"Doctor, please wait a moment. Can you prescribe some medicine for me?"

The doctor was followed by a little medicine boy carrying a box on his back.

The two followed Rong Che to the corner.

"Madam's prescription has been given to Miss A'man..." As soon as the doctor finished speaking, Rong Che smiled and refused.

"It's for me."

"Please, doctor, prescribe me a few pills of... male contraceptive medicine. It would be better if it can be a permanent solution." Rong Che's eyes were slightly red. He had already had this idea in mind and only regretted that he did not take the medicine earlier.

The doctor was slightly stunned: "Women can just take contraceptive pills." In this era, men's lives are different from women's.

Rong Che's eyes were firm: "She has been taking medicine for many days, which will definitely harm her body."

"Please, doctor, prescribe a medicine to cure my infertility. It would be best if I could solve the problem once and for all."

The doctor looked at him and sighed. He had been hired to come to the village recently at a large sum of money. Knowing that the two had a very good relationship, he stopped trying to persuade them.

"I do have a prescription for sterilization. It will only sterilize your family line, but it won't affect your relationship as husband and wife."

Rong Che couldn't help but blush: "Then... then I'll trouble you, doctor."

The doctor immediately asked the boy to write down a prescription, handed it to Rong Che and said, "Avoid drinking alcohol, overwork and sexual intercourse while taking the medicine. After a few days of rest, you will be back to normal."

"General Rong is a man who loves his wife. I admire him."

"Actually, it is less harmful for men to take contraceptive pills. But in today's world..." The doctor shook his head.

After sending the doctor away, Rong Che folded the prescription and hid it in his arms.

Yunniang is still in confinement after giving birth, and she can only take the medicine after she is done with this.

inside the house.

Lu Chaochao held the bowl and sipped the pheasant soup. The soup was rich in flavor and had some mushrooms in it, which made her very happy.

After drinking until her stomach felt warm, the little girl narrowed her eyes and smiled faintly.

It’s great that mother is still alive.

"Chao Chao, come and take a look. Something seems to have happened on the mountain..." Seeing the buzz in the village, A Wu went to inquire for news.

"what happened?"

"The livestock on the mountain are moving strangely, and it seems that they have surrounded the village. The village chief is organizing all the young and strong men in the village to disperse the beasts."

Lu Chaochao glanced inside the house and guessed that it was her younger brother who brought them here?

"I'll go up the mountain to take a look too..." A Wu immediately followed everyone up the mountain.

Lu Chaochao did not stop her. Awu was the princess of the Phoenix clan, and ordinary beasts could only tremble in front of her.

The villagers who follow her can even pick up bargains.

"Strange, why doesn't this child eat?" Yunniang sat on the bed. The child cried a few times after being born and then fell asleep.

Lu Chaochao complained in his heart, "Eat? He absorbed so much of my strength, how can he have any stomach to eat?"

"I guess it hasn't been digested yet."

Yunniang's heart tightened, and she looked at Chaochao carefully again. She was relieved to see that her face was rosy and nothing was wrong with her.

"He's little, but he's not stupid. Won't he cry when he's hungry?"

"If you don't eat, you're definitely not hungry..." Lu Chaochao nodded his head. Yunniang thought about what the abbot said and believed Chaochao.

"Chao Chao, are you scared?" Yunniang stretched out her hand towards Chao Chao.

The little girl lay in her mother's arms, speechless for a long time.

Although she didn't say anything, Yunniang felt her arms getting wet. The little guy was crying secretly...

Yunniang felt nervous, and Rong Che at the door raised his hand and slapped her.

"Mom, you promised me that you wouldn't leave Chaochao, right?" the little girl raised her watery eyes and asked while sobbing.

Yunniang felt extremely guilty and wished she could pick the stars in the sky for her.

"Mom promises you that she will never leave Chao Chao."

"Then will mother hand my brother over to me?" Yun Niang nodded without even listening: "Mother promises you that when he can walk, I will hand my brother over to you."

When Lu Chaochao heard this, she wiped away her tears, stood up coolly and waved her hand casually.

Good, good, this kid is finally in my hands.

Rong Che was squatting outside the door, crying, when he saw the instigator walk out of the door in a cool manner. Rong Che? ? ?
"Then you should have a good rest, I won't disturb you every morning."

Her parents, who were crying along with Lu Chaochao, looked at her in confusion as she waved goodbye, leaving without a single cloud.

They couldn't even tell whether it was the true feelings or the girl was just fooling them? ?

Xie Yuzhou leaned forward like a lackey and said, "Your brother... caused some disturbances in the mountain when he was born. You have to keep a close eye on him..."

"I guess he's not very peaceful."


At night, Lu Chaochao had just fallen asleep in bed when she heard a shrill scream from Ah Man next door.

Lu Chaochao sat up.

Zhuifeng had been guarding outside the door all night. When he heard the sound, he transformed into a human form and kicked the door open.

Ah Man jumped over like crazy: "Snakes, snakes, snakes, so many snakes..."

Ah Man left a crack next to the window at night, and now centipedes and snakes were crawling through the window, filling the house with horror.

After a while, unusual movements were heard in the neighboring rooms.

Rong Che rushed out of the room holding Yunniang.

Zhu Mo from next door ran out holding A Wu and hurried towards Lu Chaochao.

Xie Yuzhou held his little wooden fish and got goose bumps all over his body.

"Why are there suddenly so many snakes and centipedes? It's so scary..." A Wu said, patting his chest with a look of fear.

She was so scared. She almost got caught when she saw the snake for the first time! !
She was from the Phoenix tribe, how could she be afraid of snakes, insects, rats and ants? She was stunned for a long time before she imitated Ah Man's scream...

"Just now I saw you were so scared that you stood there in a daze, not daring to move." Zhu Mo was speechless. From her expressionless face, I thought she was not afraid at all.

Ah Wu...

"Are all of them out?" Rong Che asked.

"Oh no, child!" Yunniang slapped her thigh. She had forgotten about the baby she had just given birth to today!

Everyone rushed into the room, only to find...

All the animals were in a strange posture, surrounding the baby in the cradle, with their heads lowered, as if welcoming the baby.
Their king.

When Rong Che saw this scene, his temples throbbed.

"Don't let them run away, this thing is very precious in the spiritual world. Catch them, catch them all!" Ah Man took out a basket from somewhere, his eyes seemed to be shining.

"Weren't you afraid just now?" the demon king asked her.

Ah Man rolled his eyes and said, "This thing won't be scary if you just grab its vital point."

"But they used them as a scarf for me while I was sleeping. Who wouldn't be afraid of that?"

"Don't just stand there, catch it quickly. Snake gall is valuable, and the meat is... hehe..." Ah Man grabbed the snake's vital point and caught one with just a raise of his hand.

She even asked Jintang to call the villagers to catch some together.

The villagers came to my house with torches to catch snakes and centipedes, catching them all night long. The whole village was smiling, and all these could be exchanged for spiritual stones! !
Rong Che carried the child out of the room, and the family of three sat under the moonlight, their backs looking extremely desolate.

"The child is only one day old and he's already restless. What should I do in the future..." Yunniang murmured in a low voice.

Xie Yuzhou popped his head out from behind: "Isn't this good?"

"As long as he's at home, there's endless game to eat."

"If there's not enough to eat in the future, just throw him over the mountain. What a great bait."

The baby, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes. (End of this chapter)

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