Chapter 148: Beautiful people also compete for favors

Zhuzhu stopped and looked, and saw Shen Lingjue jumping on the horse. Someone stopped his horse's head to talk to him. He did not dismount, holding the reins with one hand and listening.

The white horse in red clothes and the jade crown with black hair reflected the green mountains and green waters not far away. It was so eye-catching that even Sheng Minglin couldn't help but say: "This young prince is indeed very good-looking."

Tuanzi brought the snack to his lips, took a bite, and said, "But he doesn't like Zhuzhu."

"Huh?" Sheng Minglin asked, "How does Zhu Zhu'er know that he doesn't like Zhu Zhu'er?"

Tuanzi sighed like a grown-up: "Zhuzhu smiled at him. Zhuzhu is so cute, and she even smiled at him, but he didn't even smile at Zhuzhu."

Princess Duan smiled and said, "I don't know you, why do I smile at you?"

Tuanzi argued: "Yes, yes... Zhuzhu is a very well-behaved child. My father said, my mother said, my mother-in-law said, many people said, everyone likes children like Zhuzhu." "Yes. Debt said, Mr. Qin doesn't recognize Xizhuzhu, but when Xizhuzhu smiles at him, he smiles at Zhuzhu. The smile in his eyes is more than the smile on his mouth. Mr. Qin is so sweet."

She pointed down with her little hand: "It's hard to introduce a pot."

At the same time as she pointed, Shen Lingjue looked up and saw it all at once.

Tuanzi was startled, and suddenly retracted his little hand. He was panicked for a moment, looked around, quickly pulled open his brother's sleeve, and stuffed the hand covered with snack residue inside.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Tuanzi thought he had hidden it, and when he looked down again, Shen Lingjue was still looking here.

Zhuzhuer felt even more guilty. The whole group shrank back and looked back and forth for a long time, looking for something to say. "Qi Guo Guo, you, look, there is a bird over there."

The seventh prince was watching the horse racing and didn't pay attention. She called him, and he took a look: "Bird? Oh, crow! What's wrong? Do you want to call him crow?"

He looked at Huo Chenzhao: "Chen Zhao calls him Big Crow, and you call him Little Crow?"

Tuanzi was startled and shook his little head: "No, no, no, Zhuzhu... Beautiful pots and pans can be called crows only if they are good-looking. If Zhuzhu is not good-looking, they are not called crows."

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "The princess is the most beautiful."

Tuanzi looked at him and fell silent.

Even the Seventh Prince saw it and laughed loudly: "Shen Zhao, you are too stupid! She just didn't want to call a crow to find a reason! You asked her to find a second reason and she couldn't find it! Hahaha!"

Huo Chenzhao laughed out loud, and Princess Duan also laughed. She touched Tuanzi's little head and said, "Daughter, please call me Jiaque'er. She's chubby and silly. She looks very similar."

Tuanzi felt aggrieved: "Ke Zhuzhu wants a good-looking bird."

Sheng Minglin was deliberately surprised and said: "Isn't it a bird that can fly high?"

Group: "..."

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "The princess wants a bird that is beautiful and can fly high, right?"

Tuanzi nodded sharply, "Beautiful Guoguo is right!"

Sheng Minglin glanced at Huo Chenzhao silently: "..."

The opportunity to be a good brother is gone... I didn't expect, I didn't expect that you, little crow slave, with your pretty features would also compete for favors.

A few people were chatting and laughing. Looking down, Shen Lingjue finally finished speaking to the others. He raised his whip and the horse galloped out. He frowned deeply.

elder brother?Is that Sheng Minglin?
But shouldn't Sheng Minglin have broken his leg and be recuperating?
Shen Zhao?Could it be Huo Chenzhao?
But Huo Chenzhao shouldn't have appeared so early!

Who is the seventh brother?The seventh prince?

No, no, the seventh prince has a birthmark on his face. He is not the seventh prince, so who is he?

Thank you family?
Xie Congyang, who is in the seventh year of the Xie family, seems to be only ten years old, and in his memory, he doesn’t seem to look like this!And, most importantly, why is their relationship so good?
Something seems wrong!
Shen Lingjue couldn't help but turned his head again, his dark eyes showing deep hatred.

