Chapter 146 The Little Prince of Capital

Zhuzhu, a kid who wasn’t angry at all when he got up, woke up instantly when he saw such interesting things. His eyes widened and he said, “Wow!!”

She was so excited that she wanted to run over without even putting on her little shoes: "Mother! You look so good-looking! So strangely good-looking!"

She hugged her brother's face: "Pot, pot, pot, pot, hurry up! Borrow some idioms!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "It's not my mother, it's my father. My father is really handsome like this, with jade trees facing the wind, orchids and jade trees, a slim waist and pannicate hair..."

He said whatever he thought of, and he said more than a dozen words. Tuanzi was still mumbling and memorizing them, but after memorizing two of them, he decisively turned his face to Princess Duan. Sheng Minglin smiled and finished speaking in one breath.

Princess Duan also laughed and said in a calm voice: "Okay, Zhu Zhu'er, hurry up and wash your face and get dressed. Daddy will take you out to play and have breakfast on the carriage!"

"Okay, okay! Wait for Zhuzhu!" Tuanzi nodded repeatedly and opened his hands towards Lizhi, who hurriedly washed her face.

Moreover, Zhuzhu has a scholar's robe. A while ago, when the Seventh Prince first came, although Zhuzhu had not studied for a few days, Princess Duan made her more than a dozen sets of scholar's robes, which were also paired with small square scarves. , dressed up like a little adult, so cute.

Sheng Minglin was very excited after being led by them. He and the Seventh Prince went back and changed their clothes.

He didn't have a scholar's robe, so he could only wear a plain brocade robe, and he also imitated them and put on a hat.

The seventh prince wore a smart outfit and looked like their bodyguard at first glance.

The group of people set off happily and got on the carriage. Zhuzhu looked around and said, "Pretty Guo Guo?"

Sheng Minglin said: "He went to the drug store."

"Let him come! Let's play together!" Princess Duan sat there, stretching her legs and looking cool: "Didn't you bring the boy with you? You won't miss him either, your father..."

She paused midway and then changed her words: "It's not like your eldest brother has stopped. It's just that it's almost gone, and there's no rush at this moment."

Sheng Minglin couldn't stop laughing, what does it mean to be a big daddy?

Although this didn't make Tuanzi laugh, Tuanzi saw his brother smiling like this, so he followed suit and giggled with his mouth open. Sheng Minglin smiled and held her on his lap, slowly feeding her.

Princess Duan pointed out a guard to pick up Huo Chenzhao from the drug store. Everyone continued to walk forward, and the excitement became more and more lively as they walked. The Seventh Prince went out directly and stood behind the coachman to watch. Zhuzhu didn't eat breakfast and looked out the window.

Sheng Minglin chased after her and wanted her to eat more. Princess Duan said, "It's okay. We'll have some snacks at the restaurant. She won't be hungry."

Sheng Minglin stopped feeding her and just took another half cup of water to feed her.

Princess Duan had already reserved a seat in advance. They arrived not too late, but there were already many carriages around.

Several people got off the carriage and went up to the second floor of the restaurant. Looking outside, they saw many people there, grooming their horses and talking to each other.

Princess Duan smiled and said: "This location is the best and the windows are big. Your father and I brought Zhuzhu to see it last year. I made the reservation more than a month in advance this year."

While talking, the servant had already placed the stool by the window, moved a chair for Zhuzhu, and placed her special small stool on it. The window sill could reach Zhuzhu's chest.

Zhuzhu was already excited before she sat down. She would stand up from time to time, holding her hands on the window and chattering.

As soon as he stood up, he felt a little dangerous. Sheng Minglin quickly sat down, put his arm around his sister, and asked, "Is this a horse racing?"

Princess Duan said: "Both the horse racing and Sheliu are here, but there is only Sheliu in the morning, and horse racing in the afternoon... Over there tomorrow," she pointed: "Polo is playing over there, and I have also booked a seat. , I have also booked two places. I will take Zhuzhu to watch women play polo. If you want to watch men play polo, go to another place. I have made appointments with Zhuzhu and several aunts, so you don’t have to worry. "

Sheng Minglin nodded.

