at night.

Lu Chaochao and Xie Yuzhou lay on the lotus platform, sleeping soundly.

Chai Feng was separated by a wall, his eyelids were beating wildly, and he couldn't sleep all night.

Just after dawn, noisy footsteps could be heard outside the lotus terrace.

Lu Chaochao opened his sleepy eyes and felt a little cold. He couldn't help but take out the red fur from the space and cover himself and Xie Yuzhou.

The fur was shiny and well-maintained, and felt extremely soft to the touch. She liked it very much.

The lotus platform seemed to have been lifted up. There was a lot of noise outside, so she took out the biscuits and milk and ate them one bite at a time.

Xie Yuzhou rubbed his eyes and sat up: "Wow, the ceremony is about to begin."

The two of them were lying in the gap between the petals of the lotus platform, and could vaguely see the outside world.

Countless little demons surrounded the demon king and ascended the throne, his fiery red hair dazzling.

"It is indeed the red-haired demon king."

There was singing and dancing outside, and the voices of Lu Chaochao and Lu Chaochao were faintly suppressed.

"This demon world is so pitiful, there is no fabric at all. Look, those two little demons can't even cover their butts, their waists are exposed..."

"I will give them two old clothes from the space later. My mother said that if you catch a cold, you will suffer from cold legs in the future. You cannot expose your waist or ankles..."

"What's wrong with their eyes? Are they suffering from an eye disease? They keep twitching..." Chao Chao muttered while looking at her.

Xie Yuzhou pursed his lips tightly and took a deep breath.

What can you expect a four-year-old to know?

Then countless spirits and monsters came forward to offer gifts. The scene was very lively for a while, and the two people watching were dazzled.

"The Qingyan Queen has arrived..." the demon tribe outside the palace sang loudly.

The Qingqiu Fox Tribe was originally the descendant of the mythical beast Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, but in recent years the bloodline of the mythical beast has become thinner and weaker.

The two clans of Dragon and Phoenix looked down upon Qingqiu.

Qingqiu also claims to have the blood of divine beasts and is unwilling to join the demon clan.

Now, Qingqiu is independent.

Between a demon and a descendant of a mythical beast.

"Welcome to the Queen of Qingqiu..." All the monsters stood up and greeted the mighty Qingqiu Fox Clan.

The green fox demon even went up to greet him personally: "Female Sir, please take a seat."

Qingyan Nujun is now a member of the seven-tailed fox tribe, and she has a charming appearance, but no one dares to offend her.

"We haven't seen you for a thousand years, but His Highness the Demon King is... getting more and more arrogant and unruly." The Qingyan Queen looked at the Demon King. That fiery red hair is so arrogant.

"I wonder where your Majesty the Demon King has been for thousands of years?"

"There are rumors outside that you were seriously injured in the battle with the Great Demon Pagoda and have been recuperating for a thousand years? There are also rumors that you have been hiding for a thousand years in order to avoid a thousand-year catastrophe?" Qingyan couldn't help but chuckle a little, Qingqiu Although one generation is inferior to the other, it still has a transcendent status in the demon world.

The demon king looked slightly cold.

"I heard that your sister is a rare genius in the Qingqiu clan. She has cultivated eight tails at a young age. In fact, she is the most likely to cultivate nine-tailed fox. Why, why doesn't your sister cultivate it? She doesn't like the ninth tail. "?" He didn't learn anything else when he was with Lu Chaochao, but he learned to speak venomously.

The Qingqiu Fox Clan's expression suddenly darkened.

Qingnu's death is Qingqiu's biggest taboo.

It is also the biggest pain in Qingqiu.

"Give up! How can I allow you to offend Qingqiu! Qingqiu is a descendant of the sacred beast, and it is your blessing to come to watch the ceremony!" A little fox demon suddenly scolded him.

In their eyes, even the Demon King is inferior to Qingqiu's.

When the Demon King heard this, laughter spread throughout the audience.

