Chapter 13 One child at a time
So Emperor Mingxi took a few steps forward, pulled the two teenagers apart, and said to Zhuzhu: "You are sick, why don't you go to bed early! Why are you looking for a mother! Your mother doesn't know how to treat illnesses!"

Naituanzi, who was crying loudly, suddenly choked.

Her little mouth was still half open, and she kept looking like she was going to cry or not. She was trying so hard to hold back the tears that she looked pitiful.

Emperor Mingxi saw that it was effective, so he continued to reprimand with a bluffing face: "Can you tell me if this is true? I order you to go to bed quickly, or I will eat you! I will bite you one bite at a time for a disobedient child like you!"

The Queen was also convinced: "Your Majesty!"

And Tuanzi... was really threatened.

She clenched her little fists and said in a loud voice: "Buci Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu is obedient!"

She closed her eyes tightly and said with great momentum, "Zhuzhu has fallen asleep a long time ago! Don't talk to me! You almost woke Zhuzhu! Wake up!"

Emperor Mingxi laughed out loud.

He bent down and looked at her. He originally wanted to catch her to open her eyes and say a few words, but Tuanzi was so stunned that she didn't dare to open her eyes again!
After a while, her clenched fists slowly loosened, and then slowly slid down again, and she actually fell asleep.


Emperor Mingxi straightened up and said very proudly: "What I'm saying is that we have to come to coax the children! You can't even do that!"

Who are these people?ah?
Sheng Minglin is really amazing.

In his previous life, he only thought that the emperor was wise and mighty, that he had no plans left, and that he was a wise king for all eternity. But why does this seem...a bit cheap?

But no matter what, Zhuzhu really fell asleep, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day,

Princess Duan came early in the morning.

When the concubines came to pay their respects, they all said they wanted to see Zhuzhu. The queen was not interested in watching their performance, so she refused directly and sent them away quickly.

Then several people guarded Zhuzhu while whispering.

Around 8:30, the hour when Zhuzhu usually wakes up, he suddenly heard Zhuzhu sniffling and crying, and then woke up all of a sudden.

Princess Duan hurried over, and Zhuzhu was already crying and threw herself into her arms: "Mother, Uncle Huang's child, please mess with Zhuzhu!"

she cried, raising a chubby hand.

Princess Duan quickly comforted her: "No, no, this is a dream. Look, are your hands still there?"

Zhuzhu was stunned for a moment, then opened her eyes and took a closer look, and started crying again: "It's not this one, it's not this one! This new one is growing out, it's not good-looking!"

Princess Duan: "..."

Princess Duan was both amused and distressed, and hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense, the emperor loves his people like his own son."

Zhuzhu asked: "Is it okay to love the people like your own children?"

"Everyone is the child of Uncle Huang. Uncle Huang loves the children just like father."

"No way!" Zhuzhu shook her head: "Uncle Huang told me how much he loves children! Zhuzhu will eat them every time, one bite at a time!"


Princess Duan really didn’t know what to say.

The Queen was also dumbfounded and explained: "Yesterday Zhuzhu made a fuss to find you, and the Emperor was trying to scare her."

She just shook her head.

Princess Duan could only change the subject: "Zhuzhu'er, stop crying. My aunt cooked some glutinous rice balls this morning. They're sweet. Would Zhuzhu want to get up and eat them?"

Zhuzhu shed tears on the spot: "Yes." The maid then stepped forward and helped her master get up, wash and change clothes, and also called the imperial doctor to take a pulse.

It was very obvious whether the child was in good health or not. As soon as he was full from sleep, the whole body came back to life with full blood, and Zhuzhu walked to the table on his own.

One of the Queen's maids held the baby and the other helped to feed it.

Zhuzhu was also really hungry. She was not naughty at all. She ate so fast. After eating, she sighed and said sadly: "Uncle Zhuzhu, is it like Zhuzhu eating glutinous rice balls? The glutinous rice balls are so pitiful."

I ate the last one in one bite.

Several people:"……"

You can't get through this, can you?
After finishing the meal, Zhuzhu wanted to run out. The queen asked the imperial doctor and said: "You are only allowed to play in front of the palace for a short time. You are not allowed to go to the imperial garden, and you are not allowed to run or jump."

Sheng Minglin said: "Auntie, my nephew, please accompany Zhuzhu."

The queen nodded and appointed a nun and two maids to accompany her.

There was really nothing interesting in front of the palace, and they were not allowed to run or jump. The main reason was that the area where Tuanzi was kicked was still very painful and he could not run, so he asked two little palace maids to kick the shuttlecock in front, while Zhuzhu stood there and watched.

Sheng Minglin saw that there were servants around him, and then he knelt down and said to her: "Zhuzhu, don't be afraid of Uncle Huang. Have Zhuzhu heard the story of your uncle?"

Zhuzhu nodded: "I've heard of it."

"Well," Sheng Minglin said: "My uncle is a god general, and uncle Huang is even more so. Uncle Huang joined the army when he was young, fought side by side with the veterans of your grandfather's generation, and created many incredible achievements. Defeat the myth.”

Seeing Tuanzi's eyes wide open and confused, he said more plainly: "Beyond our Dasheng land... that is, outside our homes, there are some big bad guys who love to kill children and adults, and take away Everyone's things, setting fire to our house...doing many, many bad things. Uncle Huang led many veterans and troops to drive these bad guys out of the country so that they could not bully our family. This was very powerful. "

Tuanzi seemed to understand: "Wow!"

Sheng Minglin continued: "Look, if Zhuzhu is such a well-behaved and such a young child, the bad guys won't be afraid, right? But the bad guys will be afraid of an adult as majestic and powerful as Uncle Huang, right?"

The dumpling understood and nodded: "Yes."

"So," Sheng Minglin said warmly: "So Zhuzhu doesn't have to be afraid of Uncle Huang. It's like in our little family, dad is the head of the family. Uncle Huang is the head of Dasheng, the patriarch of the world. He will protect us. He is majestic and powerful, so he can drive away bad guys, and we are all his children, he will not hurt us. He scares Zhuzhu because Zhuzhu is cute, he likes Zhuzhu and wants to play with Zhuzhu. "

Naituanzi thought about it seriously: "Just like my second uncle likes Zhuzhu, will he suck Zhuzhu's belly green?"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He couldn't finish what he said, but he couldn't help but nod: "Yes."

Naituanzi asked: "Then Uncle Huang, is he really no better than a child?"

"Yes," Sheng Minglin nodded seriously: "I really don't want to eat it."

"Oh!" Tuanzi said cheerfully, "How many more! Uncle Huang is no better than a child!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

After talking for a long time, I still only remembered not to eat children.

He stood up tiredly. When he turned around, he saw several people standing behind him. The first one was Emperor Mingxi.

Sheng Minglin was surprised and quickly stepped forward to salute.

Emperor Mingxi had no consciousness of being caught eavesdropping, and laughed and said: "Very good, very good, very well said!"

Next to him, wearing the official robe of a military general, was General Xie Huaizheng.

Although he is only five years younger than Emperor Mingxi, his appearance is the same as that of the two generations.

General Xie also had a beard and was tall, but he had fair skin, handsome appearance, and a gentle and restrained temperament. He was not at all like the legendary mighty general.

(End of this chapter)

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