Teng Snake couldn't believe it.

"He is the lord of the demon world. Isn't he better than being a pet?"

Sirius is also puzzled. According to the Demon King, it seems that there is a black dragon as a slave? The world is finally going crazy.

The Demon King couldn't care less about his subordinate Cricket.

At this moment, he was kneeling in the hall and confessed to the young man: "I didn't expect that Chao Chao would suddenly break in. I won't dare to do it next time."

The young man glanced at his crotch with a cold expression, and Zhui Feng felt his scalp was numb due to the cold.

"This kind of thing will never happen again in the future, I promise..."

I really don’t want to be a castrated dog!

A little head suddenly appeared behind the door. A little girl wearing underwear, no shoes or socks, ran out with bare feet and hair disheveled.

She rubbed her eyes, saw the young man in the palace, and stretched out her hand softly: "Hug."

The coldness in the young man's body disappeared, and his aura became softer.

"Why are you up? Be careful of the cold." He took off his green shirt and put it on Chao Chao, wrapping up his feet as well.

If you look closely, you can see that the colors of his clothes are mostly close to those of Lu Chaochao.

Many times, it’s the same color family.

"My eyes feel uncomfortable." She rubbed her eyes, feeling extremely dry and a bit blurry.

The young man placed her on the soft cushion and gently rubbed her brows and eyes.

"You must be very busy. Why are you here?" The little girl didn't wake up and mumbled something vague.

The young man glanced at Zhui Feng. Zhui Feng's skin tightened and he couldn't help but clench his legs.

It often followed Lu Chaochao, and in fact, it vaguely guessed his identity.


I don’t dare to think about it too deeply, it’s too scary and bizarre.

"I heard that Zhui Feng was found, so I came here to have a look. Are your eyes feeling better?" He blew Lu Chaochao's eyes gently, not noticing the bitter Zhui Feng behind him at all.

What are you looking at?
He is here to castrate me!

Lu Chaochao was already very sleepy, and the young man's fingers felt warm. After pressing the finger, Lu Chaochao fell into a deep sleep.

The young man did not even glance at Zhuifeng. He carried Chaochao to the bed, covered her with a brocade quilt, sat on the edge of the bed, and gently touched her eyes.

"Chaochao, follow your heart. I can't interfere with your cause and effect... This is the only way for you to become..."

Until the young man left, Zhui Feng breathed a sigh of relief, almost thinking that he was going to become a gelded dog.

The next day, it was dawn.

Lu Chaochao covered his eyes and kept shouting that it hurt.

Her eyes were burning with pain, but there was a cool force that seemed to relieve her discomfort.

"What's going on? Why do your eyes hurt suddenly?" Zhui Feng searched for the demon world's imperial doctor, but there was no conclusion.

The power gradually soothed her discomfort, and the little girl blinked: "It's okay, it's okay, don't worry, it's okay."

Outside the hall, the little demon came in to report.

"Your Majesty, a black dragon came outside the palace. He said he was looking for Miss Lu Chaochao..."

When Zhui Feng heard it, it was that little cub from the Dragon Clan?

He immediately waved his hand to let him enter the palace.

Behind him were two young girls. Aman walked at the back, with worry and fear faintly in his eyes.

In the demon world, who is not afraid of the demon king?
Ah Wu revealed his head behind Zhu Mo: "Wow, Zhui Feng is really the demon king..."

Zhu Mo was extremely happy.

"Zhui Feng, can I ask you a favor?" Zhu Mo was unusually shy.

"Tell me about it?" Zhui Feng was also curious as to what the Dragon Clan could ask for from him.

Zhu Mo and A Wu intertwined their fingers, looked at each other, and said with a smile: "I want to ask to marry A Wu. I want to give her a grand wedding. I want her to be married to a fair matchmaker. Let her marry me in a dignified way." "I want to borrow the demon clan's territory to hold a wedding."

