Everyone stood outside Chang'an Palace until their legs and feet went numb, and then the emperor faintly woke up.

However, the emperor's bones were so badly broken that he could not move except for his eyeballs.

The queen lay in front of the couch and gently held the old emperor's hand.

"His Majesty……"

"Feng Yu, supervise the country..." Just these words of the old emperor made cold sweat break out on his forehead in pain.

"Your Majesty still needs to recuperate. Don't worry, Your Majesty is now out of danger." The miracle doctor whispered.

After a while, the emperor fell asleep again.

Nan Fengyu's eyebrows brightened slightly, supervising the country!

After everyone walked out of the hall, the miracle doctor said: "Your Majesty is old and can barely save his life. But..."

"I'm afraid I can only be paralyzed in bed."

The queen's face turned pale, she just lowered her head and cried.

Nan Fengyu pinched the corner of his clothes tightly, feeling ecstatic in his heart, but his face was full of sadness: "Does the miracle doctor have any solution? As long as it can relieve the father's worries, Feng Yu will definitely do his best to help!"

The miracle doctor shook his head: "Now in the court, the eldest princess still needs more work. Princess, please take care of yourself!"

After the miracle doctor finished speaking, he went into the temple to guard again.

Now that the emperor is seriously ill, the succession ceremony will be next month, so wait for another month! ! She will be a veritable empress!
Nan Fengyu's eyes flashed with blazing light.

She and the queen looked at each other, and the queen smiled softly: "You can rest assured and supervise the country. The Ning family is dead, and little Xu Shiyun cannot make waves!"

Nan Fengyu lowered his head and agreed, then came to the door.

"My lords, please go back to your home for the time being. My father is out of danger. Feng Yu will definitely be by the bedside every day and take good care of my father!"

"Father ordered Feng Yu to supervise the country, but Feng Yu was worried about his father's dragon body, so he was exempted from court for three days!"

Civil and military officials from all over the court knelt outside the palace: "May your majesty be in good health, and may the eldest princess's filial piety move the heavens. This will be a blessing to the southern country."

Nan Fengyu glanced at his maternal ancestor Su.

Mr. Su glanced at Lu Chaochao and nodded lightly.

The six aristocratic families originally stood firmly behind Nan Fengyu. As Lu Chaochao came to visit, the Ming and Lou families suddenly changed their tune and requested that Ning be granted the title of Queen of the West Palace, demanding that Xu Shiyun's lineage have equal inheritance rights.

Just now Nan Fengyu saw the book, and the Sang family had also submitted a letter asking for the appointment of Queen of the West Palace, requesting that Xu Shiyun's lineage have equal inheritance rights.

Of the six, three have agreed.

Nan Fengyu had to guard against it.

"I heard that Princess Zhaoyang is used to convincing people with reason. Even Lord Minglou, Lord Sang, was impressed by you. I wonder if Mr. Su has a chance to invite the little princess to come to the house to reason?" Mr. Su looked at him with a smile. Lu Chaochao.

The masked old woman suddenly grabbed Lu Chaochao's hand, her eyes filled with fear.

She grabbed Lu Chaochao's hand and couldn't stop trembling slightly.

Mr. Su! Mr. Su! ! The demon who slaughtered the village! !
It was he who personally led people to surround Taoyuan Village. The demons held knives in their hands and forced the villagers into the fire...

Lu Chaochao patted Mrs. Ning's hand gently, and Mrs. Ning relaxed her hands.

"Okay, Grandpa Su... Chao Chao is used to being reasonable."

Chao Chao has always convinced people with reason. If they are not convinced, she also knows a little bit about fists and kicks!
Mr. Su snorted coldly and led the civil and military officials to leave.

Lord Sang looked at her worriedly, Lord Ming said, "Are you worried about her?"

"She and the Su family have a blood feud from the previous generation. I'm afraid she won't be as lucky as us... You might as well worry more about the Su family and what to do if the Su family collapses." Master Ming said slowly.

Mr. Sang looked at her with horrified eyes: "No, that's not the case, is it? She is only three and a half years old?"

"The Su family's thousand-year-old foundation and complicated forces can be overthrown by a three-and-a-half-year-old child?" Mr. Sang knew that she had extraordinary abilities, but after all, she was... only three-and-a-half years old.

She even drinks a bottle of milk when sleeping at night.

