Douluo: Awakening Twin Martial Spirits

Chapter 306 Passed the 1rd Exam

Chapter 306 Pass the first test

Two hours later, Su Xuan restored his soul power to its peak and his condition returned to its peak.

The same is true for Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling and Ayin.

Su Xuan stared at the steps leading to the Poseidon Temple, and his heart was extremely determined. If he didn't pass it, he might not die, but his growth path from then on would definitely have flaws.

After crossing the Poseidon's Light to reach the Poseidon Temple, Su Xuan had only climbed the 350 steps. He still climbed it by himself, without bringing A Yin and Xiao Wu with him.

And Chang practiced on the 320 steps. In five months, he had already broken through two levels of soul power. This was mainly because of climbing.

"Brother Xuan, come on, we will help you." When Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling saw Su Xuan staring at the steps, they also stepped forward and gave him a hug.

"Okay." Su Xuan smiled and patted Ning Rongrong's soft and tender back.

"Su Xuan (Brother Xuan), we believe you." Liu Erlong and others also said in a deep voice.

"I will not let you down." Su Xuan looked at Liu Erlong and others with firm eyes.

It is very difficult for him to climb the 468 steps, but he will try his best.

Now that he was the only one left, he passed the first of the nine Poseidon exams.

Suddenly, the blue light on A Yin's body flickered, wrapping Su Xuan and Xiao Wu.

The blue silver field on Su Xuan's body is also activated, and the increase in the double blue silver field will be slightly larger than the single increase.

At this time, Ah Yin, Xiao Wu, Su Xuan and the others quickly climbed up the steps.

Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling and others also followed. They had passed the examination and naturally no longer had the extremely terrifying pressure.

Su Xuan, Xiao Wu and A Yin quickly sprinted to the 300th step like a burst of blue light.

When he reached the three hundred steps, Su Xuan's speed slowed down, but he still sprinted forward and climbed up.

Su Xuan and the three of them were traveling together, so the pressure was naturally shared by the three of them, but Su Xuan was the one who was under the most pressure.

This is something he has already discovered. After all, if he bears the pressure alone, how can he pass the assessment!

At this time, Su Xuan had already used the Blue Silver Domain and had rushed to level 300 without any other amplifying soul skills. However, if the skills were no longer useful at this level, it might not be possible to continue sprinting.

Therefore, he used the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg soul bone and the 50,000-year-old attached soul bone Eight Spider Spear.

Soon, the four hundred steps had been passed, and his speed slowed down again.

At this time, the three of them were under the pressure of 400 steps, and naturally they could no longer sprint as fast as before.

At this time, the pressure suddenly increased, making Su Xuan's legs unable to help bending for a while.

It seems that the pressure has skyrocketed again when reaching the four hundred steps.

Su Xuan sighed secretly, the 401st and 402nd steps...

It seemed like a very difficult task for Su Xuan and the three of them to climb together, but in fact it was much easier than climbing the steps alone.

The three of them climbed together, and the pressure was shared between the three of them.

In other words, if Su Xuan could only climb 350 steps alone, the number would definitely be much higher if A Yin and Xiao Wu were included.

Moreover, the Blue Silver Domain with Ah Yin can increase three people at the same time. As long as one of them increases, the pressure can be reduced. The increase pressure of three people...

The same goes for Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Spirit. She can boost three people at the same time. If three people get boosts, the pressure they can withstand is naturally much better than one boost.

In the Poseidon Temple, Bo Saixi sighed when he saw Su Xuan climbing all the way up the 400th step, "Well, the pressure of Poseidon's light really started to skyrocket only when it reached the 400th step. The three of them shared the pressure. This is your only chance."

"Su Xuan......"

"My top eight test back then was level 228. Zhu Zhuqing's was higher than mine, which shows that her talent is stronger than mine. This is recognized by Lord Poseidon, but I am only level 228. The last six steps are something I’ll never forget.”

"I can't imagine your four hundred and sixty-eight steps, but this is what you need to endure. Since Lord Poseidon has issued such conditions, I know you can..."

She couldn't bear it, but this was her duty and she couldn't help Su Xuan. If Su Xuan didn't find out, she might give him a little reminder.

After all, she didn't want Su Xuan to fail the test. Now he realized that it was better, and he admired Su Xuan even more.

Not only is his talent astonishing, but his intelligence is also outstanding.

It's perfect, but no one is perfect. Su Xuan's experience is very sympathetic, and his style is also......

He is surrounded by almost all women of the same generation, and they are still related to him...

