After escaping from famine, the Crown Princess of Disaster emptied out her rival’s warehouse

Chapter 1: Transformed into a disaster star that everyone shouts about beating

Chapter 1: Transformed into a disaster star that everyone shouts about beating

"Kill her, we can't let this disaster star stay."

"Yes, you can't stay."

"It must be dealt with today, otherwise we will all die in her hands."




Who is the disaster star?Who to kill?
Du Wanwan felt groggy all over and felt that there was a lot of noise in her ears.

I tried to open my eyes and found a circle of people standing in front of me.

There was a circle of ancient people, both men and women, all wearing shorts, looking at her fiercely.

A woman's sharp cry sounded above her head: "No, my Wanwan is not a disaster star, and you are too cruel. She is only 17 years old, why is she a disaster star? Why must she be beaten to death?"

Du Wanwan glanced at the woman's profile. She was a woman in her thirties, with sallow skin, skinny bones, withered and yellow hair, and a hint of white hair.

It should be caused by working too hard in daily life and not having enough to eat all year round.

"Why isn't it a disaster star? Your Wanwan is a disaster star, so beating her to death wouldn't be too much."

"No, there was a flash flood on the day she was born, a plague broke out on her first birthday, and on her second birthday, her father went into the mountains to chop wood and broke his leg, making him lame."

"A wildfire broke out on my fifth birthday, there was hail on my eighth birthday, and a mudslide buried half of the village on my 12th birthday. On my 15th birthday, wolves descended from the mountain, and more than ten strong men died in the village."

"In short, she is recognized by everyone as a disaster star. Today is her 17th birthday, and suddenly the county notified her to flee. It was said that the border guards were defeated, and the enemies from the north came over."

"What is she if not a disaster star? Disasters happen almost every year on her birthday. She is a disaster star and must be killed."

"Yes, beat her to death. If she doesn't die, our whole village will not survive."

Du Wanwan was lying on the ground and wanted to scold her. It was so unfortunate that just because she went on a mission to rescue her companions, she had to undergo surgery for three consecutive days and nights without closing her eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, she arrived here and became the disaster star that everyone screamed for.

She is an accompanying military doctor with a background in the special forces. She entered the base for training at the age of five and graduated. She travels with people on special missions at any time to save their lives.

The ignorant ancients were so stupid that they blamed all natural disasters on a 17-year-old girl, and actually beat her to death.

The original owner was really cowardly. If someone wanted to beat her, she would just stand there and let them beat her. Wouldn't she be able to run away?What are the long legs used for?Decoration?
Just as she was complaining, her head hurt, and a stream of memories that did not belong to her rushed in, recording the short life of the original owner.

In fact, she is not a disaster star, but she is timid by nature. Because she can understand animal language, she often chatters alone to chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, dogs and cows. The villagers think her behavior is abnormal.

Coupled with the fact that there was a flash flood when he was just born, rumors spread, and the name of the disaster star became louder and louder.She was born with magical powers, but she didn't dare to show them casually, for fear that people would hate her even more if they knew about it.

When she was 17 years old, no one came to propose marriage. Her family had long disliked her. Fortunately, her parents favored her and gave her a place to stay.

"You are not human, you are too cruel." Yao Meixian, the woman who was guarding her, cursed and cried at the villagers, "Why is my Wanwan such a disaster? There are flash floods, wildfires, and the northern robbers are coming in. How can you blame her? You are beasts and unreasonable."

There were three young men standing next to Du Wanwan. Through the memory of the original owner, she knew that these were her three younger brothers. The lame father squatted behind her and kept wiping tears.

After taking a few breaths, Du Wanwan slowly sat up, stunning Yao Meixian, and quickly stepped forward to hug her: "Wanwan! Are you awake? Are you finally awake? Great!"

Du Wanwan's father, Du Jiang, also cried with joy: "Good! Good! God bless me, I finally woke up." The three younger brothers beside her also looked back at her happily. Although they did not say a word, the joy in their eyes could not deceive anyone.

When the villagers saw her waking up, they became angry again. Some people hit her with rocks, and cursed her while doing so.

"Kill the disaster star, beat her to death."

"Yes, beat her to death."

Yao Meixian and Du Jiang quickly protected their daughter with their bodies to prevent rocks from hitting her.Du Wanwan's three younger brothers also protected her to the death. They would rather have rocks fall on them than to protect their eldest sister.

Mom said that the eldest sister is the lucky star of their family. Without the eldest sister, there would be no them, and they must be well protected.

Seeing that more and more people were throwing stones, Du Wanwan stood up suddenly, pulled her parents and younger brother behind her, raised her hand to grab the attacking stones, and fought back at the people who hit her.

She didn't take action lightly, she had to make them feel pain and danger before she could stop.

Otherwise, she would be unable to defeat the four punches with both hands. This kind of melee should not last too long and must be resolved quickly.

The original owner was very strong, coupled with her fast speed and extremely high accuracy, the stone was reflected back, knocking out several front teeth of the person who hit her, covering her mouth and wailing.

One was hit in the arm, one in the thigh, one in the back, and one in the chest.

Anyone who threw stones at her was hit back by her lightning-fast technique, causing them to lie on the ground and howl in pain.

Among the crowd, there were three tall, dark-skinned people who had been paying attention to her every move, with shock in their eyes.

"Master! This girl is extraordinary, her beating technique is too powerful."

"The strength is also very accurate. One point more will cause disability or death, while one point less will not have a deterrent effect."

The man called the master looked at Du Wanwan and the wailing people on the ground with burning eyes, but said nothing.

Of course he could see that she was different, but he wanted to see how she would deal with this messy scene next.

"Du Wanwan! You are so brave. You are a disaster star. You didn't die and even injured our villagers. What do you want to do?"

The speaker was the village head of Dujia Village. He was in his fifties and of short stature. He thought he had gone to private school for several years and always felt superior to others in Dujia Village.

"I want to live, is it wrong?"

Du Wanwan's stern eyes did not contain a trace of warmth, and she slowly swept across the crowd, finally settling on the village chief, frightening everyone in Dujia Village into silence.

She looked terrible today, completely different from usual.That look in his eyes could freeze a person's blood, making his heart tremble and his sweat pores stand up.

"Of course, you are a disaster and have no right to live."

The village chief was also afraid of Du Wanwan's eyes, so he had the courage to raise his neck and roar.

"You are Lord Yan?"

His eyes were fixed on the village chief, and a cold aura leaked out crazily, wrapping him up in an instant. The village chief felt the cold air coming from his tail vertebrae, reaching straight to Tianling Gai.

It's so scary. Du Wanwan is so scary, even he, the village chief, can hardly suppress him.

Is this still the obsessive and obsequious scourge of the past who kept silent all day long and wanted to hide whenever he saw anyone?
(End of this chapter)

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