General Lou is smiling, you have never seen her swordsmanship before! !

"We'll see. There's something good to watch..."

After everyone left the palace, Lu Chaochao was carried into the carriage by Rong Che. After pulling down the curtain, Mrs. Ning burst into tears, hugged Lu Chaochao and shook her head: "Go...go...no...no!" Her voice was hoarse and her words were unclear.

Mrs. Ning's whole body was shaking like chaff. She always remembered the scene of a river of blood in Taoyuan Village.

"Ah..." Mrs. Ning clutched her heart and was in pain.

She was born an abandoned baby and grew up eating food from hundreds of families in Taoyuan Village. Taoyuan Village is her home and her roots! !

She saved the emperor back then, but brought massacre to Taoyuan Village.

She lived in regret every day of her life.

Every night, I was in a nightmare of blood and blood.

Her little granddaughter, only three and a half years old, is now going to the Su family's devil's cave.

"No... I won't go." She hugged Chaochao and cried.

Drops of hot tears fell on the little guy.

"Don't talk. Your throat has not recovered yet, so you may bleed again." Seeing her excitement, Mrs. Xu hurriedly advised her.

Old woman Ning couldn't lose anymore.

Over the years, she has relied solely on finding her daughter to support her survival. She can't lose anyone again!

Those are her spiritual pillars!
"Grandma is not afraid, not afraid... Chao Chao is very powerful." The little guy knew that she was afraid, so he comforted the old lady softly.

The old lady was trembling all over, holding her and not daring to let go.

It seemed as if if I let go, the little granddaughter would disappear before my eyes.

Lu Chaochao touched her forehead lightly, and the old lady's body became weak before she slowly fell down.

Lu Yanshu supported her, covered her with a brocade quilt and placed her in the corner.

"My grandmother's whole village was massacred, and she was almost tortured to death. She was very afraid of the Su family, the queen and others." Lu Yanshu sighed softly.

"She often trembles with fear at night."

Xu Shiyun's eyes turned red: "Now the impostor is using her name to humiliate himself in front of the queen, and he's not doing it for me to see!"

"I am deeply afraid that I will have thoughts that I shouldn't have!"

"Huh..." As soon as he finished speaking, the carriage suddenly stopped.

Dengzhi whispered: "Madam, she is the nun next to Mrs. Ning. It was those two evil slaves who bullied Mrs. Ning in the beginning." The evil slaves bullied their master, but they pitied Mrs. Ning for being powerless, and she was stabbed in the back by the emperor. , I don’t know how much suffering I suffered at their hands.

The two nuns stood outside the carriage and said with a smile: "The old lady has not seen her granddaughter for a long time. She misses her and wants to meet the little princess."

"Little princess, filial piety is paramount. You haven't been home for a long time, so you should still be filial to your grandmother. Lest others slander you..." Mammy said with a gun and a stick, Lu Chao raised his chin.

"Who said anything about me? Did anyone say anything?"

"If your mouth is not clean, drag it out and kill it with a cane!"

"Chaochao is the princess of Beizhao, and she came to the Southern Kingdom on behalf of Beizhao. The two countries have diplomatic relations, how can we allow others to talk nonsense?" Lu Chaochao stood on the carriage. Although he was young, he had a strong aura.

The two nuns knelt on the ground with a bang, dripping with cold sweat.

"Tell me, who is talking nonsense?"

"Or are you saying that grandma is spreading rumors?"

"What, are you bullying Chaochao when he's young? Or do you think that I, the Beizhao army, are vegetarians?"

Xie Yuzhou stood behind her and said slowly: "She can really represent Emperor Beizhao..."

"No, you may not die if you offend Uncle Huang. But if you offend her, your life will definitely be worse than death."

The two nuns were trembling all over and shouted: "Old slave is talking nonsense, old slave is talking nonsense...it's all slaves who are mean-mouthed." They raised their hands and slapped themselves hard in the face.

"Fan me until I'm satisfied." Lu Chaochao said calmly.

The two nuns knelt on the ground and slapped each other very hard. In an instant, their cheeks were bruised and swollen, and traces of blood spilled from the corners of their mouths.

"If you offend her, you've just kicked a brick wall." Xie Yuzhou followed Lu Chaochao, showing off his power!
Of course, if you offend me, you are just kicking the bucket! (End of chapter)

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