I am a mortal to prove the Great Emperor

Chapter 297 The Charm of the Purple Fairy

Chapter 297 The Charm of the Purple Fairy (-in-, please subscribe)

The yellow sand has not yet arrived.

A stream of wind pillars soaring into the sky roared in first.

Fortunately, the nine people had deviated from the front of the wind pillar beforehand.

The person has reached the far side, and only a few wind pillars pass by, posing no threat at all.

The diameter of these wind pillars is more than ten feet, and the diameter of the small one is several feet, which is enough to hide several magicians.

At such a close distance, the invisible Zi Ling could sense it clearly with his spiritual sense. In these wind pillars, there were vague figures moving around, and it seemed that there were magicians hiding in them.

However, these magicians didn't seem to notice Zi Ling and others on the side, and they were minding their own business and moving forward.

Nanlonghou and others looked on coldly.

Escaped forward equally quietly.

Moreover, the surrounding scenery has never changed!

With the power of everyone, it is naturally extremely easy to break through this shabu, but in this case, everyone's whereabouts will be exposed, which will not be worth the loss.

I saw the hurricane column passing by everyone without even noticing it.

Zi Ling stopped and said, "Fellow Taoists, we must have fallen into a trap!"

As he spoke, his face darkened and his tone was cold:

Yang Chen glanced around and said to Zi Ling:
"Did you notice something was wrong?"

The others looked stunned and surprised.

This made Marquis Nanlong breathe a sigh of relief.

With such a huge wind pillar, the magicians casting spells inside must be very important. Did this person discover them?
Zi Ling took a deep breath.

Zi Ling and others could only close the distance.

"Since Master Mulan plans to use magic to deal with us, it seems he has to fight his way out!"

They immediately appeared and each used their magical powers.

Zi Ling was startled and started to investigate.


This is someone using a ban to plot against them!
Marquis Nanlong nodded and said: "Purple Spirit Fairy is indeed very discerning. I thought it was a bit weird before, but now it seems that we have indeed been noticed by the other party and fell into a trap!"

Zi Ling and Yang Chen didn't hesitate, their expressions were indifferent and turned into a shock wave, which shot out from the gap.

Continue to hide your figure and move forward carefully.

It's just a hastily placed ban.

Nanlong Hou's treasure hunting team has a luxurious lineup.

Everywhere is a dull, dark yellow color.

And in this moment of delay, the boundless sand mist fell from the sky and drowned everyone in it.

"Be careful, the wind and sand are a bit weird, and your spiritual consciousness can't penetrate too far, so don't get separated."

Zi Ling turned around and saw a huge change in his face. He saw a huge wind pillar about a hundred feet thick and reaching the top at a glance, roaring towards them from a distance.

Two mid-stage Nascent Souls and seven early Nascent Souls!
As soon as the nine people took action, they knew if there was any, and in an instant, the restriction was easily torn to pieces like tissue paper!

"It's so easy to break it? Is it a scam?"

The yellow sand should blow over soon.

Seeing that they were about to plunge into the yellow sand that was following behind them, Marquis Nanlong, who was walking at the front, suddenly changed his expression and sent a message to warn: "Be careful next to you!"

Extremely depressing.

He even showed a look of interest.

At this time, no one can delay.

Upon hearing this, Wang Tiangu and others were shocked, looked around, and then came to their senses!

They flew such a long distance in this windy sand, how come they didn't even encounter a sorcerer? It's impossible for all the magicians to gather in the middle of the sand, right?

Nanlonghou said calmly.

The magic sword in the body can't help but be eager to try!
Several other people stared at the hurricane column with wary faces!
Some people even have dark lights flowing in their hands, and they have already taken the magic weapon in their hands, ready to take action!

What does this mean!
Wang Tiangu and others knew it all without even thinking about it.

After checking, I finally found something wrong!
It takes a whole meal to fly away!
The surroundings are still dim and monotonous!

But he didn't expect that the Mulan people would see through it and quietly trap the nine of them with a magic array!
Obviously, there were not many high-level magicians in Mulan's forward troops, so they used restrictions to trap them to delay until the follow-up reinforcements arrived!

The surroundings immediately became extremely dark.

Start attacking the surrounding restrictions!

Everyone sighed in their hearts. They moved forward in hiding in order to avoid the eyes and ears of this group of magicians!

Only Yang Chen looked calm.

How powerful can it be? Being broken by one blow from them is a normal thing, there is nothing to hesitate about.

The other old monsters saw the two people's straightforward actions, and immediately understood after being stunned, and quickly escaped.

Yang Chen was dumbfounded and laughed.

These Yuanying old monsters are clever but are mistaken by their cleverness. If they are cautious for a long time, they will hesitate and lack courage.

As for Zi Lingruo's reaction and awareness of running away as soon as he got out of trouble, Zi Lingruo was second.

I am afraid that only Han Laomo dares to claim the first place.

The reaction speed of other Yuanying old monsters is measured in seconds, while Zi Ling's instinctive reaction is in milliseconds.

Without any delay.

As soon as I got out, the sky was also filled with sand, but there was obviously no depressing feeling like being in confinement.

