The Su family was burned by heavenly fire, and the matter caused an uproar in the southern capital.

Some people thought that there were so many bones under the Su family's ancestral temple, and rumors started to spread in Nandu City.

"The Su family must have done many evil things, so God will punish them!"

"I heard that the ground is covered with bones. I don't know how many people died..."

"It is said that the largest skeleton was less than twelve years old..."

"Oh, children are often lost in the South. It couldn't be the Su family's doing, right? But the Su family claims to be the incarnation of gods and should be compassionate. How could they do such a thing?"

Rumors are spreading in Nandu City.

People who had lost their children gathered together and decided to file a petition in blood.

I ask His Majesty the Southern Kingdom to investigate this matter thoroughly and give the people justice!
They knelt on the street, kowtowed and asked passers-by to sign. In just two days, tens of thousands of people's blood letters were sent to the palace.

Inside Chang'an Palace.

The old emperor had gray hair on his temples, many serious injuries on his body, and the wounds were bandaged everywhere. There is incense burning in the house, which is quite dull...

"Father, get up and take medicine." Nan Fengyu knelt in front of the couch, while Nan Mubai helped the old emperor and leaned on his shoulders.

Nan Fengyu blew spoonfuls of warm food into the old emperor's mouth.

Nan Fengyu dealt with government affairs during the day and took care of the old emperor at night, never lying to others.

The satisfaction in the emperor's eyes for her almost overflowed.

"Thank you Feng'er, cough, cough, cough..." The old emperor coughed dryly, and Nan Mubai patted him on the back.

There was a trace of blood coughed out from the white veil.

All of them show that the old emperor's life is not long.

Nan Fengyu's eyes were bloodshot and she looked exhausted: "Father, we are a family and don't say polite words. When our father lost his memory and fell into the water, and narrowly escaped death, the daughter regretted not sharing his worries for her father. Now, the daughter always has to be in front of her father. Filial piety."

"As long as the father is here, Feng Yu will have someone to support him, and he will still have a father." Nan Feng Yu fed the medicine with red eyes, looking quite sincere.

The old emperor raised his hand with difficulty and patted the back of her hand.

"She...have they entered the palace?"

Nan Fengyu paused slightly.

He stammered: "I've been here before. My daughter couldn't bear them disturbing her father's rest, so she sent them back."

Behind her, Nan Mubai was furious: "You're still hiding it for them!!"

"Grandfather, Mu Bai is not worth it for you."

"On the day of your accident, Mrs. Ning came to the palace for half a day and never came again. Neither Aunt Yun nor Lu Chaochao came..."

The old emperor was silent, only closing his eyes and not speaking.

"That's all, I won't be raised here after all."

It was like a sigh.

"What's going on with the Su family's sky fire? Has the old master entered the palace?" The old emperor only asked one question, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Grandma is waiting outside the palace. I heard... that when the sky fire came, Princess Zhaoyang was in the ancestral hall. I don't know what she did to offend the ancestors of the Su family."

"As you know, the ancestor of the Su family is loved by the people and even works beside the God of Darkness. She probably offended the ancestor and brought trouble to the Su family."

"Father, please rest a moment. Everything has a daughter, and if you take good care of yourself, it will be the blessing of the Southern Kingdom." Nan Fengyu sighed, full of admiration for his father.

The old emperor nodded and said no more.

Seeing that the old emperor was tired, Nan Fengyu tucked in the quilt and helped the old emperor lie down.

Outer hall.

Countless memorials were placed in front of the table, waiting for her review.

Nan Mubai glanced at the inner hall and saw the old emperor sleeping soundly, then said: "Mother, please rest. You haven't slept for two days, take care of yourself..."

Nan Fengyu was sitting on the dragon chair, holding a pen in her hand, her eyes filled with ambition.

She has been waiting for this moment for decades! !
Why are you tired?
This was the position she longed for day and night.

"It doesn't matter, bring me today's memorial." Nan Fengyu said with a slight smile on his eyebrows.

