.

It had only been a moment since Yang Chen defeated Nanlong Hou, but the majestic and majestic figure just now still made her heart surge.

I felt that staying by Yang Chen's side was really not a bad thing, and I felt a sense of security that I had never felt before.

Lu Luo took a step forward and said with a smile:

"Thank you, senior, for showing mercy!"

Lu Luo's face was full of joy, and the last hint of estrangement was gone at this moment.

This estrangement was not because he had any objections to Yang Chen, but because Yang Chen was a member of the Luo Yun Sect, so he could not be so careless in getting along with Cheng Tiankun.

After showing mercy this time, Lu Luo finally regarded Yang Chen as one of his own from the Luoyun Sect. That is to say.

Yang Chen won Lu Luo's respect with his humility, which made Lu Luo feel that Yang Chen was truly considering the Luoyun Sect.

Yang Chen is truly a member of the Luoyun Sect.

In a team, to win the true admiration of teammates, in addition to strength, one's way of doing things and being low-key is also a good way.

Yang Chen looked at him, shook his head slightly, and said:
"I have no mercy, it's just that you think too badly of me. Yang is not a person who kills indiscriminately."

Lu Luo was startled, it seemed like this was really the case.

Could it be that he really misunderstood?

Yang Chen said: "Let's go too. The movement of the Divine Consciousness Gangfeng just now may attract many monks."

He is most afraid of trouble. If other monks really notice him, he doesn't know how much trouble it will cause.

Lu Luo agreed without hesitation:

"Okay, let's get to Tiantian City as soon as possible!"

Afterwards, Yang Chen and Lu Luo drove the spirit boat to Tiantian City, which was not too far away.

The largest trade fair in Tiannan was held in Tiantian City.

I don’t know what unexpected gains he can get from this Nascent Soul Trade Fair?


Tiantian City, this city is where the main altar of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance is located, and it is also the only city of monks in Tiannan.

Regardless of whether men, women, old or young, the people living in this city are all monks with spiritual roots, not a single mortal.

In Tiantian City, there are six or seven old monsters from the Nine Kingdoms Alliance who are above the mid-Nascent Soul stage, enough to kill any monk who is looking for trouble or provocation on the spot.

No matter whether it is the two paths of good and evil, the Heavenly Alliance, or the unruly and unruly cultivators, none of them dare to be too presumptuous here.

The city of monks - Tiantian City also has a famous city protection formation called the [Shangyuan Light Extinguishing Formation].

Back then, the magician coalition forces in the Mulan Grassland once reached the territory of the Yu Kingdom, but were defeated by the [Shangyuan Light Extinguishing Array] in Tiantian City. I heard that the battle was extremely tragic, and only the Nascent Soul-level monks So many people were killed.


A month or two before the Tiannan First Trade Fair was held, the Nine Nations Alliance, as the host, had removed most of the restrictions on the city protection formation [Shangyuan Light Extinguishing Formation].

Because at this time, monks from far away had come to the city, and some even started to set up stalls.

In fact, it was only in the past hundred years that the trade fair was held in Tiantian City.

In the past, the trade fairs were held alternately in Tianluo Kingdom and Fengdu Kingdom, which were controlled by the two factions of good and evil.

At that time, the Tiandao Alliance had not yet been established, and the Nine Nations Alliance was overwhelmed by Master Mulan. This incredibly profitable trading event could only be controlled by these two major forces.

But after the two paths of good and evil began to expand.

Naturally, the monks from other forces would no longer feel comfortable allowing the evil country to hold trade fairs.

Therefore, since the last time, the right to host the trade fair has undoubtedly fallen to the neutral Nine Nations Alliance. This can be regarded as a dumb loss after the power of good and evil increased greatly.

Khotan Tiancheng.

Rows of stone houses are arranged neatly.

Between these stone houses, there are long bluestone streets of different widths interspersed among them, as dense as a spider web.

A woman in purple wearing a cloak and veil was walking on the streets of Fangshi.

I saw that the streets were crowded with stalls on both sides, and many monks came and went to inquire about prices and transactions, which was extremely lively.

The woman in purple saw that someone was setting up stalls before the fair started, and asked, "You start setting up stalls so early?"

The stall owner said: "Is this your first time attending a trade fair, fellow Taoist? On the days when the trade fair is officially held, there are certainly many treasures and all kinds of rare materials emerge in endlessly.

"But it's definitely not something we ordinary monks can afford. If you really want to buy some rarer and suitable materials, it's best to look for them and buy them early before the trade fair is held."

The woman in purple nodded slightly.

It was indeed her first time attending a trade fair.

Not long after we arrived at Tiantian City, looking around, Tiantian City, which was a little deserted, soon became bustling with people, as lively as a mundane city.

It's just that the people walking on both sides of the city streets are all immortal cultivators with a high level of cultivation.

The only currency used for transactions is spirit stones.

After passing through many streets, the woman in purple stopped.

I saw that behind a white light screen, there were lofts one after another, quiet and elegant, with different styles and exquisite beauty.

That is the residence of Yuanying monk.

The woman in purple turned and walked forward and found that the only auction house in the city, which was also run by the Nine Nations Alliance, had also begun to accept the submission and valuation of various rare items.

The entire Tiantian City gradually became heated.

Looking at the monks and monks walking side by side on the street, the woman in purple felt sad at the scene, as if she had seen the figure coming out of the world again, but that was already a hundred years ago.

"I haven't seen him for more than a hundred years. I wonder how Brother Yang is doing? Has he been released from seclusion?" Zi Ling sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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