"Dad, Mom, thank you for trusting me and handing Aning over to me."

"Zheng Yue will never let Aning be wronged or trust the wrong person."

"Today, Zheng Yue swore in front of all the guests."

Following the groom's words, the room suddenly became quiet.

Wen Ning, who was wearing a red veil, saw what was happening and pinched the corner of her clothes nervously, feeling uneasy.

"Today, I, Lu Zhengyue, swear an oath here."

"I only wish to marry Aning as my wife in this life. I will not take concubines, wives or mistresses. I will only spend my life with Aning. If I break this oath, Zhengyue will die a miserable death!" As soon as these words were spoken, the whole room was in an uproar.

Father and Mother Wen said in a panic: "No, no, no..."

He looked cautiously at Lu Yanshu and Lu Yuanxiao who were watching the ceremony nearby, but saw that they were smiling gently and there was no sign of displeasure on their faces.

Aning's originally uneasy heart suddenly calmed down.

I couldn't help feeling sad and my eyes were filled with tears.

This is the young man she has liked since she was young.

Lu Zhengyue is a rare young general in Beizhao, and is also a close confidant of His Majesty. Such a young general has a promising future. But he only wants to hold hands with her until old age.

In Northern Zhao, every official had countless wives and concubines.

"Even His Majesty has dismissed the harem and lived in harmony with the Queen. Zheng Yue's move is just in response to His Majesty's call." Lu Yanshu's voice was light, and everyone suddenly understood.

Lu Yuanxiao's lips twitched slightly.

Is that so? Your Majesty was really frightened by Concubine Hui who raised fish?
However, Lu Yuanxiao would never ruin his brothers' show.

"No one in my Lu family will ever have concubines." Lu Yuanxiao said immediately.

He remembered Lu Yuanze's betrayal, how many tears his mother shed, and how his sister almost drowned when she was born.

When he said this, the eyes of everyone around him were shining.

"Okay, okay... We are at ease leaving Aning to you." The two elders of the Wen family were moved to tears.

After a while, Master Wen got married without telling his sister.

Wen Ning's tears fell on his brother's shoulder and wet his clothes.

Lu Zhengyue's eyes were also deeply moved. He finally changed the fate of himself and Aning.

In his dream, he and his brothers and the Xu family were sentenced to beheaded.

In order to save others, Aning was humiliated by Lu Jingyao's men.

He finally changed his destiny.

He wants Aning to live a stable and worry-free life, safe and happy forever.

When Lu Zhengyue came back with the bride, Lu Chaochao was circling around Shanshan.

She tilted her head and circled around Shanshan several times.

"Strange, there is a different aura about you..."

"It's like the smell of someone who has killed someone..."

"But he has never been involved in any injustice, and even has a little bit of... merit?" Lu Chaochao sniffed him and found that there was indeed no wronged soul.

Shanshan was trembling with nervousness and shaking while hugging her mother's legs.

He really didn't want to be killed by his sister's sword on this happy day!
"The bride is here..." There was a loud shout from outside the door, and immediately the sound of firecrackers could be heard.

Lu Chaochao was attracted by the bride and turned and left.

Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief.

Ah Man also took time out today to attend the wedding banquet and sat at the table with Ah Wu, who was not yet pregnant.

"I heard that the black dragon sawed off its horns and gave them to you?" Ah Man looked gossipy.

Awu held the pitch-black dragon horn in his hand, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips.


Ah Man screamed.

He played with the dragon horn for a while before returning it to Awu.

"I don't know how long you will be pregnant. Zhu Mo is elusive all day, looking for natural treasures to nourish your body."

Ah Wu smiled and said, "One year and eight months."

"Zhu Mo is ready to be a father. By then, you will be a happy family of three." Ah Man couldn't help but tease, but Ah Wu narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhu Mo who was dressed in black not far away. If he hadn't run away from the marriage, you would have become a happy family of three, right?


She, Fengwu, doesn't need a man who runs away from marriage.

She raised her hand and gently stroked her belly. The best state is to let go of the father and keep the son.

The bride arrived at the Lu family's gate and walked into the lobby step by step.

Xu Shiyun was wearing festive clothes and sitting at the top with Rong Che.

"A worship of heaven and earth..."

"Second worship high hall..."

"Husband and wife bow to each other..." the matchmaker sang loudly, and in the presence of everyone, Lu Zhengyue and Aning completed the ceremony.

Even the emperor took time out to watch the ceremony.

After the bride was sent to the bridal chamber, the young men did not dare to make trouble. After all, who would dare to mess around in the homes of two top scholars? !

After Lu Chaochao finished hugging at the table, he took Shanshan to eavesdrop outside the bridal chamber.

Lu Chaochao was lying at the door of the new house with his pockets full of candy.

She fell to the ground and the candy in her pocket fell out.

Shanshan picked it up and stuffed it into her mouth.

"How dare you snatch my sister's things? Give them back to me!!" The two of them were hiding in a corner, and soon they started fighting...

The noise was so loud that even Lu Zhengyue couldn't bear it.

He sighed: "My younger brothers and sisters at home are very naughty, I'm sorry to have embarrassed you, Aning." Aning had just finished washing up and was sitting on the bed with a gentle smile.

Open the window.

Then he saw Lu Chaochao and Shanshan had become entangled in a knot under the window.

Shanshan's only two teeth protected the wedding candy in her mouth.

He chewed very quickly, but his teeth were not enough, so his saliva kept flowing and his cheeks were bulging.

“Why don’t we separate them quickly…” Lu Zhengyue’s head was buzzing.

The maid then heard the voice and came looking for them, and it took a lot of effort to separate them.

Lu Chaochao was dragged away with her teeth bared on her face. She didn't get to watch the bridal chamber and had several candies snatched away from her.

Lu Chaochao is almost at the age of changing teeth, and her family keeps a close eye on her, fearing that she will have toothache if she eats too much.

Today, taking advantage of her second brother's wedding, she hid a lot of candy.

Hiding in the corner, he ate one by one with great joy, even his eyebrows raised.

"Pain? I'm Chaoyang Sword Master, would I be afraid of toothache? You must be kidding!"

"When I sacrificed myself, my soul was shattered and I didn't shed a single tear! Me!!"

"Chaoyang Sword Master, a woman as strong as iron!"

Lu Chaochao stuck his butt out and ate all the candy in his pocket.

After eating, he smacked his lips and said, "Why does my tooth hurt? Sugar is the most delicious thing in the three realms..." After eating, even his fingers were licked clean.

Because she ate too much candy, she couldn't eat the midnight snack that Xu Shiyun brought her.

Late at night, everything is silent.

Lu Zhengyue unbuttoned Aning's clothes with trembling hands, and their breaths intertwined. The two of them got closer and closer, and could almost hear each other's heartbeats.


The earth-shaking wailing frightened him so much that his whole body trembled. Aning and he looked at each other in bewilderment.

The newlyweds hurriedly put on their clothes and rushed out the door.

The reason was simple: it was Lu Chaochao who was crying.

Xu Shiyun, with disheveled hair, met everyone at the door of Chao Chao's bedroom, and Lu Yanshu slammed the door open.

Then Lu Chaochao was seen sitting on the bed, covering her mouth and crying loudly.

"My tooth hurts, my tooth hurts!!!" Tears fell from her eyes and she cried heartbreakingly.

Even if the savior is reborn, the toothache will be terrible. (End of this chapter)

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