Outside the door, the eunuch presented the book and the blood letter.

"What is this?" Nan Fengyu frowned when she smelled the strong smell of blood.

The eunuch lowered his head and reported back: "It's a blood letter initiated by the people." "Huh? Are there any grievances?" Nan Mubai handed the blood letter to the eldest princess.

The eldest princess picked up the blood book, but her brows furrowed deeply.

"It's the Su family's sky fire incident. I heard that there are countless skeletons of children under the Su family's ancestral temple, and the people sent a blood letter of tens of thousands of people, asking for a thorough investigation of the matter." The eunuch reported softly.

Nan Fengyu only glanced at it briefly before throwing it casually at his feet.

"It's bad luck, burn it."

"Grandpa is old, please let me return home. Then I said that the sky fire was caused by Princess Zhaoyang's anger against the ancestors of the Su family."

"As for the bones... who can prove that they are human bones? If I say they are animal bones, they are animals!"

The eunuch was breathing heavily, but he suppressed the fear in his heart and had no choice but to go out and reply.

"Ancestor Xuangui died for no reason, and his soul tablet was broken. Great-grandfather wanted to borrow the National Master's Mirror of All Things to spy on what happened before his death..." Nan Mubai looked at the blood-stained book on the ground, his eyes a little dull.

Nan Fengyu nodded: "The Imperial Master is at the altar, go find him."

It wasn't until night that Nan Mubai borrowed the Mirror of All Things.

Lu Chaochao, on the other hand, was lying on the bed with his belly stroking, and his stomach was full.

"Get up and eat." The young man stood in front of the bed and looked at her.

Lu Chaochao's voice was lazy: "I've eaten and drank enough, I don't want to move."

“I’m tired, thirsty, hungry, sleepy, I’m in a good mood, I’m in a bad mood, it’s windy, it’s raining, it’s sunny, I don’t want to move...”

The tall young man grinned angrily.

He squatted in front of the bed as if resigned to his fate and rubbed her belly.


Lu Chaochao sat up and put his index finger to his mouth: "Shh..."

"Did you hear any crying?" Lu Chaochao jumped out of bed in his middle coat, and the boy held up his shoes and coat for her to put on.

"There's crying!" She said firmly.

The souls of Taoyuan Village have been collected in space to nourish their souls. They have been trapped here for many years and are about to lose their souls.

When Lu Chaochao opened the door, Xie Yuzhou's head popped out and followed her quietly.

"The disciples of the Su family seem to be secretly looking in the mirror..."

Xie Yuzhou pointed to the main courtyard.

There is no one guarding outside the main courtyard, but there is a restriction!
But who is Lu Chaochao? The restriction had no effect on her, and she felt like she was in no one's land! He led Xie Yuzhou and the young man into the main courtyard in a swaggering manner.

The Su family members stood in the house with serious faces.

Everyone was solemn and suppressed their inner anger.

There was a stone mirror placed in front of him. The stone mirror was surrounded by simple and mysterious patterns, which looked familiar to Lu Chaochao.

"Open the mirror of all things!"

The old man of the Su family took out a drop of his heart's blood and opened the mirror of all things.

After announcing the birth date of the ancestor, a white smoke appeared in the stone mirror.

The white mist dispersed...

A pair of slender, white hands with distinct joints could be vaguely seen...but his face seemed to be covered with a veil and could not be seen clearly.

He held a huge old turtle in his hand. The old turtle's back was covered with patterns, and it looked a bit aura.

But at this moment, the old turtle's eyebrows were closed and lifeless.

Everyone in the Su family stood up.

Everyone's face was stained with a cold look: "He, what is he doing??! What is he doing to the ancestor!!"

All things in the mirror.

The old turtle is washed and chopped into pieces, put into hot oil, making a sizzling sound, and delicious wild mushrooms are poured in, and the heat steams...

The pot of soup turned milky white.

It seems that you can still smell the aroma coming to your face.

Their ancestors are boiling in the pot! (End of chapter)

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