I am a mortal to prove the Great Emperor

Chapter 341: Zi Lingmei Condenses Song Yu and Enters the Devil Valley

Chapter 341: Zi Lingmei Condenses Song Yu and Enters the Devil Valley

"Brother Yang?"

"Senior Yang!"

Zi Ling and Song Yu were startled, then their faces turned red and expressions of surprise appeared on their faces.

Zi Ling cast a spell on the wooden door, and suddenly the door flashed white light, and the door slowly opened inward.

A young man in his twenties, wearing a black robe, stood there with his hands behind his back, looking at the three fairies in the room, with a faint smile on his lips.

It was Yang Chen.

"Meet Senior Yang..."

Song Yu didn't have time to think about it, he bowed and said respectfully.

"Brother Yang, you are finally here. Zi Ling thought you were tied up with other things and couldn't get away."

A blush appeared on Zi Ling's jade-like face, and she stood up to greet him with some trepidation. However, her words seemed to contain deep meaning, as if she was trying to change the subject.

Zi Ling didn't know how long Yang Chen had been there.

Could it be that everything I just said was overheard?

When she thought about the fact that Yang Chen might have heard her words about being willing for the three sisters to travel together, even someone as generous as Zi Ling couldn't help but show a hint of shyness and embarrassment on her face.

"Purple Spirit."

Yang Chen looked at her meaningfully, walked into the room with a smile, sat down, and said, "Since I promised you, I will be on time. Do you think your brother Yang is a man who doesn't keep his word?"

"Brother Yang..."

Mei Ning bit her red lips lightly with her pearly teeth, twisted her plump body and walked over, also bowing to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen motioned Mei Ning to sit down. He sat with Song Yu and Mei Ning on his left and right, just opposite Zi Ling.

Yang Chen's hands were not idle either. He checked on Song Yu and Mei Ning's cultivation progress, and a smile appeared on his face.

Song Yu has entered the late stage of Jindan, and Mei Ning is in the early stage of Jindan, and they are not far from the middle stage of Jindan.

Even with his help in past practice, the two women obviously did not slack off in their practice over the years.

Yang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

All of this was naturally seen by Zi Ling on the opposite side. She didn't know that Yang Chen was investigating the cultivation status of Song Yu and Mei Ning. She only saw Yang Chen's two hands wandering freely on the graceful bodies of Mei Ning and Song Yu, one on the left and one on the right.

Zi Ling blushed and her heart beat fast.

I didn't know whether I should interrupt the intimacy of the three people.

Mei Ning's whole body was soft and she was trembling slightly. She was still a virgin, so she was no match for Yang Chen.

Yang Chen had no intention of embarrassing Mei Ning, so he withdrew his hand. This made things difficult for Song Yu on the right.

Song Yu knew that Zi Ling was watching from the opposite side, but she could not resist Yang Chen's actions. She could only half-heartedly cooperate with Yang Chen. When she was deeply moved, facing the gazes of Zi Ling and Mei Ning, she actually felt a sense of excitement...

"Am I born to be this kind of woman?

"No, this is just a practice. I, Fairy Bai Feng, am definitely not such a person!" Song Yu guarded the spiritual platform tightly.

Zi Ling didn't know whether Yang Chen showed it to her on purpose or had some other plan, and she was a little unsure.

Just when Song Yu was almost out of breath and was about to throw away her weapons, Yang Chen let her go and started discussing with Zi Ling.

Watching Yang Chen talking about the Fallen Demon Valley as if nothing had happened, Song Yu felt a sense of loss.

The next moment, he was surprised to find that his cultivation in the late Jindan stage had made a great progress.

This slight improvement is at least enough to offset her one year of hard training. It is obvious that every move of Yang Chen has deep meaning.

I was just helping her practice!
Mei Ning's cultivation also improved.

She was increasingly unsure of Yang Chen's intentions. Was he doing it for momentary pleasure, or to help her with her practice?

“You all come with me into the valley.”

Yang Chen finalized the matter of Falling Demon Valley in just a few words.