And the only man of his generation is Niu He...

Bo Saixi was a little unhappy, and Niu He saw that he was also Su Xuan's subordinate.

She was very curious about Su Xuan's experience on Douluo Continent...

Soon, Su Xuan and the other three who reached Level 422 were no longer able to sprint forward. The climbing speed was extremely high, the difficulty increased by a lot, and their soul power was extremely consumed.

Su Xuan now has forty-six steps left. If he spends too much soul power here, the next step will be even more difficult.

When Ning Rongrong saw this, she released the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit, which was what Su Xuan had agreed with her in advance.

As long as the speed slows down, increase the speed. Try not to consume too much soul power before the 450th step, so as not to make the subsequent climb too difficult...

A crystal clear nine-story pagoda appeared on Ning Rongrong's hand, and six soul rings slowly rose under her feet.

Yellow, purple, purple, purple, black, black!

She didn't know the difficulty of the steps Su Xuan climbed, but just climbing the 136th step was so difficult for her, let alone Su Xuan.

"The nine treasures have names. The first is: strength; the second is: speed; the third is: control... The sixth is: increase!"

When Ning Rongrong released the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Soul, he used six soul skills to increase the power of three people.

Three colored rays of light rose from the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit and headed in the direction of Su Xuan and the others.

After amplifying Su Xuan and the other three, Ning Rongrong's martial soul is the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul. The soul ring has a long life and consumes low soul power, which also consumes nearly 40% of her soul power.

After Ning Rongrong completed the increase, he looked at Su Xuan and the others climbing up, and used soul power to add to the voice, "Brother Xuan, I can only do my best to help you, come on!"

When Su Xuan heard Ning Rongrong's words, he felt the pressure on his body suddenly reduced, and sighed in his heart: "Rongrong, I can do it."

Then he looked at the remaining steps with firm eyes, and cooperated with Xiaowu and Ayin to continue sprinting.

Moving forward arduously, there are four hundred and thirty, four hundred and forty, and four hundred and fifty steps.

At this time, blood was rising from Su Xuan's body and staining his clothes, which was enough to show that this was his limit.

"Huh~~" Su Xuan's successive gasps showed the pressure he was under at this time. As for A Yin and Xiao Wu, neither of them suffered as much pressure as Su Xuan. Although it was difficult, the pressure from Su Xuan was still...

The vitality of the blue silver field and the soul bone of his right leg were frantically treating him, but he still couldn't make the injury get better, not because of the pressure...

Finally, Ning Rongrong used the phantom space of the soul bone on his head to connect with Su Xuan's spirit and increase his mental power. This was not about improving Su Xuan's physical attributes.

It's about improving his mental strength so that he can face the pressure with a clear mind and not be shaky.

Su Xuan and the others arrived at the 451st step, the 455th step. At this time, he only had thirteen steps left.

As for the soul bone fusion skill, it's not yet time, and it must be used when he can't climb the last few most difficult steps.

That will have the greatest impact.

Su Xuan and the others arrived at the 460th step. He climbed up, stopped, and climbed again, and so on.

At this time, he felt that the pressure on his body was as heavy as gold, and he finally used the soul bone fusion skill.

Ding ding, ding ding!
There were screams and a pair of incomplete armor suits appeared on Su Xuan's body, and the pressure suddenly dropped.

He immediately coordinated with the two girls, Xiaowu and Ayin, and quickly sprinted towards the last eight steps.

Level 461, Level 462, Level 463... Level 466.

At this time, Su Xuan only had two steps left to pass the first Poseidon test.

"Ah..." Su Xuan roared, stepped out with his right leg, and climbed the 467th step.


But he didn't stop, it was too difficult to continue.

At this time, Xiao Wu stood up and used the fourth soul skill, Invincible Golden Body.

Suddenly golden light flashed, and she had blocked most of the pressure, "Brother, let me come, you quickly climb the last step..."

Su Xuan looked at Xiao Wu blankly. Except for some special attacks, the invincible golden body was invincible under the gods, but now it can be entered...

If Xiao Wu didn't have an invincible golden body and withstood most of the pressure, it would only take one second to fall unconscious and fall down the stairs. But with the invincible golden body and the invincible time, then...

It can be said that Xiao Wu and A Yin both accounted for a large part of these 468 steps. They shouldered the pressure, had the Blue Silver Domain, and the Invincible Golden Body to help Su Xuande climb the final step.

Su Xuan was stunned for a second and then came to his senses. He couldn't let Xiao Wu down...