The windows are really big, and there is more than one, so the few of them sitting there are not crowded at all.

Everyone was talking for a while, and then they saw movement over there.

Various handkerchiefs have been tied on the willow branches, and the people on the horses have also taken their positions. With the sound of drums, the horses galloped out quickly. The people on the horses each bent their bows and nocked arrows, and the arrows flew out... The willow branches of the veil fell one after another.I saw a young man in red riding a white horse, rushing at the front. With a tilt of his body, he took the arrow branch into his hand and galloped towards the finish line. Everyone cheered and cheered.

The young man was the first to reach the finish line, reined in his horse, turned back, and lifted the willow branch in his hand!
Under the sun, his skin was dazzlingly white, but his eyebrows were as thick as an ink painting, and the way he looked back was like a painting.

Tuanzi was impressed on the spot: "Yeah!!"

Even Sheng Minglin and others thought it looked good. Sheng Minglin asked, "Who is this?"

Princess Duan was also a little surprised: "This is that... young prince of the capital. This is also the first time I have seen him participating in the Shooting of Willows."

She explained in a low voice.

His name is Shen Tai, also known as Ling Jue, and he is a descendant of the Northeast King.

His father and uncle were all generals who had followed Emperor Mingxi when he was the vassal king. They all died on the battlefield, while his elder brother became Emperor Mingxi's personal guard and died protecting his master.

Now, his grandfather and he are the only two people left in the family.

Emperor Mingxi was very generous to meritorious ministers. When he ascended the throne, Shen Lingjue was still a baby, so Emperor Mingxi granted him permission to seize the title without surrendering. Therefore, he became the youngest prince in the capital, and he seems to be the youngest prince now. 12 years old.

You know, Emperor Mingxi is not like Grandfather Taizu.

Grandfather Taizu established a prince long ago, and his sons also established kings and vassals early on. However, the sons of Emperor Mingxi have not yet been crowned kings, and there is no mention of establishing a prince or vassalage. Therefore, the title he carries It seems extremely valuable.

Princess Duan sighed with emotion: "He rarely goes out or shows up, but he didn't expect to participate in the Shooting of the Willows. This means he is getting older and is preparing to become an official."

While they were talking, the ranking was decided.

When it comes to shooting willows, it's best to hit the target and catch it at the same time. Moreover, Shen Lingjue is the fastest and deserves the first place.

The capital already loves beautiful young people the most, and with his reputation as the little prince of the capital, the cheers grew louder and louder.

After a while, the next scene started over there.

And Shen Lingjue bypassed the crowd and walked slowly this way. Many people standing below were staring at him and talking about it, but he didn't care much.

Zhuzhu was lying on her brother's arm with her little paws clasped like a cat. If Sheng Minglin hadn't held her down, she would have jumped out.

His eyes followed Shen Lingjue, and he said: "It's so beautiful to have a pot! And it's so attractive! Just like... like a star, high, bright, and shining!"

When Shen Lingjue heard the voice, he raised his head and Zhuzhu waved his little paws enthusiastically. Shen Lingjue looked very dignified and nodded lightly before entering the restaurant.

Zhuzhu's eyes brightened: "Xingxing Guoguo comes to play with Zhuzhu?"

Princess Duan slapped her: "I must have booked a table here! Zhuzhu, don't do this to people you don't know."

Tuanzi nodded obediently and continued to look at Sheliu.

Those who dare to participate in shooting willows all have two brushes. It is rare that they miss. But if you fight for time, there will be ones who can't catch it from time to time... Most of them are young people, and the oldest one should only be two. In their teens, all of them are high-spirited, wearing bright clothes and angry horses, and are thin and fat. They are very eye-catching and good-looking.

The first time I watched Sheng Minglin/The Seventh Prince, I didn't even bother to drink tea. I watched it all morning and finally finished it. It was getting late, so I hurriedly called for food.

The restaurant had obviously been well prepared, and the food was served quickly. Zhuzhu also sat there all morning, running around the room, stretching her legs, and accidentally saw the huge painting opposite through the open door. She couldn't help but let out a sigh and ran. Go out and look at the railing.

Just after hearing a squeak, the door next to him opened and Shen Lingjue walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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