Zhui Feng was stunned and looked at him suspiciously.

He took out a red invitation from the table: "Aren't you married? The marriage of dragon and phoenix is ​​known to the world! Both of you have names on the marriage stone!"

"That was a wedding certified by heaven and earth. It's better than a marriage certificate in this world..." Zhu Mo suddenly covered the Demon King's mouth and dragged him to the corner.

"Although you have always been your true self and have never spoken to each other. But we can be considered good brothers, right?"

"After all, you are not a human being, and neither am I. We should help each other!"

"You said this in front of Ah Wu, but you are tricking me!"

Zhui Feng pushed him away: "What do you mean you are not a human being and I am not a human being? Why do you curse?"

He stretched out his hand and pushed down the hand on his shoulder.

"After all, the Princess of the Phoenix Clan is your wife in name, your first wife. If you don't like it, just make peace with her. You have only been married for a few months, and you have to use the territory of the Monster Clan to marry again. Isn't that right? Marry me and roast me on the fire?"

"Then the Phoenix Clan won't be able to use the True Fire of Samadhi to burn me?"

"No, no, I won't get in your relationship."

"You are out picking wild flowers, and I will suffer the consequences when the time comes."

"Tell me, is there something wrong with you? I heard that the Princess of the Feng Clan is the best in the three realms, so you don't care about leaving nice house flowers and picking wild flowers everywhere. I think you will be in bad luck sooner or later..."

Zhu Mo's face was a bit unhappy, but he got married to the Feng clan, and the three worlds congratulated him.

Now, he loves Ah Wu deeply, and he doesn't want to have any regrets with Ah Wu.

"I have no relationship with the Princess of the Feng Clan. Whether it's a domestic flower or a wild flower, I only recognize Ah Wu."

"Zhui Feng, don't worry. I will never let you take responsibility!"

"Since I borrowed your Demon Realm Palace to get married, I will take responsibility. If the Phoenix Clan seeks trouble, I will definitely bring the Dragon Clan to help!"

Seeing his pleading face, Zhui Feng frowned helplessly: "You pick all the domestic flowers and wild flowers, and you will be punished sooner or later. Don't say anything then, I didn't remind you."

"You can do whatever you want, just remember to help the Dragon Clan."

Holding Zhu Mo's wedding in the Demon Realm Palace involves more than just picking wild flowers.

He was going to press Jia Hua's face to the ground and rub it.

It's okay to secretly marry a concubine, but it's okay to turn a blind eye. But if you have a big wedding and want the matchmaker to marry Feng Guan Xia Pei, isn't that one person and two wives?
Enjoy the blessings of all the people.

Zhu Mo grinned, made a fist with his right hand and lightly punched Zhui Feng on the shoulder: "Good brother, I recognize you as a brother."

"Don't worry, what kind of retribution can there be? House flowers don't have the fragrance of wild flowers. You're not married yet, you don't understand."

"When you get married, you will realize that life outside is better than home."

Zhu Mo thanked him happily, and then hurried out to arrange the wedding.

As for whether he would slap his original wife in the face if he had another marriage, he didn't care at all.

Those who are not loved will always be ignored.

Zhu Mo has already had one marriage and has experience.

Everything was sorted out quickly, but there was no surprise that the youngest son of the Dragon Clan would step on the Feng Clan's face and marry another woman.

The rumors spread.

Some people even mocked the Feng clan in private, losing their wives and losing their troops. The most proud princess was slapped in the face, disliked, and became a joke in the Three Realms.

Zhu Mo shamelessly sent invitations to all his former friends, but no one dared to come.

"Chaochao, you are so kind to me. You are willing to be our flower girl and witness."

Lu Chaochao and Xie Yuzhou, as golden boys and girls, spread flowers to them.

Lu Chaochao pursed his lips and smiled implicitly.

Actually, I'm really not that kind, I just want to watch a show.

Watching you quietly, never look back on the road to death. (End of chapter)

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