Finally, Su Xuan climbed the 468th step, and the pressure on the three of them instantly receded.

Su Xuan fell to the ground and was about to fall down the steps. Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and others immediately rushed forward to catch Su Xuan and the others.

"Brother Xuan, you passed." Zhu Zhuqing and others said with a smile.

"Oh, passed." Su Xuan smiled helplessly.

A ray of red light emerged from the eyebrows of Xiao Wu and A Yin, and the light disappeared in a flash. At the same time, seven clearly visible golden lights gathered in the sky, completely illuminating the night sky like daylight. They gathered at the top of everyone's heads, and suddenly, they condensed into a plume and fell, covering the bodies of Su Xuan and A Yin Xiaowu.

The golden trident on Su Xuan's forehead burst into brilliant light, and the golden light spread down from his forehead like threads and flowed to his whole body.

A golden light curtain shattered in front of Su Xuan, turning into dots of golden light and pouring into his body at the same time as the light flowing down from the golden trident.

A low and majestic voice sounded in Su Xuan's mind: "Travelling, three times, Poseidon's light, passed the test. Passed the first of the nine Poseidon exams, Poseidon affinity increased by 10%, and the current total is 10%."

The red light spots on A Yin Xiaowu's forehead flashed continuously, and no other light screen was broken when others passed by. The majestic voice also sounded in the minds of the two of them.

"The perfect companion to help with the assessment. One-ninth of the top-level exam is completed, and the rewards begin to stack up."

"Phew, finally passed." Su Xuan sighed as he felt the voice in his mind.

The difficulty of this Poseidon's first test was beyond his imagination, three times the Poseidon's light.

However, the goods received were also huge. As for the reward of 10% Poseidon Affinity, he was stunned.

Originally it was only 5%, but he should have tripled it. The reward obtained by the Poseidon's Light traveling through it might also be higher.

Afterwards, Su Xuan didn't think about anything else, sat down and began to recover.

At this time, Ye Langling also used the Jiuxin Haitang martial spirit to help Su Xuan and the others heal.

Zhu Zhuqing and others did not speak or interrupt, but waited for Su Xuan and the others to heal and recover.

When Bo Saixi in the Poseidon Temple saw that Su Xuan and the others passed the examination, his heart was slowly relieved, and the hand that was holding the scepter relaxed.

A smile appeared on her face and she said: "It's passed, that's good..."

Half an hour later, Su Xuan and the three of them opened their eyes one after another and recovered.

"Brother Xuan, sister Xiaowu and Ayin, what are your assessment rewards?" Ning Rongrong saw Su Xuan and the others getting up, stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"You are from the Ninth Poseidon Examination and the First Leveling Examination, so you should be pretty good too!"

Nowadays, the assessment rewards include the black level assessment to increase one to three levels of soul power, the seven red level assessment to increase the power of five hundred years, and the eight red level assessment to increase the five thousand year limit power.

Nowadays, there are only the top level one test and the Poseidon nine test above the black level test!

"Our rewards are all stacked." Ah Yin and Xiao Wu said after hearing this!
"Ah? Superposition?" Ning Rongrong and others were very confused when they heard this.

Bo Saixi came to them without knowing when, and said with a smile: "Congratulations on passing the first test. However, the more difficult test is still to come. Whether it is a black-level or top-level test, never forget the importance of working together. Sex, this is an extremely important part to help you pass the exam.”

"Another person is about to receive the God-given soul ring. When you have absorbed the soul ring and rested, the time for the second test will begin. The time is still limited to one year."

A golden bead flew into Ye Lingling's hand. She was promoted to a major stage for the first time since the Poseidon Examination. She reached Soul Emperor from level 51 in only one year.

"As for the stacked rewards you mentioned for the top level test, they will only be given out after Su Xuan passes all the nine Poseidon tests. Now they are just stacked."

When Bo Saixi saw Su Xuan, there was unconscious joy in his eyes, but now this could not be exposed and could only be suppressed.

When Ning Rongrong and others heard this, they suddenly realized, and then looked at Su Xuan, "What about your reward, Brother Xuan?"

"I don't know about this. Su Xuan is the first person to trigger the Poseidon test." Hearing this, Bo Saixi responded calmly.

"The reward for the first of the nine Poseidon tests is Poseidon affinity, which should be related to inheriting the god." Su Xuan said with a smile after hearing this.

He naturally knew what the purpose was, but it was useless to talk to Zhu Zhuqing and others now.


(End of this chapter)

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