Jiang Yunjin's face was extremely stiff, and he couldn't keep the smile on his face.

She held the handkerchief tightly and twisted it into a ball, feeling as if a thousand arrows had penetrated her heart.

Lu Yanshu was born as a proud man of heaven. He showed his talent at a young age. He was a mountain that his peers could never climb. They could not look up to him or reach him.

She was also secretly happy that her fiancé was so outstanding.

But since Lu Yanshu became disabled, all the envy turned into a sharp knife and stabbed her fiercely.

"Princess Zhaoyang is joking..." She looked ugly and forced a smile, not knowing how to explain to Lu Chaochao.

"Why are you joking? My brother is willing to fight with his life in exchange for yours." Lu Chaochao looked up at her in confusion.

"Did Lu Jinghuai also risk his life to save you?"

"Does he, like my brother, love you with all his life?" Lu Chaochao took a step forward.

Jiang Yunjin turned pale and backed away suddenly.

Her mouth was moaning, and she couldn't speak for a long time.

"Lu Jinghuai must love you more, otherwise why would you choose him..." Lu Chaochao sighed faintly, as if he couldn't understand her dazed eyes.

Jiang Yunjin bit her lower lip.

Does Lu Jinghuai love her more?Is he willing to trade his life for himself?
She didn't dare to think deeply.

She recalled that eight-year-old Lu Yanshu passed the scholar examination.The little boy, who had always abided by the rules, was sweating profusely while running, and said to her with a flushed face: "Don't worry, I won't wrong you."

"When I reach the third level, I promise that you, Fengguan Xiapei, will have no worries for the rest of your life."

At that time, his eyes were shining brighter than the brightest stars in the sky.

He strictly abides by the rules in front of others. He doesn't dare to look at himself twice and blushes even when he speaks.

He said, the world is so harsh on women, I can't let you be in the whirlpool.Only by observing etiquette and respecting you can I truly protect you.

And what about Lu Jinghuai?
Coaxing her to taste the forbidden fruit before marriage.

On their wedding night, he let go and left, letting everyone in Beijing see her joke.In everyone's eyes, it was ridiculous that she didn't consummate her marriage three days after getting married.

[Hey, are you angry?No regrets later? 】

【There are many times when I regret...】

Jiang Yunjin's face was already extremely ugly, and Lu Jinghuai happened to be returning home at this moment.

He stepped forward and put his arms around Jiang Yunjin's shoulders: "How is grandma?"

"Thank you for your hard work in the house, Jin'er." When he lowered his head, he found that Jiang Yunjin's face was pale and his eyes were red.

"Is it my grandmother's fault?" Lu Jinghuai was a little anxious.

If the old lady dies, the father must also observe filial piety. Ding You is 27 months old.

"I'm sorry, it was Chao Chao who made her cry..." Lu Chao Chao cautiously lowered his head.He hurried forward to admit his mistake.

When Lu Jinghuai saw Lu Chaochao, a flash of disgust flashed in his eyes. Everything had changed since Lu Chaochao was born!
"Princess Zhaoyang has taken advantage of Your Majesty's love and pampering at such a young age. This is not good!" Lu Jinghuai's tone was serious and his eyes were cold.

Lu Chaochao pursed his lips in grievance, and in an instant, tears fell down.

[Mother, mother, mother...mother, look at me quickly...] Lu Chaochao turned to look at Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu heard her call as she wished and asked loudly, "What's wrong with Chaochao?"

[Oh yes, my mother really has some connection with my... heart! 】

Lu Chaochao sobbed and flew into his mother's arms, looking sad as he secretly wiped away tears. "It's all Chaochao's fault, it's all Chaochao's fault...Chaochao accidentally made her cry." Lu Chaochao pointed at Jiang Yunjin.

Jiang Yunjin panicked.

She hurriedly grabbed Lu Jinghuai and said, "Ms. sir, it has nothing to do with Princess Zhaoyang. It's the sand in Yun Jin's eyes that has nothing to do with the princess." She looked slightly panicked, which made Lu Jinghuai even more furious. "You're still turning against her! Princess Zhaoyang is so vicious at a young age. Does she still have the right to do it?"

Jiang Yunjin's heart was pounding, and her eyes were almost pleading: "It really has nothing to do with the princess, it's the sand in my eyes." She begged and pulled Lu Jinghuai's sleeves, but Lu Jinghuai originally had ill intentions towards Lu Chaochao, and now he couldn't wait for something to happen. Make a scene and get angry.

"I'm just telling you, why do you have such good intentions to come to see the old lady today? It turns out that you came to my house intentionally to show off and tease our family." Mrs. Pei sneered, and mother and son immediately turned to Mrs. Xu.

Xu did not reprimand Chao Chao, but squatted down to be level with her daughter.

"Chaochao, tell mother, what happened?"

Lu Chaochao sobbed.

"I don't know what to do... I just want to say a few words to her."

"Chaochao just talked about Brother Yanshu, and she suddenly cried."

"Mother, Chao Chao doesn't understand..."

"It's all Chao Chao's fault. Wuwuwu..." The little girl buried her face in her mother's arms and said in a low voice.

There was a sudden silence in the room.

Everyone looked at Jiang Yunjin, who was pale and sweating profusely.

Jiang Yunjin suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Jinghuai. Unsurprisingly, he saw the uncontrollable rage in Lu Jinghuai's eyes.

He threw her hand away and almost threw her to the ground.

"Jiang Yunjin, you are very kind!" He suppressed his anger and clenched his fists tightly.

Mrs. Xu picked up Chao Chao and shook her head with a look of helplessness: "That's all, I shouldn't have come today, but my good intentions were misunderstood."

"You take good care of the old lady and ask the eminent monk to recite sutras and pray for her more. The old lady always likes it." Ms. Xu still asked Lu Yuanze.

"I'll see you off." Lu Yuanze said hurriedly.

Mrs. Pei was so angry that she said, "You just have bad intentions. As soon as you came today, you disturbed the peace in the house. You are a house disturber. Sir, she did it on purpose!" Why doesn't anyone believe me? , Xu did it on purpose!
"Master, don't go!" Mrs. Pei pulled Lu Yuanze.

"She just deliberately disturbed our family's peace. She did it on purpose!"

Xu's expression was indifferent and he didn't want to pay attention at all.

Lu Yuanze scolded her coldly: "Nonsense, don't I know who Yun Niang is? I've been sleeping with her for 18 years, I need you to tell me who she is!"

He shook off the hysterical Ms. Pei and personally escorted Mr. Xu out.

Xu glanced at Lu Chaochao in her arms, and saw that the little guy still had half a tear.

At a young age, I was full of ghosts and ghosts.

Lu Yuanze walked beside Xu. It seemed that he had not enjoyed a moment of peace for a long time.Since the divorce, there has always been noisy and noisy things at home, countless family affairs, and endless justice.

I used to devote myself wholeheartedly to official duties, but now, I have long been entangled in trivial matters.

"Yun Niang, it's better for you to keep the house in order. She can't compare to you." He secretly looked at Xu's expression.

Mrs. Xu chuckled: "Really?"

"Lu Yuanze, you asked for this yourself to remove us from the family tree."

Lu Yuanze's eyebrows drooped slightly. Xu had liked him for 18 years, could he really cut off their relationship?
Does she still have herself in her heart?

Yes, she gave birth to three sons and one daughter, and it was impossible for another man to accept her.

Children, it is good to have a biological father!

Lu Yuanze was secretly happy.

This secret joy was broken as soon as they reached the door. (End of chapter)

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