No matter whether it's right or not, no matter what others think, as long as Sheng Mingzhu is still Sheng Mingzhu, she deserves to die!


It wasn't until Zhuzhu finished eating the snacks that everyone packed up and went downstairs. The guards in the mansion were already waiting with their horses.

Neither Sheng Minglin nor the Seventh Prince knew how to ride a horse, so they asked the guards to ride with them. Princess Duan's riding skills were not bad, so she would carry Zhuzhu, and Huo Chenzhao could ride by himself. The servants they brought with them on this trip were all able to ride. , so the group of people raced slowly out of the imperial city.

When the flowers are blooming and the willows are green, the horses are trotting all the way through the green grass. Sitting on the horses, the breeze blows on your face, bringing bursts of grass and flower fragrance. It is as if you are in a painting, which is refreshing and refreshing.

Tuanzi had already quit her job, and along the way she could hear her little breasts saying: "Yeah!" "Wow!" "It smells so good!"

Sheng Minglin was learning to ride a horse with the guard, and he was a little nervous. He couldn't help but smile when he heard the voice. The seventh prince was also learning to ride a horse, but he was so courageous that the guard couldn't hold him back even if he was sitting behind him. He had already run away with the reins.

Because they came out a little late, they didn't run far away, so they just ran around and entered the nearest village.

The servants had already arrived first, and everything was ready. Tuanzi was exhausted from riding with his mother. After changing his clothes and eating snacks, he leaned on his mother's body and stopped moving.

Although Princess Duan was a martial arts student when she was young, she gradually became a bit neglected, and she was also a little tired from riding a horse, so the two of them simply went to the couch to talk.

The sky was still bright, and the seventh prince felt that he had learned how to ride a horse, so he led the horse and went out. The two guards quickly followed him. Sheng Minglin, who was still in high spirits, asked Huo Chenzhao to go out for a walk.

Huo Chenzhao often travels outside. Although he is young, he is very knowledgeable. He tells him whatever he encounters. When he encounters medicinal herbs, he tells him about them and picks leaves for him to smell.

Sheng Minglin felt that many herbs looked similar in appearance and had no smell at all. The juice flowing out was obviously colorless. How could they tell the difference?
He is really puzzled.

Huo Chenzhao talked about several things. Seeing his expression, he became happy and deliberately said seriously: "The prince has no talent and is not suitable for studying medicine."

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "No better than Little Crow Slave, a civil and military doctor... No, civil and military doctors have four unique skills." He asked him: "What else are you good at?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "I'm not good at anything else. In fact, I'm not good at painting either."

"Don't be modest," Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Think about it carefully, and then teach Zhuzhu the same thing and try it all to see what she can do."

Huo Chenzhao said: "But Zhuzhu is good at medicine!"

He followed him and even forgot to call Princess. Sheng Minglin didn't care about this and said: "But what Master Du'e meant is that Zhuzhu will not learn medicine in this life? Am I wrong? Isn’t this what Master Du’e means?”

He began to murmur.

The two of them walked around the entire village before going back. It was already dark when they went back.

Princess Duan smiled and said: "Zhuzhu and I are hungry and have already eaten. Qilang hasn't come back yet, so don't wait for him. Whoever comes back first will eat."

The two agreed with a smile and asked the kitchen to make something for them to eat.

Princess Duan walked around with Zhuzhu for a while. Seeing that she was sleepy, she hugged her and went to sleep.

Sheng Minglin and the other two waited for a while after finishing their meal before the Seventh Prince came back. They were all excited and wet with sweat.

The two of them waited for him to bathe, change clothes, and eat. After listening to his talk, they went back to their rooms to sleep.

There are farms nearby. There are a few barking dogs in the silence, and several people are sleeping soundly.

A small figure in black jumped in gently, landed silently, took a brief look at the direction, and went straight to the main room.

He leaned against the back window and listened for a while, then slowly stood up. With a flick of his fingertips, and a very light swishing sound, the window screen was cut open twice against the window lattice, and he opened it. One corner, looking in.

(End of this chapter)

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