The maid outside the door saw that he could not stay any longer, so she hurriedly carried him away.

Shanshan yawned, and the wet nurse fed him and put him to bed.

The wet nurse did not dare to take it lightly, and sent two maids to guard outside the door before she left to prepare complementary food.

“You two stay outside the door and don’t move a step. If no one is at the door, watch out for your skins.” The wet nurse still didn’t believe it and couldn’t control the nine-month-old baby.

As soon as Lu Chaochao finished class, she heard the tutor say that her brother had run away.

The little girl pouted and said: "I'll be sent to school when she turns one year old, so that she can copy homework for me when she grows up..." But she didn't dare to say the word "copying homework".


She felt a strange fluctuation.

The breath from the underworld.

The little girl did not show any abnormality: "Thank you for your hard work, Master. There are snacks and tea in the house. Please move over. Take a rest..."

The maid respectfully asked all the respected old masters to leave.

Lu Chaochao closed the door casually.

The moment the door closed, King Fengdu appeared before her.

"Something big has happened! The Book of Life and Death has been stolen, and I'm afraid it will cause a disaster!" The face of the King of Fengdu was solemn, and no one had ever seen him look so serious.

"The Book of Life and Death controls all living beings in the mortal world. If an accident occurs, it will be a disaster."

"The underworld has been put under martial law and has begun a thorough investigation of the matter. Even the eighteenth level of the underworld has been turned upside down..."

"The gods seem to have heard the news and have sent people to investigate. If they knew that the Book of Life and Death is lost, I'm afraid... they would take the opportunity to take over the underworld and sideline me." The loss of the Book of Life and Death is a great sin, and the Emperor of Fengdu will have to pay the price this time.

Lu Chaochao's heart was pounding.

"When was it lost?" she asked, standing up.

The Emperor of Fengdu had a puzzled look on his face: "The Book of Life and Death has always been under my control. It was still there yesterday. At night..."

"I discussed matters with the Ten Kings of Hell at night, and then I met you. After that, I sent Yuzhou back to the human world."

"How could someone in this world be able to sneak past my eyes and ears and take the Book of Life and Death?"

The Emperor of Fengdu could not hide his worry.

Lu Chaochao's eyelids twitched slightly.

"You sent Yuzhou back to the human world? Shanshan? Who carried you back?" Lu Chaochao suddenly asked.

The Emperor of Fengdu was puzzled and asked why Shanshan was mentioned again when he was talking about the Book of Life and Death.

"Shanshan peed all over Yuzhou and was feeling uncomfortable. So I helped carry her home. Your brother is less than one year old and he is not afraid of me..." Ordinary children would be frightened and cry when seeing the majesty of King Fengdu.

Lu Chaozhao's heart sank and he held his head and sighed.

"I think I know where your Book of Life and Death is. Come with me. By the way, don't scare your family."

The King of Fengdu did not shy away and immediately transformed himself into an old man in green.

Lu Chaochao took the King of Fengdu and walked to the next yard.

Yu Shu frowned in confusion: "Was there anyone else in the room just now?" But Chao Chao had already left with his people, so she didn't think much about it.

Lu Chaochao arrived outside Shanshan Courtyard, and two little maids were standing guard at the door without even blinking.

"Where's the young master?"

"Princess, the young master is tired after dinner and will rest in the room for now."

Lu Chaochao nodded: "You guys guard outside the door, I'll go in and take a look." He took the Emperor of Fengdu into Shanshan's bedroom, and the Emperor of Fengdu did not forget to close the door.

When the King of Fengdu saw her approaching step by step, the astonishment in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Shan Shan? ?
No, that's impossible??
Lu Chaochao turned around and raised his index finger, and Fengdu Emperor nodded in understanding. The two of them tiptoed without making any noise, standing silently at the corner of the bed.

Shanshan closed her eyes for a while, and when she heard the maid close the door, she secretly squinted her eyes and glanced at him.

The house was empty.

When the little kid lifted the thin quilt, he was no longer the obedient and well-behaved kid he was in front of Lu Chaochao.

He slid off the bed in a few seconds and then rolled under the bed.

He took out a golden book from under the bed.

The booklet was lost in the mortal world, its luster dulled and it became ordinary.

He climbed onto the bed carefully, turned his back to Lu Chaochao, and lay on the bed with his butt sticking up, flipping through the pages one by one.

There were many names on the Golden Book, just like an ordinary book in the mortal world. But although the Golden Book looked small, when you turned the pages, they were connected to each other, as if it was endless.

He muttered incoherently, "Early morning... Early morning..." while drooling.

He carefully took out a small ball of paper from his arms. The ball of paper had become wrinkled.

When he heard the Grand Tutor calling him, he tore off the word.

He crumpled it into a ball and held it tightly in his hand, which was stained with sweat.

At this moment, he stuck his butt out and carefully pulled it open, comparing the word "summoning" and carefully flipping through the book of life and death.

At this moment, the boss's mouth was wide open.

"Hehe..." He was laughing loudly, looking very happy.

Lu Chaochao pointed at him and stuttered in anger.

He he he he…

Damn it, no wonder he walked across the yard to feel my breath this morning. So, he was really checking whether I was dead or not???

Lu Chaochao rushed out like a gust of wind.

Shanshan, who had just giggled, was grabbed by the ankle and fell over as if the world was spinning around.

In a trance, he seemed to see the living King of Hell.

Shanshan was still wearing open-crotch pants, and Lu Chaochao raised his hand and slapped him twice on the butt.

"Okay, okay, you really are my brother! You stole the Book of Life and Death and learned to read, just to find my name?!!"

At this moment, Shanshan only felt...

The sky is falling.

When the Emperor of Fengdu saw that Shanshan was about to be beaten, he kindly added a restriction to the room to isolate it from the outside world.

"I think you are so bold that you want to cross my name?" Lu Chaochao looked at Shanshan with his teeth bared.

Shanshan shivered as she looked at her.

The little head kept shaking and the hands were raised and shaken continuously.

The little kid was panicking and kept shaking his head: "No, no, no..." I didn't...

Lu Chaochao picked up the scrap of paper on the bed and said coldly, "Really?"

"You even got the word 'summon' wrong."

Shanshan's face fell, as if the sky had fallen, and she looked like she had suffered a huge blow.

"You're praising me for being studious, but what a joke!"

"So you have learned it and want to cross my name out of the Book of Life and Death."

"Okay, okay, Rong Xiangshan, you're great."

"If I can't change your temper, I'll take your last name!"

Lu Chaochao rolled up his sleeves and threw the Book of Life and Death to the Emperor of Fengdu. After the Emperor of Fengdu took it, he looked up at the sky...

To be honest, he had guessed that the Book of Life and Death had been stolen by an evil spirit...

I also guessed that it was stolen by the gods...

I also guessed that all the living beings in the mortal world were suffering, but...

But I didn’t expect this scene.

Inside the house, there was a loud and crisp slapping sound.

Shanshan's crying was endless, mournful and tragic...

The Emperor of Fengdu said kindly: "Cry, cry, it won't alarm your family even if you cry your throat out. I have thoughtfully added a restriction for you." The Emperor of Fengdu smiled.

Good good...

Stolen the Book of Life and Death. Crossed out Lu Chaochao's name... Hehe.

I didn’t know how to read, I drew the wrong lines, and got beaten by my sister… No, hehe.

The most painful thing in life is nothing more than this. (End of this chapter)

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