"Chaochao, what are you thinking about?" Xie Yuzhou waved his hand in front of her eyes.

But Chao Chao didn't blink, as if he had never felt the wave at all.

Xie Yuzhou was shocked. Several people at the table were stunned. They put down their chopsticks and looked at Chao Chao.

Xie Yuzhou frowned, and his heart beat out of rhythm.

He stretched out his fingers and sneaked closer to Chao Chao's eyes.

no response.

No reaction at all.

Xie Yuzhou panicked, but he saw Chao Chao suddenly raised his hand and grabbed his finger: "What are you doing? I thought you were going to poke my eyes out!"

Then he pushed Xie Yuzhou back and finished the vegetable porridge calmly.

Xie Yuzhou stroked his heart and comforted himself: "It scared me to death. I thought you were blind!"

"The eyes are straight and there is no sparkle at all."

Lu Chaochao curled his lips: "I hope I order something good. Hmph..."

After finishing breakfast, the little girl slowly put her hands behind her back and walked out the door with the old god present.

Xie Yuzhou focused on Chao Chao and did not withdraw his eyes until she disappeared.

"I always feel that Chao Chao is weird..."

After Zhu Mo finished his breakfast, he thanked the Demon King: "Thank you Zhui Feng for letting me hold the wedding in my palace. Although I don't have the blessings of the gods of the three realms, I will never wrong Ah Wu in this life."

Ah Wu smiled shyly, lowered his head and said nothing.

"I heard that there is a spring in the demon world? I wonder if I can borrow Awu to take a dip."

"Awu is a mortal, destined to live less than a hundred years. We can only think of ways to extend her life."

The Demon King pondered for a moment: "Follow me later."

There is a spring in the demon world, and everyone knows about it. Even the gods came to ask for it, but they gave up after encountering resistance from the demon world.

When the Three Realms collapsed and the rules were reestablished, there was an extra spring in the back hall of the Demon Realm.

No one knows where the spring came from.

I only know that if you practice in it, you can get twice the result with half the effort, and you can greatly improve your cultivation regardless of whether it is a human race, a god race, or a monster race.

It is the treasure of the demon world.

Zhu Mo is the young prince of the Dragon Clan, and he is quite humble for Ah Wu.

After lunch, I personally accompanied Ah Wu to take a dip in the Lingquan.

Until evening, Ah Wu walked out of the spiritual spring, his whole body glowing white. My whole body was sore at first, but after soaking in the spiritual spring, I felt refreshed and no longer felt any discomfort.

"We will set off back to the spirit world in three days. My mother is afraid that she will give birth prematurely." Lu Chaochao could feel that the suppression on his younger brother was getting weaker and weaker, and he was afraid that he would give birth before he could carry his baby to full term.

She had to sit beside her mother to feel at ease.

"it is good."

"Chaochao, are you feeling unwell today? There are your favorite roasted squab and venison on the table, but you didn't eat a bite. You just kept drinking the bowl of porridge..." Xie Yuzhou had never seen her before. The food is so bland.

Although it was a bowl of meat porridge, she didn't even look at it on weekdays.

Lu Chaochao buried his head in the bowl and said in a dull voice: "Zhu Mo got married yesterday. I ate too much meat and fish, so I feel a little uncomfortable."

No one thought much, and Xie Yuzhou talked about making some digestion soup for her.

After they finished their meal, they went to the backyard together.

As soon as he entered the back hall, the Demon King's expression darkened slightly.

The corridor was dark and the lights were not lit yet.

Just as he was about to reprimand, he saw Lu Chaochao in front shouting: "Why didn't you follow? Come on, Chaochao is so sleepy..." After saying that, he yawned.

Just as Zhui Feng was about to speak, Xie Yuzhou suddenly grabbed his arm and shook his head at him.

With their index fingers between their lips, several people walked over in the dark. "Chaochao, you run so fast, aren't you afraid of falling? You bumped your head this morning." Xie Yuzhou's voice was pretending to be calm. If you look closely, you can see that his body is shaking and his eyes are full of fear.

There's something wrong with Chao Chao's eyes.

"I woke up too fast this morning and I'm still awake."

"It's so bright, how could it fall? Come on..." She was walking in the darkness, but she shouted "It's bright."

Xie Yuzhou paused and his shoulders shook violently.

But there was no flaw in his voice: "Okay, okay, slow down and wait for me." He hurriedly caught up.

"These lights are indeed a bit dazzling. They hurt my eyes and I can't even open them." Xie Yuzhou said gloomily.

"Yeah, I think so too." The little girl stood in the dark and laughed so hard that she couldn't even see her teeth.

Xie Yuzhou knew that Lu Chaochao was extremely perceptive, otherwise, he would not have noticed his temptation in the morning.

Under the moonlight, Xie Yuzhou's tears fell silently.

After passing through the dark corridor, the maid holding the lamp hurriedly chased him in.

With a pop, he knelt down in front of the corridor: "Your Majesty, forgive me. It's my slave who deserves to die because I missed the time to light the lamp. My slave deserves to die. Please forgive me..."

The words of the lantern-holding maid caused a sudden silence in the place.

Everyone was silent and Xie Yuzhou was already crying.


"Why did you hide it from me? Aren't we friends? Why didn't you tell me such a big thing!" Xie Yuzhou had already cried until he collapsed, looking at Chao Chao, his heart ached to the point of bleeding.

"How come your eyes can't see? What's going on!" Xie Yuzhou didn't dare to think about it. The little girl stayed in the dark all day and bumped into the wall countless times. How scared she must be...

Lu Chaochao panicked when he heard him cry.

He hurriedly opened his hands and touched him: "Brother Yuzhou, don't cry, Chao Chao is fine!"

"It's true! Chaochao can feel it, don't cry."

"Chaochao's eyes are difficult to cure. Chaochao doesn't want you to worry." Her body and soul were reshaped by disciples, and her eyes were given to her by Xianting. Now there is something wrong with her eyes...

There must be something wrong in Xianting.

"You damn girl, why are you so stupid! If you don't treat me as a friend, I'll just leave!" Xie Yuzhou was so distressed that he couldn't breathe. Lu Chaochao hurriedly took his arm and shook him.

He prayed obediently: "Chaochao doesn't dare to hide anything from you anymore."

As she spoke, her eyes gradually turned red: "My eyes are never my own. They were lent to me by Xianting..."

"I don't know what to do." She was a little confused.

She can feel it, but she can't see it. Many things are more difficult.

Xie Yuzhou wiped tears from the back of his hand and helped her walk into the house: "From today on, I will lay a floor in your house. I don't worry about you living alone."

Lu Chaochao shook his head: "I can't see, and I'm not mute."

"I will shout if something happens, don't worry."

Ah Man wiped away tears with red eyes: "Then let me live with you, otherwise how can we rest assured?"

"You are going to scatter your mother's ashes tomorrow. If you get up early, you will wake me up. There is really no need to worry!"

"Just don't tell mother for now."

"I'm afraid my mother will be worried."

Several people's voices were muffled and they could only respond in low voices. But no one thought that they would hide it from Mrs. Xu.

As long as Chaochao is in front of her, her eyes will not look anywhere else.

At night, while Lu Chaochao was sleeping soundly.

Xie Yuzhou secretly made a bed on the floor at the door holding the brocade quilt. (End of chapter)

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