"A descendant of a mythical beast? You really know how to put gold on your face."

"The bloodline that has been passed down for thousands of years still has some divinity..." He suddenly thought of Zhui Feng, the pure bloodline of the divine beast, but it's a pity...

I can only work as a servant for her.

Suddenly, he felt that he had lost his interest. He sat on the chair in disinterest and ignored Qingqiu.

Qingqiu has always been arrogant. How congratulatory is it for coming to present treasures today?
She just wants to suppress her bloodline and highlight her identity.

Seeing the commotion on both sides, the green fox demon hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." "The demon world has arranged many programs for you to welcome you home today, and I have specially prepared a big gift for you. I hope you can like……"

"This is what my subordinates obtained by destroying the strength of nine cows and two tigers."

When Teng She heard this, he wanted to take the credit alone, so he was so angry that he immediately said, "It's obviously a great gift that you and I found together!"

The green fox demon glanced at him. Of course, such a great achievement must be taken over by himself!

"Qing Hu worked hard to find this from the beginning to the end. Teng Snake, you must be kind! I think you are a brother and I won't argue with you!"

Teng Shezu was stupid, but she didn't dare to make a fuss in front of him when he saw him claiming credit alone.

He just stood on one side with a cold face and a terrifying look on his face.

Qing Hu showed some flattery: "Your Majesty the Demon King, there is no gift like mine in this world."

"Today, no one can surpass my gift." He was full of confidence.

The Heavenly Wolf Demon looked around with a vigilant expression. Today is the last day of the Demon King's great calamity. If he spends today safely, the Demon King will be safe and sound.

Fairy sounds are everywhere, singing and dancing are flourishing, and countless little demons wearing fairy skirts dancing with fairy spirit around the lotus platform.

The lotus platform rose into the air and fell into the pool under the stands.

Koi carps of various colors jump up one after another, symbolizing the fish leaping over the dragon's gate.

The koi carp brings out the slightest glimmer of water, and the lotus platform slowly rotates in the pond when it touches the water. The lotus seems to come alive, flowing with fine golden light.

Inside the lotus platform.

A graceful figure gradually appeared, dressed charmingly and gracefully.

The little demon and the two dolls on the lotus platform stared at each other with big eyes.

She is a charm fox sent by the fox tribe, and she is going to bloom like a fairy with her petals in full bloom.

She is even the future beloved concubine of the Demon King.

I don't know...

Before she could recover, she felt a force restraining her.

Lu Chaochao took out a bright red jacket from the space and put it tightly on her. The big red flower jacket is so exciting.

"Oh, they say the demon world is hard. It's true..."

"Look at you, you only have two pieces of rag tied around your waist. How come you're wearing a bellyband?" And your feet are bare...

Lu Chaochao dressed her tightly and put on a pair of red socks on her feet.

Charming fox? ? ?

Meihu was so angry that her face turned red and tears were about to fall.

The little chubby hand wiped her tears gently: "I know you are touched, please don't cry. This is what my mother did in her free time..."

Meihu: I thank you and your family.

As the fairy music sounded, the petals opened one by one.

Lu Chaochao slapped his forehead: "Oh, it's your turn to show up??"

Meihu looked down at the big flowered coat on her body and shook her head in horror.

No, no, no, she is the most beautiful fox demon in Qingqiu. She has been raised in Qingqiu for hundreds of years, and she has thought about becoming famous in the three realms.

But definitely not wearing this flowery coat! !
But Lu Chaochao couldn't understand her frightened eyes and untied her restraints.

A force dragged her at the moment when the petals opened.

Countless petals fell from the sky.

The fairy mist is lingering, and a little bit of mist disperses...

What should have been exposed was the snow-white jade feet, but at this moment...

Reveal a pair, red socks? ? ?
The intense and dazzling red color suddenly silenced the entire audience.

A strong local flavor came to my face.

The fairy sound stopped abruptly. (End of chapter)

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