Xu was shocked.

Her daughter actually has such a great reputation? ? ?

[Hey, the jade pendant given by Xiao Manzi is really useful. 】

[It turns out these broken jade pendants are really useful.I have a big box. ] Lu Chaochao grinned.

"Young nobleman came to my humble abode. I'm late to welcome you. I hope you will show your kindness." The old lady in charge showed a kind smile to Lu Chaochao.

This is the great benefactor of the Yuan family.

Ten generations of single biography, do you know what it means? ?
Yuan Man smiled at Lu Chaochao: "Little sister."

Xu? ? ?

Mrs. Xu hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "Old lady, you are serious." The old lady was a first-class official, and Lu Yuanze had to salute when he saw her.

The old lady looked at her with a smile: "Are you Yun Niang?"

"You are a blessed girl. You are virtuous and well-behaved. You are blessed. A blessed woman will not enter the door of the unlucky. It is the Zhongyonghou who is unlucky."


The Yuan family and the Xu family are enemies, and they spit on each other in the court.

When she was a child, she met Mrs. Yuan, who said she was young, rigid and boring.


Xu seemed to be dreaming.

Lu Yuanze was so shocked that he couldn't recover. How could it be?
Why did Lu Chaochao knock on the Yuan family's door?And was treated so seriously by the Yuan family?

"Old madam, my subordinate is Lu Yuanze, the Zhongyong Hou, who is Chao Chao's father. Today I specially brought her brother to pay a visit to the Chief Assistant." Lu Yuanze stood up unconsciously.

Xu's eyes narrowed, but Lu Chaochao said: "He removed Wo. He is not like Father Wo."

"hate him."

As soon as he finished speaking, ridicules came from all directions, and someone immediately called Mr. Lu aside.

Lu Yuanze's face was filled with frustration.

The old lady held Lu Chaochao with her left hand and Yuan Man with her right hand, and led them into the main entrance.

All the way, the treatment is of the highest standard.

Mrs. Xu: Such treatment as I have never experienced before!
Her father would be spit on when he came to Yuan's house.

Dad, I’m making a difference! !

"Why don't you invite the old lady back home? A distinguished guest is here. Did he die outside?" The old lady cursed angrily, and the boy hurried out the door.

"No hurry, no rush." ​​Mrs. Xu said hurriedly.

Lu Yanshu looked at his sister with a smile. His sister could always bring many surprises.

"Grandma, it's up to Chaochao to make the decision..." Lu Chaochao looked at the old lady with tears in his eyes.

"He said that Wo didn't take school seriously and he smashed Wo's hand." She directly applied eye drops to the chief assistant.

"The old immortal thing, has he rebelled?!"

"He dares to hit you? He's tired of living, isn't he? Don't even ask me, the ancestors of the Yuan family, if they agree?"

"Oh, grandma's little sweetheart. Don't be afraid. If he hits you, come back and complain, and I'll beat him with a stick." The old lady got angry. This was the Yuan family's savior.

The Yuan family is like this.

"Okay, okay." Lu Chaochao said hello three times in a row.

I won’t be afraid of being beaten when I go to school in the future.


Lu Yanshu raised his hand to his forehead and saw no one.

When Yuan Shoufu returned home, Lu Chaochao had become the heart and soul of the Yuan family.

Yuan Shoufu did not want to accept a disciple, but Lu Chaochao, a closed disciple, was forced upon him by the emperor.

The identity has not been released yet.

But after some examination, he actually fell in love with Lu Yanshu.

"You are more talented and knowledgeable than Lu Jinghuai." Yuan Shoufu looked at the young man in the wheelchair.

This son is definitely not a thing in the pool.

"I have accepted your sister as a closed disciple. I can teach you, but I will not accept you as a disciple. Are you willing?" Yuan Shoufu stroked his beard with a satisfied look on his face.

Lu Yanshu stood up slowly: "Yanshu is willing."

Yuan Shoufu was startled for a moment when he saw his legs standing up steadily.

Then he stroked his beard and laughed: "Okay, okay! Marquis Zhongyong is so sorry that his intestines are almost green."

