Dengzhi's eyes were red.

People all say that Emperor Bei Zhao was famous for his bravery. He opened special examinations, built many schools, and took a series of measures to benefit the people.

But all these measures have nothing to do with women.

What Chao Chao really wishes for in her heart is to benefit women all over the world.

Regardless of status.

Dengzhi bowed deeply to Chaochao.

Lu Chaochao nodded, holding the money box given by her mother in her arms. Thirty thousand taels of silver!

She then looked for her eldest brother and third brother, who each had their own businesses to manage.

Another six thousand taels were raised.

Lu Chaochao pursed her lips and said, "Third brother, third brother, can you take me to the richest man Lin's family?"

Lu Yuanxiao is no longer the ignorant child he was before. He touched Chao Chao's head and said, "Chao Chao, Lin Yanyang dare not lend you money this time. The money given by the richest family represents a political stance. They are now imperial merchants and have to rely on the court. They dare not go against the court."

Lu Chaochao touched his chin and said, "I'm not looking for Lin Yanyang, I want to see the old lady of the Lin family."

Lu Yuanxiao thought about it and found an opportunity to bring Chaochao into the Lin family.

About an hour later, the little girl came out of Lin's house.

Later, he visited the eldest princess and other old ladies from noble families. At night, he came to the Queen Mother's bedroom.

This time he stayed a little longer, but before the palace gate closed, Lu Chaochao walked out of the gate with a smile.

Emperor Xuanping pressed his eyebrows and asked, "She left the palace?"

The eunuch took away the teapot for His Majesty and brought him some calming soup.

"She just left the palace. If you want to see her, just summon her. I heard that she will leave for Brahma soon."

The emperor raised his hand hastily: "That's all."

"She wants to open a girls' school, how can I agree to her request?"

"Our ancestor emperor strictly prohibited the establishment of girls' schools. Moreover, there may be obstacles in the court." Emperor Xuanping did not react much to girls' schools. Perhaps, because of Chao Chao, he had already vaguely realized the power of women.

"Forget it, forget it. If the enemy comes, we will fight him. If the water comes, we will block it with earth. At worst, I will just claim to be sick. Let them make trouble..."

"If you can make trouble for the court officials, you can't make trouble for me." The emperor felt a headache.

Lu Chaochao returned home and took out the silver bills he had obtained today from the space.

Yu Shu's eyes widened: "Wow, this is all from today's fundraising?"

Lu Chaochao lay on the bed with a smile on her face, counting the bills one by one.

"Where did this money come from?" Yuqin and the other person carefully counted Chaochao's belongings.

"It was given by the ladies." Among them were elderly ladies and young girls.

Everyone was startled.

"Although the ladies are Northern Zhao nobles, they are also women. Only women can understand the difficulties of being a woman."

"They gave Chao Chao money but did not want to leave their names."

I'm afraid Emperor Xuanping doesn't know that even the Empress Dowager has opened a secret fund for Lu Chaochao.

As the Queen Mother, she also understood that the key to improving her status was to allow girls to go to school.

"A total of three hundred and eighty thousand taels." Yu Shu's eyes were dazzlingly bright.

At the beginning, court officials donated money to build the school, and a total of more than 700,000 taels were spent.

But Chao Chao was very satisfied. If a girls' school was established, people might be reluctant to do so. The 380,000 taels was probably just enough.

At night, Lu Chaochao fell asleep holding a thick stack of money.

She felt that she had dreamed of the God of Wealth.

When I woke up in the morning, I smelled like banknotes.

"Yushu Yuqin, please wear the palace dress for me today." Lu Chaochao spread out her arms, and Yushu brought her the palace dress, which she wore quite seriously.

The little girl drank a few mouthfuls of porridge casually and then set off for the palace.

Xu Shiyun stood in front of the gate with a sad face, watching her go away.

Shanshan in her arms was in tears. Yunniang whispered, "Are you also proud of your sister?" Shanshan watched her sister walk away with an expressionless face.

