Douluo: Son of Chenxin, kill the god with one sword!

Chapter 104: The crafting of hidden weapons is progressing rapidly!The hidden sect Haotian Sect!

Chapter 104: The crafting of hidden weapons is progressing rapidly!The hidden sect—Haotian Sect!

In the Tiandou Empire, everyone is in danger.

Wuhundian's unscrupulous advance has attracted everyone's attention.

This fierce tiger did not have its fangs broken off when fighting the Qibao Glazed Sect. Instead, it regrouped its momentum and launched a fierce attack on the remaining two empires.

All the Spirit Hall Douluo came out in full force, and even the Pope of the Spirit Hall began to command the battle at the forefront.

On the other hand, in the Tiandou Empire, the soldiers left behind were already half weakened by just looking at the troops approaching from a distance, not to mention the sophisticated equipment of Wuhun Palace.

What's more, when the country is in danger of survival, Emperor Xueye, the only one who can take charge of the overall situation, is bedridden due to a severe poison and cannot even raise his arms and shout to comfort his people.

The entire Tiandou Empire seemed to be shrouded in a haze. Everyone knew it, but they were unwilling to mention it because they were from the Tiandou camp.

Xue Bengzuo watched the reports coming back from the front line in the palace and sighed deeply.

After a trip to Tangmen, the final result turned out to be nothing.

I originally hoped that Tang San could lend a helping hand to the current Tiandou Empire.

The result was that he was asked to wait.
How can the current Tiandou Empire survive? !
Xue Beng helplessly smashed the table, ruffled his hair and sighed.

He believed that he was not as majestic and tough as his father, nor was he as wise and agile as Xue Qinghe.

He could only survive in the battle for the throne by pretending to be stupid.

But now the heavy responsibility of carrying the entire Tiandu Empire has to be placed on him.

Xue Beng felt that he was full of pressure. Once he missed, he would become the sinner of the entire Tiandu Empire!

"Report! Your Highness Xue Beng!"

Xue Beng scratched his ears and cheeks when the messenger rushed in with the manuscript, slipped and knelt on the ground and said respectfully: "The Tang Sect leader has sent a message, please His Highness Xue Beng to read it!"

The messenger took two steps forward, put the letter in his hand on the table and then stepped back, lowering his head to avoid reading such confidential content.

Xue Beng impatiently picked up the letter and tore it open. He took out the letter and glanced at it roughly.

He no longer had much expectations for Tang San, he just hoped that the news wouldn't be bad.

Otherwise, the Tiandou Empire will have to rely on itself to survive this attack on the Spirit Palace.

"Your Highness Xue Beng, don't panic, Dog Son Tang San has already left for the Haotian Sect."

"When Haotian comes to our aid, it will be the day when we defeat the Spirit Hall."

"Before that, I hope that the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire can buy more time. Tang San will definitely not disappoint everyone's expectations."

"Tang Hao."

Xue Beng murmured, feeling both happy and sad for a moment.

Fortunately, the Haotian Sect has indeed begun to intervene in the sect's affairs just as Emperor Xue Ye did when he bet on the Tang Sect.

If Tang San could successfully get help from the Haotian Sect, with the help of this sect and the two empires, it would definitely not be a problem to contend with the Spirit Hall.

The worry is whether the Tiandou Empire can survive until that time.

Avalanche has always had doubts about this.

But now he has no choice.

Even if he fights to exhaust the last person in the Tiandou Empire, he will continue to carry on this war!

Xue Beng suddenly pulled out the banknotes from the table, scrawled some handwriting, and handed it to the messenger: "Send this letter as soon as possible and give it to the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire."

"At this time, the Star Luo Empire will definitely not sit back and ignore it, otherwise the world will be in chaos!"

That is to say, most of the troops in Wuhun Palace were fighting to concentrate their attacks on Tiandou.

Of course Xue Beng could see that Xing Luo was planning to let the Tian Dou Empire's strength weaken.

If that time comes, everything will not end.Seeing the messengers retreating in a hurry, Xue Beng breathed a sigh of relief and returned to Xue Ye's palace, looking at the critically ill body and secretly feeling sad.

Tang San, Tang San.
The Heaven Dou Empire can only rely on you

Inside the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Although he did not continue to participate in Wuhun Palace's oppression of the two empires, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was extremely well-informed.

What happened before, the news will reach the main peak within the next day.

Wuhun Palace oppresses the Tiandou Empire across the board, intending to subvert it.

This kind of news source can receive no less than dozens of messages a day.
No matter what, what does this have to do with him.

The Qibao Glazed Sect only needs to continue to develop steadily and create something of its own.

Chen Yuan took a cup of wine, blueprints and a group of blacksmiths to the building where Hong, the son of the Hidden Weapon Hall, was summoned.

Lou Gao sat quietly in front of the drawings, drawing left and right, sometimes frowning, sometimes laughing heartily.

The young blacksmiths who followed looked at each other and did not dare to go up and talk to the master for a while.

After all, this master is a ruthless person, and he can make all the blacksmiths in the continent target one person in a fit of anger!
Chen Yuan had so many scruples about this. He walked in leisurely and looked at the drawings together with Lou Gao.

The two of them just stared at the drawing for a long time before Chen Yuanwu said: "The arrow should be improved. If modified like this and replaced with a batch of materials, it might be possible to break through the Soul Sect's defense."

Lou Gao slapped his hands fiercely and his eyes widened: "That's right!"

"Hey, you kid!"

Lou Gao, who came back to his senses, held the wine jar and drank half of it in one gulp. He slapped Chen Yuan and laughed.

"You have great skills!"

"With this, the Zhuge Divine Crossbow's attack power will be even higher!"

Anyone else would have been staggered by this slap.

In other words, Chen Yuan could still continue to analyze the structure of the hidden weapon with Lou Gao.

"This is just the beginning. There are so many hidden weapons to gnaw at."

As he said that, Chen Yuan pointed at the few apprentices who were following him and said, "These are all pretty good ones in my opinion. They should be able to follow the Hidden Weapon Hall and train them to be future masters."

Lou Gao waved his hand nonchalantly: "Whatever you have, just throw it away."

"And the higher education in my building doesn't know how to do it?"

Lou Gao rarely accepts disciples, let alone teaches, and everyone in Gengxin knows about his eccentric temperament.

But since he came to Qibao Glazed Sect, he seems to be a completely different person.

Lou Gao pulled Chen Yuan over and said quietly: "What about that? Tell me about the hidden weapons again. The old men behind you are itching to play with the hidden weapons."

Chen Yuan was silent for a moment, and he led a group of apprentices to start giving advice on hidden weapons.

at the same time.

The Tiandou Empire is three hundred miles away.

Jedi cliff, chain link.

Tang San took a breath of cold air, looked at the two soul bones in his hands, and put them into the soul guidance device with complicated emotions.

He summoned the Clear Sky Hammer, walked into the invisible barrier, and looked at the buildings standing deep in the mountains.

Haotian Sect. He is back!

(End of this chapter)

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