Chapter 1 Zhuzhu protects Guoguo
"Hit! Hit me hard!"

Princess Duan's voice was almost hysterical: "If my Zhu Zhu'er makes any mistake, you will pay for Zhu Zhu'er's life!"

She bitterly threw down the curtain and entered the room. Looking at the dying Naituanzi on the bed, she couldn't help but shed tears again: "Zhu Zhu'er, mother's Zhu Zhu'er, if you leave mother, mother won't want to live anymore..."

She covered her face with a handkerchief and burst into tears. All the maids and wives in the room burst into tears, and the whole room was filled with an atmosphere of despair.

At this moment, the eyelashes of the little girl on the bed trembled.

There was a fine cloth wrapped around her head, and blood was oozing out in lumps, making her face even more pale. She was breathing rapidly and her mouth was slightly open, as if she had been choked.

The imperial doctor was waiting by the bed, his hand never leaving her wrist pulse. He quickly noticed and looked up: "Princess, the little princess seems to be awake..."

As soon as Princess Duan stopped crying, she hurried over and threw herself on the couch, her voice trembling: "Zhuzhu? Zhuzhu'er?"

next moment,
Naituanzi sniffed, opened her eyes suddenly, and cried out: "Mother!"

Princess Duan burst into tears: "Zhuzhu'er, wake up, you scared your mother to death..."

Zhuzhu also cried loudly.

She seemed to have had a long, long dream. In the dream, she turned into a very bad, bad child. She always lied to others, bullied others, and beat others... Everyone hated her.

Later, when she saw her brother dead, he said, Sheng Mingzhu, I hate you!I never want to see you again!

She is so scared!so sad!
But Zhuzhu is not a bad boy!

She obviously likes her brother very much and has been looking forward to his return.

Everyone else had brothers, and she wanted to have a brother too. She wanted to hold hands with him, and she wanted to be the best with him. She could give him all her favorite snacks and the most beautiful clothes.

But why doesn't brother like her?
Is it because she ran away to climb a rockery and fell?

Her mother thought it was her brother who pushed her down, and she was so angry that she never woke up. Her mother was going crazy with anxiety. When her brother came over to see her, she asked someone to slap him.

My brother's leg was broken. He had been injured for a long time and the pain was severe every day.

But even so, her brother still told her, forget it, you are still young and I won't be angry with you.

Zhuzhu felt extremely sad when she thought of her brother's appearance at that time.

There was a crackling sound outside the door, and Zhuzhu suddenly came back to her senses: "Guo Guo!"

"Don't be afraid," Princess Duan comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, dear baby. With mother here, no one can harm mother's Zhuzhu'er. Mother will vent your anger on you!"

Zhuzhu became anxious and shook her little head like a rattle: "Don't be angry, don't hit the pot!"

Princess Duan held her little head with both hands: "Little ancestor, don't shake it, it's still hurt! You're already stupid, but if you shake it again, you'll become even stupider! You still call him brother... He has hurt you like this, how can you be so gentle?" Spare him!"

Zhuzhu had a lot to say, but unfortunately her little mouth wasn't strong enough. She fluttered anxiously, pushed her hand away, and wanted to jump down: "The pot won't harm Zhuzhu! Don't hit the pot, Zhuzhu wants to Save the pot pot…”


Sheng Minglin was lying on the stool, gritting his teeth and enduring the severe pain of the board hitting his body. There were beads of sweat on Qingjun's brows.

It was this severe pain that finally convinced him that he was back.

His biological mother passed away and his father remarried Xie. His grandfather was worried about him and took him in to raise him on the pretext of his studies.

But his grandfather died, and he was sent back to his father.

In his previous life, at this time, he was still immersed in the sadness of his grandfather's death. He thought his father would comfort him and love him... But as soon as he stepped into the house, he heard the cry of a child, and his sister was crying because of toothache. The world was turned upside down. Her father, mother, and everyone gathered around her to comfort her, but no one paid any attention to him.

He stood there helplessly, looking at the situation in front of him like stars holding the moon.At that moment, he suddenly understood that he was already an outsider.

He knew that no one would support him anymore, and he kept a distance from that family. He avoided his sister and never met her, but he still couldn't avoid it.

He went out today and saw her standing alone on the rockery, teetering on the rocks. He subconsciously rushed over to pick her up, but she had already fallen down. Faced with Princess Duan's inquiry, she cried loudly and said, "Brother pushed me."

Sheng Minglin closed his eyes fiercely and let out a low chuckle, laughing at his idiot-like self.

What's even more ridiculous is that his legs were broken after being beaten, and he had to recover from the injuries for more than a year. But later, he actually thought that she was young and careless, so he forgave her, and then it was a nightmare for more than ten years!
If he had it to do over again, he would never treat her as his sister again, and then he would be framed by her again and again, leaving her covered with bruises and dead body!
He gritted his teeth.

At this moment, the door curtain opened and Princess Duan came out holding her daughter.

When Zhuzhu saw her brother, she immediately struggled to the ground, stumbled over and pounced on him without hesitation.

Sheng Minglin groaned in pain, gritted his teeth and looked at her fiercely, only to see a pair of big red eyes.

Naituanzi cried so hard that she was out of breath: "Oh, don't hit Guo Guo!"

Princess Duan whispered and rushed over in a hurry: "Zhuzhu, what are you doing!"

Naituanzi's two small round hands were clasping Sheng Minglin's neck tightly, using all his strength, Princess Duan was unable to pull away for a while.

Her tears fell on Sheng Minglin's face: "Don't hit the pot! Oh, mother, please hit the beads... The beads are wrong, the beads are broken! How many beads should I send? Climbing mountains…”

Princess Duan was stunned.

She frowned and asked her, "Did you fall down by yourself? Didn't your brother push you?"

Naituanzi nodded vigorously and spoke incoherently: "Zhuzhu sent a few away from home, sent a few to climb mountains, and fell down. It's Zhuzhu's fault, not Guoguo's fault. Don't hit Guoguo..."

Sheng Minglin closed his eyes fiercely.

He didn't expect that in this life, she would actually tell the truth.

In the previous life, no matter how others asked, she insisted that he was the one who pushed her to death.

But so what?

She is not yet three years old, and she is not as vicious and cruel as she will be in the future... But in the future, she will still become that snake-hearted Sheng Mingzhu who does not take the lives of others seriously.

Princess Duan was silent for a long time, glanced sideways at Sheng Minglin, then hugged her daughter and comforted her softly: "Zhu Zhu'er, be good, you are still young, and there are occasional slips of the tongue. My brother is an adult now and won't argue with you... Let's go back to the house first and let the imperial doctor take a look."

Sheng Minglin sneered repeatedly as he listened.

Zhuzhu's three-year-old little head couldn't understand things that were too complicated. She only knew that her brother's leg was broken this time, which was very painful. She had to protect her brother's leg!

She raised her little face and begged: "Physician, look at Guo Guo! Look at Guo Guo's legs!"

"Okay, okay," Princess Duan agreed repeatedly, "Zhuzhu and mother come in first, be good."

"No elbows, no elbows to Zhuzhu," Naituanzi hugged Sheng Minglin's neck tightly and pressed her little face against his: "Zhuzhu wants to protect Guoguo!"

Sheng Minglin frowned.

Xiaotuanzi's wet face stuck to his, giving him the illusion of being dependent on each other.

After a brief daze, Sheng Minglin sneered, was she protecting him?

In the previous life, all the harm was caused by her!

(End of this chapter)

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