No, I'm crying for the gold bracelet and the small treasury.

Inside the Jinluan Hall.

"If there is something to report, then rise up; if not, leave the court..." After the court officials reported on state affairs, they waited calmly in their original places.

After a while, a sound was heard coming from outside the hall.

"Princess Zhaoyang is here to see you!"

All the court officials were stunned for a moment, and then they saw Princess Zhaoyang, dressed in palace clothes, walking into the hall against the light. There was a solemnity on her little face that they had never seen before.

"Chaoyang wants to see you for business." Lu Chaochao raised his head and looked at the emperor father.

Emperor Xuanping...

I really want to escape.

The emperor raised his hand weakly, propped up the dragon throne with his right hand, and stroked his brow. Today, there might be a fight in the court.

"Chao Chao intends to build a school for girls all over the world to enlighten them, enlighten them, and make them wise..."

Before he finished speaking, the white-haired and white-bearded civil official jumped up.

"Nonsense, nonsense! Princess Zhaoyang, I respect you, but you can't do anything stupid!"

"Ministers follow the emperor, sons follow their fathers, and wives follow their husbands. It is the right thing for a woman to stay at home and take care of her husband and children. Your Majesty, I oppose the establishment of a girls' school!" The old minister was so anxious that his face turned red. Such stubborn people are the most difficult to change their minds.

The ministers in the court looked at each other. Although they were afraid of Lu Chaochao, this matter concerned the status of men in the world, and they could not retreat.

"Men are responsible for the outside affairs, while women are responsible for the inside affairs. This is a rule that has been passed down for thousands of years. Your Highness, please think twice."

"Just read the Women's Commandments and Women's Instructions. There's no point in building a girls' school. It's to prevent them from growing up with thoughts."

"Since ancient times, there has been no rule for girls to go to school. The emperor of our time issued a clear order prohibiting the establishment of girls' schools!"

"Princess Zhaoyang, building a girls' school is a serious matter and involves too many things. You should think twice."

The voices of opposition in the court were stronger than Lu Chaochao had imagined.

There was even an old minister who said with determination: "If you build a girls' school, I would rather die in the Golden Palace."

Lu Chaochao found it ridiculous to see them acting as if they were facing a great enemy.

"Are you scared?" The little girl stood opposite the entire court.

"Afraid? Afraid of a woman?" When the ministers heard this, they actually laughed out loud.

Women are appendages of men, and they never think of being afraid.

"Why threaten death if you are not afraid? Why are you afraid of women going to school?"

"Don't try to pressure me with your own death! You can crash into this Golden Palace if you want. If you crash it now, I will make you be reborn as a girl tomorrow!" Lu Chaochao put his hands on his hips. Sorry, I have a backer!

"You..." The minister who was looking for something to do and hit the pillar was so angry that he could hardly breathe.

Several ministers behind him who wanted to die to show their loyalty immediately retreated, covering their foreheads.

"You're being unreasonable!"

"Girls are not allowed to go to school. This is the last wish of our ancestors."

"Your Majesty, if you agree, our ancestors will die with regret." The courtier knelt on the ground, not daring to confront Lu Chaochao, and could only use their ancestors' last wishes to pressure him.

"Our ancestors have been dead for many years. Can the living people still be controlled by him? Besides, does he have an order?" Lu Chaochao looked at Emperor Xuanping.

Emperor Xuanping frowned and shook his head: "This is the last wish of our ancestors before they died, and it has been passed down from generation to generation."

Everyone knows that this is just a way to block Lu Chaochao through the ancestor's mouth.

"Okay, okay, you just have to bring up our ancestors, right?" Lu Chaochao gnashed his teeth in anger.

He looked at everyone with a cold face.

"Princess Zhaoyang, just be a leisurely princess. What do the women in the world have to do with you?" Some ministers even advised her earnestly.

Lu Chaochao said nothing.

Ancestors, right?

Then let's face off among ourselves! (End of this chapter)

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