Zi Ling breathed a sigh of relief and glanced around, trying to identify the direction before taking action.

But at this moment, Zi Ling's expression changed, and his eyes suddenly half-closed, staring at something motionless.

At this moment, there was a faint purple light flashing in her pupils, making her look a bit strange, while her face looked calm.

There's no clue what's going on in his mind.

Marquis Nanlong, who was catching up from behind, saw Zi Ling staring unmoving, and also glanced in that direction with his spiritual consciousness, but found nothing strange, and couldn't help but wonder:

"Purple Spirit Fairy, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing. Let's leave here early. I always feel a little uneasy."

Zi Ling and Yang Chen had a good understanding and said.

Marquis Nanlong smiled and said: "Fairy, don't panic, it's hard to use your spiritual consciousness in these ghostly winds and sands, but I have a rare treasure [fixing astrolabe], which is perfect for this situation!"

As he spoke, he touched his waist with one hand and took out a light red jade plate. It was flat and round, and looked extraordinary.

It can only be said that Nanlong Hou is a professional treasure hunter. He even brings a high-tech compass...

Yang Chen laughed in his heart, as long as he pointed in the direction, he would not be lost even in the yellow sand.

But what Marquis Nanlong didn't know was that the delicate and frail Ziling Fairy turned out to be an expert at cheating.

With just one sweep of Ming and Qing's spiritual eyes, she also discovered the great master Mulan who was hiding in the cave of Xumi!
Of course, Nanlonghou's astrolabe is really powerful. The astrolabe map continues to guide you, and it can accurately locate the direction in the yellow sand wind formation where the consciousness is not easy to use.

Seeing Zi Ling Fairy's "surprised" expression, Nanlong Hou laughed loudly and followed me!
Nanlonghou turned into a ball of golden light and flew away diagonally in a certain direction.

Everyone followed closely behind without saying a word. They believed in the judgment of this mid-stage Nascent Soul monk.

Black light flashed on Wang Tiangu's body, wrapping himself up again, and followed him with the escape light.

However, when passing by Yang Chen, the elder of the Ghost Spirit Sect glanced at him vaguely.

Seeing that Yang Chen and Zi Ling were about to fall behind alone, Yang Chen smiled nonchalantly.

The blue light on Zi Ling's body flashed and he was about to fly away from here. However, before flying away, she subconsciously glanced in the direction she was originally staring at. A strange look flashed across her face before she smiled slightly and flew away.

Yang Chen knew that Zi Ling looked back and smiled, naturally hinting to Grand Master Mulan, I have seen you.

I'm just too lazy to talk to you. I hope you can be self-aware and stop making trouble.

I wonder if this great master is sensible?
If he is not wise, Beichen Immortal, who has great love in his heart, can only send him to the other side in advance...

In the blink of an eye.

The figures of Yang Chen and Zi Ling disappeared without a trace in the wind and sand, and the place immediately became extremely quiet.


As the two figures disappeared into the sky.

A dazzling yellow light lit up where Zi Ling was originally looking, and a big black hole appeared without any warning.

A shiny black insect crawled out of the hole.

Three figures of different heights stood on the back of the insect.

One person was covered in dazzling white light, making people afraid to look directly at him.

The other person's whole body was pulsating with light blue electric arcs, as if the God of Thunder had come to the world; the last person's whole body was covered in a strange green mist, and his figure seemed to be invisible.

The demonic insect under the three people's feet was even more astonishingly huge, about six feet long, four feet wide, and its body was oblate in shape.

What's even more terrifying is that the monster insect's triangular head has more than a dozen faint yellow compound eyes, several slender tentacles and a pair of huge sharp fangs. The cold light flashes, making it scary.

There are four transparent and thin wings on the back of the monster insect, which vibrate slightly and are extremely terrifying.

This insect is called [Xumi Insect]. It is one of the famous strange insects in ancient times. It is not very powerful, but it is born with the magical power to temporarily tear open space cracks. It is the best at hiding!

The three people on the back of [Xumi Chong] are the masters of the Huangsha Tribe among the ten major tribes of the Mulan Alliance Army.

Among the three people, the figure in the green mist is the leader. This person is Grand Master Mulan, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

At this moment, when the Mulan Grand Master saw Zi Ling and others breaking the ban and leaving, he did not pursue them. It does not mean that such a large Huangsha tribe really has no means to suppress the situation.

If the tribe's clan-suppressing sacred weapon [Demon Dust Banner] is activated, even if it is impossible to severely damage these Nascent Soul monks, it can still be done by trapping them for a moment and a half.

But the great master did not want to end up losing both sides.

At that time, if the tribes that come after you come directly to take advantage, the credit and spoils will belong to others.

Without the clan-suppressing sacred weapon, the Huangsha Tribe would not be able to secure its position among the ten tribes of the Mulan Alliance.

It may even be spied on by those small tribes, and even the danger of genocide is not impossible!

Therefore, the great master in the green mist did not take action.

He was not so stupid as to fall into the scheme of Master Mu of the Tianfeng Department who commanded the vanguard coalition forces.

