At night, Lu Chaochao took Shanshan to kill a chicken as usual.

The baby, who is over eight months old, already has dark circles under his eyes in just three days.

It was not until the fourth day that Lu Chaochao carried him into the slaughterhouse.

He let out a wow.

She vomited milk all over the floor, pointed outside the door with a horrified look, and uttered a word vaguely: "Play...Play..."

"Woo woo woo..." He pointed at the gate and walked away mumbling.

He was forced to learn how to speak.

"Leaving now? I was thinking of making you a butcher in the future. Hey, you are twenty years old, and have twenty years of work experience. You must be the best butcher!" Lu Chaochao's face was serious, and Shanshan felt sick at the smell of chicken shit.

Biting the neck, no no no, he never wanted to bite the neck again in his life.

"Are you still biting my neck? Are you still killing small creatures?" Lu Chaochao asked him.

Shanshan shook his head like a drum, thinking that his sister would persuade him with emotion and reason.

Who knows, she doesn't play by the rules! !

"Bubble, bubble..." He hurriedly shouted "no no no", afraid that it was too late and Lu Chaochao would throw him into the chicken coop.

For the past three days, he has been dreaming about gnawing on chicken necks.

Lu Chaochao glanced at him and said, "Since you are sincere, let it go. I will spare your life today..."

"It's so boring, let's spend your money and have some fun together?"

"It's almost dawn. There's a breakfast stall at the south gate. The lamb chops and lamb soup are excellent, and there are also roasted lamb buns. They taste great. Let's go eat together..."

Lu Chaochao brought his younger brother, his younger brother brought the money, and Zhu Mo followed far behind.

Sure enough, the aroma of mutton soup could be smelled from afar.

At dawn, the vendor skillfully stirred the mutton soup in the pot. The mutton soup was already milky white, with white mist rising. Lu Chaochao took two coins from his brother.

"Boss, two bowls of mutton soup, two bowls of lamb chops and mutton buns." The little girl stared at the pot with burning eyes.

The lamb chops still had the skin on and were stewed until they were soft and boneless.

Lu Chaochao took a sip and only a sheep bone was left.

Shanshan swallowed his saliva, and reached out to grab the lamb chops while sitting at the table. Lu Chaochao gently patted the back of his hand, and his white and tender back of the hand instantly turned red.

He pointed accusingly at the table.

He pointed to his teeth again.

I earned it with my teeth!
"Mutton is hot and difficult for you to digest. Just chew the bones and grind your teeth..." Lu Chaochao stuffed the chewed bones into his hands.

Shanshan widened her eyes and looked at her in astonishment.

Lu Chaochao's cheeks were swollen from biting the food, like a little hamster.

While eating, he drank a mouthful of the steaming mutton soup: "Drink it quickly, Third Brother will have a test today, so we have to go back early."

"Do you want to eat it? If not, I'll take it back to Zhuifeng."

Shanshan grasped the bone and sucked hard.

Woo woo woo, the fat in the bones smells so good.

When Lu Chaochao returned home, her belly was already round, and she happened to meet her third brother who was going out to take the imperial examination. "Your knowledge is no less than mine, go ahead." Lu Yanshu was wearing a long gown, and probably because he was the regent, his aura became restrained and deep.

"Third brother, do you want to make a wish?" Lu Chaochao poked his head out and handed Shanshan, who was chewing a bone, to Dengzhi.

The third brother touched her head and picked a flower from the steps.

"Third brother hopes Chao Chao and Shan Shan can grow up healthy and worry-free." After saying this, he smiled. Although he is not very smart, he is very hardworking. He is willing to spend time and energy to study. He does not need blessings, he just wants his brothers and sisters to be well.

Lu Chaochao's eyes were hot and she waved her handkerchief.

"Whether you make a wish or not, Third Brother is the best."

Ever since Xu Shiyun and Rong Che got married, the two elders of the Rong family moved to the house next door and opened a door in the backyard.

At this moment, the Duke of Zhenguo teased his grandson with a smile on his face: "You are really good at reincarnation, you are so blessed."

"My eldest brother is a genius, my second brother is a general, my third brother is knowledgeable and talented. My eldest sister is a princess..."

"You must learn well from your brothers and sisters in the future..."

"Oh, my Zhenguo Mansion is blessed."

"Yunniang, it is a blessing for my son to marry into your family."

"Thanks to the blessings of the Rong family's ancestors, no wonder Che'er's marriage was not going well. It turns out that good things are yet to come." The old lady was so happy that her teeth were visible. She hugged the chubby Shanshan and was reluctant to let go.

Rong Che is a very lucky boy, and everyone in the capital praises him now.

"I fell in love with Yunniang at first sight and almost became her godparent." The old lady held Yunniang's hand and was unwilling to let go.

Rong Che whispered, "If you accept me as your godparent, our Rong family will be extinct."

"It's because you're useless..." The old lady glared at him fiercely, thinking he was a stupid guy.

Fortunately, my daughter-in-law went back to Rong's house after many twists and turns.

The Duke of Zhenguo and his wife had lunch at home. In the afternoon, Lu Chaochao went to the underworld again to strengthen the souls of several disciples.

The divinity has been stripped away, and this will not last forever.

"There will be a grand Buddhist event next month, and I want to take them to the Brahma Kingdom. There will be great Buddhists coming by then, and maybe there will be other ways." Lu Chaochao murmured in a low voice.

"I am now temporarily sealing their souls so they won't disintegrate."

Zhuifeng said with his unruly hair: "The God Realm is still hunting you down, and I wonder if the Buddha Realm can lend a helping hand."

"Don't worry, Yuzhou is in my hands." Lu Chaochao waved his hands, not showing any fear at all.

at night.

Xie Yuzhou shuddered suddenly.

"The weather is getting hotter and hotter, why do I feel cold all over?"

"It's like being stared at by a ghost."

Xie Yuzhou wrapped himself tightly in the quilt and slept soundly.

In his sleep, he was dreaming of marrying eight wives.

PS: Sorry, I was planning to update during the day. But I am a night owl and can't write during the day... I will try harder tomorrow (End of this chapter)

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