With his current level of cultivation, navigating the Demon Valley is almost as easy as walking on flat ground. Taking Zi Ling and the other two with him would be a piece of cake. There was no need to discuss anything.

"Go into the valley together?!"

Mei Ning and Song Yu looked at each other in shock.

Originally, they had no plan to go to the Demon Valley.

Mei Ning was in trouble because the number of cultivators entering the valley suddenly increased sharply, and it was too dangerous for her to be at the peak of the early stage of Jindan.

This time, Song Yu decided not to marry into the Demon Valley because she was already approaching the peak of the late Jindan stage.

It only takes a few years of hard practice to reach the perfect stage of Jindan.

As for forming a Nascent Soul, with the current cultivation resources of Luoyun Sect, it is not a big problem to help her forge a Nascent Soul.

It’s not worth taking such a big risk to enter the Demon Valley again. As for the other treasures in the valley?
That would cost his life, and Song Yu still had some self-awareness in his heart.

Neither Mei Ning nor Song Yu wanted to hold Yang Chen back.

In fact, the two women’s ideas are quite correct.

Where is the Devil's Valley?
Most Nascent Soul cultivators would die if they went in, so there was no chance of survival for them if they went in.

However, with Yang Chen here, all problems are not problems. For Yang Chen now, taking Mei Ning and Song Yu into the Demon Valley is actually no different from going on a picnic.

As for Zi Ling, she has never changed.

Regardless of whether Yang Chen comes or not, Zi Ling is going to enter the Demon Valley this time and fight to the death.

Zi Ling's desire to seek the truth is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and only Han Li can compare to her.

Yang Chen understands Zi Ling very well.

Zi Ling also understands Yang Chen very well.

Both the man and the woman have seen countless people.

I have experienced a lot, so I have to endure more and think more than ordinary people.

In the world of cultivating immortals, if one does not have sufficient strength and backing, being too beautiful would be considered a crime.

Zi Ling is always being kept in mind by others.

She has been walking on thin ice all her life. If she really didn't have some scheming and tricks, she wouldn't have been able to achieve her current level of cultivation.

Of course, the most important thing for entering the Demon Valley this time is that Zi Ling believes that Yang Chen will definitely come, and she believes in Yang Chen’s strength even more. This is an irrefutable truth along the way!
When they met again this time, Zi Ling discovered that Yang Chen was different from before, and it seemed that he had made further progress in his cultivation.

Yang Chen's appearance is almost perfect, and his mental temperament has changed a lot, appearing more calm and steady.

It gives people an unfathomable feeling.

If it were in the past, Yang Chen would not do anything to Mei Ning and Song Yu in front of her.

But now, Yang Chen's thoughts are clearer, and he acts as he pleases.

Zi Ling knew clearly that Yang Chen was a very insecure person. There was only one possibility that allowed him to act as he pleased, and that was that Yang Chen's cultivation had reached the point where he was not afraid of anything and could do whatever he wanted!
Zi Ling looked at Mei Ning and Song Yu, and realized that they both had that kind of thoughts about Yang Chen for a long time.

The feelings between a man and a woman have already blossomed, and all they need is the right time and opportunity to break through the window paper.

"Perhaps entering the Demon Valley this time is an opportunity..." Zi Ling thought leisurely in her heart.

Since they had decided to enter the Demon Valley, Yang Chen did not delay and immediately set up a light of escape and led the three of them into the valley.


At this moment, in a cave, Han Li was discussing with Lord Dayan about entering the Demon Valley.

"Boy, it's not a wise choice to enter the Demon Valley without your Senior Brother Yang.

"Back then, because my death was approaching, I also thought about going to the Demon Valley. But later, because I created the art of spirit-sending, I did not really enter the Demon Valley. However, I know a lot about the Demon Valley..."

Han Li listened attentively and noticed a detail. Ever since meeting Yang Chen, Dayan Divine Lord no longer called himself "this Divine Lord" but "this Lord" instead.

Han Li was secretly shocked.

Who is Dayan God?

He was the most genius among geniuses he had ever seen in his life!
He created the Dayan Jue, a technique that strengthens spiritual awareness, and also researched the puppetry technique that had long been lost in Tiannan!

