The village chief's trousers were wet and he knelt on the ground, kowtowing like crazy.

"I know I was wrong, please forgive me. I know I was wrong..."

"I don't dare anymore..." The village chief was shaking uncontrollably, and Yan Qingxianzun's eyes were extremely calm. But precisely because of this, the village chief was even more frightened.

"Back then, your ancestors entered the mountains. Seeking my protection for the whole village..."

"Having pity on his kind heart, I will protect Baili Village for thousands of years since I have been in the mountains for thousands of years."

"But I didn't expect it to cause trouble."

"You relied on the friendship that existed thousands of years ago to do evil in the village and cholera plagued the whole village." No wonder...

No wonder when he first met Shu'er, she was sweating profusely, as if she had suddenly entered a fantasy world.

Seeing that the gods seemed to want to deal with the village chief, many victims in the village knelt on the ground and recounted the Li family's arrogance in recent years.

Yan Qingxianzun's eyebrows were already stained with frost.

He protects mortals with good intentions.

Unexpectedly, the dog's power will bring another level of disaster to the villagers.

Everything stems from greed.

Immortal Master Yan Qing counted with his fingers and looked at the village chief with increasingly cold eyes.

"You've got sixteen lives on your hands, and I have no choice but to seek justice for the wronged souls."

He raised his hand and waved lightly, and two little demons appeared in the threshing floor, as if they had been subdued by him.

"You betrayed your ancestral oath and harmed your neighbors. From today onwards, you will be stabbed nine hundred and ninety-nine times. You will not die until the last stab is completed."

"I will inform the underworld that in the next ten lives, all of them will be cast into the realm of animals until their sinful debts are paid off."

"As for those who died in vain in your hands, I will make them peaceful and happy in the next life."

"As for you..." Yan Qing glanced at the audience lightly.

Several accomplices who had done evil and caused human lives were also found and executed in public. The whole village has become eerily quiet.

"I know that there are people in the audience who are helping the evildoers." However, no human life was involved in his hands.

Many people's legs were trembling and cold sweat was falling down in big drops.

"Those who help the tyrants to do evil are the beasts of three generations. If you do more good deeds during your lifetime, you can offset your sins. It all depends on how you choose." He is a god, and he has the responsibility to lead people to do good. How much compassion does he retain?

Those who do many evil deeds and cause obstacles to human life cannot stay for long.

"Yes, I will definitely be kind and do good deeds every day. I will follow the teachings of the Immortal."

Many old people knelt on the ground and kowtowed gratefully, but they never dared to say those words of asking God to protect them.

Yan Qing pursed her lips and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

The old lady had already packed her things, and Lu Chaochao put them into the space without ceremony. Sensing the aura of Immortal Lord Yan Qing, she obediently hid behind Xie Yuzhou.

Yan Qingxianzun stood in front of the small courtyard. Here, there was the growth trajectory of his daughter.

"Are these chickens raised by Ah Man? They look so good..." Immortal Master Yan Qing has a cold temperament, and he doesn't like to deal with people in the God Realm.

Now a daughter suddenly appeared, and she looked like him.

He was excited, but also extremely guilty.

Naturally, he was cautious towards Ah Man.

Aman glanced at me and said coldly: "The children in the village called me a bastard without a father and a mother, and smashed my head with a stone to compensate."

Immortal Master Yan Qing looked slightly stagnant...

The old lady looked at her and saw that she only paid for a basket of eggs.

It was hatched by Aman girl who carried her around day and night.

Immortal Lord Yan Qing, who was calm and composed in front of the gods, was actually a little flustered and at a loss at this moment.

He didn't know how to get along with this hedgehog-like daughter.

Thinking of the rumors in the village and the past between her and Shu'er, her heart ached.

He had suffered too much in the past that he didn't know about.

"Yes, I'm late."

"Aman, can you give me a chance to make amends?" "I have a certain status in the God Realm, and I will not let Aman be bullied."

"I have been in the human world for a thousand years and have completed my mission in the God Realm. I will return to the God Realm tomorrow. Would you like to go with me? Daddy will protect you and never let you suffer any further grievances."

Immortal Master Yan Qing has never been a father, so he can only try his best to improve his relationship with Aman.

The batch of glazed flowers are all mature and can be picked today.

Tomorrow he can be sent back to the God Realm to refine his elixir.

Aman's expression was indifferent and he didn't even look at him. He just helped his grandmother out of the yard and looked at the yard where she had lived for more than ten years.

There were some tears in his eyes.

"When I was one, two, three, three I was looking forward to having a father."

"In fact, my New Year's wish every year is to have my father by my side. He can protect me from being bullied..."

"But now, I am no longer a child."

"I have my own life and my own circle. I am a mortal, and this life is so short. Immortal Lord, your immortal essence is eternal, and you are not the same person."

"Mother has forgiven you, but I have not. You go."

Yan Qingxianzun's heart was dry. He didn't know how to get along with his children, let alone his daughter.

"Aman, my father is about to return to the God Realm."

"When I come back, I will ask for a gift. It will definitely extend Aman's life..."

Immortal Lord Yan Qing took out a jade pendant from his arms: "I know you don't want my things, but there are many demon clans in the demon world, and you must protect yourself and your family. Right?"

"What daddy owes you, he will repay in his lifetime."

Aman paused slightly.

Don't give it up for free, it's all a debt he owes anyway.

He grabbed the jade pendant and turned around to leave.

Ah Man turned around, hugged his mother's memorial tablet, and helped the old lady walk out of the village.

After Immortal Yan Qing left, Lu Chaochao revealed his head: "He went back to collect seeds?"

"Yes, I have to go back tomorrow to resume my life."

Lu Chaochao patted his heart, looking scared.

"By the way, the pig that your disciple researched...the pig is fat, won't it be hunted down by Immortal Yan Qing, right?"

Lu Chaochao paused slightly.

"She...she is the real body in the lower realm."

"In order to avoid the supervision of the gods, they will probably be reincarnated. The sealed power will not be unlocked until the memory is revived."

The real body is reincarnated...the six relatives are weak and the fate is bumpy.

"Oh, isn't that bad? Immortal Lord Yan Qing will definitely take revenge on her! Otherwise, let's go find it?" Xie Yuzhou jumped anxiously. If you are reincarnated as a human and your memory has not been restored, wouldn’t it mean that you have no power to protect yourself?
Lu Chaochao waved his hands coolly, grinning almost to the back of his head.

"I was worried too..."


"She found an amulet for herself. Immortal Yan Qing will never dare to touch her amulet!" Hehe, she even had bad expectations. If Yan Qing knew the truth, he would be so broken!

Spirit world.


"Immortal Yan Qing is back!" Above the temple, the god general entered the hall and loudly reported.

All the gods were startled, and then they looked happy: "It took Immortal Yan Qing thousands of years to finally plant the Glazed Pure Flower. The divine world is saved!"

"Okay, okay, Immortal Master Yan Qing has done a great job!" Immortal Master Hanchuan's eyes brightened slightly.


"Welcome to the Immortal Lord, welcome to the Pure Flower!"

Lu Chaochao, so what if you destroyed all the flower seeds? ? (End of chapter)

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