Master Yuan originally regretted that he had no ambition, but he was a paralytic.


it is good!
Mr. Yuan loved Cai very much and pitied him for being paralyzed for many years, so he allowed him to stay in the mansion for a few days.

[Oh, eldest brother is stupid. 】

[I was quite happy to be locked up by the old man and go to class. ] Lu Chaochao ran away with a small bag on his back and his short legs.

Lu Yanshu was extremely helpless. There was a long way to go for his sister to go to school.

night.Xuan Jichuan sat on the ground in despair: "I'm really possessed by an evil spirit. I'm possessed by an evil spirit. Please send me to Huguo Temple to stay for a few days."

As soon as he got home, a drop of bird droppings fell on his head.

When I was going to bed, a good beam collapsed! !

It collapsed! !

Escaped from death and broke a leg.

Follow the path of Lu Chaochao.

He was so frightened that he packed up his clothes and moved into Huguo Temple to ensure his safety...

As for the initiator, she had long forgotten the casual curse.

Spring has begun, and the weather will soon warm up.

Lu Chaochao put on a thin spring shirt.

The one-and-a-half-year-old baby already walks extremely steadily.

"Quick, quick, quick, I'm sure I'll leave. I'll leave soon."

"It's only one month until the provincial examination. Come and place your bets. Come and place your bets. Who will be the Jieyuan of this session!"

"I'll escort Lu Jinghuai!"

"I will also escort Lu Jinghuai. This Zhongyong Hou Mansion has found a treasure."

Everyone was talking about Lu Jinghuai's reputation, and some even speculated that he would win three yuan in a row.

"By the way, I heard that the paralyzed man from the Lu family also has to take the provincial examination."

"how is this possible?"

"You can't take part in the imperial examination if you are paralyzed." Everyone shook their heads.

Lu Chaochao, who was carrying a small schoolbag, put his feet up and showed his little head.

"Wo wants to be detained!"

Everyone was stunned: "Go, go, someone's little baby ran out."

Lu Chaochao looked at them stubbornly, then took out a handful of golden melon seeds from his pocket: "Wo is going to be held in custody! Lu Yanshu."

"All in on him."

"Little guy, the name Lu Yanshu doesn't exist at all. You are mistaken." The boss waved his hand, but then he was stunned.

He suddenly remembered that the paralyzed man was called Lu Yanshu.

Then he saw that Lu Chaochao was covered in wealth and surrounded by servants, so he smiled and said, "You won't get your money back after depositing money? Don't cry then."

"Chaochao won't cry!" Lu Chaochao poured out all the pocket money in his pocket.

The boss winked: "Go and put Lu Yanshu's name on it."

Then they counted Lu Chaochao's golden melon seeds, a total of 180 taels of silver.

Lu Yanshu, 180 taels.

Lu Jinghuai, 3000 taels.

Lu Chaochao glanced at it and walked away majestically.

Today's Zhongyonghou Mansion is particularly lively.

It's the old lady's sixtieth birthday and she has a thirty-table banquet.

Lu Jinghuai is now a talented man in the capital, and many people come here to see him.

The banquet was quite lively.

Mrs. Pei forced her smile, the warehouse of the Hou Mansion was empty and they could not even support their monthly expenses.She also sold a lot of jewelry to barely support the Hou Mansion.

What made her even more angry was that Su Zhiqing was competing with her for favor.

I really hate it to the extreme.

"Master Marquis, I heard that your eldest son will also take the imperial examination?" someone asked Marquis Lu.

Lu Yuanze frowned: "This is nonsense. He has been paralyzed for ten years, how can he pass the imperial examination?"

Jiang Yunjin stood next to Lu Jinghuai, who was coaxing her in a low voice.

"That day I mistakenly identified Su as you, Jin Niang, please don't misunderstand me. You are the only one in my heart."

"I swear to you, I will definitely win the title of Toad Palace and make you the first lady."

Jiang Yunjin pursed her lips, a smile filling her eyes.

It's bustling.

Suddenly, I heard people outside the door shouting.

"Paralytic, stand up!"

"The paralytic stood up!!"

"He went to register for the provincial examination!"

Lu Jinghuai's smile was stiff and his eyes were full of fear.

He seemed to be reminded of the fear of being dominated by Lu Yanshu. (End of chapter)

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