Back then, if it weren't for his research on puppetry, Lord Dayan would have wasted most of his life. What's more, he also had to practice some techniques to advance his cultivation to the late Nascent Soul stage.

I'm afraid that Lord Dayan has already broken through to the state of transformation.

The reason why Lord Dayan is not well-known is simply because he has always been low-key and arrogant.

Lord Dayan only challenges famous cultivators and never spreads his battle records to others. Therefore, only the top cultivators in the cultivation world know Lord Dayan’s name.

Not to mention other places.

Back then, the two old guys who were known as the best cultivators in the righteous and evil sects in southern Tian were defeated by the Great Lord Yan!
The two were completely subdued by his defeat and voluntarily gave the westernmost land to Lord Dayan as the foundation of their religion.

Not only did the Great Lord of Yan order all their forces to withdraw, he also forced the two old guys to swear a poisonous oath themselves!
For ten thousand years, none of their disciples or descendants will be allowed to enter the Far West.

Otherwise, how could a mere desert prevent the monks from the south of China from setting foot on the land in the far west?

You must know that no matter how poor the land of the Far West is, there are still two countries, which is enough to accommodate many large sects.

When Lord Dayan had accomplished all this and thought he was at the pinnacle of the world of immortal cultivation, he discovered that he had made a fatal mistake and that his life span was running out!
But his cultivation level is still at the late Nascent Soul stage!

No matter how amazing Dayan Divine Lord's aptitude and intelligence were, the remaining two hundred years were simply not enough for him to break through from the late stage to the Divine Transformation Realm.

“If Lord Dayan had not been distracted by puppetry at the beginning and had created some skills of his own, I believe it would not be difficult for him to enter the Spiritual Transformation Stage…”

Unfortunately, no if.

This is the only cultivator Han Li has met in the human world so far who dares to say that advancing to the Divine Transformation Stage is easy!

Not someone else.

It is a person of such a heaven-defying level as Lord Dayan that it is a bit of an understatement to say that he is a cultivation genius that only appears once in a thousand years.

After knowing that there was no hope for him to enter the God Transformation Stage, Lord Dayan was unwilling to give up and just sat there waiting for death to come.

The remaining two hundred years.

Lord Dayan threw everything aside and began to work hard to create a method of immortality or reincarnation that would preserve sanity.

After failing countless times, he actually created the art of soul-stirring based on the Dayan Jue!

Lord Dayan created the unprecedented secret art of spirit reincarnation, but he ran out of time.

The ritual of offering sacrifices to the gods was only half completed when Lord Dayan was forced to use it.

As a result, Lord Dayan became what he is now, after being attached to a specially made puppet.

All his cultivation had been lost, and only his spiritual powers could still be used.

But thinking about leaving the body is simply a daydream.

But even so, Lord Dayan lived for ten thousand years until he was found by Han Li and saw the light of day again.

Han Li had never seen Lord Dayan submit to anyone. Even the three great cultivators of Tiannan were barely worthy of his attention.

Unexpectedly, after meeting Yang Chen, he no longer dared to call himself a God, and took the initiative to downgrade himself to "This Lord"!
Dayan Divine Lord spared no effort to discourage Han Li from entering the Fallen Demon Valley:
"Han Li, I advise you to give up this idea and stop dreaming of entering the Fallen Demon Valley!

“Let’s not talk about the ancient restrictions in the valley, the horror of those space cracks is simply unimaginable for those who have never seen them!
"Moreover, those cracks occasionally, by coincidence, will directly open up channels to other interfaces, releasing some demons and monsters. When you encounter them, you can only wish for the best. Even those in the late Nascent Soul stage may perish!"

Han Li frowned.

Lord Dayan was not exaggerating. He once obtained a rare ancient book.

It just happens to mention something about the interface.

The book says that the ancient demons from the ancient demon world, which is most similar to the human world, like to come to the human world the most. If they have the opportunity to come, they will never give up.

As for some powerful and well-known upper ancient demons, even if they are just some clones, they are still extremely powerful.

Today's cultivators are definitely no match for the ancient demons.