The Tianfeng Tribe and the Huangsha Tribe were not very harmonious to begin with. This great master of the Huangsha Tribe would not do anything to harm the rival tribe's strength.

At this moment, Master Mu from the Tianfeng Department had already gone to gather people and was ready to take action.

The Tianfeng Department's magical weapon, the wind chariot, is incredibly fast. As long as enough people are gathered, it is possible to catch up with the nine people.

As for what happened next, the three people from the Huangsha Department didn't care.

The only thing that made the leader of the Grand Master wonder was, how could the woman in purple who was the first to break out of the formation find them hiding in the Xumi hole?
Previously, the three of them were hiding in the Sumeru Cave.

Neither of the opponent's two middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivators noticed the existence of the Sumeru hole.

A monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul sensed it instead?
Even if the Sumeru insect is still a head larvae, the space and time for tearing apart are extremely limited, but it shouldn't be like this.

"That woman is not an ordinary person. She either has special secret skills or possesses extremely powerful detection treasures!"

The white figure frowned and said.

The great master in the green mist shook his head, his eyes were deep, he sighed, and said:

"That woman can only be said to be a little weird, but the man next to her is unfathomable...

"Previously, I had a fear of death, as if I would be completely destroyed if I made a move!"


The white figure changed color in shock, and even the thundering figure who had been silent changed his face greatly!

The great master in the green mist sneered and said: "This time, the great master Mu of the Tianfeng Department will be in bad luck!"


And at this time.

After the nine people left the yellow sand wind formation, they flew through the air all the way, without saying a word and running at full speed.

They all knew that although they had escaped the vanguard of the magicians, the main force of the magicians would arrive soon.

If we fail to escape from this loess wilderness in a short period of time, our lives will really be in danger!
A few people fled at full speed, and after half a day, they faintly saw a touch of green on the ground in the distance!
Finally we arrived at the edge of Mulan Grassland.

“It’s a near miss this time!”

Marquis Nanlong, who was leading the way, breathed a long sigh of relief with a smile on his face.

At the same time, he slowed down his escape speed.

Wang Tiangu also believed that nothing had happened so far, and it seemed that he was out of danger.

Even the Mulan people regretted that they could no longer catch up.

"Thanks to the Purple Spirit Fairy for her insight this time!"

Marquis Nanlong said, looking at Zi Ling.

I saw her beautiful nose, almond-shaped eyes, skin as good as snow, bright red lips, and long eyelashes trembling slightly.

Her eyebrows are like snow-covered mountains in the distance, her body is like a weak willow supporting the wind, her face is as pretty as a fairy, but her fairy body is mature and plump. When flying, her breasts and buttocks tremble slightly, she is really beautiful and gorgeous.

Even if you are an immortal, this is nothing more than this, right?
Marquis Nanlong looked at Zi Ling, and he couldn't help but be stunned by the numerous girls he pleased, "Damn, she is so beautiful!"

If he were to be his Taoist companion, the gods wouldn't change. I don't know where Yang Beichen got so many beautiful female cultivators around him. The one from last time was already a goddess.

This purple spirit is even more beautiful than a fairy!

Nanlong Hou felt a slight heat in his lower abdomen and said, "Thanks to Fairy Ziling, we can reach here safely!"

"Don't take it lightly!"

Just when the old man in white shirt still said that he should not take it lightly, suddenly, he let out a light sigh!
He looked back suspiciously.

Zi Ling's plump fairy body trembled slightly, and her tall chest rose and fell slightly. Just when she was about to say something, there was a faint, ear-piercing explosion from far behind!
In an instant, the strange scream became three times louder. At this moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically. They all looked back and saw white light flashing on the far horizon!

A seemingly small ball of light rushed towards this direction at a staggering speed!
Its speed is incredible!

The old man in white clothes recognized the flying object at a glance, and his expression became frightened and angry, and said: "No, this is the magician's wind chariot. The people in it must be magicians of the same level as us, otherwise we would never dare to Coming after me!”

Wang Tiangu's spiritual consciousness swept away, his face was gloomy, and he said: "There are five Nascent Soul stage magicians sitting inside!
"It seems that they don't want to defeat us, but they want to entangle us to delay the arrival of reinforcements!"

"Come on!"

Marquis Nanlong made a quick decision and said that he could not fight with these magicians and that he had to run away as soon as possible.

After all, the opponent has 5 mages who cannot be defeated in a short time, and they cannot escape once they start fighting.

Immediately afterwards, Marquis Nanlong gave everyone a jade slip. The jade slip recorded the address of the gathering after the breakout.

The nine people must run away separately, each using their magical powers and acting alone. Three days later, they will meet again at the address on the jade slip.

Nanlong Marquis hurriedly transmitted his message with his spiritual thoughts. In this moment of delay, the wind chariot was clearly visible in the distance.

"Fellow Taoists, please do your own thing. See you in three days!"

Nanlonghou didn't waste any more time. He covered himself with golden light and shot it out diagonally. In the face of danger, he ran away decisively.

Everyone else was not slow to move either.

Immediately they activated their secret skills and dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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