Fortunately, these space cracks are not real interface channels after all. The monsters and demons that can pass through can only be some incarnations or low-level existences. Because their cultivation is not enough, they cannot resist the rejection of the laws of heaven and earth in this world. The incarnations of ancient demons will not stay in the human world for too long.

By then, it won't explode on its own.

He was escaping back along the same route through the crack. Otherwise, wouldn't the Tiannan immortal cultivation world have been in chaos long ago?

"Only low-level demons can come through, and there is a time limit..." Han Li muttered to himself, his tense expression relaxed, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought of Mulan Fasi, the demon bird summoned with the ancient lamp, and it seemed to be a similar situation!
"Don't be happy too soon. If you encounter an ancient demon, your small body won't be enough for it to swallow in one bite!"

Lord Dayan struck back with all his might.

If ancient demons and other monsters really appeared in the Demon Valley, no matter how weak they were, they would not be that weak.

As for the ancient demon's skills, they are even more bizarre!
Even if a human cultivator has equal cultivation level, he will surely die if facing an ancient demon of the same level!
Speaking of the ancient demon, Lord Dayan still has lingering fears.

Although he had never entered the Fallen Demon Valley and had never encountered the ancient demon in person, several of his former friends the monks had joined forces to enter the Fallen Demon Valley, and ended up encountering the ancient demon!
Those friends were just unlucky.

As soon as they entered the valley, they ran into an ancient demon that came from across the border. After a fierce battle, only one person was able to escape with his soul and fled to the Great Yan God.

These people, like Lord Dayan, were all unknown in their lives, so few people in the Tiannan immortal cultivation world knew about their entry into the valley. However, this shows how terrifying the ancient demon is!
After hearing what Lord Dayan said, even Han Li, who was determined, was shocked. "Even my good friend died in the hands of the ancient demon, and only one person escaped with his spirit..."

Lord Dayan is the most arrogant and proud person. Those who can be friends with him must be great cultivators in the late Nascent Soul stage!
But when encountering the ancient demon, this is the outcome!

It can be seen how terrifying the ancient demon is.

The Demon Valley is extremely dangerous!


"Didn't they say that the Demon Valley is extremely dangerous?"

"How come we have reached the place where the Spirit Candle Fruit is without encountering any danger along the way?"

Zi Ling, Mei Ning, and Song Yu were terrified, looking at Yang Chen in front of them with disbelief in their eyes!

"Is that the Lingzhu fruit?"

Zi Ling had a hint of excitement on her face, her pair of bright eyes sparkling as she stared at the green lake in front of her without blinking.

In the middle of the lake a hundred feet in front of them, there was a small piece of mud sticking out of the water.

There grew a magical, emerald green herb.

This magical herb is several feet tall, covered with thumb-sized oval leaves. At the highest point of the herb, there are four strange fruits growing alone.

These fruits are fiery red, thin at the top and wide at the bottom. The tops glow with a faint red light, just like a red candle lit on a candlestick, and exude a strong medicinal fragrance.

Yang Chen had already determined that this thing was the Lingzhu Fruit. When he heard Zi Ling say this, he just smiled slightly.

Zi Ling took a deep breath, turned her beautiful head, and suggested to Yang Chen: "I'll go over right away!

"Pick this fruit to avoid any more trouble at night."

Song Yu shook his head and said, "Don't worry, there may be ancient beasts guarding this place. Otherwise, even if there is an illusion array outside, the spiritual fruit would have been devoured by other ancient beasts long ago!"

Zi Ling was shocked.

Suddenly his mind cleared up a bit, and he said:

"Sister Song really has a keen eye. There are two obvious chewing marks on the top of the spiritual herb!
"There should be two spiritual fruits that have been swallowed raw by the guardian ancient beast twice. Although the spiritual candle fruit will not promote the improvement of realm if taken raw, it is still effective in breaking through the bottleneck. I was reluctant to swallow it all at once."

"Where would the ancient beast be?"

Song Yu swept his cold gaze around the Green Lake, lowered his head slightly, and looked at the small lake.

No doubt if there was something lurking nearby!
It must be hidden in the lake!

(End of this chapter)

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